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Name: Rosh Hashana Louisse S.

Section: MLS 2-C

Define Management

 According to the definition of management, it means running, leading or managing

different people enable to accomplish a common goal. Management is the coordination
and administration of duties to attain a goal.

What are the five conditions of management?

 There are five conditions of management which is composed of mission or goal, leaders
with authority, resources, responsibility and accountability. Management is the process
of coordinating and implementing these five conditions.

What are the skills necessary for a manager and how important are they in a manager’s

 Enable for a manager to comply upright leading, it must have skills to develop. First is
the organizational skills which determines the manager’s capacity to peer the
organization as unified entirely and to recognize how each part of the whole organization
interacts with different parts. Conceptual skills has the greatest importance for being in a
top management. People skills is an understanding for human needs in work for
motivation. This includes the ability to communicate, motivate, and lead the employees
to complete given activities. Interpersonal skills is also important especially for every
middle managers. Moreover, financial skills is also needed for the manager’s
development because it is effective in accounting and monetary assets of the company.
There is also a decision making for a manager’s skills, it tends to develop alternative
solutions, select an alternative, delegate authority to implement a solution and mostly
evaluate a solution for it is an ability to identify a problem to think and decide rightly. In
addition, technical skills involved in the synthesis of the first three skills and the
management of physical resources into the operational parameters. It is the manager’s
ability to understand and use the techniques, knowledge, tools and equipment of a
specific discipline or department.

What are the different roles of the manager?

 The different roles of the manager includes people, which is a person with talent and
knowledge, it is born to become a natural leaders and organizers but managers are
made and not born. There are people that are good in leading but there are also some
that is not. A manager is also a servant intend to serve as an instrument between the
costumer and a staff. It acts as a servant to provide the means for the staff to meet the
needs of the patients and its costumer. Moreover, a manager is also called as a
representative in an organization which represents the staff to the top management. It is
the most important function of a manager.

Illustrate the hierarchy of managerial levels.

Top Management

Middle Management

Top Management

Differentiate traditional organizational chart from contemporary/patient-focused.

 Traditional Patient-focused

Board of Directors
Line Workers
VP/Ass’t Administrator
Section Supervisor
Department Manager
Department Manager
Section Supervisor
VP/Ass’t Administrator
Line Workers

Patient/Customer Board of Directors

Differentiate the four schools of management philosophies and their notable proponents.

 Scientific Management attempts to apply a systematic or scientific approach to the study

of organizations. Henri Fayol is the notable proponent which first introduced the concept
that management should be an orderly process of tasks and duties of which planning
was the most important. Next is Mr. Frederick W. Taylor which is the father of scientific
management and broke down each task into segments that could be analyze in ways to
improve efficiency. Lastly, Frank Gilbreth and Lilian Gilbreth, they develop method
analysis which is the basis of performance standards of the management.
 Bureaucracy Management examines the organizational aspects of the company and its
workflow to explain how institutions function and how to improve the structural process
and its characteristics that is related to rules, regulations, impersonality and division of
labor. The notable proponents are Adam Smith, Peter Drucker and Tom Peters. Adam
Smith introduces the concept of specialization and is the father of modern economics.
Peter Ferdinand Drucker described as the founder of modern management while Tom
Peters is the father of the post-modern corporation.
 Behavioral Science focuses on the performances and interaction of people within the
organizations. Elton Mayo helped to lay the foundation for the human relations
movement and was known for his industrial research including the Hawthorne Studies.
Douglas McGregor developed assumptions on the basic nature of man and is best
known for his Theory X and Theory Y.
 Systems Analysis is an outgrowth of management science that views the organization as
a continuous process interacting within itself and with its environment. It is used by the
researches who rely heavily on mathematical models, scientific methodology and
computer simulation to investigate management problems.

What is the management process?

 A management process is a continuum of functions that the manager must perform to

ensure the smooth operations of an organization.

What are the four functions in the management process?

 There are four main functions of management process which are planning, organizing,
directing and controlling. Planning is the thinking and analyzing of the portion of the
management process. Organizing is consists of grouping people and assigning activities
so that the job tasks and the mission can be properly carried out. Directing is the most
visible of all management functions. Controlling is the process of checking up on the
priorities established in the previous three managements.
Illustrate the relationship of the functions to each other and to the management process as a


Controlling Organizing


Directing Staffling

How important is each function of the management process?

 The theory defines its functions that plays a critical role in helping the organization to
achieve efficiently and effectively. A manager should be well-versed in each of these
functions to accomplish the organizational goals. They serve as the basis to manage
and lead the management uprightly.

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