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DK London DK Delhi
Senior project editor Steven Carton Senior editor Sreshtha Bhattacharya
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First American Edition, 2016

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1events atade
h istor y r a b l e m o m e n t s
M e m o d
that shape d
d e r n w o r l
the mo
n d r ea Mills,
r t , A
y C l a r e Hibbe
Written e, and Sarah Tomle
Rona Ske h i l i p Parker
ta P
6 Social 36 Battles and
firsts brawls
8 The first farmers 38 Egypt vs. Hittites
10 First tools 40 Caesar takes Rome
11 First art 42 The Battle of Hastings
12 Ur founded 44 Jerusalem falls
13 Pipe dream 45 Mongols united
14 First powerful woman 46 The 95 Theses
16 Laws are written down 48 Aztecs and Incas defeated
18 World religions founded 50 The siege of Vienna
Hinduism 52 The American Revolution
54 The French Revolution
56 Revolutions in South America
Islam 58 Gettysburg Address

20 The teachings of Confucius 59 Battle of Little Bighorn

22 First Olympic Games 60 Assassinations

Julius Caesar
23 Dawn of democracy
Abraham Lincoln
24 Black Death
Mohandas “Mahatma” Gandhi
26 Striking silver John F. Kennedy
27 Pilgrims set sail Martin Luther King, Jr.
28 Agricultural revolution 62 Franz Ferdinand assassinated
29 Industrial Revolution 64 Atomic bombs dropped
30 Slavery abolished 66 Cuban Missile Crisis
31 Women get the vote 68 The Fall of the Wall
32 March to Montgomery 70 Troubling times
34 Abolishing apartheid The Northern Irish Troubles
Palestinian Intifada
Global banking crisis
Arab Spring

72 All 100 Amazing
change achievements
74 Roman Republic is founded 102 First writing
75 The sack of Rome 103 The plow
76 Alexander destroys Persepolis 104 Discovery of bronze
78 Teotihuacan comes of age 106 Building the Great Wall
80 Coronation of Charlemagne 108 Building beauties
82 Dreadful disasters The Great Pyramid
Spanish Armada destroyed Angkor Wat
Mount Vesuvius erupts Machu Picchu
The Titanic sinks Taj Mahal
The Bhola Cyclone Great Mosque of Djenné
Chernobyl nuclear explosion 110 Printed words
84 The Silk Road starts 111 Hangul alphabet
86 Fall of Constantinople 112 The Mona Lisa
87 The Time of Troubles 114 Galileo’s telescope
88 Columbus reaches the Americas 115 Newton’s laws of motion
90 Exciting explorations 116 Animal antics
Ibn Battuta Death by tortoise
Admiral Zheng He Guardian geese
Captain James Cook War horse
Lewis and Clark Dog in orbit
Roald Amundsen Double Dolly
92 Tasman’s voyages 118 Darwin's new ideas
94 Lenin returns 120 The first flight
95 Hitler seizes power 121 The first skyscraper
96 Independent India 122 Making connections
98 The Long March 123 Space race
99 The birth of Israel 124 And also...
126 Glossary
127 Index
128 Acknowledgments

ia l

It takes only a spark of genius and a pinch of

passion to make big things happen. Throughout
history, the actions of a single individual or a
collective group have revolutionized society,
transforming the way people live. Influential
ideas, powerful beliefs, grand ambitions, and
brand-new breakthroughs have enriched entire
nations and influenced future generations.
By about 10,000 BCE, the wandering
peoples of the prehistoric world had
figured out that if you plant seeds,
they grow. They gave up roving and
hunting and began settling down to

The first
become farmers.
By the way…

f a r m e r s We ancient folk didn

all toil on the land. ’t
of us had time for e
artsy stuff, like
inventing pottery.

rs d ig
Hunter-gather e I ON
their way to CIVILIZ

On the move
TRIBES of hunter-gatherers once drifted
from place to place, looking for animals
to hunt and plants to gather. People never
had the chance to build a settled community
because they had to keep moving in
search of food and water.

hat c e after…
A community might give By 8000 BCE, farming had
security, but for the first sprung up in east Asia and
time people faced SOCIAL ISSUES the Americas. MAIZE, squashes,
such as garbage disposal, millet, and rice were top of
overcrowding, and fast- the menu in these regions.
spreading diseases.
Black Cultivating the Crescent
Farming truly got going in an area known as the
Mesopotamia ASIA FERTILE CRESCENT. The region included Egypt and
T ig western Asia, and stretched from the Mediterranean

r is
Mediterranean Euphr to the Persian Gulf. When three big rivers—the Nile,
Tigris, and Euphrates—flooded, their silt-loaded water

Egypt enriched the soil, making it ideal farming land.
d the world

Fertile Crescent
c h a ng e
Red Sea it
w en
Ho foo d s u p ply oft ple
m o r e reliable hich allowed -start
A s, w kick
t a surplu This helped the
Taming the beasts me a n
e r j o b s.
n d s o me of
th ,a
Once people started farming, the to do o civilizations s went on to
the fi r s t age
domestication of animals followed f a r m ing vill s and cities.
early e big t
rapidly. Dogs, goats, sheep, and b e c o m
pigs were among the first to be
tamed by humans. Wild herds
Staying put
of meat, milk, and wool.
As fresh food could be grown to order and
AGRICULTURE became the norm, the
first real human societies formed. Where
people sowed crops in fixed locations
year after year, the farms became
natural centers of civilization.

Did you
Remains of a know?
show that ea ient people
of grain wore ting a lot
teeth, as grit down their
got into their m the soil

Modern food crops, such With crops being farmed

as WHEAT, BARLEY, AND RYE, around the world, the IMPORT
replaced the original wild AND EXPORT OF FOOD became
grasses of prehistoric times big business. This Roman
about 7000 BCE in the grocer would have bought
Middle East. stock from many places.
Handy to have
Things really started rocking about
2.5 million years ago (MYA), when
an ancestral species to humans, the
Australopithecines, became the first to
handcraft tools. They were followed
by Homo habilis (“Handy man”)
who used rocks to sharpen CUTTING
EDGES. These tools seem to have Hand re
axes we ade
been used to scrape meat off animal often m
bones, but not for hunting or defense. from flint.
Given the chop
The leaf-shaped hand ax became the
tool of choice for Homo erectus
(“Upright man”) for more than a million

First tools years. First created about 1.75 MYA, this

revolutionary design had evolved from
previous crude tools. The hand ax could
TRANSFORMING the be used for digging, hunting, chopping
lives of early humans

ow it change
Fire-starter H d
Though its exact origins are Rocks,
hotly contested, the control of f ire all bhand axes, an
fire lit up the lives of Homo tools in ecame cruciad
h l
erectus, providing warmth, light humanselping early
at night, and protection against their w aster
animals. It also meant that early
humans could really get
the worl

COOKING—which scientists
believe improved diet and led
to a larger brain.
o e rectu
Hom ns were - Using r
brai hly two t ocks o
rou s the . wo create a sp r wood
third of ours w as the easie ark
size ay to s st
tart a f

The Lascaux cave
paintings depict many
horses, stags, and bulls,
plus a bear, a rhinoceros,
and a human.

Cave creatures
In 1940, a bunch of French
teenagers found paintings of
animals in the caves of Lascaux,
Painting the past France. These amazing images
The world’s oldest art is believed date back 17,000 years. The
to be cave drawings found reason for their depiction remains
in SULAWESI, INDONESIA. uncertain, though it is possible that
About 40,000 years old, these they were drawn to encourage
drawings feature handprints SUCCESSFUL HUNTING.
and hunting animals. It’s
possible that art may have changed
originated in Africa before it

the creators moved to Asia Art pro me purpose


he sa s as it does
to continue their craft. erved t
s n
o r ear ly huma it educates,
f oday—
Mane attraction for us tntertains, and s.

tes our live

The oldest example of dec ora

figurative art is the Lion the
Man of Hohlenstein
Stadel (right). This statue,
carved out of MAMMOTH
TUSK, was created about
40,000 years ago in what is
now modern-day Germany.
First art
It shows a human body Decorating the HOMES
with the head of a
European cave lion. and lives of early humans

Ur founded
The first CITIES provided the blueprint
for other urban settlements to develop t may
The ziggura 8 ft
have been eight.
(30 m) in h
Top temple
the riverbanks of ancient
Mesopotamia (modern-day
Iraq) about 3200 BCE. The
city reached its peak under
King Ur-Nammu, who went
on a one-man mission to
make Ur the supreme
city of Mesopotamia. In
the heart of the city was
a ziggurat temple for
the moon god Nanna,
who was the patron
god of the city.

w it chan
Ho ge
It ’s d
our w hard to
or im
cities ld today agine
first . Ur was without The ziggurat
to t was completed
of th be worthhe
e nam y by Ur-Nammu’s
e. son Shulgi.
the world
Set in stone
Ur-Nammu put the city’s builders to work, as he
strove to make Ur a center of groundbreaking
barren landscape changed, with mud-brick buildings
giving way to religious shrines, and decorative
mosaics, made out of stone. The world’s first urban
landscape was created.
Territorial tension
As multiple city-states were established all
over Mesopotamia, WARS broke out over
who was on top. The Standard of Ur (left)
depicts one such battle. Armies fought
bloody battles, with many dying to control
The Standard may have the land. Ur was abandoned about 450 BCE.
been mounted on a pole
12 and carried into battle.
The Great Bath of
Mohenjo-daro in
Sindh, Pakistan, was
probably used to
purify bathers during
religious rituals.

Cleaner cities
The Indus Valley civilization
of modern-day Pakistan and
northwest India was the first
to get serious about sewage.
They constructed public baths,
but many homes also enjoyed a
water supply, well, and a bath. They
even had the first flushing toilets
(but TOILET PAPER was about
Pipe dream
3,000 years away in the future!). The world’s first sewage system was
up and FLUSHING in 2500 BCE
Indus Valley

Down the drain it changed

All of this was possible w
o As citi
es expanded,

because the Indus people

constructed advanced getting rid of waste became
networks of brick-lined a big deal. Without a proper
underground sewage water system, illness
drains that took the waste
and disease can
spread quickly.
and brought it to a river or r
cesspool. Separate pipes the wo
brought clean, FRESH
WATER into cities.

Roman relief
The Romans were rather adept when it came to
bathroom matters. They constucted COMMUNAL
BATHROOMS, such as this example in Leptis Magna
(in modern-day Libya). Up to 30 people would use the
bathroom together, without any partitions between
them. A sponge on a stick did the job of toilet paper.
Bathhouse water would flush the waste into sewers.

R to
I Eg
ht G


p o w e r f u l
woman t woman
The first grea tory is
recognized in
a ts h e p s u t, E gypt’s most
le b r a te d fe m ale pharaoh.
e le d th e n a tion for more
, at a time
than 20 years
ually ruled
when men us
the roost.

Regent ruler
In 1479 BCE, Pharaoh Thutmose II PASSED
AWAY, but his son Thutmose III was only a
baby. His stepmother Hatshepsut became
regent, leading on behalf of Thutmose III
until he was old enough to take control. know?
Did you ose III was
Though Thu sed, it is clear
h at came before… never depo
psut was
W that Hatshel ruler.
the rea
was a man named Egyptian pharaohs invented
Narmer in about 3100 the world’s first state in
BCE. He is thought to 3000 BCE and were the
have joined the two first rulers to have elaborate
Upper Egypt Lower Egypt United Egypt parts of Upper and burial customs such
crown crown crown Lower Egypt into one. as DEATH MASKS (left).
Bearded lady Curse of Cleopatra
Hatshepsut wasted no time Hatshepsut’s achievements
making her mark by establishing have been OVERSHADOWED
trade links and constructing by Cleopatra VII, whose
major monuments. But this was turbulent reign from 51–30 BCE
still ultimately a man’s world, so brought an end to Egypt’s
Hatshepsut dressed in the full pharaohs. First ruling with her
regalia of a male monarch, brothers, she later overthrew
including a kilt, a crown, and an them to take sole charge.
artificial beard. Artists always Losing to the Romans in the
depicted her with a beard, and Battle of Actium proved too
she was sometimes called “HE” much, as she tragically took her
in the documents of the time. own life with a snake’s bite.

The snake was

w ay…her an Egyptian cobra.
h e ot
By t ied my br jointly
r d
I mar y XIII, an r a while.
m o
Ptole with him f ed Julius , Tomb treasures
ruled hen convin rid of him Hatshepsut, like all royal rulers, was buried
I t r to get alone! in an ornate tomb inside a specially crafted
Caesand I ruled temple. Kings and queens were laid to rest
and everyday goods they had valued the
most, to get them prepared for the afterlife.
Cleopatra’s tomb has never been found.

Hatshepsut was
buried in a temple
near the Valley of
the Kings, Egypt.

How it changed
the world
Though she had to ap
and act like a male ru
to be taken seriously,
Hatshepsut’s great reig
proved women could
be just
as good as, if not bette
than, men on the
Pharaoh Djoser, who ruled was among the
from 2670 to 2651 BCE, first female rulers political stage.
constructed the FIRST of Egypt in 1525–1504
PYRAMID, which BCE, acting as co-
was the first great regent for her son
stone building. Amenhotep I.
s a r e
Law tten
wri n
downown leg
al document
ory’s be st-k STO NE
Hist law i n
sets the

The world’s first truly civilized By

states arose in Mesopotamia My the w
(modern-day Iraq). This area is cune Code is w ay…
scrip iform, a ritten
known as “the Cradle of Civilization” tt n in
mod hat som ancient
because it was where many ideas ern f e cle
learn olk h ver
developed, including the wheel, ed to ave
writing, and an important .
code of law.

United rule
The heart of Mesopotamia was
the city-state of Babylon. In 1760 BCE,
after a series of wars, the powerful
King HAMMURABI of Babylon
crushed rival city-states to bring
the whole of Mesopotamia
under his rule. He didn’t
stop at being a conqueror.
He wanted his kingdom
to evolve and develop, so
he masterminded building
projects that created
temples, canals, and aqueducts.

a t came before…
W h
From around 4000 BCE, the The AKKADIANS under
SUMERIANS prospered in the Sargon the Great (left)
fertile lands around rose to power in the
Mesopotamia’s rivers. King Middle East in 2300 BCE,
Ur-Nammu (seated, on right), creating the first united
was an adept state-builder. empire under one ruler.
Crime and punishment
King Hammurabi ruled Mesopotamia with an iron
fist. He laid down the law and introduced severe
punishments for bad behavior. His set of laws
became known as the “CODE OF HAMMURABI,”
and it remains one of the earliest written records of
laws. Etched in stone, the laws of the land were listed
under a depiction of Hammurabi receiving the code
from Shamash, the Babylonian sun god of justice.

The King’s
eagerness to
please the
gods is shown
on the stele.

Set in stone
STONE PILLARS bearing the Code of
Hammurabi were displayed around his
kingdom for all to see. Only one has ever
been found, and it includes 282 laws grouped
by subject, such as household, trade, religion,
and slavery. Most people couldn’t read the
script, but lawbreakers could expect to have
their teeth knocked out, or end up Scribes copied
skewered on spikes as punishment. Ouch! the script onto
clay tablets for
centuries afterward.
it changed the w
How orl
Despite the strict e d
laws, there was tim in
for fun and games first too
H am m u ra b i’s Code seems
Mesopotamia. The Althoug h
n o w , it p av ed the way for
board games were ta l odern law.
brash and bru at the heart of m
played here. They ds groundbreak in g id ea s
a particular crim
included ornate boar Most notably, th
e id ea s th at
and set pieces. d a p ar ti cu la r penalty and th n
attracte o t b e arbitrary remai
o u ld n
punishments sh f to day’s legal syst
to m an y o

W h a t came afte r…
The warlike ASSYRIANS took The Persians under CYRUS
over in about 1200 BCE, THE GREAT established
destroying Babylon. Their themselves in the Middle East
clay tablets tell us much from about 550 BCE. Cyrus’s
of what we know about empire was the largest the
Mesopotamian history. world had ever seen.
Shiva, on
most powe of the

World gods, is s erful Hindu

shown as ometimes
a dancer.

Different ways of explaining
life and the UNIVERSE

The major world religions are very old.

Each in its own way has shaped the lives
of millions of people over thousands of
years. These religions have also had
a huge effect on other parts of life, like
art, buildings, learning, and music. Hinduism
Unlike many religions, Hinduism was
not founded by one person and does not
have one set of rules. Its beliefs date back
4,000 years to the Aryan people of northwest
India. BRAHMA, the creator, is the chief god
among the many whom Hindus worship. Their
sacred writings include verses called the Vedas.
There are 900 million Hindus worldwide.

Did you s and Hindus
Both Buddh in a cycle of
believe and rebirth
birth, deathew body
in a n

An Indian prince named Siddhartha Gautama,
born in 563 BCE, rejected his riches when he saw
what suffering there was in the world. After years
of fasting and hardship, he sat beneath a tree to do
some serious thinking. He learned that happiness
comes from getting rid of bad feelings. He is known
as THE BUDDHA (“awakened one”). Today,
488 million people follow his teachings.
Arising in the Middle East more than
3,500 years ago, Judaism is the religion of the
JEWISH PEOPLE. It was the first major faith to
believe in one God. The history of Judaism and
the laws by which believers should live are
found in the Hebrew Bible, or Old Testament.
The religion has about 14 million followers.

ys that
The Bible sa ed more
Jesus performcles.
than 30 mira
A seven-branched
sacred lamp called the
menorah is used in Jewish
religious ceremonies. Christianity
Christianity is the largest world religion,
with two billion followers. Christians believe
that a man named Jesus Christ, born in the
Holy Land in about 4 BCE, was the Son of God.
The religion is based on THE BIBLE—which
combines the Old Testament with Christ’s
teachings (known as the New Testament). The
Romans were convinced that Jesus was a
dangerous influence and killed him, but
Christians believe his spirit is still alive.
The black granite Kaaba
in Mecca, Saudi Arabia,
is a sacred Muslim site,
visited by millions of
pilgrims every year.

The founder of Islam was born in
Mecca (modern-day Saudi Arabia)
in 570 CE. Named Muhammad,
he was a prophet who taught his
followers to worship ONE GOD,
ALLAH. Islam is the second-largest
world religion, with a billion or
more believers called Muslims.
They follow holy laws written in
scriptures called the Qur’an, pray
five times a day, and fast during
the month of Ramadan.

The teachings
of Confucius
Ideas for making
rulers more JUST

The 6th-century-BCE Chinese philosopher

known as Confucius spread the idea
that societies should be run fairly. His
rules for making this happen still
influence people today.

Tough start
Confucius was born in 551 BCE
near the city of Qufu in China.
After his father died, his
family was VERY POOR
and the young Confucius had
to do jobs to support his
family. He still managed
to keep up his studies and
pass difficult tests to qualify
as a civil servant.

On the road
Working as a government official, Confucius
was shocked by the unfairness of China’s rulers.
He became a minister, but gave up his career to
GO TRAVELING. This was no short vacation. For
12 years he roamed around China, spreading his
ideas on social equality. Once back home,
he spent the rest of his life teaching.

a t came befor
Wh e…
The earliest known Chinese China’s first true
writing found is on ORACLE philosopher was LAO
BONES from the Shang Dynasty TZU, who lived around
(c.1600 BCE –1046 BCE). 600 BCE. He founded a
Experts thought the Shang religion called Taoism,
were a myth, but the writing which is based on
showed otherwise. honesty and harmony.
Happy ever after
Confucius had a simple recipe for a happy life:
People should be nice to one another, with Ren is the
the ruler setting an example. He made five Yi is the Li is the virtue virtue of
rules, which he called the FIVE VIRTUES. virtue of of correct charity and
havior and
These were Yi, Li, Ren, Zhi, and Xin—with each honesty and be opriety. humanity.
integrity. pr
one crucial for a happy and worthwhile life.

t h e way… n’t
By probably did lf.
ius se Xin is the virtue
Confuc ny books himllected Zhi is the virtue of faithfulness
write a ings were co by of knowledge and loyalty.
His say written down and learning.
and followers.

Getting the message

It was only after his death that
Confucius’s message really got
through to people. In 136 BCE, the
philosopher’s ideas were officially
adopted in China as a central part of
the country’s policy. Confucianism,
as the system came to be known,
lasted for the NEXT 2,000 YEARS.

How it cha
d the
In C
cius’ wo
start s t rld
beha ing ide ime, it
ve w a tha was
e t a
kind ll and tr rulers s pretty
sugg ly. eat hou
estio The phi their su ld
n l o b
way s helpe sopher’ jects
to fa d to s
irer p
socie ave the

at ca me after…
W h
Chinese philosopher MENCIUS The third president of the
(372–289 BCE) took Confucius’s United States of America,
ideas a step further. He THOMAS JEFFERSON (1743–
instructed people to join together 1826), was influenced by the
to overthrow unjust rulers. philosophies of Confucius.

One-day event The statue of Zeus
Olympia, a religious center in at Olympia was one
southwest Greece, played host to the of the seven wonders of
the ancient world.
w it change
first Games in 776 BCE, thrown to
o d
honor Zeus, the protector and ruler of

The Olympic G
humans. The ONE-DAY EVENT started the tra ames
got off to a running start with just different nation dition of
one competitive sport—the men’s together to comcoming
200-m sprint. peacefully againpete
one another.
t h e w or l

First Olympic co i n s h o
ows t rt
This of spoilspdosius.

Games d
hea eror The

Nearly 3,000 years ago, a SPORTS event

dedicated to the Greek god Zeus was held

Bigger and better

As the Games evolved over time, more
competitions were included and the on Dangerous times
A wrestler w is Internal wars made Greece
event was extended to FIVE DAYS. h
if he threw the
Boxing and chariot-racing got opponent to times. a dangerous place. When the
under way, while the ground three Olympic Games were on, a
pentathlon featured ceasefire was announced so
discus, javelin, running, that athletes and spectators
wrestling, and long could pass through enemy
jump. Wreaths of lines. The Games kept going,
olive leaves were with events being held every
awarded to the four years until 393 CE,
winners, who went when Christian Emperor
home as heroes. Theodosius BANNED the
fun as immoral.
Political vision
In city-states of ancient Greece,
government was once entirely n
Athenia ats held
in the hands of the richest r
democ l meetings
section of the population. A few politica ce called
wealthy aristocrats controlled at a pla x.
property, parliament, and the Pyn
finances, and no one else had
a say. In 507 BCE, an Athenian
statesman named Cleisthenes
reformed this UNFAIR SYSTEM Not fair enough
by giving ordinary citizens Cleisthenes’ system, the first democracy, consisted of
political rights. o w n three bodies: The ekklesia wrote laws and policies; the
es is kn
Cleisthen ather of BOULE was a citizens’ council; and the dikasteria
as the “F democracy.” were the civil law courts. But the system wasn’t that fair.
Athenian Out of a population of 300,000 people, only 30,000 or
so freemen had the right to vote. Women, slaves, and
foreigners didn’t count in this democracy.

Dawn of
How the rule of the
PEOPLE first came to be
Sign of the times
The new democracy lasted for two
centuries and was a powerful era for Athens. In
this period, the city’s most famous landmark
was created—the PARTHENON, a temple
it changed dedicated to the goddess Athena. It was a
w sign of change that the temple was
Ancient Athenia n

democracy wasn’t decorated with illustrations of ordinary

perfect, but its ideal of people for the first time in history.
political rights for all is
the blueprint for many

states today.
th e w


Europe China

Death t e r y P LA G UE
Origin of
the plague
A mys ic Progress of
causes pan the plague

Crisis in China
A highly contagious INFECTION, known as the
ible plague or the Black Death, arose deep in Asia.
th e 1 4 th c entury, a terr The disease gripped central China in 1333 and
In the
a s e w ip e d o ut a third of spread fast. As a center of trade, China was
dise as
u la ti o n o f E urope, as well . visited by merchants from countries all over the
pop frica world—who took the plague home with them.
li o n s m o r e in Asia and A
The disease was most likely
caused by bacteria passed on in
bites from fleas carried by rats.

Plague in Europe
The Black Death reached Europe in 1347
and lasted until about 1353. The plague’s
jumping-off point from Asia was probably
the Crimea. Here, Mongol warriors, laying siege
to the city of Kaffa, catapulted their infected
corpses over its walls to weaken the defenders.
This port was colonized by the Genoese, whose
TRADING SHIPS carried the disease to Sicily. Big swellings, called g
buboes, were amonoms.
the horrible sympt
at came befo
Wh re…
In about 250 CE, the There was an even
ROMAN EMPIRE was worse outbreak in
hit by the Plague of Constantinople
Cyprian. At its height, (modern-day
the disease, which Istanbul) in 541 CE.
was probably smallpox, The PLAGUE OF JUSTINIAN
killed about 5,000 wiped out 10,000
Romans a day. people a day.
No cure
Medieval medicine wasn’t cutting edge.
Bacteria had not yet been discovered.
People thought diseases were caused
by “bad air.” The only treatments doctors
could offer—such as herbal brews and
bloodletting—had ZERO
EFFECT on the relentless
plague. People said God
had sent the Black Death
to punish them for their
sinfulness. They prayed
for forgiveness, but the
horror continued.

Plague doctors wore How it changed

masks with beaks the world
stuffed with herbs
that were meant to The Black Dea
th tore
give protection from the social struct
the plague. of Europe and
apart, destroyi
whole families
decimating citi

A few you kn
still o cases of ow?
Today ccur ever plague
, th yy fever
be cu e disease ear. Victims had a highood. Their
with ared quickly can and coughed up bl purple.
t came a
W ha fter… ntibio
skin was blotched

When a huge fire In 1918, A STRAIN OF

destroyed much of INFLUENZA, known as
LONDON IN 1666, it Spanish flu, is thought
wasn’t all bad. The to have killed up to
flames put an end to 50 million people—
the recent plague that 3 percent of the
had killed 100,000 world’s population.
English people.
Hidden riches
In 1545, the world’s greatest source of silver
was found hidden inside a mountain, the high-
altitude CERRO POTOSÍ (in present-day
Bolivia). Within a year of the discovery, the
Spanish conquerors of South America had built
a mining town there, triggering a silver rush.

it chang
Striking silver ow ed

The riches a
helped mak Potosí
The 16th-century discovery of SILVER Americas a e the
destination. “go to”
in Potosí gave Spain unimaginable wealth people pour More
ed in
built colonie and
the world

Deadly mines
The new mines made the Spanish top traders in the
Americas for two centuries. They shipped out more than
40,000 TONS of silver from Potosí. Local people,
joined by imported African slaves, were forced to
work in the mines in terrible conditions. Many died
from accidents, illnesses, and brutal treatment.

Coin made
of silver mined
at Potosí.

Silver city
By the 17th century, the
scruffy camp at Potosí had become
a wealthy city. The silver helped
pay for Spain’s wars in Europe.
A huge percentage of the silver
ended up in CHINA, where it was
used for currency and traded for
tea, silk, and porcelain.
Potosí is still mined
today, but most of
the silver is gone.
About 100 Purita American dream
sailed with the ns A group of English men and women
known as Puritans decided they’d had
enough of being hated for their religious
beliefs. They wanted to reform the
Protestant Church of England, which didn’t
win them many friends. Following their
DREAM of a new life, they left for America
in a ship called the Mayflower in 1620.

Rough voyage
Loaded with supplies and
livestock, the Mayflower sailed
Pilgrims set sail
from Plymouth across the Religious persecution in 17th-century Europe
Atlantic Ocean. It was a long
and stormy voyage. The seasick drove the PURITANS to America
travelers we now know as the
Pilgrim Fathers finally landed
on the MASSACHUSETTS coast.
They named the area Plymouth. ow it chang
H e
paved t he Pilgrims d
First Thanksgiving
Many Puritans DIED on the colonist he way for mo
sa re
voyage and in the first icy of tradend the growth
regarde . They are
winter in America. Glad to be d
alive, the survivors held a big
of the Uas the founder
nite s
feast in 1621, the original of Ame d States
Thanksgiving. Local Native the world
Americans joined the party. They
showed the newcomers how to
work the land, and the Pilgrims
built up a successful colony.
revolution Townshend came
to be nicknamed
“Turnip Townshend.”
A crop of new ideas leads to
a BOOM in food production
Tull’s seed drill cut
furrows in the soil
before sowing. Seed spreader
Farmers used to scatter Cream of the crop
seed on their fields by In the 1700s, England tried a
hand, which was slow new crop system, devised by
and wasteful. In 1701, politician Charles Townshend.
Englishman JETHRO Wheat, barley, turnips, and clover
TULL invented a seed were grown in a different field
drill machine. Drawn every year in a four-year cycle.
by a horse, this The ROTATION meant healthy
contraption dropped soil and big harvests. Cattle
the seeds in neat rows. were grazed in some fields to
add extra fertilizer!

changed Pastures new

it The new ideas in farming meant that The beefy D
Longhorn cattishley

iculturad the

g r less people were needed to work the

Th e A as e specially bre le were
v o l u t i o n incre arming, land. In England, a NEW LAW let provide mored to
Re ency of f hauls landowners fence off land for their a growing po meat for
effici to larger t. pulation.
a private farms. With farmland being
and ledops and me
c r snapped up, and fewer people needed
of rl

wo in the countryside, many moved to the

th e cities to make a living.
Machines rule and workers move
from fields to FACTORIES
Steam up Coal min
In the 19th century, vast crucial toing became started
the Indu the success of Stephensonin coal
textile factories and mills strial Re his career g after
with newly invented steam- mines lookin achinery
powered machinery sprang the steam m
up all over England. COAL used there.
production soared to fuel
these growing industries.

On the right track

Steam engines had been running on
public railroads for four years when
English engineer George Stephenson
launched his locomotive Rocket in
1829. This champion train won the
speed race on the NEW RAILROAD
from Liverpool to Manchester,
zipping along at 29 mph (47 km/h).

e these
Young children lik often did
cloth-mill workersjobs.
hard, dangerous

it c
Grim life w l Re v olution d
stria easier an

As industry replaced agriculture, country folk turned I n d u

The traveling things
into city dwellers. Masses of people filled towns and
made ade many he cost to
cities looking for WORK. Conditions were grim, m , but t
p e r w a s l arge.

with crowded houses, long shifts for terrible pay, chea n health

and dangerous jobs. Even children worked, with

workplace accidents and poor health common. the 29
Slaves were Slave trade
shackled for the Spanish traders sent the first
long journey.
kidnapped slaves from Africa
to the Americas in 1501. Soon,
they were being sent all over the
Americas. Many slaves did
not survive the grueling
journey, as hunger and
the overcrowded ships.

Slave traders often

bought slaves from
African merchants.

i tc
The sl
ave tr ha
Ameri ade to n
the c as des the

g ed
12 mill lives of mortroyed
ion e
its off Africans b than
icial efo
19th c end in the re
the world

After centuries of corruption and
CRUELTY, America ends slavery
Suffering of slaves
Upon arrival, most slaves worked as farmhands
on PLANTATIONS—large estates run by wealthy
landowners where crops were grown and sold for
profit. Life was miserable, with slaves made to toil
without breaks and in constant fear.

Slaves read the

Emancipation Proclamation.
Free at last
Slaves in the United States cast off their
chains in 1863 when President Abraham
Lincoln announced the Emancipation
Proclamation, an order that freed them
all. Though no longer owned by
someone else, the PATH TO EQUALITY
for former slaves would not be smooth.
Women get
the vote
Women in Britain wage war for
the same RIGHT TO VOTE as men
Feminist mission
In 1893, women in New Zealand became the first in the world
to be allowed to vote. The idea spread, but in the early 1900s,
British women still did not have SUFFRAGE (the right
to vote) because they were not deemed equal to
men. British campaigner Emmeline Pankhurst
(above) established the Women’s Social and
Political Union (WSPU) in 1903. When a
newspaper jokingly named them “suffragettes,” the
name stuck and the suffragette sisterhood was born.

h a n g ed
it c
w rightselp

v ot i n g h
Equal women to en are
d o m
allowesociety. W equality
shape fighting fods today.

still ther fiel


w The horse was owned by British King

in o
the George V. It’s possible Davison was
trying to attach a WSPU scarf to it.
Death at the races Voting victory
The suffragette motto was “Deeds, Years of campaigning by
not words,” and women smashed fearless suffragettes finally paid
windows, set fire to buildings, and off. British women were given the
chained themselves to railings to right to vote in 1918. American
bring attention to the cause. In 1913, women voted by 1920, and many
British suffragette Emily Davison died other countries soon followed.
after throwing herself under a horse Nowadays, ALL BUT A FEW
at the Epsom Derby horse race. It countries allow women to vote.
wasn’t clear whether she intended to
die or just to cause a scene, but it
brought FURTHER NOTICE to the A British woman votes
WSPU’s mission. for the first time in the
1918 general election.
a r
M ch t o
Dream come true
In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave
his celebrated “I HAVE A DREAM” speech

to 250,000 supporters in Washington, DC.

M o n t om er y Calling on the government to help end

racial inequality, his plea led to the 1964
Civil Rights Act, which banned employers
from judging employees on their “color,
Americans MARCH for equality religion, or national origin.”
a ck

In the 1950s, racial segregation in the United States

discriminated against black people, separating them
from white people in housing, schooling, and public
services. The Civil Rights Movement used campaigns,
protests, and marches to bring about equality.

Bus boycott
A black seamstress from
Alabama triggered one of the
biggest moments in the Civil
Rights Movement in 1955 by
refusing to give up her seat on
a bus to a white man. ROSA
PARKS was arrested, but civil
rights campaigner Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. called for his
followers to boycott the bus
Parks on a bus after company. Segregation on
public transportation public transportation
segregation ended.
ended in 1956.
What came before…
Passed under President
1863, the Emancipation peaceful protests against British
Proclamation brought rule in India from the 1930s.
an end to slavery in the USA, Gandhi inspired Dr. Martin
but afterward many states Luther King, Jr. to stage non-
sought to limit its power. violent marches and speeches.
Vote of confidence
Two years later, Dr. King, along with Rosa Parks and other
activists, led another march from Selma, Alabama, to the
state capital of Montgomery to protest restrictions on
blacks voting. In spite of violence from police along
the way, the march resulted in the VOTING RIGHTS ACT,
which made it easier for black people to vote.

Lasting legacy
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was
killed in 1968 by an assassin opposed
to the Civil Rights Movement. Though
relations between the races have
not been easy in the years since,
the United States elected its first
black president, Barack Obama
(above), in 2008. Obama was
reelected in 2012, and swore his
presidential oath on a BIBLE that
had been owned by Dr. King.

hanged the
it c wo
Ho rld

By the w
Though I, Rosa ay… The Selma to Montgomery
the most famourks, was March was one of a handful
protestor, Claud s bus of events that gave
who refused to ette Colvin, African Americans a voice
seat nine monthive up her when they had been
me, was the firsefore silenced by segregation and
t. suffering. Changes in the
law meant that black people
gained more freedom, but
many feel that full equality
with whites has still not
been achieved.

Civil Rights activists

staged PROTESTS in
In 1954, the US Supreme restaurants, swimming
Court declared that schools pools, and churches,
must provide INTEGRATED demanding black people
EDUCATION for all children, be allowed to use these
regardless of skin color. public places.
In a troubled time for South Africa,

black people endured years of
oppression under apartheid
(an Afrikaans word meaning

aparthe id “separateness”). Fearless

freedom fighters took on
their cause and ended
The mission to up running the country.

in South Africa d y o
u knowlack
D i b
id meant
Aparthe Africans had
South schools and
separateavel where they
tr .
couldn’t or marry whites

Living apart
In 1948, the all-white Afrikaner National
Party of South Africa began imposing the
system of apartheid on the mostly black
country. This limited what black people
could do and where they could go. It was
designed to keep them APART from white
people, and meant that black people had
to live in poor, overcrowded townships.
Blacks olice
from p at
bullets ville. Protests against prejudice
Sharpe The black rights group, the African National
Congress (ANC), arranged peaceful protests
Signs lik against apartheid. But the organization met with
were onc e this
everywhe e seen violence many times. One of the worst occasions
South Af re in was the 1960 Sharpeville Massacre, when
rica. police killed 69 black people. The ANC was
banned, and in 1964 one of their leaders,
NELSON MANDELA, was imprisoned for life.

What came before…

In the late 19th century, Quarrels between white
European countries settlers in South Africa
raced one another to became violent. In 1880 and
grab African territory in again in 1899, war broke
what was known as the out between the British and
“SCRAMBLE FOR AFRICA.” the BOERS, who were of
Dutch and German descent.
End to apartheid
Many countries around the world put pressure on
South Africa to drop apartheid and release political
prisoners like Mandela. While Mandela was still in
jail, the South African President, F. W. de Klerk,
gave in to world pressure. In 1990, he removed
the ban on protest marches and ENDED
APARTHEID. A new flag was adopted in 1994
that reflected these changes in the country.

I rec the wa
250 a eived y
ward more … The new flag sh
in s fo tha of the ANC (greows the colors
Nobe cluding th r my effo n combining with then, gold, and black)
l Pea e r
ce Pr famous ts, red of the countr e blue, white, and
ize in
1993. Britain and the y’s colonial rulers,
Mandela mania
When apartheid fell, Mandela was released
from jail, having served 27 years behind
bars. He triumphed in South Africa’s FIRST
become the nation’s first black president.

How it c
hange d the wo
Mandela’s rld
end apar ation help
theid in S ed
He advis outh Afric
a .
the wron ed forgiveness fo
gs of the r
South Afr past,
ica to mo allowing
new pha ve
se of its h into a

W ha t came afte r…
South Africa’s Springboks NELSON MANDELA DIED in
won the RUGBY WORLD CUP 2013 at the age of 95.
in 1995, and Nelson All over the world, people
Mandela wore a team mourned the loss of the
shirt and cap to present “Father of South Africa.”
the trophy to the captain,
Francois Pienaar.
a nd
Bat e s
Humans are an argumentative species. Rivalry,
uprisings, and all-out war arose from the time of
the first civilizations. From chariot battles over
territory and revolutions against rotten rulers, to
religious upheaval and the planet-threatening
atomic bombs of the 20th century, human conflict
has led to some of the most significant changes
in world history—for better and for worse.

d an Egyp
Ramses le 0,000 men
army of 2 ,000 Hittites.
against 50

ef E!
irst TL
ro y al BAT
In 1274 BCE, the Egyptians y…
y t h e wa t military
clashed with their rivals, B firs
foug ht in my n I was only
the Hittites. The battle, in a I n whe
city called Kadesh, was the first campaig14 years old.
conflict in history of which we
have a detailed account.

Egypt’s rivals
The Hittites were a warlike
people who had been grabbing
territory from Egypt until
Pharaoh Ramses II decided
to fight back. The Hittites’
expert horsemanship and
advanced iron weaponry
made them fearsome
warriors. They also prayed to
more than ONE THOUSAND
GODS, including Zababa,
Carv the god of war.
Hittit ed head
in Ba e god, fo of a
What came before…
The Egyptians developed one THE HITTITES originally settled
of the earliest forms of writing, in Anatolia (modern-day
called HIEROGLYPHICS, which Turkey) around 2000 BCE,
used pictures and symbols to and soon began to spread
represent sounds and words. south. The city of Hattussa
They wrote on wood, paper, became the Hittite capital
and even in stone. and center of the empire.
Battle tactics
We know how the battle was fought
mainly from Egyptian reports. At first,
the Egyptians were tricked into an
ambush. Then Ramses regrouped, and
when his driver was too scared to go
back into battle, Ramses wrapped
the chariot horses’ reins around
his waist and charged the Hittites,
determined to win or DIE TRYING.

Egyptian c and built
were light en.
for two m
ariots we
Hittite ch d heavier. They but
bigger an se more damage .
could cau d to steer on sand
were har Treaty time
Both armies lost a lot of men, and the
battle was a stalemate. The two sides
signed the first surviving PEACE
TREATY, pledging to share the land
and to enter into an alliance. The
Hittites copied the agreement onto
clay tablets, while the Egyptians
recorded the details on the walls of temples.

How it changed the world

The dispute between Egypt and the
Hittites was eventually settled by an
agreement between the two sides.
It was the first time that historians
know of when peace was achieved
through negotiations.

h at ca me after…
W RAMSES built a huge temple at The HITTITES believed they had
Abu Simbel to mark his victory, won at Kadesh. They fought
even though most historians the first recorded sea battle in
now agree that there was no 1210 BCE, against Cyprus. But
clear winner at Kadesh. He they were overcome by the rise of
ruled for 67 years until his the Assyrians, and their empire
death at the age of 90. had collapsed by 1200 BCE.
a e s a r
C Romeler
k e s
tamilitary man to RU T H L E SS ru
a r c r ossed
r o m l i u s Cae me, it was
F hen J u Ro
ay to o becomin
9 B CE, w i s w
In 4 iver on h is path t an.
r h
small st step on owerful m
r p
the fi rld’s most
the w

A fighter and a writer

Julius Caesar came from a noble
Roman family. Caesar made his
name as a intelligent military
general, but there was much more
to him than that. He was also an
ambitious politician, talented
writer, inspiring speaker—and
PEOPLE of Rome.

Did you know?

Caesar was once captured
by pirates. He made sure
they got well paid for his
return, but then he had
them executed.
The river” means “red.”
reddish appeared
due to m
What came before…

Rome became a world power Technology developed fast

because of its IMPRESSIVE MILITARY MIGHT. in Rome to meet the needs
The army was made up of about of the growing empire.
30 legions, each containing Engineers constructed
roughly 5,000 highly trained, MAGNIFICENT AQUEDUCTS to
well-paid professional soldiers. carry water to cities.
The fall of the Gauls
By the age of 40, Caesar was
an alliance with Crassus and
Pompey, the two other most
powerful men in Rome. He was
hailed as Rome’s finest general
after a successful campaign in
Gaul (modern-day France). In
Rome, the Senate worried that Did
Caesar wanted to seize power, Caesayou kno
and ordered him to disband his 365-d r creat w?
army before he returned. is the ay calendaed the
Vercingetorix, the chief of still u basis of t r, which
the Gauls, surrendered to
Caesar in 52 BCE. is named today. he one
ed af “July”
ter hi
Fateful river
An ancient Roman law forbade
generals with a standing army from
crossing the Rubicon river and entering
the Roman republic. Caesar had a
choice—disband the army and stand
down, or cross the Rubicon and
try to seize power for himself.
He bellowed “THE DIE IS NOW
CAST!” as he crossed the river.

How it
chang d
the woreld
Caesar’s v
republica ictory over the Power struggle
ns meant
was now that Ro
ruled by o me Caesar and his army entered Rome
person, w ne and triggered a fierce war over who
on throug h power passed should rule. After years of fighting all
h families
heirs wou . Caesar’s over the empire, Caesar emerged as
ld be dec
all-power lared the winner. He returned to Rome in
ful emper
even wor o rs
shipped a , and triumph and was declared Rome’s

e after…
What cam
In 64 CE, the GREAT FIRE OF ROME In 313 CE, Constantine
swept through and destroyed became the first Roman
much of the city. The emperor, emperor to TOLERATE
Nero (left), was blamed by the CHRISTIANITY and end
people for not doing enough to centuries of Roman
fight the fire or help the victims. brutality to Christians.
B a t
The tings t l e North and s

of Has King Harold

gian king
First, Norwe
rmy landed
Hardrada’s a but King
near York,
y marched
YE for Harold’s arm
One in the E north and de
feated the

an a ow
H ardrada with e
d w inson was to the th roat. Then th
Harold G land, but his nchman Willi ear
am of William of
In 1066, n g Fre Normandy’s Army
king of E a and William ormandy lan
ded n Hardrada Army
crowned Har dra d nd
S , 200 miles (32
0 km) to Harold’s Army
rald n a ST IN G
and his troo
rivals, Ha y, wanted his crow . HA
the so uth . H aro ld

of Norma
nd or it pel the thre
ared to fight f rushed to re
were prep

a n
King Harold arrow
killed by e eye.
What came before…
through th

Before the Normans arrived, THE VIKINGS from Denmark, Norway,

England’s people were mainly and Sweden began frequent raids
ANGLO-SAXONS, who originally on England from 793 CE, when
came from Germany and they raided a monastery in the
the Netherlands. northeast of the country.
William fell from his horse
during battle, and then lifted
his helmet to show his troops
r England
The battle l,fonear Hastings, Harold’s arman
y that he was still alive.
il orm Did you know?
On Senlac H f s h ie ld s against the N After his impressive
o ay
formed a wa
o f th e E n glish broke aw win at the Battle of
some eating
archers. But p e rh a p s to chase retr Hastings, William
a ll,
from their w . T he Normans
turned became known as
sold ie rs e Battle
a c k e d . B y the end of th of
“The Conqueror”.
d and William
back and a ld w a s d ea D.
of Hastings,
as the N
Normandy w

y t h e wa d from
B te
h e b a ttle las il sundown,
T am un t
about 9halfway thro a
and sides took
both for lunch!

How it changed
the world
After his victory, William
granted most of England’s
land and many important
jobs to his Norman
allies. Anglo-Saxon
was replaced by Latin
as the language
of government.

re t h e scene ESTRY (above)

Pictu UX TAP n a
e BAYE the Norm ed by
0 men
Up to 7,00 in a The hug t o r y o f
whole s s work
es. It wa r ladies-in-
were killed Battle tells the 2 s c e n
in 7 he
day at the . invasion ife , M a tilda, and t (70 m)
of Hastings w
William’s e tapestry is 23 ol buses.
Th ho
waiting. length of five sc
What came after… long—th

William commissioned
THE DOMESDAY BOOK, a huge The Normans built
survey of all the land and massive STONE CASTLES
property in England. It and cathedrals all over
took two years to collect England, many of which
all the information. are still standing.
The Holy City
By 1095, much of the Middle East, including the holy I
rban I
city of Jerusalem, was controlled by Muslims. When Pope U for help
Pope Urban II received reports of Christians being ask lermont,
attacked there, he declared it was every Christian’s a rance.
duty to help one another and to WIN JERUSALEM
BACK for Christianity. The First Crusade was born.

Jerusalem falls
The Pope hoped kn
and other military ights
would hear his

The bloody beginnings of The capturing of

Jerusalem was one
RELIGIOUS WAR for the Holy Land the bloodiest episodof
of medieval history. es

People believed they

would go straight to heaven
if they died on Crusade.
People’s Crusade
Across Europe, people answered the
Pope’s call. While the knights were
still forming an army, the PEOPLE’S
CRUSADE, made up of peasants, left
for Jerusalem. About 40,000 people
set off, but they were massacred by
the Muslims before reaching the city.

it changed

s The fall of Jerusalem

The First Crusade wa of The main armies of knights fought their way to Jerusalem,
the start of ce nt ur ies
arriving in June 1099. After a month of siege, they BROKE
struggle for the Holy
Land, causing long-last . THROUGH THE WALLS. The crusaders poured into the city
bitterness and hatred and went on a bloody rampage, murdering men, women, and

w or children, and stealing everything they found. The Christians had

th e captured Jerusalem, but the Muslims would soon respond.
Universal ruler
In 1206, a young warrior named Temujin
called the Mongol tribes of eastern Asia
with him as the leader. He renamed himself
Genghis Khan, which means “Universal Ruler.”
Genghis Khan died
in 1227, and was How the Mongols came together
succeeded by his
son Ögedei. to CONQUER the world
i t change
ow d

Though the M
empire was sh ongol
Fearsome fighters it made a permrt-lived,
The Mongols were feared impact on trad anent
communication e and
wherever they went. Their bet
East and Westween
SUCCESS as warriors was .
based on their expert
the worl

horsemanship, strict
discipline, skill with bow and
arrow, and the military genius
of their leaders.

Genghis once executed a

foe by pouring molten silver
into his eyes and ears.

Mongolia China

empire 1279

Vast empire
The Mongols were extremely
successful. Within 50 years of uniting,
they ruled ABOUT 16 PERCENT of
the Earth’s land surface, and had
claimed 40 million lives as they swept
across Asia. But within 50 years, the
empire split up, and a century later
it had largely disappeared.

The 95 Nailing notices
of the local churto the door

When a Ge
Theses common way of ch was a
a matter to th bringing
community’s atte local
Catholic Ch an monk decided to
urch to cle tell the
sparked a an up its a
huge prote c t
led to the st moveme , he
emergence n t
of Protesta that
How a one-m
PROTEST w n religious
ent viral
From lawyer to monk
Martin Luther was born in Germany
in 1483. He was studying to be a
lawyer when, one day, he was caught w ay…y bad
in a violent storm. The terrified young the rm e
By mous fo e becausl
man prayed to his favorite saint, “If s f a y b f u
you save me, St. Anne, I’LL BECOME I wa per—ma from aw life!
tem uffered n all my
A MONK!” When Luther escaped I s ipatio
unharmed, he kept his promise. cons
St. Peter’s Basilica in
Rome was built mainly A Church gone bad
with money from After many years, Luther came to feel
Papal Indulgences. that the Catholic Church had gone
astray. Many priests were LAZY AND
CORRUPT. The head of the Church,
the Pope, raised money by selling
“Papal Indulgences”—a system
where people gave money to the
Pope and, in return, he forgave
their sins, on behalf of God.
Luther wanted the Church to
set a better example.

ha t came before…
In 1054, the CHRISTIAN CHURCH The pope who excommunicated
SPLIT. The Roman Catholic Luther, Leo X (left), was from the
Church in the West was ruled rich and powerful MEDICI FAMILY
by the Pope. The eastern Greek of Florence, Italy. The family
Orthodox Church was led by produced a total of four popes
the Patriarch of Constantinople. and two queens of France.
Hammer time
On October 31, 1517, Luther nailed
y o u knowcastle,
a notice to the door of the Church in Did rederick
at F self
Wittenberg, listing the 95 things he In hidinger disguised him and
Luth ing a beard r
believed were wrong with the by grow himself “Junke
Church. The Pope and other calling “Sir George.”
Church leaders were furious, Jörg”—
but many people agreed with
Luther. His “95 THESES”
John Calvin created a strict
were translated from version of Protestantism at his
Latin and distributed church in Geneva, Switzerland.
all over Germany.
Luther had started a
religious revolution!

ed the world
How it changse t out to reform
Though he only
er’s actions led to
the Church, Luth
istianity called
a new type of Chr
hich 800 million
Protestantism, w he
op le wor ld w id e follow today. T
pe us
the era of religio
95 Theses led to n.
the Reformatio
upheaval we call

Reform spreads
Luther was excommunicated (banned) from the
Church and declared an outlaw. He WENT INTO
HIDING, but was protected by his local prince,
Frederick the Wise. He continued to speak out
against the Church, and, alongside other reformers,
such as Frenchman John Calvin and John Knox
from Scotland, he began to lay the foundations for
the Protestant branch of Christianity, which took
root in northern Europe.

e after…
What cam
Arguments over the
Reformation led to the THIRTY In England, the Reformation
YEARS’ WAR (1618–48). During began when King HENRY VIII
the conflict, Germany lost divorced his wife, was
up to 40 percent of its excommunicated by the Pope,
population, and a third of and set himself up as head
its towns were destroyed. of the new Church of England.
and Incas
Two great civilizations
OYED by fortune hunters
When the Spanish landed in the
Americas, they found civilizations that
had flourished for centuries. But within
a few decades, those ancient cultures
had been wiped out by the newcomers.
The Span
Treasure hunters “conquistaish were called
When explorer Christopher means “co dors”—which
Columbus returned to Spain in
1493 with tales of the treasures he
had seen in the Americas, other
tempted to see for themselves.
They set sail in search of
wealth, especially gold.

Cortés and Moctezuma

landed in Mexico in 1519, with
an army of 600 men. When he was
brought to Moctezuma II, leader of
the Aztecs, he was welcomed with
lavish gifts. Things deteriorated,
however, when Cortés took Moctezuma
hostage and made himself governor.
t c ame before… Moctezuma was killed soon after.
One of the earliest American THE MAYA (400 BCE–1697 CE)
civilizations, the OLMECS of Central America devised
(1200–400 BCE) were farmers a form of writing and made
who also produced striking books, called codices, that
artwork, including giant, told stories about Maya life
carved stone heads. and mythology.
Moctezuma possibly welcomed Cortés After his capture,
because an Aztec prophecy foretold Atahualpa converted to
the arrival of a god with white skin. Christianity and was
renamed Francisco
Atahualpa, after Pizarro.

The fall of the Inca

In 1532, conquistador FRANCISCO PIZARRO
destroyed the other great civilization of Latin
America, the Inca. Pizarro took the Inca king
Atahualpa hostage, and although the Incas
paid a huge ransom of gold, Pizarro had
Atahualpa strangled and seized control
of Inca lands and treasures.
d th e w
hange orl
it c d
of the

Neither the he de s truction ltures
T n cu
Spanish nor the America a huge
ancient r
Aztecs claimed e way fo
responsibility for paved th tlers from Spain
set ,
Moctezuma’s death. wave of America. Today
to Sout h rican
ost S outh Ame ish-
m an
s are Sp
countrie d have strong
g an
speakin Spain.
Spanish success ties with
The conquistadors defeated the
Aztecs and Incas mainly because
they had HORSES AND GUNS. The
Spanish also brought illnesses such
as smallpox and the flu. Thousands of
native people died because they had
no immunity to these European diseases.

Smallpox was ve
contagious. It ca ry
fever and bliste used
a t ca me after… often led to deatrs, and
W h
(1474–1566) was a priest who The Spanish SPREAD CHRISTIANITY
campaigned for the rights of throughout their colonies.
the Native American slaves, Today, more than 40 percent
who were brutally treated of the world’s Catholics live
by the Spanish settlers. in Latin America.
e o f Vienna
ie g aid “nein!” to the
s hen Vie OTTOMAN empire
n n a s

h e W mig

By the 1500s, the Ottoman Turks

ruled the Middle East and most of
eastern Europe. But when they
headed west to take the city of Vienna
in 1529, it all started to go wrong...

Islamic conquerors
C as

The Ottoman empire was



Constant (modern-day Turkey) in about

an ean Se
1300 by an Islamic warrior named
Baghdad Osman. In just over 200 years, it had
Cairo Jerusalem
become one of the world’s most
powerful empires, thanks to its
Ottoman empire superior military and infighting in

Major sites
the lands they conquered.

Suleiman the Magnificent

? Suleiman I was the tenth Ottoman
y o u knowear sultan. He was a brilliant general who
Di d -y 00
rou gh out its 6 n empire personally led his troops into battle.
Th oma
the Ott who He was also a POET, ART-LOVER,
history, led by sultans of AND GOLDSMITH who spoke five
was ru descendants
were all ame family. languages. The Ottoman empire
the s reached its furthest extent during
his 46-year rule, and by 1529 Suleiman’s
Vienna stood in the way of its reign was the
longest of
expansion into western Europe. any sultan.

a t c am e before…
In 1200, Vienna built FORTRESS-LIKE The Ottomans often used MASSIVE
CITY WALLS, to keep out invaders. In CANNONS called bombards in their
1485, the Hungarians laid siege sieges. Their firepower helped them
to Vienna for six months, until the capture the Byzantine capital,
citizens were forced to surrender. Constantinople, in 1453.

The siege of Vienna
Suleiman mustered his vast army in
Bulgaria and set off, but rainy weather
turned the route to mud and Suleiman
lost many guns, camels, and even men
on the way. When they finally laid siege
to Vienna, more rain and snow and a
lack of supplies spelled DISASTER FOR
THE OTTOMANS. They gave up and
began the long journey home.

City defenders
The Ottoman defeat
was also partly due
to the courageous
defense of Vienna.
Farmers, peasants,
and civilians came
together and constructed
defenses to protect their
city. The famous German
also put their lives on the
line in a heroic effort.

The Landsknechts
were famed for their
fighting skills and
colorful clothes.
How it
the world
Vienna w
proved the the conflict that
unstoppab were not
nations of The Christian
Europe be
gradual p gan a
ush back,
1529 Otto a n d from
man powe
to steadily r b egan

What came after…

In 1683, the Ottomans failed again
to take Vienna. Legend has it that Ottoman rule came to an end when
the Viennese celebrated by baking the last sultan, Mehmet VI, was forced
pastries that mimicked the crescent to abdicate in 1922. A year later, the
symbol on the Ottoman flag. We modern state of TURKEY was founded
know them today as CROISSANTS! by army officer Kemal Atatürk.

c a n
e r i
A m ion life
h e l u
T vo ry explod t e s into
m e rica

Renew count
1 3 A spille r
i n the rule a r fo
n r est ritish nd a egan.
A 7 5 , u ver B ion, a ce b
17 o ut en
In lonies revol epend
co into n ind
r a
ove eric
A m
The British are coming!
In April 1775, PAUL REVERE (right), an
American who belonged to a rebel group
called the Sons of Liberty, was spying on
British troops stationed in Boston. When
he saw that the British were ready to
move on American rebels gathered in the
city of Lexington, Massachusetts, he rode
all through the night to warn rebel
commanders throughout the state.
The war was about to begin!

The first battles

When the British reached Lexington
on April 19, the rebels were ready.
During a small skirmish, shots were
fired. The first shot was famously
described by American poet Ralph
Waldo Emerson as the “SHOT HEARD
AROUND THE WORLD” because it meant
war had begun. Later that day, at Concord,
the first battle was won by the rebels,
forcing the British to retreat to Boston.

W h a t l e d t o it …
The British imposed HEAVY
TAXES on the American In 1773, during the BOSTON
colonists. The taxes were TEA PARTY, rebels boarded
unpopular, especially since British ships and dumped
the colonists couldn’t vote in their cargo of tea into
the British parliament. Boston harbor.
Declaration of Independence
As the fighting wore on, the 13 rebel
American colonies decided to form
their own government (Congress).
Thomas Jefferson, a lawyer,
As well the way...
the new nation and
rider a as being a fa presented it to Congress.
nd st On July 4, 1776, the
hero, I an American
silversm was also a United States of
illustratith, a book America (USA)
part-tim or, and a was born.
e dentis
General Charles half
surrendered on beOctober
of the British on
19, 1781.

y o u know?ly on was
Di d
v e r e
’s ride o ears The Declarati members
R e
Paul amous 95 y signed by 56
f et of Congress.
became event, when po a
after th ongfellow wrote
Hen L em about it.
r y
Victory in Yorktowns, until
War raged for eight ye
by the
the Americans, helped
d the
French navy, surrounde
British army in the PO
siege, the 8,000 British
troops surrendered.
the war
realized it was losing
and suggested peace
The rebels had won.

it chang
How ed r ld
the wo
lo n is ts fo ught the w
o ll
The c
s ta te d b elief that a
over their d equal,
a ted free an
W h a t came afte r… men a r e c r
e s a m e natural rig
and have ed shape th ought
e way
id e a h e lp
This orld th
After the war, the commander
a ll over the w cracy.
of the American army, GEORGE p e o p le
n r ig h ts , and demo
WASHINGTON, was hailed a hero— about hum
and in 1789 he was elected the
first president of the United States.
F r e n c h
T h e t i o n
R e v o l u lo s t h i s HEAD
k i ng o fF dreame
Wh e n t h e n a r i e s
e n c h r evolutio ore decent
, Fr r, m nto
In 1789 eating a faire soon turned i
of cr th e dream a n d chaos.
—b u t she d
country mare of blood
a night

By the wale farm
At the fairy-tVersailles,
I had built a to be a
I pretended nding to
shepherdess, erfumed
a flock o f p
sheep and lam

The mob killed

the governor
of the Bastille,
then paraded his
head through the
streets on a spike.

Rich and poor

In the 18th century, the nobles The people are revolting
and churchmen of France enjoyed Unrest turned to revolution on
huge wealth and privilege, while JULY 14, 1789, when an angry
ordinary people went hungry. mob rampaged through Paris
King Louis XVI and his queen, and broke into the Bastille
MARIE ANTOINETTE (above), fortress. They freed the seven
were caught between pleasing prisoners inside and, more
the different groups, and ended importantly, seized the huge
up angering them all. As time stocks of weapons and
passed, people grew impatient gunpowder stored there.
with the king. Revolution had begun.

What came before…

The Enlightenment was a time in
the 1700s when people began to For centuries, France had been
challenge traditional ways of divided into THREE CLASSES, OR ESTATES:
thinking. French philosopher churchmen, nobility, and common
VOLTAIRE said that all people people. The first two estates enjoyed
should have freedom of speech. many privileges and huge wealth.
Off with their heads! By July 1794, everyone was sick
By 1791, the revolutionaries ruled of Robespierre’s brutality. He
was then executed, to the
France. They passed laws to make cheers of the people of Paris.
society more equal, and to reduce
the power of the Church and
nobility. King Louis XVI and
Queen Marie Antoinette tried to
escape from France in disguise, but
they were captured, imprisoned,
The guillotine and eventually BEHEADED by the
was designed guillotine for treason in 1793.
to make death
quick and Charles-Henri
(relatively!) Sanson executed
painless. the king. He
executed about
3,000 people
during his career.

Robespierre’s Terror
Radical lawyer MAXIMILIEN
ROBESPIERRE became one of
the most powerful figures of the
Revolution. He was responsible
for the Reign of Terror of
1793–94, when up to 40,000
French people were executed
or died in prison, sometimes just
because Robespierre suspected
they were against the Revolution.

How it changed
the world
The leaders o
Did yo f the French
Revolution pu
Louis wa u know? about freedom
t forward idea
all his ro s stripped of democracy th
, equality, and
executed al titles and all over Europ
at eventually
u e and vastly im ad
birth namnder his the lives of ord proved
“Louis C e of inary people.

e after…
What cam
Napoleon wanted to rule Europe,
After the Revolution collapsed in but he was defeated in 1815 at
1799, a brilliant soldier named Waterloo by the British, led by
became a military hero and, Napoleon fell from power
in 1804, emperor of France. and died in 1821.
Revolutio By
My fu the way
n s in ll
José Aname is Sim

South Ame Santís ntonio de la ón

Bolívar ma Trinidad

How a young re
bel led
r ica Blanco Palacios

call mebut you can

upris S
ings agains IX
t Spanisdifferent
h rule!
After 300 years of being
ruled by Spain, by 1810,
the people of South America
had had enough. They wanted
independence, and they were
prepared to fight for it!

brother was
Joseph I

Trigger for rebellion

By 1800, much of South America was
under Spanish control. Then, when
Emperor Napoleon of France invaded
Spain and made his brother king,
the Spanish were furious. The South
American colonies saw a chance to go
for INDEPENDENCE while the Spanish
were distracted by troubles at home.

h at c a me after…
In 1810, Mexican priest In 1817, rebels BERNARDO
MIGUEL HIDALGO led O’HIGGINS (left), José de San
a rebellion with his Martin, and 5,000 men trekked
cry of “Viva Mexico!” over the Andes to surprise
Mexico finally declared Spanish troops at the Battle of
independence in 1821. Chacabuco and liberate Chile.
Young revolutionary
Simon Bolívar was a Venezuelan who, inspired by the
revolutions in France and America, vowed to free his country
from Spanish rule. Bolívar and his followers invaded
Venezuela on May 14, 1813, and although he was
hailed by the people as El Libertador (the
LIBERATOR), civil war meant he had to flee.
He returned and finished the job in 1821.

Busy liberator
Bolívar wasn’t only a hero AT
named their currency, the Bolivar,
after him in 1879. He also helped
liberate Ecuador, Colombia, Peru,
Panama, and Bolivia, which they
then named after him, too. He
died in 1830 of tuberculosis.

anged the
it ch wo
ow rld
After the revolutions, Europe
had lost virtually all its lands
in North and South America,
plus the valuable natural
resources that went with
them. Although Europe still
dominated trade around the
world, it would never rule
so much of the planet again.

In 1821, JOSÉ DE SAN MARTIN In 1825, after 16 years

invaded Peru, which was of struggle led by ANTONIO
the center of Spanish rule JOSÉ DE SUCRE, Bolivia
in South America, and declared independence
declared independence. from Spain.
The Confederacy
When Abraham Lincoln was elected president of
The battle flag of
the Confederacy the United States in 1861, 11 Southern states broke
came to be the away to form their own nation, the Confederacy.
main symbol of the They worried that Lincoln might interfere in their
Southern states. laws and restrict SLAVERY. The other states, known
as the Union, decided to stop them. The country
was at war—with itself.

A SPEECH that rallied the
Unionists in the Civil War

The speech
After the war’s deadliest battle at Gettysburg, President Lincoln
made a speech on November 19, 1863, that reminded people
they were fighting for the future of the Union and the
meaning of liberty. Though only 271 words long, Lincoln’s
GETTYSBURG ADDRESS became a rallying cry that
strengthened the Unionists’ determination to win the war.

2 percent hanged
During the Civil War, died. This is
of the US populat ion it c mine
men today. d de ach oth ly

The South burns equivalent to six million ed a n e


Gradually, Lincoln’s UNIONIST ARMY gained the upper Unit to fight SA quic est,
hand. He freed the slaves in 1863, and many black men fought neve in, the U the rich tion
aga to be rful na

on the Union side. The Union army marched through the grew st powe world.

South, burning the land as they went. Finally, in April 1865, mo in the w
the Confederates surrendered. The war was over. the
Settlers spread west
In the 19th century, the USA
was rapidly expanding. White
Battle of
search of new territory, to
the lands of the Native
Americans who had always
Little Bighorn
lived there. Many tribes were Custer’s final fight, and one of
forced off their own land and
into areas called reservations.

Trouble brewing
As time passed, the Natives were forced onto ever-
smaller reservations, and whites often INTRUDED even
on these meager lands. Angered by this, the Natives,
led by Hunkpapa chief Sitting Bull, decided to
fight back. In response, the US army sent a
cavalry division led by Civil War
veteran George Custer.

A Native reservation

Custer was called

“Yellow Hair” and “Son of the hanged
Morning Star” by the Natives. it c s the
Custer’s last stand n wa ph. By

h o r

Surprised by a larger force than expected, Custer’s unit Bi g ium ite

was cornered by a river called Little Bighorn. Custer
Little s’ last tr tury, wh d
tribe 20th cen d claime
and all 210 of his men were killed. The Natives couldn’t the tlers ha all of

celebrate for long, as the US army responded with more set almost erica.

h Am
soldiers. Within a year, many of the Natives had
SURRENDERED, and Sitting Bull had fled to Canada.
Nort th 59
s i n a t i o n s
A ss a s AGIC m e t a TR
aders w h o
Th e u n lu c k y le
h a n g e t h e world
a s t h e y t r ied to c

Julius CaRoman war hero Jluman
By 44 BCE the most powerfu
as ade
Caesar w . He had been m arge
rld ch
in the wo Life” of Rome, in
r mans
ir e . B u t some Ro r
of its vas
t emp
o m u c h power fo
is was to TO KILL
felt that th they PLOTTED
, so en
one man rch 15, 44 BCE, wh was
Ma he
him. On th e Senate, .
Caesar ar
riv e d a t
o u p o f Senators
g r
ded by a ir daggers and
surroun th e
heathed ntil he fe
They uns ti m e s u
im 23
stabbed h e Senate floor.
to th Did
The Senate was the dead, on Whil you k
shoo escapin now?
place where the rulers e
of Rome met to debate Linco ting P g afte
ln, re r
and pass laws. the t the kille sident
and heater s r fell off
e his tage
Abraham Lincoln
1861 to w
1865. He as president o
War, wh le f the
en some d the country du USA from
the Con sta rin
federacy tes, who called g the Civil
to REST , fou the
RICT SL ght against Lin mselves
Lincoln’s AVE coln’s po
side won RY. After four y licy
preside , but jus ears,
nt was t
wife we shot dea a week later th
re w d while he e
The kille atching a play and his
rw at the th
spy nam as an actor and eate
ed John Confede r.
shot dea Wil rac
d himse kes Booth, who y
lf 11 day was
s later.

Mohandas “Ma
Indian lawyer M
atma” Gandhi
ohandas Gandh
famous for his N i was
ICE. He led the
fight for Indian in successful
dependence from
staging hunger st Britain by
rikes and sit-dow
disobeying unfa n protests,
ir laws, or refusi
In 1948, he was ng to work.
killed at a praye
by a religious fa r meeting
natic who oppose
work to bring M d Gandhi’s
uslims and Hindu
s together.

The nick
“Great a” means

y e nnedy he
enned a l d K ,
.K Fitzger in 1960
John F3-year-old Johne United Statescted to the job.
4 nt of th ver to be ele 1963, the
When r e s i d e
p e 2,
elected youngest man November 2 N DALLAS,
e on I
was th
e y e a r s later, SHOT DEAD e. The
e s d
But thr president wa in a motorca ll over the
a r i n g l e a
popul while travel o c k e d peop e Harvey
, h e
TEXAS tion deeply s ine named L ut he
s i n a M a r g , b
assas f o r m er US r t h e killin e could
A fo
world. was arrested illed before h
d dk
f w a s shot an
himsel l.
stand t
Did you know? Mar
There are at least Mart tin Luth
Ame n Luther er King
730 streets in the United
He o ican cam King, Jr. , Jr.
States named after rgan paig was
PRO i n a
Martin Luther King, Jr. TES zed mas er for e n Africa
He h TS a sive, qual n-
e n N r
sure lped int d made ONVIO ights.
a r i
at sc ll Amer oduce la nspiring LENT
hool ican
dead , and s we ws that speeche
r m s.
Tenn n 1968 i n their e treated ade
esse , at a jobs e qual
Jame e .K
s Ea . A smal hotel in ing was ly
and r l
was l Ray co -time cri Memphi shot
sent n mina s,
ence fessed l n a
d to to m
King had 99 y the mu ed
assassin survived an ears r
in ja der
1958, wh ation attempt in il.
stabbed en Izola Curry
with a le him in the che
tter ope st
F r a n z erdinan
Franz Fom a single

n a n d died fr t wound to
gunsho k.

Ferdi inated
his nec

a s s a s s o f a t r i g ger
How the
a g lo b a l WAR
set off

In 1914, tempers in Europe were short

as different countries picked quarrels
with one another. When the heir to the
throne of Austria-Hungary was murdered
in Sarajevo, the built-up tension boiled
over into all-out war.
Divided Europe
Fierce rivalry between European
countries for trade and territory had
created a hostile atmosphere, with two
alliance systems at work. Germany,
Austria, and Italy worked together, with
Britain, France, and Russia declaring
each other allies. The German ruler,
Kaiser Wilhelm II, wanted to make his
country a world power. When he built
up a formidable navy, both France
and Britain were alarmed by the
German ruler Kaise KAISER’S AGGRESSION.
Wilhelm II (left), an r
Austria’s Emperor Frd
Joseph were staunch anz
W ha t c a me afte r…

At the BATTLE OF GALLIPOLI, During the five-month BATTLE OF

in 1915, the British and THE SOMME in France, in 1916,
their allies suffered huge more than a million soldiers
casualties fighting were killed. Britain lost
against Turkey, which about 20,000 men on
sided with Germany. the first day alone.
Assassination at Sarajevo
On June 28, 1914, Austria-Hungary’s Archduke
Franz Ferdinand was visiting the Serbian city
of SARAJEVO. Protestors threw a bomb at the
Archduke’s motorcade, but he survived. Then, later,
another member of the gang spotted
the Archduke in his car. He
fired his gun, killing both
Franz Ferdinand and his
wife, Sophie.

On the Western Front,

men on both sides
were bogged down in The world at war
muddy trenches. Tens
of thousands died Within a month, an angry Austria-Hungary,
in every battle. supported by their German allies, had
the two main alliances had declared war on
each other and combat began. In 1917, the
United States joined in against Germany.
What we now know as World War I was
fought on two main fronts: the Western
in Belgium and northern France, and the
Eastern in Russia. For the first time, tanks
and airplanes were used in combat.

How it changed
the world
Franz Ferdinand’s death
Did you
The assas know? started the largest conflict the
Princip, w sin, Gavrilo world had ever seen. By its
of a gang s a member end in 1918, 20 million people
who wanteof Bosnians would be dead and the map
from Aust d freedom of Europe completely
ry. redrawn.

The war lasted for four Everyone was poor after the
years, until Germany, war. In Germany, the price
short of supplies and men of goods rose out of control
and deserted by its allies, and people found that
November 1918. ALMOST NOTHING.
A t o m i c b o m b s
dropptoeWd orld War II
A devastating end
U S sc ie nt is ts fo un d a way to create
litting atoms, it
deadly weapons by sp
b attacks that sent
resulted in two bom
the world.
shockwaves around

A long, hard war

In April 1945, GERMANY finally
surrendered, ending six long years of World
War II in Europe. But in the Pacific, the fight
against Germany’s partner, Japan, dragged on.
US military commanders calculated that it er
would cost them up to a million soldiers’ r e a t t he cent sion
peratu b explo
lives to invade Japan. Instead, they decided on The tem iroshima bomer than
another way to end the war—by developing of the Hee times hott
atomic bombs, the most devastating weapons was thr e of the sun.
the cor
the world had ever seen.

Atomic arms race

In the US, the secret wartime plan to
develop an atomic bomb was code-named
the Manhattan Project. The head scientist,
J. ROBERT OPPENHEIMER, was helped by
a team of scientists, many of whom had fled
Soviet troops raise the to the USA from Nazi-occupied Europe.
USSR flag over the German
Reichstag (parliament) in Berlin.
e before…
What cam
In September 1939, Adolf During the war, the
Hitler, Nazi dictator of Nazis executed SIX MILLION
Germany, invaded Poland. JEWISH PEOPLE from all over
This broke an agreement he Europe. This systematic
had made with Britain and murder is now known
France, who DECLARED WAR. as the Holocaust.
Weapon of mass destruction
The bombs Oppenheimer’s team
developed were nicknamed Little Boy
and Fat Man. Little Boy was 10 ft (3 m)
long and weighed the same as an adult
elephant. Its destructive power came from
reactions within atoms, which is why
it was called an ATOMIC BOMB (and
sometimes, a nuclear bomb). Fat Man was
slightly larger and 40 percent more lethal.

Little Boy was fitted with a

parachute to slow its drop
and allow time for the plane
to escape the blast zone.

u k now 65 How
o 1
Did ywere aboutvors”— it c
There ouble surv enced ha
“d eri ng
known le who exp ombs. ed
peop atomic b the
both T world
the hough
also worst c the ato
sh on mi
war owed h flict in c bomb
othe could b umans uman s ended
atom r c e . j u s hist
Hiroshima and Nagasaki ic b ountrie In the f t how d ory, th
On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped used ombs, b s deve ollowin estruc ey
h ut lop g tive
Little Boy on the Japanese CITY OF HIROSHIMA. larg as kep the fe ed the years,
ely t a i
free the We r of th r own
More than 70,000 people were killed instantly, from ster em
and twice that number died later, as a result of maj n wor being
or w ld
radiation. Three days later, Fat Man was dropped ars.
on Nagasaki, again causing devastation and
horrific suffering. Japan surrendered, and
World War II was finally over.

Invading the Soviet On June 6, 1944 (D-Day),

Union turned out to be British, American, and
Hitler’s biggest mistake. Allied troops landed on the
His long campaign to BEACHES OF NORTHERN FRANCE,
take the CITY OF STALINGRAD and began gradually to win
ended in failure and the mainland Europe back
loss of 850,000 men. from German control.
r l d c a me
h e n t he wo WIPEOUT
W T OTA L ies USA ers,
close t o ll
I, the superpow
b a
Cu sile
War I
e riva
After SR becam both had a, a tiny
and U the 1960 -off on Cu the world

Mis is
y t
and b ns. A stand fic, brough
o i .
weap in the Pac estruction

island o nuclear

Cracks appear
The splits between the USSR, led
by Josef Stalin, and the UK (led by
Winston Churchill) and USA (led by
Franklin D. Roosevelt) appeared
before the end of World War II.
The countries disagreed on how to
deal with postwar Europe. The
USSR wanted more territory, but
the Americans feared more countries
in Europe turning COMMUNIST
under Soviet influence.
President John F.
ft) and Kennedy appeared on
Churchill (le iddle) didn’t television on October 22,
Roosevelt (m(right). 1962, to explain that
trust Stalin nuclear missiles had
been spotted in Cuba.
Arms race
Instead of going to war,
the USA and USSR put their
energies into developing more
The weapons’ awesome power
meant neither side could afford to
launch an attack—a war would destroy
themselves as well as the enemy. The weapons
sat aimed at each other on permanent standby.

e before…
What cam
When civil war broke out in The USA and its allies
KOREA IN 1950, the USA formed the military
supported South Korea, organization NATO.
while the USSR backed the In response, the USSR
communists in the North. and its allies created
the Warsaw Pact.
Crisis in Cuba
In October 1962, President John F. Kennedy
found out that the USSR had SECRETLY stationed
missiles on the island of Cuba, only 90 miles
(150 km) from US territory. The weapons pointed
toward the USA, and were capable of causing
mass destruction. Kennedy demanded that
Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev remove them.
Khrushchev refused. The world held its breath.

Fidel Castro t
led a communis
revolution in e
Cuba in 1959. H
became an ally
of the USSR
soon after. Crisis averted
The Cuban Missile Crisis ended
after 13 stressful days when
the USSR agreed to take back
the missiles. Both sides signed a
treaty that limited their weapon
building. They also installed a
telephone “hotline” so that
leaders of the USA and USSR
could be in direct contact.
was the Soviet
leader from
1953–1964. it ch anged the world
H ow
e so close to a disa
The world had com isis that
clea r w ar du rin g the Cuban Missile Cr rect
aded nu
rd af terward to avoid di
Cuba was blockennedy the USA and U SS R tried ha
mpeted in
t K
by Presiden ships atio n w ith ea ch ot her. Instead, they co ted
confront oration, and suppor
to stop Soviet ting su ch as sp ace ex pl
from transpor island. other areas, nflicts and uprisings
missiles to the different sides in co

e after…
What cam
CZECHOSLOVAKIA was a The Soviets and the USA
communist country heavily backed opposite sides
propped up by the USSR. In when communist NORTH
1968, an anticommunist VIETNAM broke away
uprising was violently put from the South in 1955,
down by Soviet troops. sparking 20 years of war.
F a l l
The e
of th
I O N b e tween
e s o f D IVIS y end
Deca d e r m a n
t a n d W est G
In 1961, the Berlin Wall was built
to prevent East Germans fleeing Berliners began to
out of the city to the West. Its demolish the wall
once the East German
destruction 28 years later marked government fell.
the end of communism in Europe.

Divided Deutschland
Germany was divided
into communist
East Germany and
democratic West Berlin
Germany. The city
of Berlin was also East
divided, with the
western part controlled
by the USA, France, and West East
Britain, and the eastern Germany Berlin
zone by the Soviet
Union (USSR). Separated families
East Germany needed to stop people
West Berlin from leaving to live in the West. Overnight,

a t cam e before… the USSR built a HUGE WALL ACROSS

W h BERLIN. Armed guards shot at anyone
who tried to get over the wall. People
ght were shocked to find out they were
THE USSR fou rebels
u n ist stuck on one side or the other, cut
ta n from off from family and friends.
in Afghanis s
The war wa
ft the Soviet
costly and le p trouble.
economy in

End of communism
In 1989, Soviet leader
Mikhail Gorbachev decided
that the USSR could no longer
afford to prop up the other
A yea y the w communist governments in
East r after t ay… Eastern Europe, and, one by
becam and Wes he wall f one, these regimes were
e t ell
with one coun Germany , overthrown. The East German
ar try
as th eunited Be again, government fell in November,
e cap r
ital. lin and people on both sides
rushed to tear down the
Mikhail Gorbachev HATED BERLIN WALL.
received the Nobel Peace
Prize in 1990 for helping
end the Cold War.

chanw it
the w ged
The wall today
Berl he fall o Parts of the wall have been left
in W f the
begi a
nnin ll marke standing, as a memorial to the
the C g d
old W of the e the estimated 136 PEOPLE WHO
divid ar, w n d of DIED trying to cross it. The wall
threa ed the w hich ha
d is also a vivid reminder of the
the e tened p orld and
nd o eace bitter divisions that split the
f Wo s
rld W ince world for almost 30 years.
ar II

ha t came after…
m an ia w as one of the the USSR broke up into
Ro stern
m u n ist re gimes in Ea 15 separate countries.
tal dictator The lar gest of the new
Europe. Bru d the
USESCU le states was the Russian
25 years bef Federation, which
country for
thrown. adopted this flag.
he was over

t i m e s
u b lin g an be l o n g - l a s t i ng.
T en things go wrong,rouble for a lot of psehaven’t.
t h e e ff e cts c o p l e . S o me of

n t s c a u s ed t o l v e d . Other
e s
These ev EMS have been
the PROB
h Troubles
The Northern Irviis
olence erupted in
Nor thern
In the late 1960s, B ri tish and their su
th e ru lin g nited
Ireland as gr ou ps who wanted a u
lit ic al
clashed with po ca m e to be known as
he co nf lic t
Ireland. T peace talks
bl es ,” an d en de d in 1998 when NT. The
resulted in orthern
em en t w as si gn ed by England, N s largely
th e R ep ub lic of Ireland, and ha
Ireland, an d on.
an d re du ce d te nsion in the regi
brought peace

Irish Taoiseach BertieMitchell,
US Senator Geo rg e
and British Prime MiniGood
Tony Blair during th e
Friday Agreement talks

u k now end
Did yeace talks t inian
p st
After Israeli-Pale own, a da
the t broke was d Palestinian intinifang “shaking off”) of 1987 was an the
ea as
conflic nd intifada . The intifada (m t what they saw
stinian rebels ag nflict that
seco led in 2000 uprising by Pale ei r la nd s. In the long co
cal n of th tens of
Israeli occupatio 00 0 pe op le were killed and
an 2, mpted,
followed, more th A C E TA LK S have been atte
d. P E
thousands injure
sed the situation.
but haven’t yet ea
On September 11, 2001, four ordinary American
passenger planes were hijacked by members of
an extremist Islamic group known as al-Qaeda.
The TERRORISTS flew two of the planes
straight into the twin towers of the World Trade
Center in New York. Another plane hit the
headquarters of the Department of Defense, the
Pentagon, in Washington, DC, and the fourth
crashed in a field. Around 3,000 people died.

Terrorist Flames rise in

planes hit the the streets of Cairo,
Twin Towers. Egypt, during the
Arab Spring.
Did you know?
After 9/11, the US
declared a “War on
Terror”—which led to
wars in Afghanistan
and Iraq.
Protests on Wall
Street, New York’s
financial district.

Arab Spring
Starting in De
cember 2010,
and civil wa a wave of pro
rs spread acr tests
The people o oss the Arab
f Tu w o rld.
forced their lo nisia, Libya, Egypt, and Ye
ngstanding d men
g c r is is There were U ictators out o
nkin in the PRISINGS in f p ower.
Global ba eco nom ic cr isis began to countries, as
o rd inary citizens
many other A
ra b
In 2008, an nks lent a lot of mo s th at th ey w o m ad e it cle a
ba he bank uld not accep r
USA where ouldn’t pay it back. T Soon, The whole re
v o lu
t bad governm
tion was calle e nt.
people wh
b o rr o w to survive. orld Spring,” sugg
esting a time d th e “A ra b
had to ing. W
themselves lend anybody anyth le lost The chain of
ev e n ts
of new begin
dare d any p eo p set in motion contin
no one p , a n d m s is, to day , bu t no t all changes u es
dried u lt of the cri
cash flow a s a res u hav e last ed .
s and jobs etween the
their home in g g a p b
a widen
leading to

A l l

History tends to move at a very slow pace, with changes

happening over time and in unnoticeable ways.
Every now and then, however, a single event clearly
marks the beginning of a new era, where things will
never be quite the same again. It might be the rise or fall
of an empire, an extraordinary person who seizes the
moment, or even a completely random incident. Whether
they are moments of triumph or tragedy, some events
are so powerful that they change the world forever,
often in unforeseeable ways.
ch a n g e
By t Kingdom to republic
I’m Cicer he way… Rome’s legendary first king
lawyer, an o! I was a writer, was its founder ROMULUS
did you k hilosopher, but who, along with his twin
a Roman now I was brother, Remus, had been raised
I had sev consul, too? by a wolf. Romulus killed Remus
with Juliusral run-ins after a squabble about where to
build the city, and then made
himself Rome’s first king. The last
king, Tarquin the Proud, was
overthrown in 509 BCE for
being too proud. Romulus
and Remus
served for life.

Ruling the republic

After Tarquin was toppled, Rome was a republic
(ruled by its people) for 500 years. All free men
had the right to vote. They elected two CONSULS
to run Rome, helped by the Senate. In difficult
times, consuls might appoint a dictator to lead
on their behalf and make all the decisions.

it change
ow d
Roman Republic

In its
republic, Rtime as a
made it a ome’s armies

is founded
One of the world’s SUPER STATES
conquering world power,
three cont ovinces on


started as a tiny kingdom in 753 BCE the wo

Rome’s first
Republic to empire emperor,
Wars of conquest brought Rome power and riches. Augustus,
Julius Caesar was one of the last dictators. Civil shown on
wars led to the collapse of the republic in 27 BCE a coin
after which Rome became an empire. Caesar’s
adopted son AUGUSTUS was its first emperor.
Alaric was
born in what is
now Romania. The sack
of Rome
How BARBARIANS brought the world’s
greatest empire to its knees
Barbarians seize their chance
In 286 CE, the Roman emperor Diocletian split the Roman
empire in two because it was too big to govern alone.
Seeing an opportunity, Germanic tribes (known to the
Romans as “barbarians”), such as the Goths and the Vandals,
soon targeted the weaker, western half. In 376, the Goths
pushed into Roman territory, and in 410 ALARIC, king of
the Visigoths, looted Rome itself. Vandal raiders sacked
the city again in 455. Rome was weakening.

When Alaric died, the Visigoths

hid his grave by diverting a river,
burying him in the channel, and
then diverting the river back
over his grave.

Odoacer knocking of
Romulus’s crow n
ow it chang
H ed
End of an empire Ther
The last Roman emperor in the
Europe was inst
west, Romulus Augustulus, was
slowly e for a w ability in
, hi
just a boy. He was overthrown emer new kingdle, but
medie ed and oms
in 476 CE by a “barbarian” leader val ag the
e beg
named ODOACER. Slowly, an.
different peoples took over the
western lands. The eastern half of t h e w or l d
the empire, Byzantium, survived
for another thousand years.
destroys Persepolis
How a king from a small GREEK
city-state built a mighty EMPIRE
In 331 BCE, the Macedonian king and
general Alexander the Great defeated
Darius III and took control of the
mighty Persian empire. Here’s how.

From king h
to pharao as just
-state when
a Greek city in
ecame king
Alexander b p
r pumping u
336 BCE. Afte
’s status in
his kingdom
ander set
Greece, Alex
an empire.
out to build
He swept un or
across Asia
(modern-d y a
GYPT. Once
Syria, and E
ve himself a
there, he ga h!
grand new ti

Alexander founded Alexander was

the port of only 25 when he
Alexandria in Egypt. ruined Persepolis!

hat c e after…
General PERDICCAS ruled General Ptolemy I Soter
Macedonia as regent took over Alexander’s
for Alexander’s son kingdom of Egypt. He
Alexander IV, who was founded a dynasty that
born in August 323 BCE. ruled for almost 300 years.
Perdiccas was assassinated The last Ptolemaic pharaoh
two or three years later. was CLEOPATRA (left).
Old enemies
Alexander’s sights were set on the Alexander died at the
Persian empire. The Greeks had never age of 32 in the palace
forgiven King Xerxes for invading and of Nebuchadnezzar II
burning Athens in 480 BCE. Alexander of Babylon.
defeated DARIUS III (Xerxes’s great-great-
great-great-grandson) at the Battle of Issus
in 333 BCE and then again, once and for all,
at the Battle of Gaugamela in 331 BCE.
Xerxes humiliated
the Greeks during the
Greco-Persian wars.
Perfect revenge
Next, Alexander moved on to PERSEPOLIS, the
Persian capital. Most of its palaces and fine buildings
had been completed during Xerxes’s reign. Alexander
instructed his men to kill every last Persian, loot the
city’s treasures, and torch its buildings. Much of Sudden end
Persepolis was burned to the ground, just as the Alexander marched his men as far
Greek capital, Athens, had been in 480 BCE. as India, but then they refused to
go any farther. They returned to

h e wayhood Babylon where, in June 323 BCE,
By t der’s boy Alexander fell ill and died,
Alexantor was thek possibly by poisoning. Alexander’s
tu t Gree .
ancien er Aristotle son was not born until after his
op h death, so the empire was shared
between his GENERALS.

it changed the world


Alexander’s conquests spread

Greek culture, language, and ideas
across Asia as far as India. He
destroyed the Persian empire, and
the cities he established (many
named Alexandria) strengthened
trade between Europe and Asia.

General SELEUCUS I NICATOR Alexander’s bodyguard,

ruled over Babylonia. Lysimachus, took over Asia
The Seleucid empire he Minor, including the city of
established lasted until Pergamon, which soon fell to his
64 BCE. At its height, it backstabbing lieutenant, PHILETAERUS
spread as far as Afghanistan (left). He founded the Attalid
and northwestern India. dynasty, which ruled Asia
Minor until 133 BCE.
u a c an Th e P y r a m id of the Sun t
world’s high

ih of age
one of the t 246 ft (75 m).

pyramids a
co Te

moamer ic a nM
f Te
u a c
otih moder
an— -

ty o s”—in of the s.

e s c i
the e god e one erica
C E ,
M 450 of th com e Am
o u nd place had be s of th
Ar bir th xico c itie
e e t
“th ay M ncien
d a
r g est

w ay rower
h r
y theSpeart city fo ut
B hty this s—b
ig le ar g
I, Ml, will ru 60 ye makin s.
Ow e than tire of he god
mor l never es to t
I’l crific

Multicultural mix
The city’s origins are
shrouded in mystery, but
building probably began
about 100 BCE. At its peak, Teotihuacan
was home to as many as 125,000
people. It traded with other central
American city-states, and even took
one over. King Spearthrower Owl,
who had roots in the city, conquered
the Mayan city of TIKAL and installed
one of his sons as king there.
Kings were
religious leaders
hat c e before…
as well as rulers.

The TOTONAC of eastern To build on the swampy land,
Mexico claimed they the Teotihuacanos created
built Teotihuacan. chinampas (reed islands)
Totonacs certainly lived crisscrossed by canals. These
in the city, but there’s chinampas at XOCHIMILCO
no evidence they built it. date to Aztec times.
City slickers Religion, ritual, and art
There was no jumble of streets Teotihuacanos worshipped
in Teotihuacan’s city center. It many GODS. Priests kept the
was built on a neat grid with a gods happy with animal and
wide avenue lined with pyramid human sacrifices. Besides
platforms for making sacrifices. painting spectacular murals,
The landmark PYRAMIDS of the the people of Teotihuacan
Sun and Moon stood to the north also made striking pottery,
of the avenue, and the Temple of jewelry, and masks.
Quetzalcoatl was to the south. The
ceremonial zone made up only a
tenth of the city—there were also
built-up suburbs packed with
housing complexes.
he from a
This mural o palace
How it t he
v e n ue of talled as wo
The was so c are Teotihuacaniest in a Teotihua rl
Dead s like there es. shows a prheaddress. can
spread to o culture
it look on both sid

feathered Aztecs, a the Maya
tombs nd other ,
peoples w s. Those
similar g orshippe
ods and d
Teotihua copied
architectu n’s style of
re. The A
even use ztec
d the sam s
method o e
floating r uilding on
eed islan

hat c e after…
The city’s end is as much The AZTECS used to make
a mystery as its beginning. pilgrimages to the ruins of
In the 600s, TEOTIHUACAN Teotihuacan. They believed
was abandoned and it was the birthplace of the
buildings were burned. sun god, Tonatiuh, shown
Perhaps there was a revolt? here on their calendar stone.
a r l es th
Ch own
0 0 r k n
In 8 t (bette ne) was
Grea arlemag eror in t
as C ned emp the firs r

n o f e
crow . He wa e West f
Rom ror in t 0 years.

n a t i o n e mor
emp than 30

o ro a g o-ruled
agne har Carloman

C arlem Ch a r le m
brothe til his
with hisee years—un died!
for thr r mysterious ly
R of
Ch The FApean unity

Ruler on the rampage

Charlemagne had become sole ruler
of the Franks in 771 CE, and was
on a mission to dominate Europe.
By 774, he was king of Italy. Over the
next 30 years he advanced into Spain,
captured Bavaria, defeated the Avars ?
near Belgrade, and SMASHED THE o u knowpart
SAXONS of northern Germany. Did ymagne was an
Charle he Carolingi ants
of t (descend er
y d
dynast military lea l).
Seat of power of the rles Marte
Charlemagne made Aachen (in the
far west of modern-day Germany)
his power base and capital. He built
a palace and cathedral there. The
only part of the palace still standing
is the PALATINE CHAPEL (left),
which contains Charlemagne’s tomb.

What came before…

CLOVIS I was the first king to Charlemagne encouraged
unite the Franks. He converted to good relations with the
Christianity in 496 CE and had Church, and protected POPE
reconquered much of Roman LEO III from his enemies. In
Gaul by his death in 511. return, Leo lent religious
support to Charlemagne.
Emperor of the Romans
In 800 CE, Charlemagne was ruler of most of western
Europe. On Christmas Day that year, Pope Leo III
The coronation enraged Byzantine Empress
Irene in Constantinople, but she could do
nothing to stop it. Charlemagne was officially
the “Father of Europe.”

Here, the monk

Rabanus Maurus
(left) and Alcuin
(middle) are
their work
to Archbishop
Odgar of Mainz.

The Carolingian Renaissance

Charlemagne could not read, but he knew the
power of education. He surrounded himself
with top scholars, such as the historian Alcuin of
York. Monastic schools grew up across the
empire, where monks hand-copied precious
LATIN MANUSCRIPTS. Under Charlemagne,
art, literature, music, and learning all flourished.

w ay… a igns
How it ch
anged th
th e p
am the e world
By ilitary c size of ! Ch arlemagne
united mo
m e m
My bled th kingdo would eve
ntually be
st of what
dou rankish and the ea o m e France,
F stern part
empire late of
r formed th his
of the futu e core
re German
promotion y. H
education of learning is
helped to and
a leader co s h ow how
uld impro
the lives o ve
f his subje
W hat came af t er…
Charlemagne wanted Many of Charlemagne’s
a standard script used descendants, and later
in books across his powerful rulers, were
empire. The resulting crowned “Emperor of the
was the basis of our Emperor.” OTTO THE GREAT
lowercase alphabet. was the first in 962.
The FATEFUL events
that happened at random
Sometimes Mother Nature or
Spanish Armada destroyed
human error throws up completely England was in deep trouble when the
unexpected events that change greatest naval fleet in the world, the Spanish
everything. Though shocking, ARMADA, engaged England in battle in 1588.
often much can be learned But, through some clever tactics, aided by their
from these unique incidents. smaller and more maneuverable ships, the
English managed to scatter the Armada.
Before the Armada could regroup, it sailed
This man was right into a massive storm that wrecked
cowering as he tried as many as a third of its ships,
to avoid the toxic
fumes of Mount handing victory to the English.
Vesuvius’s eruption.

The A the way
rm …
by Sp ada was se
Protes ain to stop nt
overth tantism and
Elizabe row Que
th I of en

Mount Vesuvius erupts

When the volcano Mount Vesuvius erupted in
79 CE, it buried the Roman city of POMPEII that
lay nearby, but the ash and molten rock strangely
preserved the city, too. After excavation from 1798
onward, the town was able to tell its story again.
Whole streets, houses, people, and even pieces
of art were uncovered, perfectly preserved in
the rock, meaning Pompeii’s terrible disaster
helped us better understand the Roman world.
The Titanic sinks
Though the RMS Titanic was dubbed “the
unsinkable ship,” the largest ocean liner
of its time hit an iceberg and sank in the
Atlantic Ocean just four days into its first
voyage. More than 1,500 people died in
the disaster, but the lessons learned led
to improved safety: Ships started carrying
enough LIFEBOATS for all passengers,
and they installed equipment to help
communicate better with other ships.

pe op le survived th
7 06 e Titanic.
The Bhola Cyclone
The deadliest tropical cyclone ever
recorded claimed up to 500,000 lives in
Bhola, East Pakistan, in 1970. The Pakistan
government’s relief effort was heavily
criticized, and soon fighting spread
throughout the province. After nearly nine
months of battling, during which India fought
alongside the rebels, Pakistan was defeated
and its former province became the
independent state of BANGLADESH.

A tidal wave accompanied

the cyclone’s 115 mph
(185 km/h) winds that
devastated the coast.

Chernobyl nuclear explosion

Nuclear power plants use the energy stored inside
atoms to generate power. In the early hours of
April 26, 1986, part of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power
Plant in Ukraine (then part of the Soviet Union)
exploded, ripping the plant apart. RADIOACTIVE
MATERIAL, causing death and illness, was sent
high into the atmosphere, and eventually spread
as far as the UK. The disaster increased distrust
within the Soviet Union of the state authorities,
who sought to conceal the explosion.
Durin the w

e S i l k g
I exp my 54-ye y…
borde anded ar rule,

Th starts rs in C
all dir hina’s

Road East C
The superhighway to the EXOTI
Traveled by merchants, monks,
and explorers, the Silk Road was
a series of interconnecting routes
that stretched from the riches
of China 4,000 miles (6,500 km)
overland to Europe.

The secret of silk

The first evidence of silk production
in China dates to 2500 BCE, but according
to legend, EMPRESS LEIZU (wife of
Huangdi) introduced the silkworm as early
as 3000 BCE. This talented queen invented
the loom, too. Silkmaking was a closely
guarded state secret—revealing any detail
outside China was punishable by death!

Han power
East-West trade developed during
the Han Dynasty (206 BCE to 220 CE).
To boost it, the seventh Han emperor, WU,
sent envoys carrying silks to Persia and
Mesopotamia. Han officials controlled the
Silk Road as far as central Asia. Beyond
that, the Persians ruled, and from 30 BCE the
western end was in the Roman empire.

came befo
hat re…
W The SCYTHIANS were among In the 400s BCE, Darius I
the first long-distance traders of Persia built a 1,550-mile
in the region. They had links (2,500-km) ROYAL ROAD.
with China, India, Persia, It connected Sardis (in what
and Greece from the 800s BCE. is now Turkey) and Susa
(in what is now Iran).

Stolen silk eggs
A lot of China’s raw SILK ended up
in the Byzantine empire, where skilled
textile workers turned it into fine,
colorful fabrics to sell across Europe.
That was not enough for Emperor
Justinian. In the 500s CE, he paid two
monks to smuggle silkworm eggs out
of China. At last Byzantium could make
its own silk. China’s monopoly was over.

changed the w
it o
Travelers didn’t just

Ho carry silk along the Silk
Road. It also opened up trade
of all sorts, and the exchange
of ideas, religions—
and diseases!

West meets East

The Italian explorer
Marco Polo traveled
along the Silk Road in the
Emperor Wu grew
rich through trade 1270s. He reached the court
along the Silk Road. of the Mongol emperor,
Kublai Khan. His account of
his ADVENTURES in the
exotic East fascinated
European readers.
hat c e after…
W In 1453, Constantinople During the 1400s and
fell to the Ottoman sultan, 1500s, EUROPEAN EXPLORERS
MEHMED II. The Turks now discovered new sea routes to
controlled land trade with India and China. Silks and
the East. Europeans looked for spices reached Europe on
alternatives to the Silk Road. boats, not camel caravans.

Fall of
In 1453, OTTOMAN ruler Mehmed II put
an end to the Byzantine empire

Rise of the Turks

The Ottoman empire began in
modern-day Turkey in the 1300s.
The Ottamans were soon sweeping
across the Middle East and into Europe,
until all that was left of the Byzantine
empire (also known as the eastern
Roman empire) was a small area around
the capital, CONSTANTINOPLE. The
city’s walls had never been breached,
but the Ottomans used heavy
artillery to smash them down.
After a two-month siege, Ottoman
sultan Mehmed II walked into a
devastated city.

Constantine X ing
was killed d ur
the siege.

End of an era
ow it change
The fall of the city drastically changed H A side d
Europe. In one swoop, the Muslim Ottomans the Romfrom ending
had seized the center of the Orthodox Christian Consta an empire,
religion, effectively closed the trade routes forced tinople’s fall
between Asia and Europe, and, in deposing to look Europeans
Byzantine Emperor CONSTANTINE XI (left), to the st to get
ended the last surviving part of the Roman
the worl

empire. Constantinople became known as

“Istanbul,” and became the capital of the
Ottoman empire until it fell in 1922.
A “terrible” family murder
In 1581, Russian Tsar Ivan IV (also known as Ivan
the Terrible) killed his son and heir in a fit of
rage. This placed his youngest, rather sickly, son
FEODOR next in line to the throne. Feodor had no
interest in running Russia, but when his father died
in 1584, he had no choice. He was a weak leader
and left the business of ruling to his wife’s brother,
a boyar (Russian prince) named Boris Godunov.
In all, there were two
Ivan struck his more False Dmitris
son with his sceptre. after the first one.

False Dmitri
When Tsar Feodor died in 1598 without an
heir, Godunov seized the throne, and
t h e w ars when Russia’s Time of Troubles began. A terrible
By into te e tsar! famine from 1601–03 killed a third of the
st b
I bur asked to ng by the population. In 1603, Polish forces entered
s l i
I wa was smi owned in Russia, supporting FALSE DMITRI’s claim
But I I was cr 1613. to the throne. He said he was Feodor’s half
time ebruary
F brother Dmitri (who had actually died in
1591). When Godunov died in 1605, False
Dmitri was made tsar—but he was
murdered a year later.

The Time
of Troubles
15 years of chaos in Russia before young
Mikhail ROMANOV becomes tsar

Romanov Russia
A Russian prince named Vasily
ow it change
Shuisky tried his hand at being H d
tsar next. He was replaced by Th
reigne e Romanovs
the Polish king, Wladyslaw IV The Ti d for 300
Vasa, in 1610. Determined to to the me of Trou years.
mo bles
drive out the Poles, Russian in Rus st stable pe led
sia’s h
forces finally tasted victory in istory. riod
August 1612. Russia’s nobles
elected a 16-year-old relative t h e w or l d
of Ivan the Terrible,
(left), to be tsar.
o r C h ristophe
sai l
1 4 92 , Italian es t a cross the stead
In w In
Columbus Co
s sailed o reach India. ident!
d th e A
m e ric a s—by a
to land

reaches the he fou

He w
or a lm
ost 50
first Eu 0 years.

How the Americas came
to be colonized by Europe
West to India
Christopher Columbus thought
he could find a sea route to
Asia by sailing west. Since
Constantinople had fallen
to the Ottoman empire in
1453, the land route to Asia
involved passing through
hostile Muslim territory.
Ferdinand and Isabella
of Spain, who had recently
kicked the MUSLIMS out
of their country, agreed
to fund Columbus.

Columbus’s first voyage

Columbus set off in summer 1492 with three
ships, the SANTA MARIA, Pinta, and Niña, and
90 men. After five long weeks at sea, a lookout
on the Pinta sighted land. They anchored on an
island in the Bahamas, inhabited by the Arawak
people. Columbus claimed the land for Spain,
and established a colony on Hispaniola
(modern-day Haiti).

a t came before
h …
In 1002, Viking explorer In 1498, Portuguese explorer
LEIF ERICSSON sailed west from VASCO DA GAMA became the
Greenland and reached what first European to reach
was probably Newfoundland, India by sea. His route took
Canada. He founded a colony him around Africa to the
called Vinland. Indian Ocean.

Uneasy legacy
Columbus made three further
expeditions in 1493, 1498,
u s nam nded and 1502. For a long time,
mb la
Colu place he or.” Europeans saw him as a hero,
the n Salvad but he brought suffering to
“Sa NATIVE populations. His
reputation was not spotless
with colonists, either. In
1500, settlers on Hispaniola
sent Columbus back to
Spain in chains,
accusing him of
brutality to the
local people.

Did y
Colum ou know
first p bus called th ?
B “Indian eople he m e
I ke y the The Arawaks though s” becaus et
t he w e
one pt two way were friendly as in I he
for t for mys log boo … and traded ndia.
(in w he mut elf and ks— with the crew.
how hich I inous one
far c
we’d lied abo rew the world
trav ut
eled ed
)! ng

Columbus’s discovery

opened up the Americas for


colonization. The “New World”

was a source of gold, silver,
tobacco, and new foods. In
turn, Europeans introduced
technologies and religion,
but also brought slaves
and disease.

a t came afte
Wh r…
On his voyages to South In 1519, FERDINAND MAGELLAN
America (1499–1502), Italian of Portugal set out to sail
AMERIGO VESPUCCI showed that around the world, entering
the “New World” was not Asia the Pacific from the Atlantic.
after all. The Americas are He died on the way, but 18
named after him. crew completed the voyage.

Various globetrotters have blazed a

it i n g s
trail over the years. By exploring
new lands and encountering foreign

x c
E ratio n cultures, these explorers have also
added to human knowledge, and

p lo helped spread and exchange ideas.

ex shing in aking
t o
nd m ries
LAND g discove te
Ibn Battuta wros
about his trav el
in a book called
the Rihla.

Ibn Battuta
In 1325, Ibn Battuta set off from
his native Morocco on a hajj
(Muslim pilgrimage) to the holy
city of MECCA (in modern-day
Saudi Arabia). Bitten by the
traveling bug, he stayed on the
road for nearly 30 years. His
adventures took him to India,
China, and all over the Muslim
world, including to the famed
city of Timbuktu. Ibn Battuta
also picked up at least eight
wives along the way!

e may
Zheng H ed up
have visit ntries.
to 30 cou

Admiral Zheng He
Between 1405 and 1433, the Chinese admiral
Zheng He led seven expeditions to southern and
western Asia and east Africa, on behalf of three
different MING emperors. His huge fleet was
made up of more than 300 ships. Along the
way, Zheng He gave gifts of Chinese silk, gold,
and porcelain. He returned with foreign riches
for the emperor, including a pet giraffe.
Captain James Cook
In 1768, the British government sent navigator
James Cook to explore the Pacific Ocean to
see if there was any land there. Aboard his ship
Farmer’s son Cook the Endeavour, Cook found and mapped the
joined the merchant coasts of Hawaii, eastern Australia, and New
navy at 17, and the Zealand. He landed at Stingray Bay (later
Royal Navy at 27. renamed Botany Bay) and claimed
AUSTRALIA for Britain. On his second
voyage (1772), Cook became the first
person to cross the Antarctic Circle.

Did yo
Cook was u know? A Shoshoni woman
third voy killed on his named Sacajawea
dispute w age, after a guided Lewis and Clark.
ith the
of Hawaii natives
Lewis and Clark
In 1804, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark
captained an expedition into the uncharted
AMERICAN WEST. President Jefferson had asked
them to explore the Louisiana Territory that he
had bought the previous year. It took Lewis
and Clark 18 months to cross the Rocky
Mountains along the Oregon Trail and
reach the Pacific coast.

Roald Amundsen
Norwegian explorer Roald Amundsen arrived
at the South Pole on December 14, 1911, after
a race to the bottom of the Earth against British
naval officer Robert Scott. Amundsen’s expedition
was carefully planned and well equipped, using
skis and DOG SLEDS for transportation. Scott
and his men did make it to the pole (a month after
the Norwegians), but they all died on the return
journey. The Amundsen-Scott South Pole research
station is named after these courageous explorers.

Amundsen wore Inuit-

style furs to keep out
the cold and the wet. 91
Tasm esn ’ s
voyag s a a f a r e r map
A Du t c h s e
whole N 6 42 and 16
t w o v oy ages of 1 asmania and
In T
e l Ta s m a n reached pped the
Ab a
and and m
New Zeal oast of Australia.
nor thern

The southern continent

The Greek thinker Aristotle was the
first to say that there must be a
Terra Australis (south land) to
balance out the continents in the
northern hemisphere. The imaginary
continent was drawn on MAPS long
before Dutch sailor Willem Janszoon
became the first recorded European
to set foot in Australia in 1606.
Surprisingly, Aristotle was right! This world map from the
1500s shows the huge
Terra Australis running
along the bottom.

The Dutch East India

Company built warehouses
and shipyards in Amsterdam.
Trading superpower
The Dutch East India Company was
set up in 1602 so Dutch merchants could
What came before…
dominate European trade with Asia, Australia’s first peoples, the
especially the moneymaking buying Aboriginal Australians, reached
and selling of SPICES. Its employees the southern continent about
built ships and forts, and explored 50,000 years ago. The MAORI
possible new markets around the globe. arrived in New Zealand about
1250. They were hostile toward
early European explorers.
Tasman’s first voyage
By the wa places Dutch seafarer Abel Tasman joined the
One day, lots after me, Dutch East India Company in 1633. In
e d
will be nam ania and 1642, the company sent him to explore
including Tasmn Sea. “Beach,” a mysterious place on maps that
the Tasma was thought to be part of the Terra
Australis. Tasman sighted Tasmania on
November 24. He named it Van Diemen’s
Land after the Governor-General of the
Dutch East Indies (modern-day Indonesia).
Then winds blew him off course to New
Zealand, where Maori warriors in canoes

Tasman commanded
two ships on his first
voyage: the Heemskerck Tasman
and the Zeehaen. of New ’s map
(AustraliHolland Map man
a) In 1644, Tasman set out
Ho w
it c again. He mapped the
ha north coast of what he
Tasm called New Holland

for n pave (Australia). The east coast

a ne d

bein w c the w remained largely unknown

Eur g open ontinen ay for more than a century,
Sad pean s ed up t when British explorer
to th ly, colo ettlem to James Cook CLAIMED
e niz en
indi destruc ation l t. THE CONTINENT
gen tion ed
way us peo of the for Britain in 1770.
s of p
life. les’


e after…
What cam
From 1789, PRISON SHIPS claimed independence from
carried criminals to Britain in 1901 and 1907
Australia from Britain respectively, but they still
to live out their lives have the British Queen as
in penal colonies. their head of state.
The last tsar ipped up
Lenin wh ds upon
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia ABDICATED (stepped down) the crow n.
after the February Revolution of 1917, ending 300 years his retur
of Romanov rule. Mounting casualties in World War I,
combined with mass anger at his blocking of
democratic reforms, forced him from power,
d his
leading to a people’s government. Nicholas (middle) anned
family were impr iso
after he abdicated.

By th
As my h e way…
the fathe ero Karl Marx
said, “Thr of Communism
e ,
nothing t workers have

Lenin o lose…
their cha

A revolutionary
turns Russia into a

Bolshevik troops , where
the Winter Pala live.
the tsar used to
Revolutionary returns
Vladimir Lenin had been banished from Russia for
urging workers to seize and then share power equally, a
revolutionary idea that is called COMMUNISM. Russia’s
enemy in the war, Germany, offered him safe passage
back to Russia, hoping he would take Russia out of the
war. Lenin returned in 1917 to a country in disarray.
The October Revolution
In October 1917, Lenin told his political party, the it me t
ca t

BOLSHEVIKS, it was time to revolt. The weak government R be ommunis lar


gave little resistance as Bolshevik troops seized key The d’s first ired simi ba,
U c
government buildings. Lenin took Russia out of the war worl and insp hina, Cu rea.
, C
and declared Russia a workers’ republic, which, along state lutions in North Ko
revo am, and

with other parts of the former Tsarist empire, became the

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) in 1922. Vietn wo
seizes power
A FASCIST becomes German chancellor,
leading to another terrible world war

The Nazis Looking for answers

held rallie often After World War I, there was political
other pub s and unrest in Europe. Some believed
a show of lic events in
power. communism (power to the workers) was
the answer. Others, such as Mussolini in
Italy and Hitler in Germany, believed in
a form of nationalism called FASCISM,
where a strong leader controlled a
society made up of people of
the same race, while those of
different races were persecuted.

The Nazis
Hitler became leader of the fascist NAZI (national socialist)
party in 1921. When the German economy collapsed in
1927, the Nazi Party began to gain seats in the Reichstag
(German parliament). Hitler’s speeches blamed the Jews and Mussolini became
other minorities for Germany’s problems, and promised to an ally of Hitler’s.
make the country strong again.
h anged
it c an
r beg ’s
Total power it l e

H y
tator, i Part

In January 1933, Hitler became As dicill the Naz ttempt to s

CHANCELLOR (leader) and formed a to k es. His a ’s border
government. In March, he took advantage enem Germany ar II, in
n d W
of an arson attack on the Reichstag (left) to expa to World ns died.

cement his iron rule. By August 1934, he was led ich millio r
wh wo
dictator of Germany, and his destructive
reign would change the world forever.
th e
On August 15, 1947, Jawaharlal

d e n t Nehru became prime minister

p e n of the newly independent India,

a country that had been under

I n d e i a British control for nearly 200 years.

In are born Neh
S TATES e crown .
head ru had b
gove of the een
o N EW el in th w ay..lling indep rnment Indian
Tw e jew p ire he ca
By t! I’ve beenendence ende befor
t h e m nce. e
from he British t
At lasndian indepars!
of t for I for 30 ye

Peaceful protest
From the 1920s,
Mahatma Gandhi (left)
led the movement for
Indian independence.
He encouraged peaceful
protest, such as marching
against British laws, or
altogether. Gandhi’s nonviolent
approach began to work, but
cracks started to appear among
the Hindu, Sikh, and Muslim
religious groups.

One state or two?

Britain promised to hand over
power after World War II. Indian
Hindus, including Gandhi, wanted
one single state, but MUSLIMS,
led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah,
wanted their own separate state.
The Brits agreed, after a Direct
Action Day of Muslim protests
ended in thousands of deaths.
am Jinnah disagreed with Ging
hat c e before… over many things, includ
W nonviolent protest.
From 1757 to 1858, Britain’s
East India Company took
control of India, driving out In 1857, the Indians rebelled when
rival Portuguese and Dutch a rifle issued to Indians in the army
traders. Some states, such as offended Hindus and Muslims.
the TIPU SULTAN’s Mysore, put The British government took direct
up fierce resistance. control and the RAJ (empire) had begun.
Partition and independence
Lord Louis Mountbatten, Britain’s top
representative in India, was in charge of India’s
PARTITION (splitting in two). On August 14, 1947,
he handed over a Muslim homeland made up
of regions in the northwest and northeast of India,
called Pakistan, to Jinnah, its new leader. The
next day, the area left became the independent
state of India, with Nehru as its leader.

Millions on the move

The partitioning led to the greatest mass-
migration of people in history. About
7 million Hindus and Sikhs fled Pakistan for
India, while about the same number of
Muslims went the other way. They went on
foot, in carts, and on trains. A million people
lost their lives in RIOTS, while many others
died from hunger, thirst, or exhaustion.
M o u n tbatten th
Lord or Britain in eople on bo
fought f ar II. Ordinary p up their homes
World W sides gave potential
to escape pression. anged the w
religious op it ch orl
ow d
India is now the world’s
second-largest country
by population, with
a fast-growing economy.
It is also the world’s
largest democracy.
The relationship
between India
and Pakistan
has been very tense,
with occasional
outbreaks of fighting.

hat c e after…
Kashmir had the choice of West and East Pakistan were
joining India or Pakistan. Its 870 miles (1,700 km) apart.
Hindu ruler, MAHARAJAH HARI In 1971, civil war broke out
SINGH, chose India, but its people between the two. After the
were mostly Muslim. India and war ended, East Pakistan
Pakistan warred over Kashmir in became a new, separate
1947–48 and again in 1965. country, BANGLADESH.
Long March
A 12-month trek across China that
cemented Mao’s route to power

Nationalist leader Chian

Kai-Shek fought again g
the Qing dynasty in 19 st

Early defeat
In October 1934, China’s
ruling Nationalist Party,
led by Chiang Kai-Shek,
blockaded the revolutionary
communist Red Army in the
southeast of the country,
led by Mao Zedong. Though
almost eliminated, the Red d On the move
Army managed to flee c hange l The retreat, known as the LONG MARCH,
through the Nationalist it roversiah his saw the communists walk more than 6,000 miles
s co ded wit the
Ho w

lines, and retreated. Mao’ n e hinais (9,500 km) to the north, over some of the
ship y
el ader in 1976. Ct econom country’s most difficult terrain. Of the 86,000
h s soldiers who set out, just 8,000 reached the new
deat ond-large ld, and is

sec the wor y the communist headquarters at Yan’an in October

in ill led b arty.

st unist P 1935. The march brought the army closer together,

Comm the and helped Mao shape his political ideas.

Communist China
Japan occupied China from 1937 to 1945,
Mao’s followers
retreating after World War II. Mao stepped founded
up his attacks against the Nationalists. communes for
In January 1949, with clever military tactics, farm workers,
the Red Army captured China’s capital, shown here in
BEIJING, and established the People’s a propaganda
Republic of China. Mao’s wait was over, poster.
but it was just the beginning for
communism’s uneasy history in China.
This passport of
a German Jew
allowed the
holder to settle
in Palestine.
The birth
of Israel
How the JEWISH
state came to be
Palestine The promised land
After World War I, the Middle Eastern In 1947, a plan emerged to split Palestine into
state of Palestine was ruled by Britain. Jewish and Arab states with Jerusalem under
Its mostly Muslim Arab population was international administration. Instead, civil war broke
unhappy about Jewish settlers called out and on May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion
ZIONISTS who were calling for a Jewish became the first prime minister of the newly
state to be carved out of Palestine. There created Jewish state, ISRAEL.
was violence on both sides.
Polish-born D
Ben-Gurion h avid
a key figure ad been
Zionist move in the

it home a
ded ews, but

o v i

lp r sJ has
Israehe world’ e state ith
for t irth of throblems rs.
Israeli soldiers e Jerusalem is b
the ed big neighb p o

attack during th . a holy city fo caus Muslim


Arab-Israeli War Jews, Muslimr its w

and Christian s,
Troubled times
Muslim states refused to recognize Israel,
and a series of CONFLICTS followed, starting
with the Arab-Israeli War of 1948–1949.
Against all the odds, Israel managed to
survive and even prosper in this time.

Some of the greatest moments in human history have

come from people chasing interesting and beautiful ideas
until they produce something amazing. From scientific
breakthroughs to wonderful pieces of art, to breathtaking
buildings and new ways to read—the advances in this
chapter have all helped us explain and enjoy the world,
and have brought us all closer together.
Reckless recordsabout, people
Before writing cam
keep track of
had no way to easily
d and made.
the things they owne
ple, would rely
FARMERS, for exam
e decisions
on sight alone to mak
e they had
on how much produc
much they could
harvested, and how
n deceive!
sell—but the eyes ca

Cuneiform script, frome earliest
day Iraq, is one of th
Getting symbolic examples of writing. This
Traders often used stones to food a records
represent the things they owned. nd dr
Around 4000 BCE, some bright
person began to use SYMBOLS
inscribed in clay instead. One of the
earliest examples we have comes
from the Sumerian culture in Ur
(modern-day Iraq). These became
more sophisticated, and proper
writing had begun by 3200 BCE.

First writing Ho w
it ch ged
ws us
Writing allo te with
How we SCRATCHED and to communicand also to
e r,
one anoth rmation for
SCRAPED our very first words preserve infonerations.
future ge

the w

now? “Hieroglyph” mea G reek.

Did you kabet was
The first alp the Semitic
ns “sacred carving” in
developed by modern-day
people from me between Sounds like…
Egypt, some d 1550 BCE. The process was complete a little
1850 BCE an later on when symbols known
as HIEROGLYPHS came into
fashion. These represented
sounds—making the written
This hieroglyph ofe symbol a representative of how to
a fat bird was th
symbol used for pronounce the word for the first
the sound “S.” time. Today, our symbols are
letters, but the idea is the same.
Loosening up The ard was first
Before farmers plant crops, used in what is now
they plow (loosen) the soil, but Iraq and Pakistan.
doing it by hand or with a shovel is
hard and time-consuming. In the
6th century BCE, farmers developed
the ARD—an early kind of wooden
plow that broke the ground as it
was dragged behind an animal.

Wheely useful The ard head

As the idea tore the soil around the world, dug up the soil
other people improved it. The Romans added in a straight line,
a WHEEL, making the plow much easier allowing seeds
to move and control, and they made the to be sown in the
path left behind.
plowshares (the part that dug into the soil)
out of iron, which was very strong and cut
into the ground more easily.
Adding more plowshares
reduced plowing time
even more.

The plow
it ch
w The FARMING revolution that allowed more

was the
The plow prove food food to be produced in a fraction of the time
o im
first tool tby taking a lot of
productione and effort out
the tim ing crops.
of sow

the w
Modern times
Though the plow has been
improved and refined since
ancient times, it still works in the
same way. Modern plows are made
of metal and pulled by TRACTORS.
The birth of bronze
By 3250 BCE, people had learned how to

v e r y heating them. Then they found that mixing

a soft, red metal called copper with a little

i s c o n z e
tin made a new metal that was tough, but
still easy to shape. This useful new stuff

D bro was called bronze.

m ade
When people figured out
how to mix metals to make
bronze, they soon realized
it was the perfect material
for all kinds of tools
and weapons.

in molds
Items were castfrom flat
or hammered bronze.
sheets of

Sticks and stones

Paleolithic, or Stone-Age, people could use
only WOOD OR STONE to make the tools they
needed. But wood snapped easily and rotted
quickly, and stone was difficult to shape, so
early tools and weapons were rather basic.

a t came before…
The first metals that humans The COPPER AGE began
learned to use were GOLD AND around 6500 BCE, in the
SILVER. Both metals could be Middle East. Copper was
found naturally in the ground slightly harder than gold
and were soft enough to be and silver; it could be used
shaped without heating. to make tools or weapons.
Melting and molding
Bronze was made by casting—heating copper and
tin until they were liquid, then pouring into molds
and allowing to cool and set. BRONZE FARMING
TOOLS made it easier to clear forests for planting
crops so, for the first time, people could grow
enough food to sell, not just to feed their families.

Objects could bet shapes
in many differen ey were
to suit the job th
designed for.
Bronze-Age Brito wooden
lived together inatched
roundhouses, th raw.
with reeds or st

By the All over the world

The olde way…
found in st toy ever By 2000 BCE, the BRONZE AGE
a bronze Europe is had arrived in Europe from its
stork, th figure of a beginnings in the Middle East, and
3,500 yeaght to be developed separately in Asia and
rs old. the Americas. Farms grew bigger,
and more and more people settled
in communities, which became
villages and towns.

r ld
How it changed

t o b ig changes g.
led livin
Bronze ople earned a
p e could
the way r tools, people iners
tt e rofit. M
With be nd for p peared—
t h e la
farm le ap
ftspeop t and
and cra s, who bough
and trad oth metal and
sold b goods.

a t ca me after…
W h

In the 19th century, people

THE IRON AGE was the next leap forward discovered a cheap way to
in technology. Iron was more common MASS-PRODUCE STEEL. Strong
than copper and tin, and it made tools and flexible, steel is ideal
that were stronger and longer-lasting for large structures such
than bronze. as bridges.
Building the
Great Wall
Old, strong, and very LONG!
Built to keep invaders out,
China’s Great Wall is the world’s
beacon longest man-made structure.
About a million
soldiers guarded
the wall from
like this.

Emperor Qin Shi Huang

was hatched in 221 BCE by the first
emperor of China, Qin Shi Huang.
A fearsome warrior, he became
ruler of Qin state, then conquered
the six other Chinese states and
united them into one nation.

What came before…

The magnificent walls The LONG WALLS of Athens were
of the ancient CITY OF built to protect the city from
BABYLON, built around sieges. They were destroyed in
575 BCE, were reported 405 BCE when the Spartans
to be so wide that defeated the Athenian fleet
chariot races were and demanded the walls be
held on them. torn down (shown here).
yo u know?
Did of beacon
Hundreds g the Wall’s
towers aloowed soldiers
length e Wall to send
guarding s to each other.

Keep out!
Emperor Qin ordered that all the
walls on China’s northern border be
connected, creating a CONTINUOUS
WALL to keep out foreign raiders.
Later emperors added sections to
Hard labor
make the wall even longer. By the
16th century, it stretched for a mind- Up to a million workers helped to build
boggling 5,500 miles (8,850 km). the wall—mainly soldiers, prisoners, and
peasants who were FORCED TO WORK
on the project. Made from stone, earth,
sticks, and bricks, the wall is up to 30 ft
(9 m) thick and 25 ft (7.5 m) high.

How it chandg
Bamboo the worl
ed the
scaffolding The wall help
le feel safe.
Chinese peop
costs and
Free from the
Bricks were held together China
worry of war,
with a mortar of lime orld’s richest,
became the w
mixed with glutinous rice. most powerfu
l empire.

Large, locally
quarried rock
W ha t ca me aft er…
In the 15th century, China was ruled by
Emperor Yong Lo built THE emperors for more than
FORBIDDEN CITY in Beijing. It 2,000 years. The last
was an enormous palace emperor was PUYI, who was
complex, with more overthrown in 1912 when
than 8,700 rooms. China became a republic.
Lessons from the past about The Great Pyramid
Built about 2600 BCE, the Great Pyramid of Giza
building to IMPRESS in Egypt (center) is the tomb of a pharaoh
named Khufu. It is made of 2,600,000 STONE
BLOCKS and once stood 488 ft (137 m) tall.
Solid history in brick and stone, For 4,000 years, it was the tallest building
these famous ancient buildings in the world, until it was topped by the Eiffel
have inspired artists, architects, Tower in 1889. The pyramids of Khufu’s son
and engineers for centuries. and grandson sit on either side of it.

Huge, carved
y o u know?or
faces look out Did ns love Angk
from Angkor Cambod so much that
Wat’s towers. Wat ir
e y p u t it on the
t h flag.

Angkor Wat
The 12th-century temple complex
of Angkor Wat in Cambodia is the
largest religious building in the
world. Although much of the
original temple has VANISHED,
the site still covers more than
155 sq miles (400 km²). Originally
dedicated to the Hindu god
Vishnu, it became a Buddhist
temple in the 13th century.

Machu Picchu
The builders of this ANCIENT INCA
CITY near Cuzco in Peru had very
primitive tools, but they cut and
placed the stones so accurately a
knife wouldn’t slide between them.
The site, possibly a royal estate,
dates to about 1450. It spreads across
700 terraces high in the Andes.

By the
In different way…
Taj Mahal c lights, the
from pink in hanges color,
to white in th the morning,
Terraces carved out fre
sid and golden ine afternoon,
the steep mountain . moonlight.
were used for farming
“Taj Mahal” means
“crown of palaces.”

Taj Mahal
It took about 20,000 workers more
than 20 years to build the Taj Mahal,
and 1,000 elephants to transport the
materials. The WHITE MARBLE TOMB
at Agra, in India, was completed in 1643.
It commemorates the Mughal Emperor
Shah Jahan’s wife, Mumtaz Mahal,
who died giving birth to her 14th child.

are up to 24 i
T h e m osq u al l s n (61 cm) thick.
e’s w
Great Mosque of Djenné
The sun-baked mosque at Djenné,
in Mali, West Africa, is the largest
mud-brick building in the world.
An early version, built in 1240,
helped Djenné to become one of
Africa’s most important Islamic
learning centers. The mosque
seen today was built in a year
from 1906, to the same plan as the
old mosque. It is still a respected

Chinese blocks
Ink was applied Avid readers in CHINA were enjoying the
to the etchings, printed word and image long before anyone
which printed
when pressed to else. Chinese printers used etched wood
another surface. and clay blocks from about 600 CE to
print images and text onto paper or cloth.

Printed words
Allowing WORDS to spread across
the world further than ever before

Pressed to impress
Europe got the printed word in about
1450. German inventor Johannes Gutenberg
developed letters made of METAL that
could be arranged and rearranged inside
a wooden grid. These were covered in ink Gutenberg’s
and pressed hard onto paper, printing a printing press
whole page each time. could mass-
This Bible in Latin from 1455 produce a page
is one of Gutenberg’s in a matter
first printed books. of minutes.

Printing power
By 1500, printing presses were
in operation in most major
cities of Europe. The availability
of printed books made it easier
it c ooks b
Printedowledge and

for everyone to learn to read, t kn ever

and for ideas to spread FAR AND brough inment wher t that
WIDE, leading to many scientific entertant, and mean ve
e a
discoveries in the years ahead. they w ryone could h too.
eve ,
to them

access or
th e w
Hangul alphabet
An invention that gave Korean people the
LETTERS to write their own language

King Sejong’s idea

Before the mid-15th century, KOREANS wrote their own
language in Chinese script. Only a few educated people
knew how to do it. Around 1443, the Korean monarch,
King Sejong, decided this was wrong. He believed
that all his subjects should be able to write—and
even send him letters of complaint if they wanted
to. So he invented a new alphabet for them.

This is a sample of Hangul By t

writing. In modern times, It tookhe way…
just 24 letters are used; alpha ages for
four of the originals The arbet to catch my
have been dropped. liked it istocrats on.
was b , and then Hnever
in the ned for a tangul
16th c i

it uted
contrib vels

Korean script h a s

King Sejong created a special 28-letter alphabet, Hangu rea’s high le habet
which became known as the Hangul alphabet, or
to Ko cy. The alp puters
“Hunmin chong-um.” It is SO SIMPLE that most of literwell with comproved
works may have imons.

Korean children master it before they start school, and mmunicati


and almost everyone in Korea today reads and co

th ew
writes with the Hangul alphabet.

An enigmatic smile that

h e
T na
lit up the RENAISSANCE
The world’s most famous painting
is a portrait of a young woman
M Lisa
with just a hint of a smile, but it
represented a revolution in art.

By theo and see my
g e
You can a at the Louvr e
is b
Mona L in Paris. But, of
Mus r crowds—lots
e u m
ready fo le want a look
peo p

Like smoke
Leonardo da Vinci, the
Italian artist, scientist,
and all-around genius,
finished his great
work, the Mona Lisa,
around 1517. The oil
painting took more than
14 years to create, no
doubt a result of the
“SFUMATO” technique
Leonardo used, where the
colors carefully blend in
to each other almost like
smoke. The painting was
so important to him that
in the last years of his
life he took it everywhere
he went.

What came before…

The Renaissance in arts The striking dome of
and learning was made Florence Cathedral,
possible by the money designed by architect
of rich patrons like FILIPPO BRUNELLESCHI,
LORENZO DE MEDICI (left) was one of the
and his family, who wonders of the early
were rich bankers in Renaissance. It was
the city of Florence. completed in 1436.
Mysterious Mona The famous smile
For nearly 500 years, the identity of Mona Lisa’s strange little smile
the lady in the painting was a mystery. intrigues viewers. Is she happy or
Then experts discovered in 2005 that not? Look directly at her eyes, and
the iconic Mona—which means “young at the edges of your gaze you’ll
lady” or “ma’am”—was almost certainly catch a glimpse of a smile.
Lisa Gherardini, the wife of the rich Look at her lips and the
Florentine silk merchant Francesco SMILE IS GONE. This
del Giocondo. In Italian and French is due to the way the eye
the painting is called “La picks up or blurs details
Gioconda,” which is a according to its center of
play on Lisa’s husband’s focus. It is thought that
name, but also means Leonardo deliberately
“HAPPY” or “jovial.” created this effect.
h e c e il in g of the San was
T the Vatic
Chapel in y Renaissance
painted b helangelo.
artist Mic

Before they knew who

Mona Lisa really was,
some people said
Leonardo modeled the
woman on himself!

ed the world
it chang
w The Renaissance
Ho ethod
to” m The Mona Lisa was created
h i s “ sfuma ced artists during the Renaissance (meaning
With rodu
o n a r do int ary way of “rebirth”), the world’s most
Le on
voluti g one
to a re . In creatin aintings important artistic period, which
ng p
worki ost-viewed also lasted about 200 years from 1350.
e m h s
of th ld, he e Renaissance painters, sculptors,
w o r peopl
in the millions of architects, and writers took the best
helped ate art. ideas from the past and looked at
appre them in NEW WAYS. The resulting
explosion of masterpieces still
astonishes us today.

The Renaissance The High Renaissance of the

reached northern 1480s saw the best in Italian
Europe by the late art. MICHELANGELO, with
15th century. Great masterworks like his Pietà
works included the (left), was one of the
“Arnolfini wedding” sculptors and artists
portrait by Flemish who stunned the world.
painter JAN VAN EYCK.
Man of many talents In Galileo’s time,
Italian scientist GALILEO GALILEI most people didn’t
understand that the
(1564–1642) was brilliant in many sun is the center of
ways. His father wanted him to the solar system.
study medicine, but he became a
math professor instead, and also
taught physics. He was fascinated
by astronomy. When a simple
telescope, called a spyglass, was
invented in 1608, he challenged f
himself to build a better one that o o ns o ileo
m al
would let him scan the heavens. h e four that G alled
T iter ow c ons.
Jup are n an mo
saw Galile
The rings of
… Saturn were se
e wayfew who for the first en
By tne of then, not the of time by Galile
o su er o.
I waseved the the cent s got
i t
bel , was a em. Th ithi
Earthsolar sys trouble w
the in big hurch.
me the C

Looking into space

By 1609, Galileo had designed and built
a telescope that could magnify things
many times more than any previous
instrument. It was powerful enough to
reveal unimagined astronomical details,
such as the MOUNTAINS OF THE
MOON and the four largest of the
moons orbiting the planet Jupiter.
Galileo alled Galileo even saw the rings of Saturn
been c ather of through his telescope, although he didn’t
the “F rn Science.” have a clue as to what these might be.

w it chang
Ho Galile
Galileo’s led to o’s inventi
telesc the mod on
allowe pes that hern

telescope so mu d us to lea ave

place h about ou n
in spa r

The telescope that allowed the world

us to peer into SPACE
Mathematical wizard
The English scientist Sir Isaac Newton
(1643–1727) used a lot of BRAINY MATH
to explain how the world worked. Among
other things, he developed the theory
of gravity and was the first person
to explain exactly what makes objects
move. Newton’s ideas, known as his
“laws,” are still taught to students today.

it changed
hen Newton figured

out scientific laws

explaining how the Univ
operated, he paved these
way for wonders such
as space travel.

o r
th e w

Newton wrote a very

famous book, called A falling apple
The Principles of may have inspired
Natural Philosophy. Newton’s thoughts
on gravity.


Newton’s moth r mer!

er wanted him t o be a f a
The three laws
Newton’s laws of motion
explain how forces move
objects and affect their
direction, speed, and
distance traveled. The
Newton’s laws
THIRD LAW says that
for each action there is
a reaction. For example,
of motion
if an object is pushed Mathematical discoveries that form
upward it will exert an
equal push downward. the basis of modern SCIENCE
Animals have often

a n t i c s played big roles in

a l the course of history.

They’ve changed the
outcome of battles, and
E A DLIN ES made huge scientific
e ma d e H advances possible. Here are
i m a l s h a v s
These an villains, and victim
some who have left their
(paw) prints on history!
as heroes

Did you kno Death by tortoise

In both World w ? Writing tragedies was the
homing pigeons w Wars, speciality of the ancient Greek
to carry vital mes e used AESCHYLUS, but he couldn’t
from battlefronts sages have imagined his own tragic
, saving
hundreds of lives. end. According to legend, he was
killed in 456 BCE when an eagle
dropped a tortoise on his bald
head, mistaking it for a rock that
would crack the tortoise’s shell.

According to legend, Aeschylus

The geese were dedicated was staying outside to avoid
to the god Juno, and so a prophecy that he would be
were deemed sacred. killed by a falling object!

Guardian geese
In 390 BCE, Rome was besieged by the Gauls,
who trapped the city’s defenders in a fort. One
night, the Gauls climbed the fort’s walls. The
Romans and their guard dogs snored on, but the
city’s sacred GEESE WENT CRAZY, honking and
flapping their wings. Alerted by the hullabaloo,
the Romans woke and defeated the Gauls, later
building a temple to the geese in gratitude.

When Bucephalus died,
Alexander founded
the city of Bucephala
in his honor.

War horse
a wild horse
No one could get control of
eece, in 343 BCE. Philip’s
given to Philip II, king of Gr
that the animal was
son, Alexander the Great, saw
, and tamed him by taking
scared of its own shadow n.
horse’s head toward the su
the bridle and turning the rse
PHALUS, and the ho
Alexander named him BUCE
in many battles.
carried its master to victory

In November 1957
Do g in orbit
, the Soviet Union
(now Russia) launch
ed a spaceship
called Sputnik 2 ca
rrying a small dog
named LAIKA. She
was not the first
animal in space, bu
t she was the
first to orbit the Ea
rth. She earned
a place in history,
but many people
protested because
it was not possible
to bring her safely
back home again.

ere the first anima

Fruit flies w ls sent
into space.

Double Dolly
A very special lamb was born in July 1996.
Christened Dolly, she was a “CLONE”—an
identical copy of another sheep. To make
her, scientists inserted the DNA of a cell
taken from one ewe into the egg cell of
another. They implanted the developing
egg into a “foster mother” sheep, who
carried and gave birth to Dolly naturally.

On the Beagle
In 1831, Charles Darwin
joined a round-the-world

w i n ’ s scientific expedition on a

Dar eas
ship called the HMS Beagle.
Although he suffered from

n e w i d terrible seasickness, he
still managed to take notes,
draw sketches, and collect
specimens of many of
world the plants and animals
cie n ce he came across on his
c ke d t h es FIVE-YEAR TRIP.
The THEORY that ro
In 1859, an amateur biologist from The Beagle visited four
England named Charles Darwin published continents on its epic voyage
his theory on how all life on Earth of scientific discovery.
evolved from a few common ancestors.
The book caused an instant uproar—and
changed the course of science forever.
Erasmus Darwin was
also a physician, an
inventor, and a poet.

Nature boy
Charles Darwin came
from a family of
scientists. Erasmus, his
grandfather, had written
a book titled Zoonomia,
which suggested that one
species of animal could
“TRANSMUTE” (change)
into another. Young Charles
became interested in
animals and the natural
world from an early age.

hat c e after…
W In 1866, Czech friar German biologist AUGUST
GREGOR MENDEL published WEISMANN’S work on exactly
his research on pea plants. how animals passed on
He discovered that some physical characteristics to
traits, such as color or size, the next generation was
could be passed down from an important step in the
one “parent” plant to the science of genetics.
next generation of peas.
Evolving animals
As he traveled, Darwin realized that similar
animals showed slight variations in
By t appearance on different islands.
People he way… Darwin decided that, over many
said th laughed wh
generations, ANIMALS EVOLVE
from a at humans e en I
that w pes. We now volved (change) to suit their surroundings.
of our e share 98 p know Those that adapt to their surroundings
DNA w e Darwin
ith chimrcent survive, but those that do not adapt die
caused ’s book
ps. out. This idea came to be known
when it an uproar
as the “survival of the fittest.” first pu was

Controversial claims
Darwin eventually made his ideas public in 1859
in his book On the Origin of Species. Some
religious leaders were ANGRY, because they
believed Darwin’s ideas about evolution went
against their belief that God had created all
living things. However, within a decade, his
ideas came to be widely accepted.

How t chang
ed the
rw r
bre the in’s id

a w e
gen kthro ay f as p
eti u o a
cs, ghs r vita ved
and in b l
me iolo
dic gy,

In 1910, American In 1953, British scientists

Thomas Hunt Morgan discovered the STRUCTURE
used FRUIT FLIES to show OF DNA—the substance
that structures called that contains the essential
chromosomes, found in code needed for the
cells, contained all the cells in a living organism
flies’ genetic information. to work properly.

Paper plane
The inventors of the first airplane were
the American brothers Orville and Wilbur
Wright. As children in the 1870s, they were
inspired by a PAPER FLYING TOY their
father gave them. It was launched with
a rubber band that “pinged” it across the
room. The boys thought they’d like to try
flying themselves.
The Wrights
tested out their
gliders from
1900 to 1902.

first flight
The invention of the airplane
brought distant places CLOSER The Wright brothers had little scientific
training but they loved tinkering around,
trying to make things work. Their path to
fame started with wheels, not wings. They
made and repaired bicycles. They also made
kites, really huge ones, like GLIDERS, that
could lift a person into the air.

First flight
After teaching themselves some serious
aerodynamics and experimenting further
with gliders, the Wrights built a REAL
AIRPLANE. In December 1903 at Kitty
Hawk, North Carolina, Orville piloted himself
into history, making the first-ever engine-
powered flight. The plane traveled 120 ft
(36.5 m) in 12 seconds. The brothers made
three more successful flights that same day.
Humans had taken to the skies!
Both br hanged
two flig others made it c nes,
the day hts each on irpla ween

e a
took to man first

the skie Befo eling bet ld take
s. trav ries cou onths.
t e
coun eks or mcross th

we e can urs.
w ho

Now world in w
120 the
The first
The high-rise building that changed
the look of our cities’ SKYLINES
Birdcage brainchild
Very tall buildings were the brainchild of
19th-century American architect William
Le Baron Jenney. After seeing his wife
put a heavy book on top of a birdcage,
Jenney saw that a METAL FRAME could
support a great weight. He wondered if
it would work for buildings.
The tragedy Fire
the Chica wayo
n o w ? cleared the d’s
i d y ou k its first for the worl per.
D or k got , by first skyscra
New Y aper in 1889 go Great Chicago fire
skyscrh time Chica e. Jenney got his chance to try out his
whic dy had fiv “birdcage” idea in 1871, when large parts of
the city of Chicago burned down in a fire
and needed to be rebuilt. Within a few years,
the architect was rapidly gaining fame for
his REVOLUTIONARY tall building designs.

Jenney studied in hanged

Paris alongside it c
ers ha ore

Gustave Eiffel, p

designer of the Sky millions m
Eiffel Tower. allowed le to live an ’s
peop the world
work i jor cities.
ma or
Sky high
Work on Jenney’s first SKYSCRAPER
began in 1884. The ten-story Home
Insurance building was completed in
1885. A lot of people held their breath
waiting for the tower block to topple
over. In fact, it stayed firmly up until
1931, and hit the ground only when
demolished to make room for an even
taller building.

Totally wired rst
With the fi incoming
Sending long-distance messages was h ,
telegrap were c hanged
a slow process before the arrival in messages t it s, one
spelled ou telephnd the

Ho w
1837 of an electrical communication ith
W ion, a
on a grid. n now
system called the TELEGRAPH. televis informatio world
Developed by English inventors et, he
Internels round t oon as

William Fothergill Cooke and trav ost as s pen.

Charles Wheatstone, it sent alm nts hap
electric messages via a wire. In eve
th ew
the 1870s, the telephone
did the same for the voice. TV addicts
Radio, invented by Italian
Guglielmo Marconi in 1895,
allowed sound to be wirelessly

Making broadcast over long distances.

In 1926, the first TELEVISION
broadcast added pictures to

connections sound. By the 1950s, people took

it for granted that entertainment,
news, and sports events could be
How superfast global COMMUNICATIONS beamed into their homes.
have changed everything

By the wide Web
My World W sound,
whizzes text,ssages to
and video myou want,
wherever e.
any tim

Global linkup
In the 1960s, US scientists
discovered how to share
information by linking
millions of computers into a
NETWORK they called the
Internet. In 1990, English
scientist Tim Berners-Lee
(left) invented the World Wide
Web, which allows information
to be accessed from any computer
on the Internet via websites.
eaning Soviet satellite
Sputnik (mcompanion”)
“traveling the size During the Cold War, the United States and the Soviet Union
was twice tball. eyeballed each other over the launchpads as they competed to
of a baske be the FIRST IN SPACE. In 1957, the Soviets sent unmanned
satellite Sputnik into orbit around Earth. They scored again in
1961 when their cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first human
space traveler. Spurred on by Soviet triumphs, US President
John F. Kennedy vowed that America would put a man
on the moon before the end of the 1960s.

Suited and booted Did

for work in zero The jou you kno
atmosphere, US took u rney to the w?
astronauts explored the hours, s four days moon
moon’s dusty surface. the su ut we only s and six
rface f t
or 22 hayed on
changed ours.
it led
n has

explor ances in our

p ac e
S e adv the
to hug rstanding ofvolution
unde and a re s.
se on

the wo

American Moonmen
On July 20, 1969, with the
world watching on TV, American
astronauts Neil Armstrong,
Edwin (“Buzz”) Aldrin, and
Michael Collins touched down
on the moon’s surface in their
The United States had achieved
President Kennedy’s challenge.
In all, 12 men walked on
the moon over five more
missions before 1972,
but humans haven’t
been back since.

Space race
Rival spacecraft blast off in the
race to be first on the MOON

340 tea c
were dum hests
And also… p
Boston hared into
Here are some more big events, all of which
helped to shape the UNITED STATES

c.15,000 years ago First humans 1773 Boston Tea Party

Archeologists believe prehistoric humans Trouble brewed in Britain’s American colonies
entered North America from Eurasia across the when settlers objected to paying sky-high
land bridge that once linked Alaska to Siberia. taxes on goods. When shiploads of imported
Hunters and plant gatherers, they were on the tea arrived in BOSTON, the locals wouldn’t pay
move because of food shortage or climate the duty. Disguising themselves as Native
change and looking for a place to SURVIVE. Americans, they dumped the tea into the
harbor. This act of defiance against British
1000 CE First European visitor rule led directly to the American Revolution.
Some old Norse SAGAS (long stories) tell two
different tales of a Viking explorer who sailed 1803 Louisiana Purchase
off-course and hit North America, probably At the beginning of the
Newfoundland. The lost voyager named his 19th century, a huge chunk
landing place Vinland because the area was of America belonged to
smothered with wild grape vines. France, about 800,000 sq miles Louisiana
(2 million sq km) called the territory
c.1570 Iroquois Confederacy LOUISIANA TERRITORY.
In New York State, before European settlers The French emperor, Napoleon Bonaparte,
arrived, five Native American tribes banded losing interest in it, sold Louisiana to President
together to give each other support. They were Thomas Jefferson for $15 million dollars,
the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and doubling US territory.
Seneca, all of whom spoke the IROQUOIAN
LANGUAGE. Later, the Tuscarora people joined 1836 Battle of the Alamo
them, too. The group grew powerful and stayed In 1836, Texas belonged to Mexico and
together until 1775, when the tribes took different was fighting for independence. During this
sides in the American Revolution. key battle, about 200 Texans holed up in the
Alamo, an empty church in San Antonio.
1692 Salem Witch Trials Outnumbered by thousands of Mexican
When some LITTLE GIRLS in Salem Village, troops, they defended their position for 13
Massachusetts, had strange fits, their illness was days. None came out alive. “REMEMBER THE
attributed to witchcraft. This started a ALAMO” was taken up as a rallying cry. Texas
period of fear and suspicion in which gained independence a few weeks later.
more than 200 people were accused
of using black magic. During 1848 Mexican Cession
the trials that followed, 19 After Texas became part of the United States
“witches” were found guilty in 1846, the USA and Mexico fought a war over
and hung, and one was the state’s boundary lines. The quarrel ended
crushed to death with stones. with the TREATY OF GUADALUPE HIDALGO,
under which the borders were agreed. Mexico

w it c hes ’” fits may have been also agreed to give the USA another $15 million
The “ caused by a bread fungus worth of territory. This handover, or cession,
included what would later be called California.
1848 California Gold Rush 1975 Microsoft founded
When a few flakes of gold were found in the US computer expert Bill Gates dropped out of
American River, near San Francisco, many college at the age of 20, and teamed up with his
people across America, and later the world, friend Paul Allen to start the software company
dreamed of making their fortunes. Burning MICROSOFT. This grew into one of the world’s
with “gold fever,” hundreds of thousands of largest technology companies, and made Gates
men left their jobs and families and raced for and Allen billionaires.
California. Some did strike gold, but most
WENT HOME BROKE and exhausted. 2007 iPhone launched
Californian technology wizard
1865–77 Reconstruction Steve Jobs turned the mobile
At the end of the Civil War, the Southern states phone into a pocket-sized
that had broken away from the United States computer that had a touch-
were all but RUINED. Reconstruction was a screen keyboard, and combined
period during which war damage was repaired, phone, e-mail, Internet, and
and efforts were made to bring the South back camera. It seemed almost
into the Union. New laws making slavery illegal magical at the time of its
helped ex-slaves begin free lives. launch—but iPhones have
quickly become A PART
1867 Purchase of Alaska OF EVERYDAY LIFE.
The home of polar bears, and RUSSIAN
TERRITORY at this time, was up for sale, 2015 Flyby of Pluto
all 586,412 sq miles (1,518,800 sq km) of it. On July 14, after a nine-year journey of 3 billion
Russia offered the land to the USA for miles (5 billion km), NASA’s NEW HORIZONS
$7.2 million. The deal, agreed by the Secretary space probe made the first flyby of Pluto, a
of State William Seward, was seen by many as dwarf planet in the far regions of the solar
crazy—until gold was discovered in Alaska system. Racing at 31,000 mph (50,000 km/h),
30 years later. the probe flew within 7,800 miles (12,500 km)
of Pluto, sending back close-up shots and
1903 Ford Motor Company founded collecting data for later transmission.
One of the biggest and best-known car
manufacturers in the world opened for
production with just one kind of car, the
Ford Model A. The Ford company would
go on to become one of the most

1910 First movie made in Hollywood Jailhouse

HOLLYWOOD was just a small village when Rock
director D.W. Griffith got the cameras rolling
for the first-ever movie made there. It was a
silent 17-minute film titled In Old California,
set in the first half of the 19th century.

1956 Elvis’s first major TV show

After a few minor TV appearances, the “KING”
had his first big moment on The Ed Sullivan
ce n t o f th e US TV
Show. He alarmed the producers because of his
p er
hip-swiveling dancing while performing. To More than 80 s ’s p e r for mance
E lvi
audience watched
avoid scandal Presley was filmed from the waist
up. The performance rocketed Elvis to
international stardom.
Apartheid Guillotine Senate
A government program separating A machine used heavily in the A small group of law-makers, most
black and white people in South Africa French Revolution from 1789–99 notably the state council of the
during 1948–94. for execution, consisting of a weighty ancient Roman empire.
blade that slices a person’s head off
Arab Spring when dropped from a height. Siege
The series of independent pro- Military action taken to surround and
democracy rebellions that took place Internet attack a city or fortified structure in an
across the Middle East and North A global system of computer networks effort to gain control of it.
Africa in 2010 and 2011. allowing millions of people to share

Atomic bomb
words, images, sounds, and videos. Silk Road
The ancient trade route between
An explosive nuclear weapon capable
of widespread death and devastation.
Intifada China and the Mediterranean Sea.
This Arabic word for “uprising” that
Capitalism describes the Palestinian rebellions Slavery
against Israel. A system in which one person is the
A system of government where a
country’s trade and industry are property of another and must obey
controlled by private individuals and
Middle Ages their orders and work without pay.
The period in European history
not by the state.
between the fall of the Roman
Soviet Union
Empire in the 5th century CE
Civil war and the Renaissance.
A collection of communist states that
A battle between people inhabiting was made up of Russia and other parts
the same country or region. of the old tsarist empire that came into
Protestantism being after the October Revolution of
Cold War A division of the Christian faith that 1917 and lasted until 1991. Also
The hostile conflict between the USA began as an alternative to the Roman known as the USSR.
and the Soviet Union after World War Catholic Church.
II, which fell short of actual war. Suffrage
Reformation The right to vote in political elections.
Communism An attempt at improving the Roman
A system of government based on Catholic Church during the 16th
Terra Australis
workers, where all workers own the century that resulted in Protestantism.
The Latin word for “South Land,” this
country’s property, and each person
continent was assumed to exist and
contributes to society according to Renaissance included on European maps from the
their ability and needs. A period of renewed interest in 15th century. The name “Australia” was
Classical art and culture taking based on this term.
Crusade place across Europe from the
A Christian military campaign 14th century onward. It resulted
sanctioned by the Pope. USSR
in some stunning art, architecture,
The Union of Soviet Socialist
and writing.
Emancipation Proclamation Republics, including most of the
President Abraham Lincoln’s order to former Russian empire. See also
Revolution Soviet Union.
free slaves across the USA, which was
A rebellion by a group of people
issued on January 1, 1863.
aimed at toppling a government to
introduce a new system of power,
Fascism or a massive change in how people
An extreme system of government
live or work.
controlled by a dictator, who holds
complete power and persecutes those
with different views (and often
different races or nationalities).

9/11 terror attack 71 Chernobyl disaster 83 food 8, 9, 10, 28, 51, M, N silk 84, 85, 90
China 20–21, 24, 26, 85, 89, 103, 105 Magellan, Ferdinand silver 26, 45, 89, 104
A 84–85, 90, 98, France 54–55, 62, 65 89 slavery 23, 26, 30, 49,
Africa 11, 24, 30, 34, 106–107, 110 Mandela, Nelson 60, 89
71, 90, 109 Christians 19, 27, 41, G, H 34–35 South Africa 34–35
airplanes 63, 71, 120 44, 46–47, 49, 80 Galilei, Galileo 114 Mao Zedong 98 South America 26,
Alexander the Great civil rights 32–33 Gandhi 32, 61, 96 Maya 48, 78, 79 48–49, 56–57
76–77, 117 civilizations 9, 13, 16, Genghis Khan 45 Mesopotamia 12, South Pole 91
alphabets 83, 102, 111 48–49, 78–79, 105 Germany 47, 62, 63, 16–17 space 114, 117, 123
Americas 8, 9, 26, 30, clones 117 64, 68–69, 80, 81, Mexico 48, 78–79 Spain 49, 56, 57, 80,
78, 88–89, 105 Cold War 69, 123 95 Middle East 16, 17, 44, 82, 88
animals 8, 9, 11, 13, communications 45, gold 48, 49, 89, 90, 70, 71, 99, 104 Spanish Armada 82
15, 24, 28, 31, 74, 102, 107, 110, 111, 104 Mongols 45 suffragettes 31
90, 91, 103, 116–117, 122, 123 Good Friday Muslims 19, 44, 86, 88,
119 communism 66, 67, 68, Agreement 70 96, 97, 99 T
apartheid 34–35 69, 94, 95, 98 governments 16, 20, Native Americans 59, Taj Mahal 109
Arab Spring 71 Confucius 20–21 23, 43, 53, 74 89, 91 Tasman, Abel 92–93
art 8, 11, 22, 23, 48, conquistadores 26, gravity 115 New Zealand 92 Teotihuacan 78–79
79, 81, 112–113 48, 49 Greece 22–23, 76–77, Newton, Isaac 115 Thanksgiving 27
Asia 8, 9, 11, 24, 25, Constantinople 24, 50, 106, 116, 117 Titanic 83
45, 77, 84–85, 86, 85, 86, 88 health 8, 9, 10, 13, 16, P, R tools 10, 103, 104,
88, 90, 92, 105 Cook, James 91, 93 25, 29, 119 Pakistan 97 105
assassinations 60–61, Crusades 44 Hindus 18, 96, 97 Palestine 70, 99 trade 9, 14, 15, 24, 26,
63, 76 currency 22, 26, 57 Hiroshima 64–65 Parks, Rosa 32, 33 27, 45, 57, 62, 77,
Australia 91, 92, 93 Hitler, Adolf 64, 95 Persians 17, 77, 84 84–85, 86, 92, 102,
Aztecs 48, 79 D, E Hittites 38–39 philosophers 20–21, 105
da Vinci, Leonardo 54, 77, 92 Turkey 50, 51, 62, 76,
B 112–113 I, J Pompeii 82 84
Babylon 16, 17, 77, Darwin, Charles Incas 49, 109 presidents, US 21,
106 118–119 India 32, 77, 83, 88, 30, 33, 53, 60, 61, 91, U, V
Bangladesh 83, 97 education 33, 81, 110, 90, 96–97, 109 123 USA 27, 30, 31, 32–33,
banking crisis 71 111 independence 32, printing 110 52–53, 58, 59, 60, 61,
battles 12, 38–39, Egypt 9, 14–15, 38–39, 52–53, 56–57, 61, 83, pyramids 15, 78, 63, 64, 66, 67, 71, 91,
42–43, 55, 59, 77, 82 71, 76, 108 93, 96–97 79, 108 120, 121, 123
Berlin Wall 68–69 empires 16, 40, 45, inventions 28, 29, 103, Reformation 47 USSR 64, 65, 66, 67,
Black Death 24–25 50, 74, 75, 76–77, 110, 114, 120, 122 Renaissance 112–113 68, 69, 94, 123
Bonaparte, Napoleon 96, 107 iron 38, 103, 105 revolutions 54–57, 94 Vikings 42, 88
55, 56 equality 30, 31–35, Israel 99 Romans 9, 15, 24, voting 23, 31, 33
Britain 31, 35, 52, 53, 53, 55 Japan 64–65, 98 40–41, 60, 74–75, 80,
62, 91, 93, 96, 97, 99 Europe 24, 25, 34, 47, Jerusalem 44, 99 81, 82, 86, 103, 116 W
bronze 104–105 55, 57, 62–63, 65, 66, Jewish people 19, 64, Russia 62, 63, 69, 83, war 12, 22, 26, 41,
Buddhists 18, 108 68, 75, 77, 83, 85, 89, 95, 99 87, 94, 117 52–53, 47, 60, 62–65,
buildings 12, 15, 16, 92, 105, 110 67, 68, 69, 94, 95, 97,
23, 43, 78, 79, explorers 48, 85, K, L S 99, 116
106–109, 112, 121 88–93, 118, 123 King, Jr., Martin Luther science 110, 114, 115, water supply 13
Byzantium empire 75, 32–33, 61 117, 118–119 weapons 38, 49, 50,
85, 86 F Korea 66, 111 sewage systems 13 54, 64–67, 104
farming 8–9, 14, 28, 30, laws 16–17, 23, 28, 33, ships 24, 27, 82, 83, writing 13, 16, 20, 38,
C 102, 103, 105, 109 41, 55 85, 88, 90, 91, 92, 39, 48, 102, 111
Caesar, Julius 15, fascism 95 Lenin, Vladimir 94 93, 118 writings 17, 20, 38, 39,
40–41, 60, 74 fire 10, 25, 41, 58, 77, Lewis and Clark 91 sieges 24, 44, 50–51, 43, 47, 48, 81, 110,
Charlemagne 80–81 121 Luther, Martin 46–47 86 118, 119

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