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Exam Name : Botany

Total Questions : 100

Description :

Q.1 Conference on Design Methods at Imperial college , London in 1962, it led to founding of DRS. Where
meaning of DRS is _________________

Question ID:
Marks 1 5623

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1 Design Research Standards
2 Design Research Society
3 Design Research Scheme
4 Design Research Services

Q.2 Exploratory , Descriptive, Explanratory and Experimental are ______________ of Research Study

Question ID:
Marks 1 5624

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1 Programs
2 Typology
3 Objectives
4 Methods

Q.3 Editing, Coding, Processing and Tailgating are Phases in

Question ID:
Marks 1 5625

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1 Framing research design
2 Collecting design
3 Objectives
Q.4 Analyzing the data Exploratory , Descriptive, Explanratory and Experimental are ______________ of
Research Study

Question ID:
Marks 1 5626

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1 Programs
2 Typology
3 Objectives
4 Methods

Q.5 Result analysis and interpretation are ______________ of Research Protocol.

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Marks 1 5627

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1 Legal
2 Ethical
3 Medical
4 Government

Q.6 The study involves research on human subjects or is in on experimental animals, in order to get
institution’s _________________________ approval .

Question ID:
Marks 1 5628

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1 Pre Experimental planning
2 Detailed Experimental planning
3 Lab Experiment Excecution
4 Advanced data analysis
Q.7 Which one of following is Non-Parametric. ______________

Question ID:
Marks 1 5629

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1 T-test
3 Chi-square
4 Linear Regression

Q.8 The object that is measured in an experiment is called the ________________.

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Marks 1 5630

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1 Sampling unit.
2 Case study.
3 Experiment unit.
4 Questionnaire

Q.9 Null hypothesis represented by ________________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5631

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1 H0.
2 Hn.
3 Hi.
4 He.

Q.10 Chi square Test find the ________________.

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Marks 1 5632

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1 The significance of difference between
expected and calculated frequencies.
2 The association between two events.
3 Test of goodness of fit.
4 All of these.
Q.11 Degree of freedom represented by the simple formula ________________.

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Marks 1 5633

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1 df=n+1.
2 df=n-1.
3 df=n(1).
4 df=n/1.

Q.12 Which one from following types of regression analysis ________________.

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Marks 1 5634

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1 Simple and Multiple.
2 Linear and non-linear.
3 Total and Partial.
4 All of these.

Q.13 The Regression equation of X on Y is________________.

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Marks 1 5635

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1 X=a+By.
2 X=a+BY.
3 X=a+bY.
4 X=A+By.
Q.14 Demerits of Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation________________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5636

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1 It gives both the direction and degree of
2 it is time consuming.
3 very popular measure of the study of
4 It gives precise figure of the relationship
between variables which can be easily

Q.15 The value of pearson’s coefficient of Correlation always lies between +1 and -1 when pearson’s
coefficient is +1,________________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5637

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1 There is perfect positive correlation between
the two variables.
2 There is perfect negetive correlation between
the two variables.
3 There is no relationship between the two
4 None of these

Q.16 ________________ programs for creating spreadsheets and analysis of numerical data.

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Marks 1 5638

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1 MS-Access.
2 MS-Word.
3 MS-Excel.
4 MS-Outlook.
Q.17 ________________________________ programs for rational database management system.

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Marks 1 5639

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1 MS-Access
2 MS-Word.
3 MS-Excel.
4 MS-Outlook.

Q.18 What is PDF Files________________.

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Marks 1 5640

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1 Printed document format.
2 Portable document format
3 Portable download format.
4 Portable design form.

Q.19 What is Full form of ISP________________.

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Marks 1 5641

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1 Internal Service Provision.
2 Internet Service Provider.
3 Internet Security Provider.
4 Internet Service Password.

Q.20 Which one is not consider as Graphic design________________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5642

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1 Illustration Software.
2 Photoshop
3 Design Software.
4 Java.
Q.21 What is Full form of GMTK________________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5643

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1 Graphical Model Tool Kit.
2 Graphics Making Tool Kit
3 Graphical Model Test Kit.
4 Graphical Mini Test.

Q.22 ___________ is example of general linear model that are commonly used for factorial design.

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Marks 1 5644

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1 Analysis of Variance.
2 Applied of Variance.
3 Analysis of Variety.
4 Application of Valid data.

Q.23 Which one is known as Random sampling in Methods of collecting data.

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Marks 1 5645

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1 Systematic sampling.
2 Judgement sampling
3 Quota sampling.
4 Convenience sampling.

Q.24 Which one is known as Harvard System in citing references________________.

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Marks 1 5646

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1 Citation order system.
2 Citation sequence system.
3 Alphabet-Number system.
4 Name-Year System.
Q.25 Abbreviations for words used in Journal Name &titles ,which is odd one from following

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Marks 1 5647

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1 Abstracts- Abstr
2 Academy-Acad
3 Annual-Anal.
4 Applied-Appl .

Q.26 Who wrote about Impact factors in Science magazine in 1955_____________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5648

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1 Seglin PO.
2 Moed HF.
3 Scully C.
4 Eugine Garfield.

Q.27 The Impact factor refers to statistics calculated and published by ________________as Journal citation

Question ID:
Marks 1 5649

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1 Eugine Garfield.
2 Van leeuwen.
3 Lodge H.
4 Thomson Reuters.
Q.28 Who proposed the h Index to quantify the research output of individual scientists________________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5650

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1 Jorge Hirsch.
2 HD Daniel.
3 L Egghe.
4 L Waltman

Q.29 Digital Data is represented using of ________________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5651

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1 . Binary System.
2 Numeric System.
3 Processing System.
4 Alphabetic System.

Q.30 Graphical representation of a cumulative relative frequency distribution is called

Question ID:
Marks 1 5652

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1 . Box and Whisker plot.
2 Histogram.
3 Pie chart.
4 Cumulative frequency curve.

Q.31 Histograms and Pie charts are classified as one dimensional diagrams because only________________.

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Marks 1 5653

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1 Width is Considered.
2 length is Considered
3 length and width is Considered.
4 Breadth is Considered.
Q.32 Which one is from following use as Plagiarism Chekar ________________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5654

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1 Scribbr.
2 GraphPad.
3 SurfStat.
4 N-Write.

Q.33 The largest database of abstrcts and citations of peer reviewed research literature in the world,its
include more then 36000 titles, it is ________________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5655

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1 Zotero.
2 EndNote.
3 Scopus.
4 Zenodo.

Q.34 What is full form of SERB________________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5656

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1 Science and Engineering Research Board
2 Society and Engineering Research Board.
3 Science and Engineering Reserved Board.
4 Science and Engineering Reward Board.
Q.35 CARE list of Journals created by the university Grants Commission .Where CARE Stands for

Question ID:
Marks 1 5657

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1 Council for Academic Research and Ethics.
2 Consortium for Academic Research and
3 Council for Academic Review and Ethics.
4 Consortium for Academic Research and

Q.36 I am waiting ……...(write proper tense )

Question ID:
Marks 1 5658

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1 Simple present tense
2 Present perfect tense.
3 Simple past.
4 Continuous present tense.

Q.37 Gold is ______________costly then Silver.(Fill proper word)

Question ID:
Marks 1 5659

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1 Much.
2 More.
3 Most.
4 Many.
Q.38 The child, ______________bag is lost ,is crying.(Fill proper word)

Question ID:
Marks 1 5660

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1 Who.
2 whom.
3 whose.
4 Which.

Q.39 Incapable of being corrected ______________.(Fill proper ‘one word for many ‘)

Question ID:
Marks 1 5661

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1 Incorrigible
2 Indivisible.
3 indelible.
4 Irreparable.

Q.40 I shall be writing ……...(write proper tense )

Question ID:
Marks 1 5662

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1 Simple present tense.
2 Present perfect tense.
3 Simple past.
4 Continuous future tense.

Q.41 In a certain code language, RESEARCH is written as HCRSEAER,How is TEACHERS write in that
code ______________.

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Marks 1 5663

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Q.42 Which word does not belongs with the others.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5664

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1 Basil.
2 Parsley.
3 Coriander
4 mayonnaise.

Q.43 Which word does not belongs with the others.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5665

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1 Mozzarella.
2 Gorgonzola.
3 Cheddar.
4 Salted Butter.

Q.44 What number Should come next , in series 21,20,22,19,23,18,…...

Question ID:
Marks 1 5666

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1 17
2 24
3 20
4 25

Q.45 What number Should come next , in series 100,99,97,94,90,85,…...

Question ID:
Marks 1 5667

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1 80
2 79
3 78
4 101
Q.46 Which component does not match with the others.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5668

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1 Keyboard.
2 Mouse
3 Scanners.
4 Photoshop.

Q.47 What is full form of ‘ www ’?________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5669

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1 Word wide web.
2 World wide web.
3 World wise Web.
4 Word Wise Web.

Q.48 A small picture that represent as object on the desktop or in folder known as,

Question ID:
Marks 1 5670

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1 Icon.
2 Curser.
3 Font.
4 Footer.

Q.49 Which of following not use as storage device in computer, _______.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5671

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1 Hard disk drive
2 Floppy disk.
3 Zip drive.
4 RAM.
Q.50 Which of following not a part of MS-Office , _______.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5672

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1 Excel.
2 Word
3 Access.
4 Adobe reader.

Q.51 Name of different ranks of taxa given below kindly found suitable

Question ID:
Marks 1 5673

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1 species> varieties >clones>Forma
2 species>varietes>Forma>clones
3 species>Forma>clones>Varities
4 species>Forma>varietes>clones

Q.52 Flora of Saurashtra part-I written by

Question ID:
Marks 1 5674

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1 Prof.G.L.Shah
2 Pathak and BolE
3 T.Cook
4 Father H.Santapau
Q.53 The three important laws of heredity proposed by Mendel relates to:

Question ID:
Marks 1 5675

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1 Gene linkage, character segregation and
independent assortment.
2 Gene linkage, dominance and segregation .
3 Segregation, independent assortment and
dominant recessiveness
4 Segregation, independent assortment and
Gene linkage.

Q.54 The smallest gene unit of DNA which is capable of undergoing crossing over and recombinant is called

Question ID:
Marks 1 5676

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1 Recon
2 Muton
3 Cistron
4 Intron

Q.55 Western blotting method was devised by :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5677

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1 Towbin (1979)
2 Alwine (1979)
3 Southern (1975
4 Kary Mullis (11985)
Q.56 Which is also formed alongwith ATP in Glycolysis :

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Marks 1 5678

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Q.57 Transposon Tn7 has an antibiotic resistance marker:

Question ID:
Marks 1 5679

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1 Amphicillin resistance
2 Kanamycin resistance
3 Streptomycin resistance
4 Tetracycline resistance

Q.58 Transgenic Tomatoes produce _________________ for delayed fruit ripening.:

Question ID:
Marks 1 5680

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1 Stearayl ACP desaturase
2 Aminocyclopropane Carboxylic Acid
3 Phaseolin
4 Superoxide dismutase

Q.59 Hill’s reaction result in the production of :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5681

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2 O2
3 Phosphoglyceric acid
4 Glucose
Q.60 Dr.Hargobind Khorana synthesized a biologically functioned tyrosine suppressor t-RNA of E.Coli
in1979 ,it contained:

Question ID:
Marks 1 5682

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1 77 nucleotide pair
2 207 nucleotide pair
3 312 nucleotide pair
4 303 nucleotide pair

Q.61 Flowering dependent on cold treatment is known as :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5683

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1 Cryscopy
2 cryostat
3 Vernalization
4 Thermotrophy

Q.62 In an operon,The RNA polymerase binds to:

Question ID:
Marks 1 5684

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1 Regulator gene
2 Promoter gene
3 Operator gene
4 Constitutive gene
Q.63 Which of the following techniques of PCR used to propagate a specific DNA strand in a pool of DNA
fragments without amplifying the other strands.:

Question ID:
Marks 1 5685

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1 Random- PCR
2 Single sided-PCR
4 Inverse-PCR

Q.64 Leaf falls occur when the content of :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5686

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1 Auxin decreases
2 Auxin increases
3 Gibbrellic acid decreases
4 Abscisic acid decreases

Q.65 Napiform root is found in :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5687

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1 Beet
2 Carrot
3 Sweet potato
4 Mangoginger

Q.66 Indian botanic garden situated at

Question ID:
Marks 1 5688

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1 Lucknow
2 Allahabad
3 kolkota
4 Pune
Q.67 Corrugated paper is manufactured from :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5689

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1 Wheat straw
2 Rice straw
3 Maize straw
4 Bajra straw

Q.68 Alkaloides like morphine,codine,noscapine are obtained from :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5690

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1 Papaver somniferum
2 Cannabis sativa
3 Claviceps purpurea
4 Rauwolfia serpentina

Q.69 Which of the following district of Gujarat where ‘Hingolgadh Sanctuary ‘ situated

Question ID:
Marks 1 5691

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1 Rajkot
2 Morbi
3 Surendranagar
4 Kachchh

Q.70 The membrane around the Vacuole is called …………….

Question ID:
Marks 1 5692

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1 Cytoplast
2 Tonoplast
3 Amyloplast
4 Elaioplast
Q.71 Which of the following known type of blue light receptor in plants :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5693

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1 Cryptochromes
2 Zeaxanthin
3 Phototropin
4 All of these

Q.72 Clinostat is used in studies on :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5694

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1 Photosynthesis
2 Respiration
3 Osmosis
4 Growth movements

Q.73 Development without fertilization or fusion of gametes is called :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5695

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1 Amphimixis
2 Apomixis
3 Parthenogenesis
4 None of above

Q.74 Which stain give pink colour to alkaline cell part ( like cytoplasm ) :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5696

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1 Safranin
2 Iodine
3 Eosin Y
4 Methylene blue
Q.75 Protocols for detecting protein in a gel by :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5697

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1 Coomassie blue
2 Silver
3 Fluorescent stain
4 All of these.

Q.76 Which of the following is not essential for plant growth:

Question ID:
Marks 1 5698

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1 Potassium
2 Nitrogen
3 Carbon
4 Sodium

Q.77 Which of the following is Mucopolysaccharides:

Question ID:
Marks 1 5699

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1 Hemicellulose
2 Mucilages
3 Agar agar
4 pectic substance

Q.78 Vascular cambium gives rise to :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5700

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1 Only Xylem
2 Only Phloem
3 Xylem and Phloem both
4 Secondary xylem, Secondary Phloem and
Vascular rays
Q.79 What arrangement of vascular tissues is characteristics of roots :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5701

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1 Conjoint, endarch
2 Radial , exarch
3 Radial ,endarch
4 Conjoint , exarch

Q.80 Leaf falls occur when the content of :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5702

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1 Auxin decreases
2 Auxin increases
3 Gibbrellic acid decreases
4 Abscisic acid decreases

Q.81 Nucleus has………………..

Question ID:
Marks 1 5703

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1 DNA only
2 DNA and Protein
3 DNA,RNA and Protein
4 None of these

Q.82 The first transgenic plant to be produced __________.

Question ID:
Marks 1 5704

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1 Rice
2 Maize
3 Cotton
4 Tobacco
Q.83 Who discovered restriction enzymes …………….

Question ID:
Marks 1 5705

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1 Nathan,Arber,Smith
2 Watson,Crick,Wilkins
3 Boyer,Cohen
4 Paul berg

Q.84 Sexual reproduction in plants was described for the first time by :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5706

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1 Camerariu
2 Hofmeister
3 Strasburger
4 Nawaschin

Q.85 Pollination which can occur in the same plant is :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5707

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1 Dichogamy
2 Dicliny
3 Cleistogamy
4 Herkogamy

Q.86 To study and identification of pollen grains in honey is called

Question ID:
Marks 1 5708

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1 Melissopalynology
2 Aeropalynology
3 Paleopalynology
4 None of above
Q.87 Mendel’s laws were published in :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5709

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1 Theorieelementaire
2 Genera plantarum
3 Systema nature
4 Annual proceedings of the natural research
society of Brunn.

Q.88 DNA generally act as a template for the synthesis of

Question ID:
Marks 1 5710

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1 Only Protein
2 Only DNA
3 Only RNA
4 Both DNA and RNA

Q.89 Which of the following techniques of PCR is used to amplify RNA in to cDNA

Question ID:
Marks 1 5711

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1 Random- PCR
2 Single sided-PCR
4 Inverse-PCR

Q.90 DNA polymerase enzyme was discovered by:

Question ID:
Marks 1 5712

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1 Kornberg
2 Nirenberg
3 Watson
4 Crick
Q.91 Filaments of Blue-green algae are called:

Question ID:
Marks 1 5713

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1 Hormocytes
2 Heterocytes
3 Trichomes
4 None of these

Q.92 The term ‘Endoplasmic reticulum’ coined by …………….

Question ID:
Marks 1 5714

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1 Reinert
2 Porter
3 Pomaret
4 Johanson

Q.93 Yeast-like budding of oidia in Mucor is called

Question ID:
Marks 1 5715

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1 Gongrosira
2 Torula
3 Chantransia
4 Palmella

Q.94 Fat is hydrolyzed by the enzyme

Question ID:
Marks 1 5716

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1 Trypsin
2 Lipase
3 Pepsin
4 Amylase
Q.95 The culture plate method for studying bacteria was invented by

Question ID:
Marks 1 5717

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1 Alexopoulous(1958)
2 Von Weight (1871
3 J.Richard (1959)
4 Robort Koch (1881)

Q.96 Sea lettuce is:

Question ID:
Marks 1 5718

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1 Ulva
2 Enteromorpha
3 Chondrus
4 Sargassum

Q.97 Botanical Name of plant ‘Garmalo’ ( Gujarati V.N.)( Golden rain tree ) :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5719

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1 Cassia tora
2 Cassia fistula
3 Cassia siamea
4 Cassia auriculata

Q.98 Which part of Clove plant yields oil :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5720

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1 Buds
2 Leaves
3 Wood
4 Root
Q.99 Which of the following family of plant Rauwolfia serpentina :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5721

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1 Asclepiadaceae
2 Araceae
3 Apocynaceae
4 Apiaceae

Q.100 Which of the following provides scented Sandalwood :

Question ID:
Marks 1 5722

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1 Dalbergiasisso
2 Tectona grandis
3 Cedrasdeodara
4 Santalum album

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