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Chapter 3

Main Thought of the lesson…

 Are thoughts, feelings, and body

 How are your thoughts, feelings, and
body interrelated?
Man as a whole being…
 The totality of our personhood is
composed of many fragmented aspects
of our life.
 Also, human persons are considered to
be “multi-faceted” beings.
What is Wholeness???
 Wholeness= integration of different aspects…
 The different Aspects are in “harmony” or
 Wholeness is a life-long pursuit. We are pilgrims in
this journey towards wholeness and fullness of life
Carl Jung on WHOLENESS…
Everyone of us
has different
aspects in life
and the “self”
is the unity of
all these
 According to Jung, a mandala is a form of
art which depicts how one see the
universe. This art is considered to be an
interaction of everything. The colors and
symbols used represent aspects of your
 Watch the videos “The meaning of a Mandala” and “Construction and
Deconstruction of Mandala” attached to this learning package to have a deeper
understanding of why a mandala is done and what it represents in this world as you
create your own mandala later on…
Examples of Mandalas
Gestalt psychologists on Wholeness

 Gestaltpsychology recognizes man as a

whole being and a functioning unit
 They consider two aspects of man.
Gestalt psychology
 Two aspects of man
 1. “soma”
○ This means the bodily aspect of man. It is
pointed towards our bodily characteristics
(physical self)

 2. “psyche”
○ This means the psychological aspect of man.
It is pointed towards his thoughts, feelings,
and behavior (mind)
There is unity between these
two aspects… Sensori-
experience is important
 This is a term to describe the
integrated functioning of the mind
and body. Our physical aspect
(soma) would capture the stimulus
that are found outside of our body
through our sense organs. The
sense organs will later on transmit
the information gathered to our brain
and our brain, as represented by our
mind (psyche) will later on process
that information to be beneficial to
us in a short term or long term use.
 Both aspect (soma and psyche) are
complementary to each other that when one
is affected, the rest will also be affected.
 Imagine yourself in these situations:
 You want to listen attentively in the discussion on
physics yet you feel hungry and craving for a
 You want to be at your best when playing
basketball yet you cannot your anger with your
friend awhile ago and that friend of yours is on the
opposing team.
 You are rushing your requirement for this week
and all of a sudden, your teacher adds 2 more
activities which you will submit in few days time.
Holistic development
 Development of the person in
all aspects…
Physical Development
 This covers our physical, tactile, and sensual self. This
is obviously the part that we can touch, see, feel, and
 In your adolescent stage, you are becoming conscious
on the way how you look/ present to others.
 Throop and Castellucci made mention on how can an
adolescent develop their physical aspect…
Physical Development
1. Watch what you eat
It is still important to maintain
a balanced diet because the
nutrients obtained can help in the
development of our organs and our
immunity as well.

2. Keep yourself fit and strong

Exercise is still needed
especially in your adolescent stage.
Physical activities improve blood
flow and mobility. Aside from that, it
strengthens our immunity as well.
Physical Development
3. Avoid abuse of your body
In your stage, a lot of demands are
needed to be accomplished and it should
take time and attention just to accomplish it.
You should consider that sleep is important
to your development but when the need to
have sleepless nights arises, have some but
in moderation. Same as through with
drinking. Drink in moderation for it could
affect the normal development of our bodies.
Also, don’t even try to smoke a cigarette if
you are not smoking but try to minimize your
cigarette consumption until gradually
removing it if you are currently smoking.
Remember that you feel fine right now but
as they say “you will reap what you sow.”
Cognitive Development
 As you are growing, your mental
processes are also developing.
As you are now capable of
processing complicated mental
operations like mental solving,
inferences, abstract thinking,
etc, there are ways for you to
further improve your mental
Cognitive Development
1. Remembering
This measures your short- term or long-term memory
retention. This makes learning possible where there are ideas
retained. There are ways to improve your memory namely;
a. Repetition: Reading/reviewing the same thing again
and again until perfecting it.
b. Organization: Classifying and categorizing ideas to be
easily remembered.
c. Mnemonics: Using acronyms or rhyming words to aid
in the memorization.
Cognitive Development
2. Critical Thinking
This is when one thinks outside of the
box. This happens when a person looks
deeper that the surface through analyzing,
inferring, criticizing, interpreting, etc. a
certain idea for you to be clarified.
3. Problem Solving
This is the application of both
Remembering and Critical thinking into a
certain problem.
Socioemotional Development
 As an adolescent, emotions play a big role in your
development and it affects on how you relate yourself and
also with others. There are three components to be
Socioemotional Development
a. Physiological Component
This is our body’s way of showing emotions. Our bodies react if there is
a certain emotion that comes into play. Example of this is your sweating of
palms when nervous, dilating of the eyes when your nervous, etc.
b. Cognitive Component
This is how you interpret a certain emotion basing from a situation like
you could feel joyful or disappointed if you are not going to meet with your friends
depending on how you interpret such situation.
c. Behavioral Component
This is now the expression of your emotions as the combination of the two
previous components like your facial expression when surprised, body language
when nervous, and manner of speaking when angry.
Spiritual Development
 It is still a part of your development to realize, affirm, and
accept the fact that there is someone that is beyond us
and this someone, or something, has plans for us in
accordance to what is good, true, and beautiful for oneself,
others, and to that someone.
 Every human person is comprised with multiple aspects that
one needs to consider and develop.
 Our strive for wholeness is a life long journey.
 Carl Jung stated that in life, we aim for wholeness despite
the presence of opposites.
 Gestalt Psychologists stated that there are two aspects that
comprises a human person namely soma and psyche
 As adolescents, you need to take a look at your aspects and
attain holistic development.

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