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23rd March 2020
Name : .........................................................

Grade : .........................................................

1. Describe about qodlo !

2. Describe about qodar !
3. Describe about taqdir mubrom!
4. Describe about taqdir mu`allaq!
5. Why must we believe to Qodlo` and Qodar?
6. How if the effect if Moslem is doubt about Qodlo` and Qodar from Allah SWT?
7. Why must we are fair in our daily life ?

8. A. Arman is a 5th grade, he always prays on time. When he was busy doing the
work from his teacher, he stopped for a minute to perform isya` prayer.
B. Adi is a 5th grade, he is busy doing the work from his teacher. So he did not have
time for isya` prayer.
Compare the attitude of these two children!
9. Adi is as class leader, he often remind his friends who were late to come to the
mosque, but he is often late and always sits in the last shof.
Give your solution about the case above that related with fair
10. As humans we must be fair to anyone, especially ourselves.
Construct your attitude to be a fair person.!
24th March 2020
Name : .........................................................

Grade : .........................................................

Answer the following question!

1. Arrange the Hadith ‫ العُ ْل َيا‬- ََ‫ ال َي َِد – ِمن‬- َ‫ ال َي َِد – َخيْر‬- ‫س ْف َلى‬
ُّ ‫? َال‬

2. Create lafadz the reading of Idzhar Qomariyah and Idghom Syamsiyah from al Qur’an !

No Lafadz The Reading Reason

3. Why َ‫سالَ ُم‬

َّ ‫ال‬ include reading Idghom Syamsiyah ?

4. Why must we give or share something to other who need ?
5. Write perawi of hadith the virtues of giving !

6. How are your effort in order to be the giver ?

7. Compare the following cases !
A. Adi is a child from a rich family. He likes to share his food that he brings from his house.
B. Hasan is a child from a simple family. He likes to care and help his friends.


8. ‫ِه امل ُ ْن يفقَ ُة‬

َ ‫فَال َيدُ َال ُعلْ َيا ي‬, How are the efforts in order can construct your behavior based the hadith!
9. Describe about “ Hadith of Fi’ly ” !
....................................................................................................................................................... ……..
10. Why Allah always gives love and affection to all creatures without seeing His creations obey

or not ?
26th March 2020
Name : .........................................................

Grade : .........................................................

Answer the following question!

1. Describe about halal animals in 2 lines !

2. How are the characteristics of haram animals?
3. Why must we choose the halal animals to be eaten ?
4. In the rainy season, many grasshoppers are flying. How is the law to eat grasshoppers?
5. Compare between buying and selling in the last and modern era !
6. The terms for sellers and buyers must baligh and sensible.
How is the law if the buyer is a child ?
7. Mrs. Aminah sells young mangoes that are still in the tree to his friends and sells them cheaper than
the original price. How is the law of buying and selling ?
8. Why did Allah forbid riba’ ?
9. Hasan buys a bag through an online system. It turns out that the bag does not match the criteria
indicated. How is the law of buying and selling ?

10. َ‫َو ْال َم ْيتَ ِة‬ ْ ‫َح َرا ًماَبَ ْي َع‬

َ ‫َال َخ ْم ِر‬ How are the efforts in order can construct your behavior based

the hadith !

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