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Francheska A.

HUMSS 122-04

Work Immersion
Activity 2


A Reflection Paper

Whenever there is a task about exhibit, activities, or even performances, I always

feel anxious and nervous. Presenting something is challenging and breathtaking to
everyone like me who isn't confident enough to do the tasks. However, in creating and
delivering the virtual exhibit last April 6 in front of our class and beloved teacher, I am
exceptionally proud and confident.

With our Netflix-themed virtual exhibit, it took us, especially me, who is in charge
of the editing, animation, and final output, a lot of courage and time to produce our final
exhibit successfully. Despite everything, every problem and misunderstanding I and the
members had in creating the draft of our output, we had unity, cooperation, and
collaboration. When we are building our draft, we had two themes in mind, the Netflix-
themed and the Aesthetic-themed. When we plan the themes to be presented to our
subject teacher, I have seen many things with my members. We all had the courage,
creativeness, and the will to do the exhibit. Without being said, all of us share different
ideas. All of it is just by the theme itself. Isn't it fantastic to have all of your groupmates
the will to do the exhibit with you?

As we presented the theme and have the Netflix-themed exhibit, the winner
against the Aesthetic one, our team started talking about the ideas we explained in our
concept map. All I can say that our teamwork and cooperation are one of a kind as we
all divided our works and get our goals done immediately. When we voice recorded the
presentation one by one in our group chat, we made fun of each other's voices to
reduce the stress and fatigue we experienced in different workloads we had. It is like,
"pagod pero 'di susuko" mindset we all had. All I know that after the academic and
technical editing, we had to present our exhibit, we all had a blast of experience, and we
are all proud of our output.

In the time that we are presenting the virtual exhibit in our class, even though we
had it prepared for days, we still had problems in technicalities that results in one of our
member's laptops had a fork to support the power button. It is funny how our
presentation was cut off and continued after the other group's presentation. No hard
feelings to everyone but that scenario are precious to our group.

After all is said and done, every experience and observation that I had in our
group while creating and presenting our virtual exhibit is quite memorable. It is one of
the most challenging tasks that I did since when we are in 11th Grade, we dream of
presenting it in person, not virtually. However, it did not disappoint. With the teamwork
that we all had in our groupings, everything is possible and can be done smoothly. Even
that is the case for it; we believe that we nailed the presentation because teamwork
makes the dream work.

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