Grammar B2 - Test Paper - Quiz 3A

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Full Name: ______________________________ Class Code: ________ Student ID: _______________


Questions 1-20: Choose the lettered word or phrase that best completes each of the following sentences.
1. If I _______ late, they usually made me stay after school and I had to do extra homework.
A. were B. was C. were to be D. A & B are correct.
2. Walk to work? I’d ________, thanks very much.
A. prefer driving B. prefer it to drive C. rather to drive D. sooner drive
3. If you ________ this way, please, I’ll show you to your room.
A. will come B. came C. were to come D. happen to come
4. Switzerland lies ________ France, Germany, Austria and Italy.
A. between B. among C. within D. beneath
5. _____________ half a chance, I’d be there in a flash!
A. Giving B. Given C. Being given D. To be given
6. There was no way out __________ upwards(trang tu chi Phuong huong), towards the light. (CHOOSE
A. but B. but for C. except D. except for
E. apart F. apart from
7. If I __________ hear from Nigel, I’ll tell him you were asking after him.
A. should (kha nang
xay ra thap) B. happen to (tinh co) C. should happen to D. All are correct.
8. The book would have been perfect __________ the ending.
A. had if not been for B. hadn’t been for C. had it not been for D. hadn’t it been for
9. “My aunt has been feeling bad since Uncle George died. Is it because she’s depressed?”
“I think so. ______________ can cause debilitating physical symptoms is a medical fact.”
A. Depression B. Depression that C. That depression D. It is depression that
10. “Why is the storeroom in such a mess?” – “I don’t know. Ben _________ it out by today.”
A. supposes he has B. has been supposed C. is supposed to be D. was supposed to
cleaned to clean cleaning have cleaned
11. “There is a phone call for ____________
A. you” Henry said.B. you” said Henry.C. you”, Henry said.D. you”, said Henry.
“It’s your sister”. “It’s your sister”. “It’s your sister”. “It’s your sister”.
E. you,” said Henry. F. you,” said Henry, G. you,” Henry said, H. you,” Henry said;
“It’s your sister.” “it’s your sister.” “it’s your sister.” “it’s your sister.”
12. Max would have preferred_________ had been put off.
A. if the meeting B. it if the meeting C. the meeting D. to have the meeting
13. We bought six loaves of bread for the party __________touched.
A. half of those B. half of which C. half of those D. half of which
weren’t weren’t wasn’t wasn’t
E. , half of those F. , half of which G. , half of those H. , half of which
weren’t weren’t wasn’t wasn’t
14. “Can you take Fluffy out for his walk?” – “________. I just got in and I’m exhausted.”
D. I prefer you going
A. If only you went B. I’d rather you went C. I’d prefer you go (so thich lap di lap lai)
15. The idea is ________ the publicity department during peak periods.
A. Liz to assist B. Liz assisting C. that Liz be assisted D. that Liz assist
16. Brian will graduate in June ________ he submits his dissertation on time.
A. provided B. in condition that C. supposing D. in case
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17. “Would you be willing to commute to the city every day?” – “If I _______ a good enough job, I might.”
A. have been offered B. would be offered C. were to be offered D. should be offered
18. _______, watching our every move.
A. A tall man at the B. Stood a tall man at C. At the back of the D. At the back of the
back of the room the back of the room stood a tall room did a tall
Man (trang ngu
Stood( stand k dung dung dau cau-> dao
mot minh) room ngu toan phan) man stand
19. Jonah isn’t _________ his elder brother Albert.
A. about as sociable B. quite as sociable as C. so much sociable D. somewhat as
as as sociable as
20. Complete the form ________ pencil, please.
A. in B. with C. by D. via


Questions 21-30: Identify the error in each of the following sentences and then make changes to correct
the sentence. The first has been done as an example.
21. Your application form must be received in this office until (by) 9 a.m. on the first of March.
22. The main door couldn’t be opened. It had been locked by (with) a special key that the caretaker didn’t
have. He had been given a large set of keys, but none of them fitted the main door.
23. One student inquired about if (about whether) it was ok to ask what was going to be in the test, and the
teacher’s only comment was that he had already told them what would be tested.
24. Wasn’t there some German or Czech author’s name beginning with a K in which (whose) novels
individuals got lost in bureaucratic maze?
25. Overall there are estimated to have (to have been) 527,240 people over the age of 90 living in the UK
last year, accounting for almost one per cent of the entire population.
26. We had quite an informal dinner actually, which is that may not have pleased them.
27. The soldiers didn’t arrive at the village on (in) time – the rebels had already burned the remaining
28. What this seems to suggest is that while the male brain containing (contains) more area for processing
information, which means that the male brain has more capacity to solve math problems, it is the female
brain that has the greater ability to perceive patterns.
29. All of the Redgrave family are gifted actors, but it is Vanessa, who made the greatest impact in the world
of feature films
30. He did not make things easy for his parents. On the other hand,( on the contrary,) he did everything he
could to annoy and worry them.


Questions 31-40: Complete the following passage/ sentences by supplying the correct forms of the words
in parentheses.
Almost one in ten children have stopped using (31. refer) reference__ books and are relying on electronic
sources, (32. chief) _chiefly________ the Internet, to get their information, according to a full study of reading
All age groups of the population were involved in the survey from young children to the elderly. The report
offers the first (33. statistic) _statistical_____ evidence that a new generation of children growing up in the
microchip era has (34. mark) _markedly________ different attitudes to the (35.
acquire)_acquiring________ of knowledge
from those of their parents. After the age of five, a small (36. minor) _minority________ about 15% make
use of
electronic sources. However, this percentage increases (37. drama) _________to more than half for 12-16
year olds, where (38. digit) _________ sources of information are used in favour of text-books. After this age,
the percentage of people using technology to acquire information falls sharply and books, (39. popular)
_________ in earlier ages, are more widely used. Evidence also reveals a (40. substance) _________
difference in the attitude of parents and their offspring to attaining knowledge. […]

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Questions 41-50: Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence,
using the word given. Do not change the word given. You should use from THREE to SIX words. Write
ONLY YOUR ANSWERS (THREE to SIX WORDS) on the answer sheet.
41. The deaths of over fifty people were caused by the storm. RESULTED

The storm __resulted in over fifty people being_______ killed.

42. Annie’s behavior at the party resembled that of a child. THOUGH

At the party, Annie was ___behaving as though she were

a________________________________________________________ child.

43. This is his birthplace. TOWN

This is __the town which he was born___________________________ in.

44. The holiday wasn’t as good as we had expected. UP

The holiday _didn’t come up to our

______________________________________________________________ expectations.

45. He said, “I don’t think employees should be forced to work overtime.” OPPOSED

He was _opposed to working overtime

being____________________________________________________________________ obligatory.

46. We waited for her at the airport until 11.00 and then abandoned the attempt. WHICH

We waited for her until 11.00 _,at which point we

gave________________________________________________________ up.

47. It’s not often that I get the chance of going there. GO

The opportunity _to go there doesn’t come

often_________________________________________________________________ often.

48. They only discovered the mistake when the book was in the shops. COME

Not until ___the book has come out

was______________________________________________________ the mistake discovered.

49. The editor prefers to be asked before articles are changed in any way. CHANGES

The editor would rather staff__did not make any changes in____________________________________
articles without asking him.

50. The Thorntons didn’t feel that either of the properties they viewed suited their needs. NEITHER

The Thorntons viewed two _properties, neither of which

suited___________________________________________________ their needs.
 
-- END OF TEST -------

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