As Envisioned by The Rizal Law, The Following Are The Duties of Educational Institutions To Perform EXCEPT One: ( (

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As envisioned by the Rizal Law, the following are the duties of

educational institutions to perform EXCEPT one: ((Develop cultural
2. The Rizal Law is a consolidation of what bills?((Senate Bill 438 and House bill 5561))
3. Rizal Law was made into law on this date((June 12, 1956))
4. He sponsored the approval of the bill by the Committee on Education on its
chairperson((Jose Laurel))
5. This override the veto power of the President in the legislation process. ((2/33 vote of all
members of a congress voting separately))
6. This is the process of law-making.((Legislation))
7. The Philippine president who signed the Rizal Bill into Law. ((Ramon Magsaysay))
8. the upper house of the Philippine Congress. ((Senate))
9. This social institution accordingly would be in conflict with the government with the
approval of Rizal Law.((Church/religion))
10. DepEd (Department of Education) was formerly. ((National Board of Education))*
11. According to him, "Rizal could serve as model for Filipino youth to inculcate civic
consciousness, national dignity, personal pride and patriotism".((Claro Recto))
12. How many readings of a bill are usually held in the law-making process as provided in the
1987 Philippine Constitution? ((3))
13. According to him, "there must be harmonious affections like love for his father and for
his mother. Let us not create conflict between nationalism and religion, between the
government and the church".((Francisco Rodrigo))
14. Fundamentally, the Rizal Law was envisioned to ((Inculcate ideals of nationalism and
patriotism among youth))
15. A system of writing of the pre-colonial Filipino ancestors with fourteen consonants and
three vowels.((baybayin))
16.  A Spanish writer who wrote the novel Don Quixote which was published in 1605 and in
1615. ((Miguel Cervantes))
17. Jose Rizal annotated his work, Sucesos de las Islas Filipinas making it the first attempt
to rehearse a national history of the Philippines according to ResilMojares. ((Antonio
18. This involves separation of one's national literature from a foreign
19. According to Jose Rizal, what does he want to sacrifice for the sake of art which was
manifested in his unfinished novel, Makamisa?((politics))
20. It is considered the mirror of the society.((literature))
21.  Formation of these is one goal of a national literature. Choose based from the
presentation. ((nationalism and patriotism))
22. Jose Rizal believed that national literature is created by a strategic discursive
community. Thus, these two shall be widened. ((literacy and public education))
23. This solidifies the sentiments of the people and boosts their empathy towards each
other.((national literature))
24. Literature can only grow through a vital conversation with the rest of the world. This
connotes ((disengagement))
25. ResilMojares considers this "a continuing process and must remain unstable and
unsettled as national literature, for it is when it is so that it is open and creative".
((nation formation))
26. As a jargon in social science, a nation refers to ((an entity in which people of common
culture orientation…))
27. Which of the following concept of nationalism was expressed by Snyder? ((all of the
28. According to the definition by experts of the Royal Institute of International Affairs,
nationalism is:((all of the above))
29. Which of the following captures Smith definition of nationalism?((all of the above))
30. Which among the following is Plamenatz idea as to when nationalism emerges?((when
that identity is..))
31. Which of the following illustrate as a large-scale conventional war rooted on a firm
nationalist sentiment? ((E.))
32. Anderson analyzed the concept of nationalism into three paradoxes, which is not
true? ((objective modernity vs subjective))
33. Nationalism perspective which describes national identity as a product of modern
conditions and shaped by modernity as gleaned on the events of capitalism,
industrialization, secularization and urbanization. ((Primordialism))
34. Nationalism perspective which describes national identity as a product of modern
conditions and shaped by modernity as gleaned on the events of capitalism,
industrialization, secularization and urbanization((Modernity theory))
35. Nationalism perspective that says nationalism is socially constructed and imagined by
people who identify themselves in a group((Constructivism))
36. Anderson redefined nationalism in terms of treating a nation as an imagined political
community. Which would best express Anderson's idea among the following?((F))ABC
37. Rizal's struggles in the 19th century was triggered by:((abuses of Spanish authorities)) 
38. Inspired by the idea of Sinibaldo de Mas, this illustrates that nationalism as an act of
Spain which was considered to be the mother nation of the Philippines. ((EspanaGuia..))
39. In promoting genuine Filipino natonalism, Jose Rizal employed an intellectual means
originated in the history of the Filipino people. ((construction of the…))
40. Which is not true about the canonization of Jose Rizal as saint? ((Bishop Gregorio…))
41. Which is not true about the founders of the various cults of Rizal? ((Knight of Rizal…))
42. Which best describe the beliefs of the various cults of Rizal? ((they all honor rizal))
43. What can be deduced from the following Adarnista hymn? " Dr. Rizal is god and man, The
most learned physician,He is the god who rules, He is king of all the world"((D)) ABC
44. What is common to all cults honoring Rizal?((D))ALL SECTS
45. Which cult of Rizal believes that Rizal will appear and will lead the army of god after a
Third World War?((Sambahang Rizal))
46. Which of the following is not a characteristic of the Philippine economy in the 19th
century?((advancement of the service sector))
47. Which of the following is a true description of the Philippine politics in the 19th
century? ((the native were deprived…))
48. A major influence on the educational development in the Philippines in the 19th
century. ((the return…))
49. The need for a historical investigation for the creation of national consciousness was
inspired by the Europeans, mainly the. ((germans))
50. The following served as factors that gave rise to Philippine nationalism
EXCEPT ((expulsions off the jessuits))
51. According to Schumacher, this is the main reason why friars became the main target of
the Filipino nationalists. ((power/influence))
52. The seed of Philippine nationalism had been sowed through this. ((execution of
53.  Andres: Bonifacio: Jose Rizal.... Jose Burgos: ________ ((gomez))
54. They were the key factor in keeping the natives/masses loyal in the 19th
century. ((Friars))
55. Schumacher believed that most Filipinos of the 19th century can be called ____ in some
56. The following are considered the main currents of the Nationalist Movement in the 19th
century. ((conservatives))
57. Their primordial concern was economic concern and not the creation of a new
nation. ((modernizers))
58. He is a very good example of a "Modernizer.((Pardo de Tavera))
59. All reformists were _______________.((liberals))
60. For Schumacher, Jose Rizal was a _____________.((nationalist))
61. The Philippine periodical Press in the 19th century are all associated with wider
propaganda project, all are subject to strict censorship by the Spanish government.
Which is the correct statement.((False, all periodicals in 19 th century…))
62. Which of the following was not a reform sought from the Spanish government by the
propaganda? ((change of government))
63. Which of the following served as a forerunner of later bilingual periodicals in the
Philippines as well as La Solidaridad in Spain((El diario Tagalog))
64. Isabelo de los Reyes, a journalist and a champion of folklore articles. The contents of his
newspapers articles are the following EXCEPT:((additional secular..))
65. The theme on education in Noli Me Tangere appeared most in the following chapters,
EXCEPT:  ((chapter 10))
66. The main characters of the Noli Me Tangere((Maria and Ibarra))
67. According to Rizal himself he took the term Noli Me Tangere which means "Touch Me
Not" from the Bible. From what Gospel was Noli Me Tangere taken?((st john 20:17))
68. The writing of the Noli Me Tangere was inspired by the following several authors,
EXCEPT: ((Juan Luna's Spoliarium))
69. . The final Manila-based newspaper of Isabelo de los Reyes, which began publishing in
1894.((… of our laws, explain, discuss and make them…))
70. In May 1882, Rizal left the Philippines for the first time and went to a certain country to
continue his studies. What is the name of the country?((Spain))
71. The ___________ curtails the effectiveness of education. Education could only lead to
positive change in the Philippines, and the best way forward is for the country to reform
the corrupt system rather than completely destroy it. Fill in the blank.((church))
72. "Education could only lead to positive change in the Philippines, and the best way
forward is for the country to reform the corrupt system rather than completely destroy
it." This is espoused to a political ideology on: ((reform))
73. The opposing viewpoints run throughout the novel, posing an important question about
political and cultural transformation, to change or to overthrow the government. Which
statement is correct? ((D))
74. Pseudonyms of Isabelo delos Reyes, EXCEPT: ((J. Platanos))
75.  The newspaper of the late Spanish colonial Manila should be considered as being
politically contentious, and instruments of propaganda, along with La Solidaridad. The
participation of the Isabelo delos Reyes in the propaganda has been overlooked for this

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