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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Island Garden
City of Samal
Samal Senior High School


Name: Lovely C. Tabog Strand: GAS

Date of Immersion January 16,2020

What was the highlight of the immersion that you find significant today?
In the sense of acquiring the luminous knowledge and information disseminated by
the prestigious officers with concerned to the laws and regulations specifically RA
8353: The Rape Law of 1997, RA 9165: Comprehensive Dangerous Act of 2002
and RA 9262: Violence Against Women and Children, I believe that these things
got the highest importance to which I considered as my highlight for today.
What are the things you have accomplished today?
I have learned a lot of information that it took more than 4 hours for me to sit and listen.
What are the issues you faced today? How did you resolve them?
Waiting for at least 2 hours in front of the hall is truly a tiresome in an understatement. This
was because the police officer who handled us was late and literally too busy. And all we
have to do is to wait for a period of like seasons. However, we overcome this issue through
What aspect caused you the most anxiety?
Social aspect, of course I am not a veteran in exchanging professional barbs
especially to police officers whom I found reputable and straight-forward. That is
why whenever they call names, we always had this vague feeling of either scared
or excited.
Was there any aspect that made you feel difficult? What did you do to
overcome them?
The commodity of time, well I am aware that I am just a student being trained
under a certain department. However, the officer who took accountable to us is
sometimes forgetful and all we have to do is to remind her about such thing.
What were the three most important things you learned today?
1. Patience is a virtue. 3. Learn to enjoy killing time.
3. Listening while digesting is an achievement

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Island Garden City of Samal
Samal Senior High School


Name: Lovely C. Tabog Strand: GAS

Date of Immersion January 17,2020
What was the highlight of the immersion that you find significant
Coastal clean-up for the benefit of the nature adheres positive movement. Factual
inputs regarding traffic laws are also one of these movements. To sum it all, these
were the highlight of the immersion I have found significant today.
What are the things you have accomplished today?
Creative introductory of our names coming from the different schools and
lectures about traffic laws and arresting a person with or without warrant of
arrest section 1-5 of rule 113 of the revised penal code of criminal court.
What are the issues you faced today? How did you resolve them?
Cleaning under the heat of the sun requires patience and patience itself
was the best thing to resolve it.
What aspect caused you the most anxiety?
None so far.
Was there any aspect that made you feel difficult? What did you do to
overcome them?
I think there were none so far.
What were the three most important things you learned today?
1. Learning is important. 2. Learn to enjoy every moment.
3. Knowledge about laws are significant.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Island Garden City of Samal
Samal Senior High School


Name: Lovely C. Tabog Strand: GAS

Date of Immersion January 18,2020

What was the highlight of the immersion that you find significant
Station clean-up and conducting observation is the highlight of the
immersion I have found significant today.
What are the things you have accomplished today?
Filling up the garbage bins with waste materials and focusing observation
over the station.
What are the issues you faced today? How did you resolve them?
There were none.
What aspect caused you the most anxiety?
None so far.
Was there any aspect that made you feel difficult? What did you do to
overcome them?
None so far.
What were the three most important things you learned today?
1. Be responsible 2. Be an empty cup.
2. Observation is a must.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Island Garden City of Samal
Samal Senior High School


Name: Lovely C. Tabog Strand: GAS

Date of Immersion January 20,2020

What was the highlight of the immersion that you find significant
The highlight of the immersion for today was all about the essence of proper
waste segregation, lectures about community problems and things about
Anti-Terrorism Act.
What are the things you have accomplished today?
We have accomplished task on segregating waste materials.
What are the issues you faced today? How did you resolve them?
Sitting down for a couple of hours while listening to the lecturer. Of course,
this was so hard for me without a proper posture on the chair. However, I
have resolved this issue through excusing myself at the De Vera Hall and
drink some plenty of water.
What aspect caused you the most anxiety?
I think there were none so far.
Was there any aspect that made you feel difficult? What did you do to
overcome them?
None so far.
What were the three most important things you learned today?
1. Drink water to calm ourselves. 2. Be participative.
3. Be patient.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Island Garden City of Samal
Samal Senior High School


Name: Lovely C. Tabog Strand: GAS

Date of Immersion January 21,2020

What was the highlight of the immersion that you find significant
The highlight for today’s immersion was the rage of the PRC over us and through
this rage we have recognized our own faults and realizations about our character
that we must participate when the command is directly given.
What are the things you have accomplished today?
We have accomplished such wonderful things on creating camaraderie and
having a successful variety show.
What are the issues you faced today? How did you resolve them?
Hearing disappointments from our PRC is actually a serious issue. However, we
have overcame this situation through pondering how we should present our variety
show with productivity.
What aspect caused you the most anxiety?
None so far.
Was there any aspect that made you feel difficult? What did you do to
overcome them?
Adjustment with social figures, especially when I am not with my classmates in the
team. However, I initiate friendly approach to be acquainted with any of them.
What were the three most important things you learned today?
1. An immersion develops camaraderie. 2.Be friendly.
2. Always share ideas with the group if you want to suggest something.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Island Garden
City of Samal
Samal Senior High School


Name: Lovely C. Tabog Strand: GAS

Date of Immersion January 23,2020

What was the highlight of the immersion that you find significant
Community service, police patrol and filling up membership for police workforce
movement over illegal drugs and rape is the highlight for today’s immersion.
What are the things you have accomplished today?
Visiting public sector using the patrol car and served as the representatives
for the picture taking.
What are the issues you faced today? How did you resolve them?
There were none.
What aspect caused you the most anxiety?
When all Samal SHS trainees directly go to the patrol car without any hesitations
for paying a visit on public establishments even the other schools are still there
looking at us like saying, “what about us?’
Was there any aspect that made you feel difficult? What did you do to
overcome them?
None so far.
What were the three most important things you learned today?
1. Be active always.
2. Enjoy the ride of life.
3. Taking pictures are always that good.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Island Garden City of Samal
Samal Senior High School


Name: Lovely C. Tabog Strand: GAS

Date of Immersion January 24,2020

What was the highlight of the immersion that you find significant
We have a movie marathon entitled “Terminator: Dark Fate” and, we have a
meeting regarding with our final activity.
What are the things you have accomplished today?
Choosing what activity we are going to present together with my groupmates.
What are the issues you faced today? How did you resolve them?
Management of our team because some of the members were so irresponsible on
taking their roles properly. However, I have resolved this issue through
encouraging them to be a responsible trainee.
What aspect caused you the most anxiety?
None so far.
Was there any aspect that made you feel difficult? What did you do to
overcome them?
None so far.
What were the three most important things you learned today?
1. Develop encouragement in a group activity.
2. Watch movie and reflect it to your life.
3.Help everyone to understand and share their side.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Island Garden City of Samal
Samal Senior High School


Name: Lovely C. Tabog Strand: GAS

Date of Immersion January 27,2020

What was the highlight of the immersion that you find significant
Practice with the groupmates to enhance productivity.
What are the things you have accomplished today?
Polishing the floor for the variety show and had a picture.
What are the issues you faced today? How did you resolve them?
The groupmates were not totally good at acting, so we chose dancing to
avoid any performance complications.

What aspect caused you the most anxiety?

None so far.
Was there any aspect that made you feel difficult? What did you do to
overcome them?
None so far.
What were the three most important things you learned today?
1. Participation is a must. 2. Try your best at all cost.
3.Always remain active.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Island Garden City of Samal
Samal Senior High School


Name: Lovely C. Tabog Strand: GAS

Date of Immersion January 28,2020

What was the highlight of the immersion that you find significant
Practice for the cost of a better performance to be presented on the final day of the
What are the things you have accomplished today?
We have made a final practice for the variety show.
What are the issues you faced today? How did you resolve them?
Dealing with a lot of various attitudes. However, we have resolved it through
approaching each other with the best that we can.
What aspect caused you the most anxiety?
None so far.
Was there any aspect that made you feel difficult? What did you do to
overcome them?
Pressure, because the next day is the last day and the presentation must be able
to be seen with a lot of police staffs. However, we overcame this pressure through
practicing to justify our talent in front of the crowd.
What were the three most important things you learned today?
1. Showcase your talent. 2. Do not be ashamed to dance wholeheartedly.
3. Try hard until you succeed.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Division of Island Garden City of Samal
Samal Senior High School


Name: Lovely C. Tabog Strand: GAS

Date of Immersion January 29,2020

What was the highlight of the immersion that you find significant
The day where we presented our best in front of the police station and the end
time as a police corporal.
What are the things you have accomplished today?
Showcasing our talent, eating food, had some drinks, and bidding of goodbyes.
What are the issues you faced today? How did you resolve them?
There is totally no issue that I have found today. It’s just a complete enjoyment.
What aspect caused you the most anxiety?
When the time has come for us to say goodbye to each every one of us and the
feeling that you still want to stay being a trainee together with them.
Was there any aspect that made you feel difficult? What did you do to
overcome them?
Trying to hide in ourselves that it is okay to cut ties with each other when in fact we
cannot do this. However, we have overcame this difficulty through accepting in
ourselves that not all of the time you could be with the people you wanted to be
enjoyed with.
What were the three most important things you learned today?
1. Every journey has an end. 2.No matter how hard, learn to accept the truths.
3. Remembering is the best way to cherish every journey you have in life.

This was the first day of our immersion and we had a lecture
about rape, sexual harassment, drugs and VAWC.

We had a coastal clean-up and lectures about Traffic Laws and

Penal Codes. And, we had an introduction of our names in front
of the other students coming from the different schools.
We had an activity regarding with the station clean-up and
conducting observation.

We had a proper waste segregation, lecture about traffic laws

and anti-terrorism act.

We had a group activity (variety show and Zumba exercise).

We had a community service and conducting police patrol.

We had a movie marathon entitled “Terminator: Dark Fate” and

had a meeting regarding with the final activity.

We polished the floor for the presentation of our variety show

and had a practice.

The practice of our variety show.

This was our final rehearsal and the performance of our variety

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