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critique the content, delivery, and processing of data.

Media and Information subconsciously question the media and give great
Literate Individual emphasize on the provided evidence.


The student…
 Enables people to interpret and make informed
 synthesizes the overall implication of media and judgments as users of information and media, as
information to an individual (personal, well as to become skilful creators and producers
professional, educational, and others) and the of information and media messages in their own
society as a whole (economic, social, political, right.
educational, and others)


evaluate, analyze and produce both print and
electronic media.
 The fundamental objective of media literacy is a
critical autonomy relationship to all media.


 Independent
 Knowledgeable
 Responsive
 Technology Savvy Improved quality of life
 Considerate Business opportunities
 Critical with information Work from home
Shopping online
Independent - Media and information literate Plan trips
individuals can independently process digital or printed Homework and assignments
texts of varying complexity, discuss and elaborate ideas
Raise awareness
with others, and understand and apply conventions of
vocabulary and grammar while applying learning Enhance communication skills
Looking for a job is easy. Go to the different job sites and find
Knowledgeable - These individuals acquire, process, which job you are qualified. Prepare your letter of application,
share, and translate deep information about their fields. resume, transcript of records, and other qualifications and send
They can discuss and elaborate on discipline-specific them through e-mail to the company you are applying to. You
texts and become experts on their fields. also receive the reply for you to go to their office for
examinations and interviews through your e-mail or Facebook.
Responsive - Media and information literate individuals
Also, overtime work now does not mean you have to stay in
can adjust the way they communicate with others
the office beyond office hours, rather you can work from home
depending on the audience, task, purpose, discipline,
using your computer.
and other demands or factors in the situation.
If you live a very busy life, even shopping can be done online,
Technology Savvy - They are capable. They effectively you can view whatever you need like clothes, shoes, gadgets,
make use of technology and new media in a way that is even cars. Make your order using credit card and the items you
highly advantageous for the purpose of their ordered will be delivered at your doorstep.
You can plan your trips and vacation and avail of discounts in
Considerate - They acknowledge, understand, and the airlines through the internet. You pay your airline
respect others’ perspectives and cultures. They are reservation through your credit card when you make the
aware of individual differences and keep these in mind reservation online and print the e-ticket (electronic ticket)
when communicating. which you present at the airport when you are ready to take
your trip.

Now, students use computer to encode their research papers,

whatever editing and revisions are needed, they only have to
insert and delete whatever is needed to be changed in the
Critical with Information - Not only do they original paper. No need to use erasers and carbon paper, each
understand the information being given, but they also copy of the research paper is original and clean from
blemishes. You can highlight important items in the paper by and writing communication of business transactions in the
making a bold print or italicize or use a particular font style. different parts of the world. The qualified and skilled Filipinos
have job opportunities in the BPO.
Doing research readings have also become very convenient, in
the past, students have to get permission from different With the use of modern technology in media and information,
libraries to be able to avail of books in other libraries. Now, many new job opportunities are available to young people
you do not have to spend the whole day in the library to gather because most companies prefer to avail of the new media.
data. You can stay in the comfort of your home but you are These companies are able to save on the number of employees.
able to get the information you need through the computer if Most transactions use the computers, so they use less paper;
you have access to the e-books (electronic books) and e- filling is also done in the computer, so they use less paper;
journals (electronic journals), the world wide web, and other filling is also done in the computer so less wasted space for
computer applications. filling cabinets because thousands of business transactions can
be saved in the computers.
Greater political participation
Politically engaged Young people who are computer literate have greater
chances to get a BETTER job.
Politically active
Politically smart Improved learning environment
Politically concern Easy way of learning
Responsible citizen Technology smart
From time to time the television and the radio as well as the Broader knowledge
newspaper present issues about government.  Technology literate
We have elections in the Philippine every three years. How Increase educational interest
does media influence us in choosing the best leaders of our Fun learning
country? How does media inform the people to choose the
right people for the different positions in the government? A young learner today has access to a very interesting and
Example: The media talks about the management of Mayor challenging world of experience to explore. Television now
Rodrigo Duterte in Davao. offers cable connections that enable a learner to access
information of the different countries in the world with
How about the health condition of the people? What has the translation in English.
government done to control the spread of communicable
diseases? Most schools are equipped with computers with Internet
connections. In some schools, they have an extra room beside
How about the housing projects that the government provides the library which has computers for student’s research use.
for the illegal settlers in Metro Manila? Is there any decrease or Even the card catalogue is no longer in small filling boxes in
increase in the number of illegal settlers in Manila and Quezon one corner of the library, instead book collections and other
City? references of the library can be checked in the computer.

Better Economic Opportunities Most homes now have desktop computers, laptops, or
Great Chance of Employment computer tablets with internet connections available from cable
Great Change of Self-Employment networks and telephone companies. Also, there are computer
Economically Aware shops available at a very low price of 20 pesos per hour use of
Nice Choice of Business

Learners from grade school, high school, and college levels

have access about media and information both in school as
well as in their homes.

More cohesive social units

With the availability of modern technology and the new media Socially active and aware
information, many job opportunities are open to qualified
young people who have the skills and proficiency in English. Be able to identify different groups of people in
What is meant by proficiency in English? They possess the society
four skills in the language: they are proficient in listening, Easy communication process
speaking, reading, and writing. When a Filipino applies in a Raise of respect for cultural and linguistic diversity
BPO, there are two kinds of jobs available for him. The voice
job where they work in the call centers, talking to customers in Since most families have mobile phones, they do away with
the different parts of the world; the other job is the non-voice, the telephone landline except when they have Internet
where most of the jobs are in front of the computers, reading connection through telephone lines which they pay monthly.
In case of problems in the community, residents can easily call
the Barangay Office to report unnecessary noise. When
suspicious strangers are seen late in the evening in the
community, people may report such incidents to the police

With the new media, families who are not living together and
children whose parents work abroad can communicate with
one another easily using SKYPE. Parents monitor their
children virtually.

Communication has become cheaper and more convenient.

Information and warning regarding typhoons and other

possible emergencies are easily communicated by government
agencies to different parts of the country or even in other
countries so people are able to prepare in advance.

People can also easily react to political, social, economic, even

religious issues thru Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other
Internet applications. Distance is no longer a big deal. No
matter where you are media and information are easily

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