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1) Current learning career and trajectory.

Currently I am an engineering student completing my from IIEST,Shibpur a prestigious

Engineering College in India. I want to purse teaching as my profession.

2) The learning aim that is of importance to me.

I want to excel in Maths. Also I want to be a Maths a teacher, so to be a good teacher, you need to
be a good learner first.

3) Biggest mental challenges in achieving your learning aim.

Procrastination and Not understanding the concept. Sometimes when there are tons of tough to do
in a single day, I procrastinate and delay some things for future which in turn piles up more tasks in
the next day. Also, when I don’t understand a topic I try to skip it or a put a lot of time trying to
understand it which is sometimes not very productive.

4) Outline existing research or learning techniques that are relevant to your


A mind for numbers: How to excel at Math and Science- Barabara Oakley. The concept of focused
mode and diffused mode of thinking is really important. One in need shifts in between the modes
when you are learning something new.

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, the Nobel Prize winning psychologist, he has made the
point that there's our fast thinking system and our slow thinking system. The fast thinking is intuitive
and emotionally based, and so things like empathy and sympathy for others that, that's very fast.
The slow is thinking is effortful used in complex tasks and things that require some calculations.

Test Preparation Checklist, by Richard Felder, PhD. The answer to the question “How should I
prepare for the test? Is ‐‐ Do whatever it takes to be able to answer “Yes” (meaning “usually”) to
most of the questions on this list.

Limitless by Jim Kwik. Explaining various insights on how to optimise the brain power. There is
nothing like good memory or bad memory there is either trained memory or untrained memory.
5) Applying knowledge of research findings or learning techniques to help me
overcome my challenges.
I used to not structure my studies and was also suffering from Einstellung effect. By only
solving few problems I used to think that I know it all and can solve other problems. But on
the exam day on facing newer and tough problems I get stuck. Further after seeing the
solutions I will think that I should have done it.
Now I used to practice more problems. Also try to properly follow the concepts and make
sure that I completely understood it and follow the Test Preparation Checklist for exams.

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