Students Should Not Use A Smartphone in Class (Offline Class)

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Name: Doan Thanh Xuan

ID: 20RO131006

Students should not use a smartphone in class (offline class)

As a white hat I find the information needed for this very simple issue has appeared on
the right topic. Students are not allowed to use cell phones during class. To me if it is
useful for learning with students and students accept it, then we should apply it. As for
students who do not support and have many controversial sources, it should be
reconsidered because for me today's technology is indispensable.. As a red hat, I think
that it will probably be fine, because in the olden days people did not use technology
they can still learn normally. But I also find it quite worrying because people these days
can't go anywhere without a smartphone. So I feel that this issue will be controversial
and not okay. For black hats, I strongly disagree on this, if not allowing students to use
technology, there will be many consequences. We are living in the 4.0 era, technology is
very popular, if not used I will not be able to look up the dictionary when I need it, I will
find it very difficult. So my source of knowledge will be lost, narrow it down and not just
knowledge but even the news, the data I want can't be viewed. As a yellow hat, I feel the
purpose is to want the best for the students. As students, consider this a challenge and
we are ready to accept and respond. Let's try to stay away from technology to see how
far we are capable of ourselves. Because of that, in the future, many bigger challenges
will come to us and we can't avoid it, so let's consider this as a small challenge and try.
As the green hat I wonder why we don't need it? Schools should apply learning methods
between traditional and technology appropriately so that students do not feel bored.
After studying the theory, students can relax like listening to music or organizing a game
that they can participate in. The use of many channels and news to find out information
at the right time during class time will make students excited. Finally, the blue hat, I feel
that on this issue we should do a survey for the students and the plan. I agree with the
idea of green hat, after having access to information through technology, teachers will
guide students how to read, how to search, filter knowledge, evaluate, analyze, reason.
solve the knowledge that students find, thereby stimulating and encouraging students to
be creative. And the most important thing is to know the balance between using it

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