Final Exam - Summer 2021 - HRM - SUBJECTIVE + MCQS

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Final-Term Exam Summer – 2021

Department of Business Administration

Subject: Human Resource Theory & Practice (BBA) Submission Duration: 3 Hours
Human Resource Management (MBA)
Instructor: Ms. Bushra Shahzad Khan Submission Date: 5th September 2021 (11:45 – 2:45 pm)
Program: MBA & BBA Max. Marks: 40 (Subjective: 20 + Objective: 20)

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Question 1: 10 marks for each sub-part (Word limit: 400-600)

Environmental hazards have forced the companies to ‘Go Green’ because they bear the brunt in
terms of economic loses. In this regard, Green HRM is practiced by various organizations
nowadays for a sustainable and resilient future.

a) Select a well-renowned company (national or international) and analyze its Green HRM
b) In continuation of part A, identify the factors that led the management to transform its
conventional HR practices and laid-back culture.

Question 2: Choose the best option by highlighting or changing the font color (20 Marks)

1. The compensation scheme ‘’Kurzarbeit’’ introduced by Germany refers to:

a) Laying off the employees to reduce the company’s financial burden

b) Giving extra benefits to employees other than basic salary
c) Reduction in working hours and pay
d) None of the above

2. Job Specification in a Job Analysis process refers to:

a) Job content i.e. duties and responsibilities to be performed in a job

b) Job context i.e. machinery, software, equipment and scheduling in a job
c) Candidate’s knowledge, skillset and capabilities
d) All of the above

3. Job Enrichment is done to break the monotony from work. Moreover, it intends to:

a) Maintain the status quo in job

b) Increase the scope of work without making the employee authoritative
c) Provide an opportunity to climb the career ladder
d) None of the above

4. Personnel Management used to:

a) Consider T&D an investment

b) Emphasize on far sighted approach
c) Focus on fragmentation
d) Focus on routine work and flexibility
5. Introduction of new or current trends for optimal HR utilization is part of?

a) Line Authority
b) Both Line and Staff authority
c) Staff authority
d) None of the above

6. E-recruiting methods include:

a) Print job ad
b) Employee referrals
c) Employer website
d) All of the above

7. Illumination experiment done in Hawthorne studies were meant to:

a) Analyze the effect of supervisor’s encouragement on productivity

b) Analyze the effect of lighting on productivity
c) Both A & B
d) None of the above

8. Which of the statements is false keeping in view disruptions occurring in the 21 st


a) Companies are following decentralization nowadays

b) Analyze the effect of lighting on productivity
c) Technology is the bane for companies
d) None of the above

9. On the Job training includes:

a) Coaching
b) Case study
c) Learning by doing
d) All of the above
10. ADDIE process of T&D stands for:

a) Affirm, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation

b) Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Execution
c) Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation
d) None of the above

11. Succession Planning is important to fulfil the following objective:

a) Orient the new employees with company’s policies.

b) Conduct physical and mental tests for selection
c) Prepare the potential employees for key positions in future
d) None of the above

12. Average number of qualified applicants per position. Identify HRM function

a) Orientation
b) T&D
c) Recruitment
d) Compensation

13. All the statements are true for ‘Benchmarking’ except:

a) It stimulates performance
b) It helps in comparing performance with the market leader
c) Following the footsteps of new player in the market
d) Herd mentality can waste company’s resources

14. High Performance company has the following attribute:

a) Average percentage of employees hired on a validated selection test is less.

b) Percentage of companies with semiautonomous or autonomous work teams is less.
c) Average no. of employees receiving a regular performance appraisal is high.
d) Both A & B

15. Balanced Scorecard focuses on following parameters:

a) Internal processes only

b) Learning & Growth
c) Financial, customer satisfaction, internal process, learning & growth
d) Financial elements only
16. Strategic planning stage involves all the following elements except:

a) Setting the organizational goals

b) Designing strategies to achieve competitive advantage
c) Evaluating the effectiveness of goals
d) Setting the direction of a company to thrive in future

17. HR Specialist renders services in the areas like:

a) Administrative functions
b) Employee grievances
c) Technical expertise like: Job Analyst, EEO Coordinators, Recruiters
d) Both A & B

18. Transactional leadership followed ___________ approach.

a) Intellectual stimulation
b) Individual consideration
c) Carrot and stick
d) None of the above

19. The concept of ‘compressed workweek’ refers to:

a) Putting employees on lay-off for a certain period of time

b) Increasing the working days in a week
c) Reducing the working days in a week
d) None of the above

20. Parent Country National means that:

a) Employee is a native of host country.

b) Employee is citizen of a country where subsidiary unit is located
c) Employee is a citizen of a country where headquarter is located
d) All of the above

------------------------------------------------ GOOD LUCK --------------------------------------------------

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