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Sa 2 STUDENT'S BOOK v : ¥ Burlington Professional Modules OFFICE ADMINISTRATION | ENCORE cell J Who's Who in the Office? Welcoming Visitors 2 The Office Building Getting Around the Office 3 Office Routines Organising an Office 4 Managing Office Supplies Ordering Office Supplies 5 Photocopying Sending Faxes 6 Handling Incoming Meil Handling Outgoing Mail 7 Receiving Calls, ‘Taking Messages 8 Dealing with Phone Requests Calling for Service 9 Scheduling Meetings Rescheduling Meetings 10 Exhibitions Giving Directions Contents 1 Receiving Customer Complaints 44 Handling Customer Complaints 46 12 8 Booking Flights 48 10 Problems with Fights 50 13 1 2 Choosing a Hotel 8 " 14 Booking a Hoiel 54 14 16 Renting a Car 56 18 Booking Tain Tickets 58 15 20 Ordering Food “60 ‘At the Restaurant 62 16 24 Searching the Internet 64 28 Preparing a Presentation 66 f 7 Time Glock Records 68 30 Security Issues 70 18 22 At the Bank 72 34 Banking Issues, 74 19 38 Applying for a Job 76 38 Interviewing 78 20 40 Preparing a CV 80 2 Writing a CV 82 | Painvork Appendix 2 | wating euide 97 | Vocabulary Builder 109 E | 1 Read the e-mail, Then answer the questions below. 4) To All Employees, ‘As you know, we are making some changes in the office. The Managing Director, Mr Bradley, is moving to the third floor. Mrs Cuthbert, Head of Sales, and Ms Gilmore, Head of Marketing, are also moving to the third floor. Mr Mortimer, the Human Resources Director, and Mr Robertson, the Financial Director, are moving to the secand floor, The IT Department is moving to the first floor, The Accounting Department is staying on the second floor, Allcia Livingstone Senior Administrative Assistant + Whe is the g-mal fom Whats pe fob? cm. hlacsonhaungslne. Bean 9 Wi I'he e:mal for? all = Sesh na on Dutectors the Mead os * Urpin te he loo eas, ff lsrininf piece och Ue Uno Guanice, Giese no Al es ps Se where f the IT Department moving? Ta. }. Which department isn’t moving? scheduling meetings > ordering office supplies > answering the phone > filing documents Candidates mst have au typing sil (Eerie ens Director, ReyAway Camping, RO. Wie will only ask suitable eandidates to come for an interview. PO. Box is short for Post Office Box, GV is short for Curriculum Vitae, A CV contains a person's personal, educational ‘and professional information. Practise the dialogue in Exercise 2 with a e partner. Pay attention to the expressions in colour. 4 Read the dialogue in Exercise 2 again. Then number Jennifer's five tasks in the order she is planning to do them, CH EHEHAH A AAAa _ a, file docunenes b, use the Internet m €. take minutes d, order office supplies e. distribute the post Working with Vocabulary 5 Listen and repeat. 4) It's eight It's quarter Its quarter It's half past I's tan past o'clock, ast nine. io eleven, one. six. 6 Write the correct time under each clock. Its — Its _—. Its 7 Listen and repeat. Then match six of the office routines to the pictures below. 4) 1. take a message 7. type aletter 9 2, answer thephone 8, order office 8, search the supplies Internet ©. distribute post 4, send an e-mail 10. schedule a Yos, Ite Mrs Shaw 5. senda fax meeting when she gets back, 6. fle documents 11. teke minutes Start with Please send me twenty = notebooks, forty 8 ‘Complete the sentences with the office routines below. ‘send an e-mail + answer the phone schedule a meeting + search the Internet Listen to the conversation between Mrs Marks, a senior administrative assistant, and Paul, take minutes ‘anew junior administrative assistant. Then 41. I'm going to the cafeteria for ten minutes. complete the sentences. 4) PIES anne AN tak 4; Paulis going to fle documents in the "Imports: ‘messages. OM sancieseaee 16, 2. don't know anything about that company. 2. Pauls going to distribute the post on the " =e foF information. and oe f00T8, 8. [forgot to tell Mrs Moore about the meeting, 8, Mis Poe traveling to Orina on A to her now. i or 4. th with Ms Grey for 4 Pauls going to soarch the htemet or tomorrow at three o'clock. Do you want to Information about = 0 Belling meet in your office? 5. Whan you ata ‘meeting, you must listen carefully and write down all the important things that people say, and Shanghel. 8. Paulis going to answer the phone and take messages belveen and 13 k Organising an Office . ( [Getting Started: Vocabulary Gage 117) 2. Two employees, Claire (A) and Dave (B), are fe discussing how to organise their new office. i 1 Read the advert. Then answer the questions Complete the dialogue with the words below. Ns below. 4) ‘Then listen to the dialogue and check your ' answers. +) idea + window + great + too + next to ie) Wit NILE Az Wow, Davel These offices look Modern offices * !Let’s see where we'll : ® everything in our office, with coi ice room. | Ds cenfiee on B: We can put the fling cabinet next to the i © On the'second floor ofthe Tower Genial ‘A: No, there isn't enough space there. Let's Builcing in the centre of town. ! put it on the wall behind your desk, Dave. © Offices are fully-equipped (desks, filing cabinets, We'll put my d2SK 8 ncnnnnmnnn the office chairs, ete) window. © New air-conditioners B: OK, Claire. Sounds good. Your shelf can go Bare [ofies asscoi cnet ctles ‘over there ~ under the ai-conaitioner. : A: 6000 * - Were fs our printer? B: Its probably stl inthe stockroom. Let's go It and get it ‘A: Where is the stockroom? B: I's opposite the reception desk. Az Is the shredder there, © B: No, its behind the reception desk. 1. Where are the offices for rent? 2. Have the offices got a place for big meetings? a) \When making a poite suggestion, we use the word Lets, Lets ofgan the office! Let’ go out for neh! 3. What furniture have the offices got? 4, Is there a place to prepare food in the offices? 6. Isth fc tern inthe DB _ Practise the dialogue in Exercise 2 with a ea eee partner. Pay attention to the expressions in colour. 6. How bigs the office space for rent? 4. Read the dialogue in Exercise 2 again. Then match A to B to form correct sentences. A The employees decide to put the fing cabinet Claire's shett is going to be ... ‘The printer is probably .. The stockroom is. The shredder is B _& under the air-conditioner in the stockroom, boohind Dave's desk. bbehind the reception desk, ‘opposite the reception desk shes epaog © Working with Vocabulary 5 Listen and repest the office equipment. Then match eight of the items to the descriptions. 4) 1. chair 9. computer je It copies documents. as 2, tabla 10, mouse |b. Yousit onit 7 8, desk 11, keyboard | ct makes the office warm or cold. 4. shel 12, sereen . You keep important paper documents in 5. fing cabinet 13. lamp It's 2 type of table for studying and working... 6. printer 14, waste paper bin | f. Youtype withit, 7. photocopier 15. air-conditioner |g. It destroys confidential doouMENtS, nnn 8. shredder 1h, Itgves light, __.. 6 Listen and repeat. 4) 4. on 4, under 7. behind 2. in 5. near 8 infront of 3, ebove 6. between 9. around jptions of three of the pictures. 7 Look at the pictures and read their captions. There is a mistake in the Find the three mistakes and correct them below. ‘The fling cabinet is near the recaption desk. The The lamp is in the table. The chairs ar@ around waste paper bin is above the reception desk, the table. ‘The shelves ars between the printer and the “The screen is on the desk. The keyboard is photocopier. There is some paper on the shelves. behind the computer screen, Corrections: I Picture nn tofind atleast six Ieee es bet £0 plotter 19 PGE n Look at the picture of en ¢ In picture. Lock at the picture of en office on Giwrerkbook, page®) 15 16 > Getting Started: Vocabulary (page 172) 2 Two administrative assistants (A and B) are Read the office supplies inventory. Then answer the questions on the right. 4) 1. How many boxes of red pens are there? Office Supplies Inventory 2. Is the administrative assistant going to order Black —3 bones any ring binders? Blue ~ 2 boxes = Red - 1 box 3. How many diferent types of envelopes are 5 boxes there? her packets of10 Order anather | AP < 10 packets, How many writing pads are there in one 7 packet? 352 boxes | Wy. 50 many? = en thay to supplies? Le ee 5. The office has got too much of one item, Stic tape | Tbox Order marl i Wena? agit Grler=20 pk, 30 yelan, Figen Novel Or 20 nk 7 ape for printer | 6 boxes Ls this ensugi? Check Tanitceopte | ae deparamens, seen at oe Envelopes | Reguar—250, 7. Which two items isthe administrative assistant Be, Oy going to ask the IT department about? oie er Computer Gate department and Ps Which office supply is missing completely? 2 toner cartridges ck ante, taking an office supplies inventory. Listen to the dialogue and circle the correct answers. When taking about quantlies, we can use Ax First of all, how many pens have we got? ‘words instead of some numbers. B: * Three / Four boxes of black pens and one box of blue ones, ‘A: OK. Ill order three boxes of blue pons and 7 one of *red/ black pens, What about writing 23 Practise the dialogue in Exercise 2 with a pads? partner. Pay attention to the expressions in B: The shelf is empiy! — ‘A: Illlorder @ couple of packets then, Each 4. Read the dialogue in Exercise 2 again. Then Packet has got *10/ 12 writing pads. How many folders are there? Bi A dozen, Let’ order * 15 /.50 more. | can't find any markers. ‘A: That's strange. | ordered three packets last week / an Monday. B: Just a minute! | think thay're here on the top shelf. Yes — three packets! ‘A: Good. OX, I'll cal the suppliers now and order everything we need, Working with Vocabulary 5 Listen and repeat. 4) 8 Listen and repeat. Then write the correct word 4. pen 10. stapler 2. pencil 11. staples 3, highlighter 12. scissors 4, marker 13. sticky tape 5. rubber 14. envelope 6. folder 45. hole punch 7. paper 16. toner cartridge 8. writing pad 17. fing binder 9. paper clips ie Write the correct office supply from Exercise 5 for each picture. 7 under each colour. 4) red ¢ blue + yellow + green + pink + black purple « orange + brown + grey + white Eve and Sally are taking an office supplis inventory, Listen to their conversation and correct the inventory below.) | Office Supplies Inventory | Item Quantity, Paper 1S bos Writing pads Scissors Sticky tape Highlighters 7 Listen and repeat the phrases in A. Then, match A to B. Use the pictures in Exercise 6 Folders to help you. +) A B 1. arollof a= @ Scissors abox of _b. staples 8, apacket of — 6. sticky tape 4, apairof _ d. highlighters 7 Ordering Office Supplies 1 Read the advertisement. Then write T (true) or F (false) next to each sentence below. 4) es oh ao HIGH PRICES FOR YOUR ne PrOFFICE ‘SUPPLIE: ere Saas For the month of May, Waltman’s Office Supplies is offering, some very attractive prices! We offer the best quality products at the lowest prices. Place an order with us, and we will send the goods to you by Special delivery the following day. Order a large quantity of office supplies, and we will give you a special reduction, We accept up to five payments. eli 3% discount on all toner cartridges! 1, Waliman’s Office Supplies is offering ‘special prices for the month of May. 2. Waltman's Office Supplies sell good products, 3. You receive the goods on the same day ‘you order them, 4, When you buy a lot of items, you pay less money for each item, 5. You don’t have to pay all the money when you order. 6. Until Friday, there is @ 25% reduction on ‘Many types of office supplias, Andrea (A) is ordering office supplies from Bill (8). Listen fo the dialogue and fil in the missing words. 4) ‘A: Hello, Bill I's Andrea from Jonson's Furniture Factory. 'd like to order some office supplies, please. : Certainly. What exactly do you need? “First of all, weneed What quantity do you need? About 200, OK, we'll 820d YOU nee packets, What is the price per unit? Its 85 per packet, so that’s § —enannnnen PEACE er Pad Good, Have you got high-quality staples? ‘The ones in the office break all the time, B: Yes, we've got some very nice high-quality staples — our customers love them. ‘A; 'lltake ten boxes of staples. Oh, and we're running low on highlighters and envelopes. B: How many would you lke of each? As Seven packets Of fee en highlighters and 20 packets of 9 anne GAVEIOPES. B: Anything else? At No, that’s all for now. B: OK. We'll get your order to you as soon as possible. Se > Practise the dialogue in Exercise 2 with a Partner: Pay attention to the expressions in colour. Read the dialogue again. Then circle the correct answer. 1. The customer needs 20 / 200 wring pads, 2. Each writing pad costs £5 / 50 pence. 3. The customer isn’t happy withthe staples / staplers in her office, 4, The customer orders seven / more than seven highighters. 5. The customer orders one type / many types of envelopes O Working with Vocabulary 5 Listen and repeat the words in A. Then match 7 Complete the missing days of the week. Then them to their meanings in B. 4) listen and repeat. 4) A ‘Thursday + Tuesday * Sunday « Friday 1. price . Wednesday, 2. qualty : 8. payments 4. give a reduction 8 Write the months of the year in the correct 5. runfowon ‘order. Then listen and repeat. 4) 6. noutot September « July + May + February « Apri 7. delivery June + December + August « November i January + March « October ; 1. 7. . @ sums of money to pay overtime _ b. nothave any a fs ©. how much you pay for something 2, a, —— d. not have much = <8. offer for less money i a c= f. how good something is 7 aa =. transport of items to location 9 Answer the questions. 1. What is the third day of the week? 6 Listen and repeat the words below. Then use the words to complete the invoice. «) ‘What is the seventh month of the year? 1. subtotal 5. payment date 2. price per unit 6. quantity ox pao ere a eNGes i decount 3. Is October the ninth month of the year? ., delivery date 4, What is the sixth day of the week? 5, When is your birthday? 6. What day is Christmas? Sinithson Office Supplies 7 E ‘Te:Lookgood Cosmetics Be nts Number: 0354 People often use abbreviations for the days of the week and the months of the year. Date: 38/2013, ‘Mon, = Monday Nov. = November Ire = Toul Friday ‘Aug. = August [Writing Pads] 30 £040] £1200 Tuos, = Tussday ‘Apr = Apri Scaplers a £060 00 Folders 5 600 £500 4 £2000 a = £400 i Student A: You work for CoSam Chemicals and Total: | £16.00. You ate caling to order some office supplies. Use the information in the note on page 85, ‘Student B: You work in an office supplies shop: ‘Ask and answer questions to complete the invoice on page 90. Use the pricelist to help you. ‘Comments: Speci delivery! ‘page 100 Workbook, page 10) 19 Owing ta, 20 * Replace the toner, photocopier * Make 2 colour copies for Mis Adarmsoy {POR HSASI * Phot 2 James (A) is showing Ann (B), a new employee, how to uso the photocopier. Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing words. +) ‘A; Next, Il show you how to use the photocopier. Thanks, James, AY press this bution fo turn on the machine. Put the document here. Then enter the number of copies you need. How can I change the size of the paper? ross this icon, You can select Ad or AS ‘And how do | enlarge a document or reduce its size? Press the Plus or Minus button and a, «the Start Button, |'880. Do | select this icon when | want to photocopy on two sides of the paper? Yes, that's right, Ann. That's double-sided copying, question: Can this ‘machine photocopy in colour? No, it's only @ black-and-white Emily must 1. order a new toner cartricige for the photocopier. ut a naw toner cartridge in the photocopier. prepare 8 black-and-white copies of the maierial in Mr Taylor's folder, photocopy the material in Mr Taylor's folder before the meeting on Tuesday, Photocopy @ poster of new products for Mrs Adamson. make the diagrams for the mobile phone campaign bigger when she photocopies them, G3. Practise the dialogue in Exercise 2 with a partner. Pay attention to the expressions in colour. 4. Read the dialogue in Exercise 2 again. Then ‘match A to B to form correct sentences. A 1, John explains how toturn on ... 2. He explains where to put .. 3. He shows how to select .. 4, He explains how to mate ... 5. He doesn't explain how to make ... B the paper size, larger or smaller copies, the photocopier. darker copies. the documents for photocopying, Working with Vocabulary 5 Listen and repeat. Then match the words in A to their opposites in B. 1) A B 1. open a. tum off 2. tumon b. long 8, dark ©. light 4, big d. close 5. short @. smal 6. narrow f. reduce 7. enlarge a. new 8 od he wide Ithelps to learn new words as pairs of opposites. eft right above ~ under 6 Circle the correct answer. 4. The photocopier in our office is new / old. We got it last week. 2. There isn't enough space to put the photocopier in this corridor. The corridor is very narrow / wide. 3, Don't forget to turn on / tum off the photocopier at the end of the day, 14, It's so.cold in here. Let's open / close the windows. 8. [haven't got time to read this short / long e-mail right now! I'l read it later, 6. Mrs Adamson always wears dark / light colours, Ike black and brown. 7. 11d lke this advert to be very big. Please enlarge / reduce It as much as possible. 7 Listen and repeat the words and phrases in bold. Then read the sentences and write T (true) or F (false) next to each sentence. 4) _. 1. When you press a button, the machine does something, 2. Apage has got two sides. _. 3. The paper size shows how big the paper is. 4. Black and white means colour. Remove is the opposite of put. -- 6. When you replace something, you cchange it for a new one. .. 7. When something is stuek, you can remove it easily. 8 Listen and repeat. Then write the correct word under each picture. + poster + newspaper article + magazine article chart + diagram + drawing + catalogue + label Lisa, the new administrative assistant, is asking Bill for help with the photocopier. Listen and Circle the correct answer. «) | Lisa wants to photocopy on one side / two sides of the page. Lisa checks that she removed the staples / paper clips from the pages. , Lisa wants to make 6 / 16 copies. |. Apage is stuck inside part C/S of the photocopier. Lisa / Bill removes the page from the photocopier and then it works again. a 22 > Getting Started: Vocabulary page 119) 1 Read the guidelines for sending faxes. ‘Then answer the questions. 4) “sen ling Fa: ‘Always include a cover sheet with the following information: + your name and phone number + the recipient's name + the date + the subject of the fax + the number of pages you are sending Insert the pages in the fax machine with the printed side up (see the picture on the fax machine). Enter the fax number and Press the ‘send’ button. . The machine will give you a confirmation page when the fax goes through properly. When the fax doesn’t go through properly, try to resend the fax. ‘You can use the ‘Automatic Redial Button’. ‘Many of our clients’ fax numbers are programmed into the fax machine. You can use ‘Speed Dial’ to send faxes to these people. (A) is asking Adam (B) for help with the fax machine, Complete the dialogue with the words below. Then listen to the dialogue and check your answers. 4) Person + picture * wrong + good + hospital ‘A; Adam, could you help me with the fax machine, please? Something's *__. ats B: Sure, Jule. What's the problem? ‘Az | sent this fax to Dr Hil at Eastside : but he received a blank page. B: Oh, think | know what the problem is. You didn't insert the page correctly, ‘A: What did I do wrong? B:_ You inserted the page with the printed side down, See this here? It's got the printed side up. ‘As Oh, yes. Now | see, Sorry to bother you. No, that’s fine. By the way, you should Include a cover sheet when you send a fax. ‘A: Acover sheet? What do you mean? B: Apage with the recipient's details and yours, You know, to make sure it reaches the right Yes, that's @ 5, —— idea. 1. Should the cover sheet include what the fax is about? 2. Shouid the cover shest say how many rages the fax is? 3, How do you know when a fax goes through Property? 4, What should you do when a fax doesn't go through properly? 5. Whose fax numbers are programmed into the fax machine? Practise the dialogue in Exercise 2 with a partner. Pay attention to the expressions in colour. Read the dialogue in Exercise 2 again. Then complete the sentences. 1. Julie wants to send a fax to 2. The recipient only received a enone BECAUSE Julio didn't insert the page correctiy, 3. Julie didn’t insert the page with its printed 4, Adam instructs Julie to send the fax page together with @ nnn 5. Julie's details and the details of the ‘should be included in the ip) ‘the name of the recipient = the recipient's name the fax number of the client = the client's fax umber Working with Vocabulary 5 Listen and repeat the words in bold, Then look at the document below and answer the questions. #1 1, Is the document a cover sheet or a blank page? 2, Ist printed side up or printed side down right now? 27 Morgan Se P.0. Box 74032 Tal: 0117.5551428 Fax: 0117-655:1029 Finley & Watson Law Firm Fax No: FE-S43-2098 No. of pages including this page: Subject: Purchase of tables I you have not received ail the pages, . please contact us. } 6 Listen and repeat the words. Then complete each sentence with the correct word. 4) | insert + go through + confirmation page | resend + programmed 1. Did you send the fx to Mr Smith? Did _—-» the fax four times! _—. All 12 pages | 2. Ihad to | Here's the ... reached the bank. 3, This time | remembered to — the pages with their printed side up. 4, Did you know that Mr Smith's fax number Is sn into Our fax machine? We send him faxes frequently. © 7 Listen and repeat. Then write the correct place of work under each picture. ) hospital « factory + bank + restaurant department store « law firm + hotel » museum ‘Student A: You are an administrative assistant ‘and you must write @ cover sheet for a fax. Ask ‘questions to find out the details to complete the cover sheet on page 85. ‘Student B: You are a senior administrative assistant. You want your assistant to write a ‘cover sheet for a fax, Tum to page 90 and answer Student AS questions, Writing Task, page 101 Workbook, pave 12) 23 24 Handling (Getting Started: Vocabulary (page 11) 1 Read the chart about handling incoming mall. Then read the sentences taken from different items of incoming mail. Where should each item go? +) Incoming Mail HANDLING INCOMING MAIL ‘SORTING PROCEDURES a! Invoices, bank statements, cheques Customer complaints Contracts / Requests for CVs -. 7 Product manuals Junk mai {i 9 ROR 2 Jane (A) is showing Linda (B), a new aciministrative assistant, how to distribute incoming mail, Listen to the dialogue and fill in the missing words. 4) ‘A: When you open the mail, remember to stamp each document. Bt What do you mean, Jane? ‘A: We've got a special stamp for incoming mail. tt says received and it has got the F ~.. . Don't forget to adjust the date each day! OK, What dO 1 dO ® nn that? ‘Az We've got an incoming mail log. You must document all the incoming rail init. Write the names of the sender and the B: Iseo, Az After that, you sort the post and it Bs How do | know where to take the post? ‘A; Here's a chart with sorting procedures. ‘As you can see, bills and cheques go to. the... wes « CVS go to Huan Resources, and so on. Tam enclosing @ cheque for $1,500. cu Four chairs for the price of two! ‘The machine stopped working after two weeks. Please send me prices for the A300 machine, ...... | have got five years of experience in marketing electronics. gs -> take to Accounting Department -> take to Customer Services Department “> take to Sales Department » take to Human Resources -> take to R&D Department -> throw in waste paper bin Practise the dialogue in Exercise 2 with a partner. Pay attention to the expressions in colour. Read the dialogue in Exercise 2 again. Then ‘complete the sentences below. 1. Linda must stamp all the. : 2. The siamp has got the word. onit and the .... i 3, Linda must change the the stamp every 4, The maillog includes the sender's and recipient's cs 5. Jane gives Linda a her with sorting procedures. meena tO Help ip! malt < post Working with Vocabulary 5. Listen and repeat. Then write the correct document type under each picture. 4) <1. junk mail — 2 cheque & contract 4, customer complaint — 5. product manual 6. request for information 7. bank statement 8. maillog | purse, | || The delivery has’ ety hasn't atrivec | etsy Meta | G . rorthing sank | rencenvosinese | a fiona a8 | noe 0 \] ine | |= \) OD oes ] AN | | toute toe ore | | Mut yournen roduc, | | | swemmesang.... | | | eve Aamteng | | Seems eng | eucrabee | Nel | @ ‘Some words can be both @ noun and 6 Listen and repeat the words. Then complete each sentence with the correct word. «) adjust + sender + document ¢ sort procedure + stamp 1. You.. the letters with this, Itsays "Received" and it’s got the date, 2, Whatis the... ——--» for handling inooming meil? 8. ReMEMbEC 10 eee ners the date on, ‘the stamp every morning, 4, When you write a letter to someone, you are fhe se 5, YOU SHOUD nme ll the laters carefully in the incoming mail log. 6. WREN YOU nnennncsnnne tHE POS, remember that all the CVs go to Human Resources. ‘verb, ke stamp and document. You stamp each letter. (verb) ‘The stamp says RECEIVED. (noun) 7 Match the words in A to their definitions in B. A B 1. adjust — 8 booklet explaining how 2. junk mail to use a product 3. contract categorise 4, cheque = adverts 5. wit legal agreement 6. product =~ ‘& change ‘manual — f. a form of payment Jack has got a summer job in the mail room, land Fiona is showing him what to do. Listen to the dialogue and complete the sentences. +) ‘The date today is... 1a Bi ‘The icon for the incoming mail log program is red and ‘The first document Jack opens is 8 ‘The sender of the first document is Inside the letter for the Accounting Department, Jack finds a 25

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