English - Class Xii - Interaction Tasks For Speaking Skills Roll No Wise

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Problem-Solving Tasks

Class - XII
Task 1
ROLL NO 1 to 4
ROLL NO 17-20

At school, someone damaged the electricity switch board resulting in prolonged hours of humidity and
heat in class. The head teacher says if the person does not own up, the whole class will be punished. Both
of you know who it was. Discuss and decide what action you would take.


a) Don’t you think _______ might regret_________?

b) How would you feel if you ________________?

c) Do you think your solution will be effective/work? Why? / Why not?

d) What role do you think _________play(s) in this problem? Why?/ Why not?

e) How easy do you think it will be to persuade ___________about this course of action?

f) What do you think the consequences/response would be? Why?


ROLL NO 5 to 8

ROLL NO 21-24

You find that a friend of yours copies your assignments, activities and project ideas and submits them to the
teacher as his/her own contribution, therefore getting better marks than you. With your partner, discuss this
problem and what you should do in this situation.


a) Do you think your solution would be effective/work? Why/ Why not?

b) What could be some other ways to reach a solution?

c) Do you think your solution would be effective/work? Why/ Why not?

d) What role do you think the teachers/ parents /friends play in the problem? Why?

e) What do you think might be the outcomes of this decision?

f) What could be some other ways to reach a solution?

Task 3
ROLL NO 9-12
ROLL NO 25-28

The Canteen Manager has complained to your Class Teacher about the indisciplined behaviour of some of
your classmates. They refuse to stand in a queue and bully the juniors. Your class teacher has asked you, as
Class Monitors, to think of suitable measures to solve the problem. Discuss the issue and suggest ways to
improve the behaviour.

a) What would your approach be towards.....? Why?

b) Would you agree with what your partner has said about ------? Why? /Why not?

c) How easy do you think it will be to persuade -------------about this course of action?

d) Could there be some other ways to reach a solution?

e) What precautions should be taken so that this problem is not repeated?

f) Do you think you might regret anything about that decision?


ROLL NO 29-35

A student of your school recently met with a bad accident while riding a motorbike. Many students
of your school who are actually minors ride two wheelers without wearing a helmet. With your

partner, discuss this problem and what you can do to encourage them to follow road safety rules.


a) Do you think your solution would be effective/work? Why/ why not?

b) How do you think your friend would react to your solution/ the situation?

c) Would you agree with what your partner has said about ………..? Why/ why not?

d) How critical the situation could/would have been _____________?

e) What role do you think the teachers/ parents /friends play in the problem? Why?

f) What do you think might be the outcomes of this decision?


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