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IBM Cloud

How to ensure your client gets value
from their investment with IBM Garage
and Expert Labs through FAST
ADOPTION of their Cloud Pak of choice
IBM Garage and Expert Labs For each Cloud Pak, we deliver cohesive journeys that
span deployment, innovation and modernization

Offerings for Cloud Paks

including enterprise scale out with operations, skills,
management, DevOps, and readiness consultancy.

Engage IBM Initial Framing Design Thinking Architecture Minimum Viable Build Out
Garage when… Session Product Build

Production Readiness Services

Your client wants to ideate

Digital Learning Subscriptions

IBM Cloud Pak IBM Cloud Pak and develop a business
for Applications for Automation
outcome-centric approach
to innovate or modernize a
solution on IBM Cloud Pak Cloud Service Management, Operations, and DevOps Consultancy
and wants to co-create the
IBM Cloud Pak IBM Cloud Pak solution with us.
for Multicloud for Integration
Engage IBM Container Cloud Pak Architecture Solution Build
Platform Solution and and
Cloud Expert Deployment Initiation
Workshops Deployment

IBM Cloud Pak

for Data Labs when…
Your client has decided
on a business outcome,
and wants IBM to Operationalize the production
deliver the solution(s) environment and solution. Upskill
with IBM Cloud Pak. your teams.

We are one IBM Cloud team, regardless of where you start, Garage or Expert Labs, your client will have the expertise they
IBM Garage
need to meet their goals.

Overview IBM Garage and Expert Labs Offerings for Cloud Paks

Applications Automation Multicloud Management Integration Data


OUTCOME: Working code and A user-ready Alignment across Observability CSMO and DevOps Achieve SRE, Production ready Production ready Production ready Convert a business
platform in 6-8 weeks application with which business and technical practices for implementation. repeatable and solutions, tested and solutions, tested and solutions, tested and opportunity into a data
with a tested you will see business teams on the problem visibility of Visibility into and scalable build to aligned with the aligned with the aligned with the hypothesis. Test the data
hypothesis, a new way results, collaborative space and a definition and applications, control of cloud spend. delivery process for client’s goal in 6-8 client’s goal in 6-8 client’s goal in 6-8 hypothesis and develop
of working, skills to integration of roadmap of the solution. cross-org Application-centric setting applications weeks. Skills transfer. weeks. Skills transfer. weeks. Skills transfer. into actionable data
succeed and Development and collaboration for security and into the cloud, insights.
confidence in our Operations in software faster mean time to governance policies. the foundation of a Improved inventory
hybrid, multicloud delivery for repair (MTTR), new, Learning and governance model to management.
platform and IBM as a exceptional user automated tools upskilling for new ensure enterprise
partner. experience. supporting cloud modern methods of security and agility. (MVP Build includes (MVP Build includes (MVP Build includes
service operations. platform, process and platform, process and platform, process and
management and toolchains.) toolchains.) toolchains.)

6 X D1W5PLL 6 X D1W5PLL 6 X D1W5PLL 6 X D1W5PLL 6 X D1W5PLL 6 X D1W5PLL 6 X D1W5PLL 6 X D1W5PLL 6 X D1W5PLL 6 X D00UKZX**

OUTCOME: Well architected Well architected Well architected Deploy a new Well-architected Deploy / manage Outcomes include well Outcomes include well Outcomes include well Gup and running with an
enterprise container platform enterprise environment production enterprise clusters with architected enterprise architected enterprise architected enterprise initial use case to
environment, with common and solutions, deep environment which environment, application of security environment and environment and environment and generate immediate
confidence with operational services technical assistance includes golden automated policies, visibility and working solution, working solution, working solution, business value and
moving workloads to and DevOps tooling. when you need it, signals to manage deployment and governance of confidence with confidence with confidence with proactive management of
container platforms, Deploy Cloud Pak and assurance during peak applications upgrade management containers and migrations identified, migrations identified, migrations identified, the platform for one year.
traditional migrations, verify with sample demand, confidence with anywhere with of containers and container clusters. technical assistance technical assistance technical assistance
deep technical application. Achieve migrations, guidance dynamic clusters, confidence and skills transfer and skills transfer and skills transfer Engage in a 12-week
assistance when you improved developer setting up a center of monitoring. Obtain with migrations and when you need it. when you need it. when you need it. agile project with open
need it. productivity and excellence. mentorship to assurance during peak scale experts to develop
speed to market, create automated demand. a production ready
enable admins and runbooks for solution.
developers on application
operational best recovery.

IBM Garage ICP105 ICP105 ICP105 ICP105 ICP105 ICP105

ICP107 ICP105 ICP105
MCM102 MCM102 MCM102 INT300 INT300 INT300 Placeholder
MCM103 MCM103 MCM103 INT400 INT400 INT400
IBM Cloud Pak for Applications

STEP 1 - Hook the client STEP 2 - Prove the technology and outcome STEP 3 - Scale

Clients says: Use Case And, client says: With IBM Garage
”My WAS Modernize applications “How can we get to our business A co-creation experience that enables
version is out outcome fast?” client and proves modernization
by using insights to
of support,
what do I appropriately refactor, hypothesis. Execute a Garage
optimize resources and “I don’t know how to get started.” experience to gain consensus on Scale to hundreds of
do?” “My WAS applications
need to be upgraded costs and reduce business outcome and co-create fast thousands of apps
“We want to learn a new way of
for cloud.” complexity. results in 6-8 weeks. with consistent
delivery model and
Outcomes include working code and platform in 6- automation.
“My applications 8 weeks with a tested hypothesis, a new way of
are becoming working, skills to succeed and confidence in our
IBM Cloud Pak hybrid, multicloud platform and IBM as a partner.
Continue your journey
difficult to manage.” for Applications to cloud with Expert
Labs, GBS or your
selected partner.
“I need to re-architect
my complex apps.”
“I need help with infrastructure With Expert Labs
architecture and installation.”
• Infrastructure Architecture
“I need assistance to move • Cloud Pak Stand-up and DevOps
workloads into container platforms”
“I don’t know • Operational Services
how to get
started or “I need deep technical assistance to • Moving workloads to container
where to start.” supplement my team.” platforms & other migrations
“I need to
move faster.” • Digital learning subscription
“Help me understand how the
technology works.” Outcomes include well architected enterprise
environment, confidence with moving workloads
to container platforms, traditional migrations,
deep technical assistance when you need it.
IBM Garage
IBM Cloud Pak for Applications

STEP 1 - Hook the client STEP 2 - Prove the technology and outcome STEP 3 - Scale

Clients says: Use Case And, client says: With IBM Garage
Develop cloud native Identify and align IT and business
“I want to modify our development
apps with containers, culture to be more agile and around an innovative opportunity.
inclusive of operations.” Execute a Garage experience to gain
starting with open
“How do I get started consensus on business outcome and co-
creating microservices source, common create fast results in 6-8 weeks. Take Scale to hundreds of
or cloud native services, developer “I need to take a new look at thousands of apps
Development governance for cloud advantage of modern architectures for rapid
applications?” tools of choice and iterative builds that meet client needs. with consistent
native applications and the
integrated DevOps. migration of our existing apps.”
delivery model and
Outcomes include a user-ready application with
“How do I create a which you will see business results, collaborative
cultural shift to drive “How do I quickly build and test an integration of Development and Operations in
faster service innovative idea against my users?” software delivery for exceptional user experience. Continue your journey
“How do I start delivery by removing to cloud with Expert
to modernize barriers between IBM Cloud Pak
Labs, GBS or your
our application teams?“ for Applications
portfolio not just
a single app? ” “I need assistance to build a well With Expert Labs selected partner.
architected container platform to Build a well architected container platform
develop cloud native applications with with common operational services and
“We are looking microservices.” DevOps tooling. Deploy Cloud Pak and verify
for modernizing with sample application.
“How to setup an the current build “I need assistance to setup CI/CD
end to end cloud and deployment pipeline to optimize the build and Outcomes include well architected container
process” deployment process” platform with common operational services and
native application
development DevOps tooling. Deploy Cloud Pak and verify with
platform?” “How do we quickly enable our team sample application. Achieve improved developer
to manage the container platform ?“ productivity and speed to market, enable admins
and developers on operational best practices.

IBM Garage
IBM Cloud Pak for Automation

STEP 1 - Hook the client STEP 2 - Prove the technology and outcome STEP 3 - Scale

Clients says: Use Case And, client says: With IBM Garage
Improve employee “We have a huge, complex process.” Breakdown complex problems into
productivity by meaningful iterations that rapidly
“We need help to automating mundane “We want to adopt modern agile deliver success. Execute a Garage
combine our business clerical tasks and development.” Design Thinking Workshop to align the Scale to hundreds of
with automation “We want to assisting knowledge teams on a solution definition. thousands of apps
technology.” infuse AI into our “I don’t know where to start.”
work. with consistent
business Outcomes include alignment across business and
delivery model and
Enrich content with technical teams on the problem space and a
definition and roadmap of the solution. automation.
intelligence to deliver
trustworthy business Continue your journey
insights. to cloud with Expert
“I need to act on Labs, GBS or your
market shifts
Increase operational
“I need help with infrastructure With Expert Labs selected partner.
visibility to optimize
architecture and installation.” • Infrastructure Architecture
• Cloud Pak Stand-up and DevOps
“I want to leverage Cloud Pak
capabilities to develop new • Solution Design & Implementation
“We would like
to be more
automation solutions” • Operational Services
“We want to be
innovative & disruptive IBM Cloud Pak
• Migrations & Health checks
“I need assurance my DBA apps are
with our solutions.” for Automation
healthy and on latest versions” • Digital learning subscription

Outcomes include well architected enterprise

“I need deep technical assistance to
environment and solutions, deep technical
supplement my team.” assistance when you need it, assurance during peak
demand, confidence with migrations, guidance
setting up a center of excellence
IBM Garage
IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management

STEP 1 - Hook the client STEP 2 - Prove the technology and outcome STEP 3 - Scale

Clients says: Use Case And, client says: With IBM Garage
Ensure applications “We want a holistic transformation Create a build and management
“With the new deliver continuous of our culture and skills enabling us strategy including SRE golden signals
Microservices, business value with to drive competitive advantage.” to build once and deploy anywhere, to
applications are more dynamic monitoring optimize and scale. Accelerate skills Scale to hundreds of
complex than ever.” “We want to collaborate with thousands of apps
and problem and processes to manage, govern, and
industry experts in defining our
“How can we resolution. optimize multicloud environments. with consistent
vision and operating strategy. ”
expand to a delivery model and
public cloud for Outcomes include observability practices that automation.
our critical
“How can we establish more
provide visibility of applications, cross-org
applications?” predictability and availability of our
collaboration for faster mean time to repair Continue your journey
IBM Cloud Pak new cloud?” (MTTR), new, automated tools supporting cloud
“Our current ITIL for Applications
IBM Cloud Pak service management and operations. to cloud with Expert
processes are a bit for Multicloud Labs, GBS, or your
heavy and not as
With Expert Labs
dynamic as we need selected partner.
them to be as we take
“I need help with infrastructure
on more and more architecture and installation.”
cloud native Deploy a new production environment
applications.” “I need mentoring and skill building which includes golden signals to
to update operations faster.” manage applications anywhere with
“We do not have the dynamic monitoring. Obtain
ability to track cloud “We need to move to a proven cloud
mentorship to create automated
spend or understand management environment
cloud utilization.” immediately.” runbooks for application recovery.
“We need to
update Outcomes include accelerated adoption of skills,
operations hands-on experience in a pre-production
faster.” sandbox, faster mean time to repair applications.

IBM Garage
IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management

STEP 1 - Hook the client STEP 2 - Prove the technology and outcome STEP 3 - Scale

Clients says: Use Case And, client says: With IBM Garage
Deliver a secure “Are there better ways to build Take an innovation approach to
multicloud deployment, operations into user’s requirements?” management and operations.
“With our multicloud upgrade and Look beyond today’s processes. Define
strategy we need management with “As development processes speed to Scale to hundreds of
stronger operations
operations to be scalable.
consistency. meet user needs, how do we ready thousands of apps
practices that are our operations to do the same?”
“We are using cloud ready.” Outcomes include: CSMO and DevOps with consistent
more than one “How do we ensure stability and
implementation, driving collaboration, velocity, delivery model and
and visibility throughout your organization. automation.
cloud and are availability of current solutions as we Visibility into and control of cloud spend.
looking to
move critical applications to the Application-centric security and governance
simplify IBM Cloud
PakPak Continue your journey
management of
IBM Cloud cloud?” policies. Learning and upskilling for new modern
for for Multicloud
Applications methods of operations. to cloud with Expert
those clouds.” Management
Labs, GBS, or your
“We are looking to
upgrade our existing
ad-hoc on-prem
“I need help with infrastructure With Expert Labs selected partner.

automation to architecture and installation.”

modern public • Cloud Pak Stand-up and DevOps
clouds.” “I need automation to simplify • Infrastructure Architecture
“How do we deployment and upgrade of containers
and clusters.” • Operational Services
update our
current IT • Migrations
processes?” • Digital learning subscription
“We want to
break down
silos between Outcomes include well-architected enterprise
Dev and Ops.” environment, automated deployment and upgrade
management of containers and clusters,
confidence with migrations and assurance during
peak demand.
IBM Garage
IBM Cloud Pak for Multicloud Management

STEP 1 - Hook the client STEP 2 - Prove the technology and outcome STEP 3 - Scale

Clients says: Use Case And, client says: With IBM Garage
Redefine development and
Provide end-to-end “Our organizational culture is ready to operations processes for application
“How do we deploy
operations and security explore new concepts, processes and creation with a full view of end-to-
more clusters securely management across skills to deliver cloud services to our end delivery.
and still keep a focus hybrid / multicloud. users and developers.” Scale to hundreds of
“We want to on visibility, Outcomes include Site Reliability Engineering -- thousands of apps
manage governance, and “Is there a better way to securely build
containers and automation?”
a prescriptive way to adopt DevOps principles with consistent
applications with management controls through engineering and operations work, a
container in the minds of the developers?”
delivery model and
repeatable and scalable build to delivery process
clusters, from a for setting applications into the cloud, and the automation.
single place.” foundation of a governance model to ensure
“We have started to adopt Site
Cloud PakPak Reliability Engineering methods. How enterprise security and agility when automating Continue your journey
“We need a for for Multicloud
Applications cluster deployments. to cloud with Expert
Management do we ensure this role is leveraged?”
cloud Labs, GBS, or your
With Expert Labs
“Our developers are model.”
selected partner.
using or plan to use “I need help with infrastructure
containerized workloads installation.”
in private and public • Cloud Pak Stand-up and DevOps
clouds. How do we “I need deep technical assistance to • Infrastructure Architecture
create a build and supplement my team.”
delivery pipeline and • Operational Services
strategy for this?” “I need help with discovery and • Migrations
management in a secure hybrid cloud..” • Digital learning subscription
“Site Reliability
Engineering, what
can we do better Outcomes include ability to deploy/manage
with that method?” clusters with application of security policies,
visibility and governance of containers and
container clusters.

IBM Garage
IBM Cloud Pak for Integration

STEP 1 - Hook the client STEP 2 - Prove the technology and outcome STEP 3 - Scale

Clients says: Use Case And, client says: With IBM Garage
Cloud and SaaS “How do I rally my stakeholder’s Identify the business drivers that are
integration. interest to support a modernized compelling your organization to
“How can I easily
connect applications integration model?” modernize. Gain consensus of business
and data across outcome, analyze the complex flow, Scale to hundreds of
multiple clouds?” “What is the roadmap for me to get identify containerization, architect the thousands of apps
from where I am to where I need to integration workflows + considerations for
“I want to leverage my with consistent
existing estate while be?” security, data, automation.
IBM Cloud Pak delivery model and
modernizing to the for Integration
“How do I take the first step without automation.
cloud. Is this difficult Outcomes include Production ready solutions, tested
“Help! My LOBs
to implement and disrupting my current services and and aligned with the client’s goal in 6-8 weeks. Skills
and IT teams are Continue your journey
integrate? IBM Cloud Pak operations?” transfer. (MVP Build includes platform, process and
proliferating their
for Applications
toolchains.) to cloud with Expert
own integration Labs, GBS, or your
model, capabilities
and platform.”
“I need to quickly deploy an
integration project to prove and
With Expert Labs selected partner.
“My integration engage my broader stakeholders • Infrastructure Architecture
layer is monolithic,
towards a modernization journey” • Cloud Pak Stand-up and DevOps
or some workloads
have been lift- • Solution Design & Implementation
shifted to multiple “I need help with installation.”
cloud vendor • Operational Services
platforms.” “Some of my “I want to leverage Cloud Pak • Migrations
backend capabilities capabilities to develop new • Digital learning subscription
are now being automation solutions”
provided by SaaS Outcomes include well architected enterprise
provider.” “I need deep technical assistance to environment and working solution, confidence
supplement my team.” with migrations identified, technical assistance
and skills transfer when you need it.
IBM Garage
IBM Cloud Pak for Integration

STEP 1 - Hook the client STEP 2 - Prove the technology and outcome STEP 3 - Scale

Clients says: Use Case And, client says: With IBM Garage
Identify the business drivers that are
Respond to real-time “What will be the end to end user story compelling your organization to modernize.
“How do I deliver events to optimize for integration and how does it impact Gain consensus of business outcome, analyze
faster /better customer experience the current model for UX, DevOps,
the complex flow, identify containerization,
responsive customer and offers. service management and security? Scale to hundreds of
experiences?” architect the integration workflows +
considerations for security, data, automation. thousands of apps
“How do I differentiate ourselves from
with consistent
our competitors”
“I have a traditional IT Outcomes include: Improved inventory management delivery model and
and my business “How do I take the first step without enabled by better buyer interactions. Production ready automation.
cannot cope with our disrupting my current services and solutions, tested and aligned with the client’s goal in 6-8
IBM Cloud Pak
current volume and weeks. Skills transfer. Improved inventory management. Continue your journey
“How do I align my IBMIntegration
for Cloud Pak operations?”
pace.” (MVP Build includes platform, process and toolchains.)
my LoBs and IT for Applications to cloud with Expert
teams to agree on Labs, GBS, or your
integration model,
capabilities and
“I need to quickly deploy an integration
project to prove and engage my broader
With Expert Labs selected partner.

stakeholders towards a modernization • Infrastructure Architecture

“How can I easily journey” • Cloud Pak Stand-up and DevOps
“I need help with installation.” • Solution Design & Implementation
applications and
data across • Operational Services
multiple clouds” “I want to leverage Cloud Pak • Migrations
capabilities to develop new automation
• Digital learning subscription
Outcomes include well architected enterprise
“I need deep technical assistance to environment and working solution, confidence with
supplement my team.” migrations identified, technical assistance and skills
transfer when you need it.
IBM Garage
IBM Cloud Pak for Integration

STEP 1 - Hook the client STEP 2 - Prove the technology and outcome STEP 3 - Scale

Clients says: Use Case And, client says: With IBM Garage
Identify the business drivers that are
Create a secure API “How do I rally my stakeholder’s interest compelling your organization to
portal for clients and to support and agree on a modernized
“My business partners
modernize. Gain consensus of business
integration model?”
and clients have digitally
partners. outcome, analyze the complex flow,
transformed. We need to “What is the roadmap for me to get from identify containerization, architect the Scale to hundreds of
rethink how we interface where I am to where I need to be?” integration workflows + considerations thousands of apps
in our current traditional with consistent
integration architecture”
for security, data, automation.
“How do I take the first step without
delivery model and
disrupting my current services and
IBM Cloud Pak operations?” Outcomes include: Production ready solutions, automation.
for Integration tested and aligned with the client’s goal in 6-8
“I want to leverage my IBM Cloud Pak weeks. Skills transfer. (MVP Build includes platform, Continue your journey
existing estate while process and toolchains.)
for Applications to cloud with Expert
modernizing to the
cloud. Is this difficult
Labs, GBS, or your
to implement and
integrate?” “I need to quickly deploy an integration With Expert Labs selected partner.
project to prove and engage my broader
• Infrastructure Architecture
stakeholders towards a modernization
journey” • Cloud Pak Stand-up and DevOps
“How can I easily
• Solution Design & Implementation
connect applications “I need help with installation.”
and data across • Operational Services
multiple clouds” “I want to leverage Cloud Pak • Migrations
capabilities to develop new automation
solutions” • Digital learning subscription

“I need deep technical assistance to Outcomes include well architected enterprise

supplement my team.” environment and working solution, confidence
with migrations identified, technical assistance
and skills transfer when you need it.
IBM Garage
IBM Cloud Pak for Data

STEP 1 - Hook the client STEP 2 - Prove the technology and outcome STEP 3 - Scale

Clients says: Use Case And, client says: With IBM Garage
Operationalize data “I need to build, deploy, manage Design an actionable use case.
science and AI with and govern model and data, at scale, Convert a business opportunity into a
trust and to improve business outcomes.” data hypothesis. Test the data
“How do I
transparency. hypothesis and develop into actionable Scale to hundreds of
infuse data “How do I use AI to deliver the next
insights and data insights. thousands of apps
best action, in real time?”
AI into with consistent
applications?” “How do I create a 360º view of my Outcomes include: Data insights and AI delivery model and
customer?” models to achieve the business outcome. automation.
IBM Cloud Pak Alignment between LOB and IT. Shared
for Data
“How do I understanding of the client’s customer. Continue your journey
modernize data to cloud with Expert
estates and Labs, GBS, or your
“How do I comply “I need to understand how Cloud With Expert Labs selected partner.
with data and IT Pak for Data can be relevant to me
regulation and my needs.” Initiate: Help clients deploy the Cloud Pak
compliance?” for Data platform and get up and running
“I want to get business value from with an initial use case to generate
my implementation of Cloud Pak for immediate business value and proactive
“I am Data in the shortest possible time.” management of the platform for one year.
struggling to
provide data Productionize: Set of services includes the
to LOB.” Initiate services (above) as well as a 12-
week agile project with open scale experts
to develop a production ready solution.

IBM Garage

ü Add Garage or Expert Labs to all

Cloud Pak deals

ü Don’t forget to apply for your 2+2

ü Link to Incremental Incentive DB
ü Link to Program Details

Have a client opportunity?
Here’s how you can engage with us
IBM Garage

1 Ask your questions on the

#sellgarage Slack channel 2 Find the
Garage sales principal 3 Visit
for your region or industry to get for a list of prescriptive use
help qualifying an opportunity cases, client journeys, sales
collateral, and references.

Expert Labs

1 Ask your questions on the

#cloud-labs Slack channel 2 Find the
Expert Labs sales principal
3 Contact us via email
for your region or industry to get with any other questions.
help qualifying an opportunity
IBM Garage

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