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2. I can`t carry these suitcases by myself; they are too heavy.

3. I`ll never be able to buy my own yacht; it`s too expensive.

4. She won`t pass the exam; she is too ill.

Ex.4 (p.16) (a)

1. I found a sum of money in my pocket and I bought ice-cream..

2. Remember, 6 tablespoons of salt in every gallon of boiling water.
3. You said there was a clap of thunder just before he entered the house.
4. My granny gave me a jar of honey from a village.
5. Weeks passed without a drop of rain.
6. Your visit was like a ray of sunshine on an otherwise cloudy day.


2. Work meaning 'task, something you have to do'

Works is a factory

He thanked them for their hard work.

My father is working at the machine building works.

3. Damage means “injury to a person or property”.

Damages means “money claimed by, or ordered to be paid to, a person as

compensation for loss or injury”.

Upon inspection, no damage was found.

She was awarded general damages.

4. The word «people» mean simply the plural of person – in other words,
two or more human beings. Here are two example sentences with this
A word “peoples” mean a groups of people from multiple ethnic, cultural,
racial, or national backgrounds.

My neighbors are nice people

History textbooks can divide or unite peoples

5. Wood means the material used to manufacture something of wood or for

being used in a fire.

Woods is a large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth

Polished wood feels cold like metal

Whoever enters the woods is lost.

6. Content means the ideas that are contained in a piece of writing or a film
or a speech

Contents means things that are inside something

This film has adult content; it is not suitable for children

At the airport, security might say to you, “Please show me the contents of
your bag.”


2 offence

4 defence

5 allowance

7 resistance

8 preference

Суфікси -ance і -ence вказують на стан або якість чогось

3 formation
6 inspection
9 interpretation
10 information

-ation -ion при додаванні до дієслова означатимуть дію, стан або результат.
1. I would prefer it if nobody answered my phone for me. I don’t want to be
disturbed today, so turn off my phone for me.
2. She forgot everything I told her. She didn`t remember anything I told her.
3. I didn`t know anyone at the conference. There was nobody who I knew at the
4. Mark asked me the price of a fax machine. Mark asked me soo much questions
how to buy a fax machine.
5. The operator asked him if he wanted any more information. The operator asked
him if he had an information else which he wanted to ask.
6. I`m sure Steve didn`t mean to upset you. I'm sure Steve didn't have any bad
7. Everyone thinks Ann will get a promotion soon. Ann`s classmates expect a
promotion soon.
8. He has a good relationship with his parents. He gets understanding with his
1 was
2 can
3 than
4 the
5 in
6 every
7 that
8 in
9 which
10 for
11 their
12 with
13 by
14 but
15 any

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