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Report Number: R15





Report Number: R15










The material in this report is intended mainly for the management and improvement of college
library in Kathmandu Engineering College located in Kalimati, Kathmandu.

With this report, our motive is to locate the major weakness in college library due to high
demand of books and unmanaged space. The report presents a theoretical framework for a
review of current library state. So, the report will help the college administration in the
upliftment of library in the basis of proper management.

In this report, we have tried our level best to explain each and every significant aspect of
properly managed library. The study would not have succeeded without the cooperation and
inspiration of the member of the commission. Therefore, I would like to express my heartfelt
gratitude towards all of them for being so kind and cooperative towards me during the study

Hopefully, the appropriate strategy management would be formulated for proper utilization of
college library to assist every students in each aspect for their theoretical knowledge and
upliftment of their education status.


First of all, we wish to express our sincere gratitude to KATHMANDU ENGINEERING

COLLEGE for providing us an opportunity to work in a project as a part of our duty as a
engineer of a commission for THE IMPROVEMENT OF COLLEGE LIBRARY.

We express our deep sense of gratitude to the Principal of Kathmandu Engineering College Mr.
Hirendra Man Pradhan for providing this opportunity. We would also like to extend our thanks to
our project supervisor Er. Yubaraj Sigdel and the counselor Er. Saransh Bhatta for their support
and guidance throughout this project.

The administration of Kathmandu Engineering College does deserve humble thanks for
equipping us with all the resources and providing us with the pleasant environment to work on.
Also, we would like to thank our senior officers for their valuable comments and suggestions
throughout the making of the project.

Lastly, we would like to thank every character that showed the contribution as assistance directly
or indirectly in the duration of survey and preparation of this report. Their effort and sincerity on
the field are always memorable to us. The positive effect shown by the management of
Kathmandu Engineering College in near future will be appreciable and we will be looking
forward to it.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents...........................................................................................................................III
References or Work Cited or Bibliography.....................................................................................7


This report is the outcome of survey on the improvement of college library organized by the
principal of Kathmandu Engineering College. The college named Kathmandu Engineering
College is located at center of Kathmandu valley. Established in 1998, the college has been able
to successfully produce quality engineers over the years. Students of Kathmandu Engineering
College are qualified in academic and practical aspect.

The library of Kathmandu Engineering College faces lack of proper resources. Students are
provided with books which are outdated and worn out, so students are obliged to buy reference
books from the external stationary shops. This shows how inefficient and ineffective the library
is. Even though if students get their hands of the textbook but they have to issue every time if
they have to read any book as the library in KEC lacks proper sitting space and place to read the
books during college hours. Students are obliged to issue a book either for a small problem or
any big doubts, they cannot clear out their doubts in library due to unavailability of sitting space.

This should be managed by adding new books and updating books every one or two years and
routine check for the condition of books. Proper management system can also help all the
students to get their hands of the resources equally. Also, adding books that teachers refer to
students would help students significantly. Also, storing the data in database instead of writing it
down will be convenient for librarian and will be safe, implementing these steps will make a
huge impact in student’s academic career.


Kathmandu Engineering College aka KEC is one of top private engineering college in the
context of Nepal. KEC is established in 1998 AD and since then the college has been able to
successfully produce qualified engineers in context of Nepal. The college has also a bright
history as this is the only TU affiliated college getting good ranks in board exam conducted by
IOE. The location of this college is in the center of Kathmandu valley. It is in Kalimati, which is
famous for its vegetable market. Since, many years people in valley used to sell their products
and buy products at Kalimati so Kalimati holds history of being famous and large vegetable
market in Nepal. Alongside vegetable market nowadays Kalimati is famous because of highest
ranked private college Kathmandu Engineering College. Library plays vital role in students’
academic career in any college or institution. But here in KEC, library is facing many problems
and that hampered student’s academics. The basic problem in unavailability of resources and
unmanaged area of library portions. Due to lack of proper resources, students are not able to give
their full potential in any academic exams or general knowledge and they are not provided with
books or references they want. And sometimes when they got their hand on references then
either that would be outdated or not in proper condition to be readable. Library also lacks proper
management system that helps students’ issue or return books which tends students to stay in line
for their turn.

The problematic data of library in KEC are collected through questionnaire method and through
meeting with management staffs. First, we directly collected the feedbacks of students study in
KEC about the ongoing problems in library. This questionnaire method helped us to collect
almost 90% of data about the ongoing problems in library. Remaining are collected through
meeting with management staffs.

The purpose of this project is to solve all the ongoing problems and to control further arising
problem in library. After the completion of this project, students will be more beneficial as this
project helps students in every aspect to uprise their academic as well as teachers will be
beneficial also, as they can prepare and teach newly adopted methods to students.


Library plays a vital role in uplifting the academics result of student in any college. Nowadays
college without library are unimaginable. During the establishment phase of the college, the
library is also built-in same phase alongside college building. Now talking about the library of
Kathmandu Engineering College, the library is not able to provide service to all the students to
fullest as due to limited resources which maybe either textbooks or reference books or the
facilities that student needs to uplift his/her academic career. Library of KEC is unmanaged and
it does not have proper record of past activities. As library keep its record in a register with
handwritten which is hectic to manage all of the record of the students as hundreds of students
visit library in search to clear their doubts. But due to handwritten records only few will get
chance to get hands on materials to clear doubt. And also, library do not have enough books for
each student so one student have to wait for other student to deposit that book and then withdraw
it. This problem piles up the problems and doubts in student.

The major solution for the above-mentioned problems is to make availability of books for
student of either year or either semester, so that students do not have to rely on other students to
get hands on any book. Also, students would have to form line to withdraw books as the records
are being kept on register so after the implementation of digital software this load of work is
reduced. Alongside the system can keep record of books that prevent of books being lost or
stolen which after all protects the library property.

After the implementation of digital system and increase in the materials students will be more
benefitted as well as teachers. Now students can clear their doubt just after it arises. Teachers can
teach new modality and new techniques to solve the same problem. The improvement of library
develops the research and self-learning attitude among students that surely help him/her in
uplifting their education standard.

Our technical section provides all the facilities and the improvement above mentioned to the
existing college library. Non other less our technical team would set up a software to keep digital
data in library and also buy new materials as the result we get form surveying the students of the
college and teachers. Our team also set up a sitting and reading space with 10 PCs and equipped
with fast Wi-Fi so that students can browse their problems in online platform or can do self-learn
from digital platform.

The cost of the equipment’s that are used are listed below:

S.N Cost
1 Digital System Software 2,00,000/-
2 Text and Reference Book 5,00,000/-
3 Desktop PCs (x20) 20,00,000/-
4 Free Worldlink Wi-Fi (5-year 2,00,000/-
5 Construction of sitting space 2,00,000/-
6 Furniture 1,00,000/-
8 Labor charge/ Salary 3,00,000/-
9 Miscellaneous 1,00,000/-
Total 36,00,000/-

Fig: Cost chart


Enormous resources and study materials such as textbooks, reference books and some articles
and the use of digital system to keep track of record of books and student’s detail are the
essentials for the improvement of college library. The problems are caused due to negligence of
the college management and library staffs. Survey among students and questionnaire among the
teachers provide the sources for the information. A thorough investigation of what makes the
library to have limited number of books and what makes books to torn out easily. And an
investigation about the details of books and students issuing such books would be recommended
for the improvement of college library.


1. Students should Avail and maximize the use of library’s resources. This can encourage
college authorities to improve the college library facilities.

2. Devote significant part of the college budget for improvement of the college library
because library has important roles to teaching, learning, and research which are
tantamount to the roles of the school as a whole.

3. The librarian should keep records in a digital platform rather than in some registers.

4. College should conduct survey program among students about what books do they want
and should update old books routinely.


Books Chart






076/077 077/078 078/079

TEXT Book Column1

Fig: Bar Diagram

Students in library

7-10 AM 10-12 AM 1-3 PM 3-5 PM

Fig: Pie Chart

References or Work Cited or Bibliography

[1] U. A. R. N. S. Raj Kumar Yadav, "Technical Communication in English," Trinity

Publications, Kathmandu, 2012.
[2] M. Shimamura and Y. Yamanaka, "What is the Most Suitable English Test for the Graduate
School Students in Research University in Japan?," 2017 6th IIAI International Congress on
Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), 2017, pp. 153-157
[3] Pramod Raj Pandit, “Communication English Bachelor of Engineering,” G.L Book House
Pvt. Ltd.,Kathmandu,2019.

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