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Guidance for designing and

analysing observational studies:

The STRengthening Analytical Thinking for
Observational Studies (STRATOS) initiative

Willi Sauerbrei1, Gary S. Collins2, false.2 In 2014, The Lancet started a series called
Marianne Huebner3, Stephen D. Walter4, Abstract “Research: Increasing Value, Reducing Waste”.3
Suzanne M. Cadarette5, and Observational studies pose a number of The question is no longer whether medical
Michal Abrahamowicz6 on behalf of the biostatistical challenges. Methodological science needs to change but rather “How should
STRATOS initiative approaches have grown exponentially, but medical science change?” 4 An estimated 85% of
1 Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center, most are rarely applied in the real world. The research investment is wasted.5 A substantial part
University of Freiburg, Germany STRengthening Analytical Thinking for of this is due to weaknesses in the design,
2 Centre for Statistics in Medicine, Observational Studies (STRATOS) initiative analysis, and reporting of medical research.6
University of Oxford, UK is an international collaboration that was For studies on prognostic factors, Sauerbrei
3 Department of Statistics and Probability, formed to provide guidance to help bridge the described several deficiencies and illustrated
Michigan State University, East Lansing, gap between methodological innovation and weaknesses and false conclusions that may arise
MI, USA application. STRATOS is focused on identi- from the use of inappropriate statistical methods
4 Department of Clinical Epidemiology and fying issues and promising approaches for in data analysis. 7
Biostatistics, McMaster University, planning and analysing observational studies. Problems with the quality of medical research
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada Crucially, STRATOS will communicate its and the importance of using accurate statistical
5 Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy, findings to a wide audience with different methodology are also discussed outside the
University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada levels of statistical knowledge. In this article, medical literature. In the article “Unreliable
6 Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics, we provide an example illustrating the need research: Trouble at the lab”,8 the Economist
and Occupational Health, McGill for such guidance and describe the structure, summarised the current situation:
University, Montreal, Canada general approach, and general outlook of the
Scientists’ grasp of statistics has not kept pace
STRATOS initiative.
with the development of complex mathe-
Correspondence to: matical techniques for crunching data. Some
Dr Willi Sauerbrei
scientists use inappropriate techniques
Faculty of Medicine and Medical Center – Introduction because those are the ones they feel
University of Freiburg Substantial progress has been made in the
comfortable with; others latch on to new ones
Institute for Medical Biometry and Statistics methodology of clinical and epidemiological
without understanding their subtleties. Some
Stefan-Meier-Str. 26 studies over the past few decades. However,
just rely on the methods built into their
79104 Freiburg research quality in the health sciences has not
software, even if they don’t understand them.
Germany always matched this progress. Altman expressed several critical concerns in an editorial titled “The Pointing to insufficient education of many
+49 761 203 6669 scandal of poor medical research”,1 and Ioannidis researchers who attempt to use advanced
argued that most published research findings are statistical packages, Vickers9 recently argued that Volume 26 Number 3 | Medical Writing September 2017 | 17

Guidance for designing and analysing observational studies – Sauerbrei et al

A. Optimal cutpoint (37) B. Median cutpoint (53)

1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25
Survival probability

0.00 0.00
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

C. Predefined cutpoints (45, 60) D. Ten−year age groups(40−80)

1.00 1.00

0.75 0.75

0.50 0.50

0.25 0.25

0.00 0.00
0 2 4 6 8 0 2 4 6 8

Recurrence-free survival time (years)

Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier plots using four alternative methods of categorizing age

(A) “Optimal” cutpoint (≤37 vs >37 years). (B) Cutpoint based on the median (≤53 vs >53 years). (C) Cutpoints predefined from earlier analyses and based on
menopause (≤45, 46 to 60, >60 years); (D) 10-year increments (≤40; 41–50; 51–60; 61–70; >70). In all panels, the youngest age group is indicated in dark blue.

A mistake in the operating room can threaten uous variables must often be selected. groups; (2) the median as the cutpoint for two
the life of one patient; a mistake in statistical Continuous variables are commonly assumed groups; (3) three groups based on a menopausal
analysis or interpretation can lead to to be linearly related to outcome, but this is often criterion; and (4) 10-year increments.
hundreds of early deaths. So it is perhaps odd inappropriate. To avoid this assumption, An “optimal” cutpoint of 37 years results in a
that, while we allow a doctor to conduct cutpoints are often applied to categorise the large difference in survival curves between two
surgery only after years of training, we give variable, implying regression models with step groups: Younger patients have much lower RFS
SPSS to almost anyone. functions. At first glance, this seems to simplify probabilities than older patients (Figure 1A).
In this article, we present the STRengthening analysis and aid interpretation, but categorising The corresponding hazard ratio estimate (Cox
Analytical Thinking for Observational Studies discards information and raises critical issues, model) for older patients is 0.54 (95% confi-
(STRATOS) initiative,10 which is intended to such as how many cutpoints to use and where to dence interval 0.37, 0.80). The difference in RFS
develop guidance for planning and analysing place them. In addition, cutpoints create between the two age groups disappears if the
observational studies. Below, we provide an biologically implausible step functions, whereby cutpoint is taken at the median (53 years) as
example of difficulties in selecting an appropriate individuals above and below a cutpoint have indicated by a hazard ratio of 1.1 (95%
statistical method, which illustrates the need for different risks – which is nonsensical.1,11,12 confidence interval 0.88, 1.39) (Figure 1B).
such guidance. Consider the prognostic effect of age on When age is divided into three groups according
recurrence-free survival (RFS) in breast cancer to predefined cutpoints of 45 and 60 years
Difficulties in selecting an patients, an example discussed in detail in (premenopausal, mix, and postmenopausal),
appropriate statistical method: “Continuous variables: to categorise or to model” RFS differences again are small (Figure 1C).
the example of handling one by Sauerbrei and Royston13 and using data from Finally, when ages are split into five 10-year age
continuous variable a study by the German Breast Cancer Study groups starting at 40 years, the probability of RFS
In medicine, continuous measurements, such as Group. The data are publicly available and appears slightly lower for patients under 40 years
age, weight, and blood pressure, are often used to further details about the study have been of age, with only negligible differences between
assess risk, predict outcome, or select a therapy. published.14 To analyse the impact of age on the other groups, revealing that age is not linearly
Background knowledge or the type of question RFS, age categories can be set using various related to RFS (Figure 1D).
can strongly influence how continuous variables strategies. For this analysis, we present the four Thus, using cutpoints can lead to different
are used, but the method for analysing contin- options: (1) an “optimal” cutpoint to create two and inconsistent results, even when only one

18 | September 2017 Medical Writing | Volume 26 Number 3

Sauerbrei et al – Guidance for designing and analysing observational studies

variable is considered. 1 An alternative and more ranging between 1% and 75% to define nuclear simple methods are widespread (for further
appropriate approach is to estimate the overexpression.15 Accordingly, they concluded: details and examples, see Sauerbrei et al.10 and
functional form of a continuous variable on the “That a decade of research on P53 and bladder Lang and Altman17).
outcome, for example using spline-based cancer has not placed us in a better position to
approaches or fractional polynomials. In contrast draw conclusions relevant to the clinical The need for guidance in
to cutpoint approaches, splines and fractional management of patients is frustrating”. planning and analysing
polynomials use the full information from a Thus, forcing cutpoints to fit the data may not observational studies
continuous variable and have several only lead to misleading conclusions but may also During the last two decades, several initiatives
advantages.10,11 In the breast cancer example, the reduce the usefulness of the results for making have been started with the goal of improving
fractional polynomial approach clearly showed clinical decisions. Obviously, in observational research in the health sciences. Transparent and
that age has a strong nonlinear effect on RFS. For studies, several factors can influence the complete reporting is a prerequisite for judging
young patients (about 30 years of age), the outcome, and a multivariable analysis would be the usefulness of data and interpreting study
relative risk of an event is high. The relative risk needed. In addition to investigating the results in an appropriate context. Reporting
rapidly decreases with age, and for patients aged functional form for a continuous variable, the guidelines have been developed for many
40 or more years, age has a negligible influence researcher must decide which other variables to different types of studies. These can be found on
on RFS.13 Because there is no widely accepted include in the statistical model. For the breast the EQUATOR network website (www.equator-
agreement about how to handle continuous cancer example, see Sauerbrei and Royston13 for, which serves as a repository of
variables, many analysts proceed with cutpoint more detail, and for background and basic issues these guidelines and assists in the development
approaches. Indeed, introductory graduate-level for interpreting and reporting results from of reporting guidelines.18 The STROBE
courses often encourage this. Guidance that multivariable analyses, refer to Valveny and (STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational
includes evidence of the advantages and disad- Gilliver.16 studies in Epidemiology) statement provides
vantages of competing strategies is thus needed. excellent guidelines for reporting observational
Typical weaknesses of statistical analyses studies,19 and the guiding principles for
The trickle-down effect of using cutpoints Our example illustrated only one serious reporting statistical methods and results were
Using multiple strategies for cutpoints in problem in statistical analysis. Many other recently published.17
individual studies complicates assessing the risk weaknesses have been identified, including:10 Because of the problems in analysing
or prognostic effect of a continuous variable in a ● inappropriate or inefficient study design observational studies, guidance on the
meta-analysis. Altman et al. (1994) found 19 ● inappropriate, inefficient, or outdated choice advantages and disadvantages of competing
different cutpoints used in the literature to of statistical methods statistical strategies is needed.10 For various
categorise S-phase fraction as a prognostic factor ● misapplication of a valid method reasons, this is much more difficult than
in breast cancer.1 Conducting a meta-analyis to ● interpretation problems, including misin- generating reporting guidelines. In addition,
compare low vs. high S-phase fraction values terpretation of P values, over-confidence in suitable guidance must be tailored to the
could be done but cannot be interpreted because results, misleading interpretation of param- experience and statistical knowledge of the user,
a patient with a specific S-phase fraction value eter estimates, bias, and confounding which can vary widely.
could belong to the “low” group in one study and ● reporting problems, including inadequate
the “high” group in another, depending on the details for methods and results The STRATOS initiative
cutpoint chosen. Although some methodological errors relate to Understanding and overcoming the formidable
In a review on P53 as prognostic factor for the failure to grasp some complex or subtle challenges in designing and analysing obser-
bladder cancer, Malats et al. found cut-off values statistical issues, problems in applying even vational studies requires a broad-based,

Table 1. Topic groups and their chairs

Topic Groups Chairs

1 Missing data James Carpenter (UK), Katherine Lee (Australia)
2 Selection of variables and functional Michal Abrahamowicz (Canada), Aris Perperoglou (UK), Willi Sauerbrei (Germany)
forms in multivariable analysis
3 Initial data analysis Marianne Huebner (USA), Saskia le Cessie (Netherlands), Werner Vach (Germany)
4 Measurement error and misclassification Laurence Freedman (Israel), Victor Kipnis (USA)
5 Study design Suzanne Cadarette (Canada), Mitchell Gail (USA)
6 Evaluating diagnostic tests and Gary Collins (UK), Carl Moons (Netherlands), Ewout Steyerberg (Netherlands)
prediction models
7 Causal inference Els Goetghebeur (Belgium), Ingeborg Waernbaum (Sweden)
8 Survival analysis Michal Abrahamowicz (Canada), Per Kragh Andersen (Denmark), Terry Therneau (USA)
9 High-dimensional data Lisa McShane (USA), Joerg Rahnenfuehrer (Germany) Volume 26 Number 3 | Medical Writing September 2017 | 19

Guidance for designing and analysing observational studies – Sauerbrei et al

international group of statistical experts who are “conventional” methods; criteria for choosing disagree on how best to analyse complex study
also involved with real-world applications. This appropriate, validated methods that can data, with no consensus on ”state-of-the-art”
is the driving vision behind the STRATOS overcome specific challenges; and software for methodology. The STRATOS initiative aims
initiative (, implementing these advanced methods. The to fill this gap by developing guidance and
which was launched in 2013 at the 34th level 2 guidance will then be adapted to tools for applying statistical methods for
conference of the International Society of researchers with weaker statistical knowledge, observational research. This is an important step
Clinical Biostatistics (ISCB).10 STRATOS which includes most clinicians and medical in improving evidence-based decision-making
remains affiliated with the society and had students (level 1), while experts in specific areas about healthcare.
dedicated sessions or mini-symposia at each (level 3) will work to identify current gaps in The STRATOS initiative began in 2013 with
annual meeting from 2013 to 2016. knowledge and improve, validate, and compare about 40 members and, despite a lack of specific
STRATOS brings together methodological existing methods. funding, has grown to more than 80 members
researchers in several areas of statistics essential STRATOS currently has nine topic groups from 16 countries in 2017. Work, research,
for analysing observational studies. These experts (TGs) (Table 1), all of which include 8 to 12 discussions, and activities are ongoing in nine key
have largely complementary knowledge, which members. Further details are available in relevant areas. Much research, in particular
allows STRATOS to address complex challenges Sauerbrei et al 201410 and on the STRATOS simulation studies, is needed to assess competing
in the design and analysis of observational website. Ten cross-cutting panels have been statistical approaches. STRATOS’s structure is
studies. STRATOS works to develop, validate, created to coordinate the activities of different designed to make the resulting guidance broadly
and compare state-of-the-art methods for topics TGs, share best research practices, and useful, but collaboration with clinicians, applied
relevant to many kinds of statistical analyses. disseminate research tools and results across TGs researchers, scientific societies, and related
Because there is a finite pool of experienced (Table 2). These panels address common issues projects and initiatives is needed.
statisticians, many analyses are conducted by such as creating a glossary of statistical terms, The emergence of “big data” is an additional
researchers with limited statistical literacy and giving advice on how to conduct simulation driver for STRATOS. Big data pose particular
experience. Consequently, the ultimate objective studies, and setting publication policies for the challenges and opportunities, and it encompasses
of the STRATOS initiative is to develop guidance initiative. The recommendations of the cross- diverse areas and data sources. Because of this
for data analysts and researchers with different cutting panels are intended to support, integrate, complexity, STRATOS has decided not to have
levels of statistical training, skills, and experience. and harmonise work within and across the TGs a big data topic group but instead to encourage
The initiative considers three levels of statistical and to increase transparency in producing all TGs to consider it in their work.
knowledge: low (level 1), experienced (level 2), guidance. Interested colleagues can apply to To improve statistical methodology and its
and expert in a specific area (level 3). become a member of one or two TGs or panels transparency, statistical reseachers must put more
Our initial goal is to develop guidance for at emphasis on comparing competing strategies and
experienced statisticians (level 2), which involves must generate evidence to support state-of-the-
drafting reviews of methods used in the literature Summary and outlook art methodologies. They must also provide
and providing empirical evidence to assess and Although substantial progress has been made in guidance that is appropriate for the large
compare approaches, with the goal of providing designing and analysing data from clinical and community of people who analyse and consume
arguments for state-of-the-art methodology. epidemiological studies, real-world application data, who have a wide range of statistical
The guidance is informed by a recent list of lags far behind the advances. This is largely knowledge and experience.
recommendations for how to improve the uptake because most researchers have limited knowledge If you are interested in the work of the
of novel methods.20 It will cover practical issues and experience in using advanced statistical STRATOS initiative or would like to participate,
such as potential pitfalls of inappropriately using methods and software, and even experts can please visit us at

Table 2. Panels, their chairs, and co-chairs

Panels Chairs and Co-Chairs

Membership James Carpenter (UK), Willi Sauerbrei (Germany)
Publications Bianca De Stavola (UK) , Mitchell Gail (USA), Petra Macaskill (Australia), Stephen Walter (Canada)
Website Joerg Rahnenfuehrer (Germany), Willi Sauerbrei (Germany)
Glossary Simon Day (UK), Marianne Huebner (USA), Jim Slattery (UK)
Simulation Studies Michal Abrahamowicz (Canada), Harald Binder (Germany)
Contact Organisations Douglas Altman (UK), Willi Sauerbrei (Germany)
Literature Review Gary Collins (UK), Carl Moons (Netherlands)
Data Sets Hermann Huss (Germany), Saskia Le Cessie (Netherlands), Aris Perperoglou (UK)
Knowledge Translation Suzanne Cadarette (Canada), Catherine Quantin (France)
Bibliography To be determined

20 | September 2017 Medical Writing | Volume 26 Number 3

Sauerbrei et al – Guidance for designing and analysing observational studies

Conflicts of Interest and 12. Van Walraven C, Hart RG. Leave ’em alone
Disclaimers – why continuous variables should be Author information
The authors declare no conflicts of interest. analyzed as such. Neuroepidemiology
Dr Willi Sauerbrei is a Senior Statistician
and Professor in Medical Biometry at the
Acknowledgement 13. Sauerbrei W, Royston P. Continuous
University of Freiburg. His main interest is in
The authors thank Dr Phillip Leventhal for help Variables: To categorize or to model?
various issues of model building. With Patrick
in editing this article. In: Reading C, editor. The 8th International
Royston, he developed the multivariable
Conference on Teaching Statistics –
fractional polynomial approach and exten-
References Data and Context in statistics education:
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