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Foundation University

College of Arts and Science

Dumaguete City

NAME: _________________________________ COURSE: ________________

SECTION: __________ SCORE: _________________

Instruction: Read the questions carefully and choose only the correct answer of
each item. You have 1 hour to finish the test. Extension will be given in case to case

Friendly Reminder: CHEATING is a choice and it includes the following effects, to

wit: (a) cheating your future, (b) disappointing your parents, (c) wasting your money,
and (d) ignorance. You have the choice between cheating and become a good
example of your family as well as to the REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES. 😊


(1) History
(2) Circumnavigation
(3) Primary source/s
(4) Secondary source/s


(1) She is known to be the symbol of the restoration of the Philippine Democracy
and who took over the dictatorship of President Marcos?
(2) It is the practice of verifying the authenticity of evidence by examining its physical
characteristics; consistency with the historical characteristics of the time when it
was produced; and materials used for evidence?
(3) According to the book of Antonio Pigafetta, what is the island he described as the
Island of Thieves?
(4) The first voyage around the world and the kartilya ng Katipunan are examples of
what source?
(5) He was a young Italian nobleman who had joined the expedition and a good
servant and assistant to Ferdinand Magellan during the expedition?
(6) He was the Portuguese explorer to circumnavigate the globe?
(7) He was one of the chief officers of the Katipunan in 1895 and known as the
President Supreme?
(8) It is the examination of the truthfulness of the evidence, it looks at the content of
the source and examines the circumstance of its production. It looks at the
truthfulness and factuality of the evidence by looking at the author of the source,
its context, the agenda behind its creation, the knowledge which informed it, and
its intended purpose among others.


Prepared by: Lemuel Angelo M. Eleccion, A.B., J.D.
Guest Lecturer, Dept. of Political Science
(9) It is considered as a brief summary or result on a factual research and it also
deals with the sequence of important events that happened in the past?
(10) These are the historical sources, which studied a certain historical subject.

III. ESSAY: (20 points)

Instruction: Below is the enumeration of the “Kartilya ng Katipunan” or the “Code of

Conduct” of the Katipuneros.

For 20 points, select at least 2 kartilya/code and explain each based on your personal
understanding. Your answer should not exceed 500 words per kartilya/code.

Code 1: The life that is not consecrated to a lofty and reasonable purpose is a tree
without a shade, if not a poisonous weed.

Code 2: To do good for personal gain and not for its own sake is not virtue.

Code 3: It is rational to be charitable and love one’s fellow creature, and to adjust one’s
conduct, acts and words to what is in itself reasonable.

Code 4: Whether our skin be black or white, we are all born equal: superiority in
knowledge, wealth and beauty are to be understood, but not superiority by nature. 

Code 5: The honorable man prefers honor to personal gain; the scoundrel, gain to

Code 6: To the honorable man, his word is sacred. 

Code 7: Do not waste thy time: wealth can be recovered but not time lost. 

Code 8: Defend the oppressed and fight the oppressor before the law or in the field.

Code 9: The prudent man is sparing in words and faithful in keeping secrets

Code 10: On the thorny path of life, man is the guide of woman and the children, and if
the guide leads to the precipice, those whom he guides will also go there. 

Code 11: Thou must not look upon woman as a mere plaything, but as a faithful
companion who will share with thee the penalties of life; her (physical) weakness will
increase thy interest in her and she will remind thee of the mother who bore thee and
reared thee. 

Code 12: What thou dost not desire done unto thy wife, children, brothers and sisters,
that do not unto the wife, children, brothers and sisters of thy neighbor. 

Code 13: Man is not worth more because he is a king, because his nose is aquiline, and
his color white, not because he is a *priest, a servant of God, nor because of the high
prerogative that he enjoys upon earth, but he is worth most who is a man of proven and
real value, who does good, keeps his words, is worthy and honest; he who does not
oppress nor consent to being oppressed, he who loves and cherishes his fatherland,
though he be born in the wilderness and know no tongue but his own. 

-Nothing Follows-
God bless you!


Prepared by: Lemuel Angelo M. Eleccion, A.B., J.D.
Guest Lecturer, Dept. of Political Science

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