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Anna Małgorzata Ehrke An Ever Cleaner Union?

The Impact of European

Environmental Measures in Poland and Ukraine

Questionnaire for Environmental NGOs


1. Your organisation is:

 an international organisation
 a national organisation
 an interregional organisation
 a regional organisation
 a local organisation

2. How long has your organisation been in operation?

3. In which province does your environmental non-governmental organisation/ your
section of the environmental organisation operate?
4. What goals does your organisation pursue in its day-to-day activities? Please
assess the following goals.
(please choose one square in each row)

Unimportant Important Very important

goal goal goal
Ecological education   
Nature conservation in general   
Preventing air pollution   
Preventing water pollution   
Lobbying on the regional level   
Lobbying on the national level   
Developing international cooperation
between environmental organisations   
Social control of polluters (companies)   
Protest actions against specific
projects that pose a threat to the   
natural environment
Promotion of the sustainable
development idea in mass media   
Others (please specify)

5. How has the environmental situation changed in your province over the last five
Environmental pollution in general
remained at the
increased decreased
same level

Anna Małgorzata Ehrke An Ever Cleaner Union? The Impact of European
Environmental Measures in Poland and Ukraine

What has changed in particular?

Air pollution
remained at the
increased decreased
same level
Water pollution

remained at the
increased decreased
same level

6. Are there any chemical companies in the province where your organisation/your
section of the environmental organisation operates?

 yes ⇒ please go to Question No. 7

 no ⇒ please go to Question No. 11
 I don’t know ⇒ please go to Question No. 11

7. If yes, please write down the names of the three biggest chemical companies
operating in your province.

Company’s name:



8. How would you characterise the environmental impact of those chemical


high medium marginal


9. In the cases of those companies, what has changed in particular?

Air pollution
increased no change declined
Water pollution
increased no change declined

Anna Małgorzata Ehrke An Ever Cleaner Union? The Impact of European
Environmental Measures in Poland and Ukraine

10. Did those companies undertake any particular actions to decrease their impact on
the natural environment with regard to the following aspects?
(please choose one square in each row)

Comprehensive Some not
measures measures applicable
use of natural resources
(water, energy etc.)    
production of waste    
water pollution    
air pollution    

11. How would you assess the environmental standards applicable to companies (e.g.
chemical companies)?

Rather Too Far too

Far too strict Too strict
adequate lenient lenient

12. How would you characterise contacts between companies (e.g. chemical
companies) and environmental inspectorates?

Friendly Formal Unfriendly I don’t know

relations relations relations

13. How would you assess the regulatory activities of state environmental
inspectorates? To what extent do they contribute to improvement in the state of the
natural environment in your province?

 Their activity contributes significantly to improvement in the state of the natural

 Their activity contributes to some extent to improvement in the state of the natural
 Their activity has no influence on changes in the state of the natural environment.
 Their activity contributes rather to worsening the state of the natural environment.
 Their activity contributes significantly to worsening the state of the natural environment.

14. Following the EU accession, many EU environmental regulations were introduced in

Poland. How would you assess the following statement?

Regional state authorities have comprehensive knowledge of EU environmental law.

I totally I rather I rather I totally I don’t

agree agree disagree disagree know

Anna Małgorzata Ehrke An Ever Cleaner Union? The Impact of European
Environmental Measures in Poland and Ukraine

15. How would you assess the implementation of the following EU directives?

Directive 96/61/CE on integrated pollution prevention and control (IPPC)

no problems with problems with I don’t know this directive
implementation implementation

For problems with implementation:
(multiple answers possible)

overly strict overly high overly short

regulations implementation costs implementation

Directive 1999/31/CE on the landfill of waste

no problems with problems with
I don’t know this directive
implementation implementation

For problems with implementation:
(multiple answers possible)

overly short
overly stringent overly high
regulations implementation costs

Directive 83/513/EEC on limit values and quality objectives for cadmium discharges
no problems with problems with I don’t know this directive
implementation implementation

For problems with implementation:
(multiple answers possible)

overly stringent overly high overly short

regulations implementation costs implementation

Anna Małgorzata Ehrke An Ever Cleaner Union? The Impact of European
Environmental Measures in Poland and Ukraine

16. How would you assess the role of the following stakeholders for your section of the
environmental organisation?
(please choose one square in each row)
important role important
Local authorities   
Regional authorities   
Central government authorities   
European Union   
United Nations   
Banks and other financial
Industry and trade associations   
Trade unions   
Other (please specify)

17. Is your section of the environmental organisation liaising with the following
(please choose one square in each row)
Frequent Seldom
No contact
contact contact
Local authorities   
Regional authorities   
Central government authorities   
European Union   
United Nations   
Banks and other financial
Industry and trade associations   
Trade unions   
Other (please specify)

18. Which of the stakeholders is particularly supportive?

_____________________________________ is/are particularly supportive

(please choose one of the stakeholders from Question No. 17)
 Nobody is supportive.

Anna Małgorzata Ehrke An Ever Cleaner Union? The Impact of European
Environmental Measures in Poland and Ukraine

19. How would you assess the role of the following international organisations for
environmental activities in your section of the environmental organisation?
(please choose one square in each row)

unimportant important
role role
European Union   
United Nations   
World Bank   
Friends of the Earth   
Others (please specify)

20. It is true that the European Union helps to improve the overall working conditions of
the Central and Eastern European non-governmental organisations? How would
you assess the role of the European Union for your section of the environmental
organisation? Please assess the following factors.
(please choose one square in each row)

unimportant important Negative
role role influence
Improved access to mass media    
Improved cooperation with other
environmental organisations    
Improved financial situation    

Problems with staff    

Better access to environmental
information possessed by state    
Increased influence on state
Growing professionalism of
organisations’ activities    

Anna Małgorzata Ehrke An Ever Cleaner Union? The Impact of European
Environmental Measures in Poland and Ukraine

21. How would you assess the influence of the following factors on the activities of
your section of the international organisation?
(please choose one square in each row)
Supports the Neither positive Problematic
organisation’s nor negative for the
activity influence organisation
Access to mass media   
Project financing application
Cooperation with other
environmental organisations   
Regulations introduced after the EU
Financial situation   
Technical equipment   
Access to environmental information
possessed by state authorities   
Level of ecological awareness of
Others (please specify)

22. Over the last five years, Poland has seen many changes with regard to
environmental policy. How would you assess the following statements?

Over the last five years, the overall working conditions of the non-governmental
improved worsened
improved have not changed worsened
significantly significantly

Over the last five years, cooperation between state authorities and non-governmental
environmental organisations
improved worsened
improved has not changed worsened
significantly significantly

Over the last five years, cooperation among non-governmental environmental

improved worsened
improved has not changed worsened
significantly significantly

Anna Małgorzata Ehrke An Ever Cleaner Union? The Impact of European
Environmental Measures in Poland and Ukraine

Over the last five years, the control over companies’ compliance with environmental
improved worsened
improved has not changed worsened
significantly significantly

Over the last five years, the monitoring of companies’ impact on the natural environment
improved worsened
improved has not changed worsened
significantly significantly

23. How many members does your section of the environmental organisation have?
_____________________ members

24. Besides private persons, are legal entities also members of your section of the
environmental organisation?

 I don’t know.

25. How much is the membership fee for your section of the environmental
organisation charges?
(please choose an appropriate square)

 Private persons’ fee PLN_______________.

 Legal entities’ fee PLN________________.
 No fee.

26. How many full-time employees work for your section of the environmental
_____________ employees

27. How many volunteers regularly cooperate with your section of the international
_____________ volunteer(s)

28. Over the last five years, the budget of your section of the environmental
remained on the
increased decreased
same level

Anna Małgorzata Ehrke An Ever Cleaner Union? The Impact of European
Environmental Measures in Poland and Ukraine

29. If possible, please estimate the budget in 2004


30. Did/Does your section of the environmental organisation receive any financial
support to carry out projects?
Please specify sources from which your section of the environmental organisation
receives financial support
(multiple answers possible)
 subventions from Polish environmental funds
 financial support from the EU
 financial support from other international organisations
 other international subventions
 other sources: _______________________________________

If possible, please estimate the overall financial support received over the last five years :

31. Your remarks and comments.



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