Reinforcing The Ecosystem Services

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Ecosystems (2016) 19: 661–673

DOI: 10.1007/s10021-016-9959-0
Ó 2016 Springer Science+Business Media New York

Reinforcing the Ecosystem Services

Perspective: The Temporal
John M. Heydinger1,2*

Program in the History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, University of Minnesota, 154 Shepard Labs, 100 Union Street SE,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA; 2Percy FitzPatrick Institute, DST/NRF Centre of Excellence, University of Cape Town, Ron-
debosch, 7701 Cape Town, South Africa

Founded upon sustainability science, the ecosystem which compose and maintain human benefits into
services concept is increasingly defined by an eco- the ecosystem services concept will more fully re-
nomic valuation approach to natural capital. This flect contemporary economics and sustainability
latter-day addition risks subsuming the central science. The framework of Social-ecological Sys-
message of the ecosystem services concept: that tems (SES) theory provides a broad foundation for
humanity is reliant upon the natural world. Three the economic valuation of ecosystem services.
arenas of inappropriate application of the economic Emphasizing the importance of human and envi-
valuation approach to ecosystem services are de- ronmental change, SES theory encapsulates a
tailed, these are defined as ecological, social-natu- needed awareness of the dynamic interactions
ral, and socioeconomic problems. Each problematic which compose ecosystem services.
arena suggests the primary shortcoming of the
economic valuation approach: it lacks an incorpo- Key words: ecosystem service; social-ecological
ration of the temporal component. More clearly systems; economic value; ecosystem science; tem-
incorporating the natural conditions and processes poral dynamics; change.

INTRODUCTION processes with human well-being that the concept

characterizes has become tethered to an economic
Ecosystem services have become the preeminent valuation approach. Through this approach the
vocabulary of social and ecological exchange concept has achieved its greatest discursive power
(Wilson and Howarth 2002; Potschin and Haines- (Gómez-Baggethun and others 2010; Potschin and
Young 2011; Voosen 2013). Defined by the Mil- Haines-Young 2011). As it stands, economic valu-
lennium Ecosystem Assessment as the ‘‘benefits ation of ecosystem services inadequately accounts
people obtain from ecosystems’’ (MA 2005, p. 53), for the temporal dynamics which undergird
ecosystem services are a form of lexical and con- ecosystem services. Recognizing that change is
ceptual bricolage underscoring the importance of ever-present can help to spatially ground and
ecological structures and functions to individuals temporally contextualize both the components and
and society. Yet the linkage of environmental relationships which compose ecosystem services
(Levins and Lewontin 1985; Cronon 2000; Cum-
ming 2011). This recognition may support eco-
Received 28 December 2014; accepted 2 December 2015; nomic valuations which are more fully reflective of
published online 1 February 2016 ecological processes.
*Corresponding author; e-mail:

662 J. M. Heydinger

The Ecosystem Services Concept ecosystem services at $125 trillion per year (2007
$US) (2014)). Although, predictably, many voices
Initially the term ecosystem services was coined to
have cried foul, variously labeling Costanza and
raise awareness that environmental degradation
others’ approach as ‘‘audacious,’’ ‘‘futile,’’ and ‘‘a
can compromise human life and livelihoods in di- serious underestimation of infinity’’ the efficacy of
verse contexts (Ehrlich and Ehrlich 1981). The the approach in stirring the scientific and political
concept sought to highlight the unaccounted-for
plot, both in the 90s and more recently, cannot be
benefits that people receive from natural processes
ignored (Masood and Garwin 1998; Rosen 2014;
(Daily 1997; Mooney and Ehrlich 1997; Norgaard
Zimmer 2014). Such analyses have made it evident
2010). Whereas ethics of stewardship and conser-
that the global economy cannot substitute for
vation are predicated upon tenets of human duty,
widespread ecosystem services shortfalls (Solow
the ecosystem services concept inverted this logic
(Goulder and Kennedy 1997; Kareiva and Marvier In 2005, the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
2012). The development of a utilitarian paradigm (MA) ‘‘firmly placed the ecosystem services con-
defining humanity’s relationship to nature, placed
cept on the policy agenda’’, and gave the concept
anthropic benefit at the forefront of ecosystem
its greatest voice to-date (Gómez-Baggethun and
protection (Hardin 1974; Gómez-Baggethun and
others 2010, p. 1214; Potschin and Haines-Young
others 2010). Slowly a narrative of conservation for
2011). As a document founded upon the impera-
development began to supplant that of conserva-
tive of transforming policy, the MA sought prag-
tion against development (Folke 2006). Though
matic approaches to integrating ecosystem con-
human dependency upon natural processes has cerns into decision-making processes. The MA
long been acknowledged, more than forty years conceptual framework assumed that changing hu-
since the emergence of the modern conservation
man conditions both directly and indirectly drive
movement, environmental challenges such as bio-
changes in ecosystems, while changes in ecosys-
diversity loss, habitat destruction, and global cli-
tems likewise impact social prospects (MA 2005,
mate change continued to worsen (Brundtland
pp. 7–8). Such concerns were addressed via the
1987; Daily 1997; PCAST 1998). Ecosystem services
application of ecosystem services, both as a mea-
were initially one more attempt to arrest global
surement tool and focus of concern. Though
environmental degradation. ecosystems are initially identified as valuable ‘‘be-
Such increased awareness gave rise to large-scale cause they maintain life on earth and the services
institutional reviews addressing global environ-
needed to satisfy human material and nonmaterial
mental conditions (UNEP 1972; IPCC 1988;
needs’’, the manner of measuring this value is not
Brundtland 1987; Gómez-Baggethun and others
immediately apparent (MA Framework 2003, p.
2010). By 1997 the ecosystem services concept had
128). Because economic markets are seen to guide
moved into the mainstream of ecological scholar-
the choices of many individuals as well as public
ship. The publication of Daily’s edited volume Na-
and private decisions, the ‘common metric’ (MA
ture’s Services (1997) and Costanza and others’ Framework 2003, p. 128) of price, as the mode of
(Costanza and others 1997) paper, began the economic valuation of ecosystem services, has been
paradigmatic preeminence of the concept across
conceived as the premier method of integrating
the ecological scientific and policy realm (Mooney
environmental concerns into decision-making
and Ehrlich 1997; Peterson and others 2010).
arenas (Costanza and Daly 1992; Costanza 2000;
While Daily’s volume brought together noteworthy
MA 2005; PCAST 2011). Though not ‘‘an end in
environmental scientists around the theme of
itself,’’ the economic valuation of ecosystem ser-
ecosystem services, Costanza and others’ paper
vices has become widely recognized as ‘‘the first
pegged global ecosystem services to an average step in integrating these services into public deci-
value estimated at $33 trillion per year ($46 tril- sion-making and ensuring the continuity of
lion/y in 2007 $US). Comparatively measuring
ecosystems that provide these services’’ (Goulder
global GDP to be roughly $18 trillion per year, this
and Kennedy 1997; Sekercioglu 2010, p. 65).
synthesis sought to convey the global economic
value of ecosystem services, and proved to be a
Contesting Economic Valuation
‘‘watershed’’ in the expanding fields of environ-
mental sciences and ecological economics (Parks In its ascendance, the ecosystem services concept
and Gowdy 2013, p. e4). (More recently, Costanza became linked to an economic valuation of nature.
and others have published an upward revision of As one tool for incorporating ecological concerns
their 1997 figures, now placing the global value of into decision-making arenas, the economic
Reinforcing the Ecosystem Service Perspective 663

valuation of ecosystem services is indeed poten- hierarchy of interacting, nested systems (Golley
tially powerful (Liu and others 2007; PCAST 2011; 1993). ‘‘These ecosystems,’’ Tansely wrote, ‘‘are of
Voosen 2013; Costanza and others 2014). How- the most various kinds and sizes’’ (1935, p. 299).
ever, both the process by which economic valua- Characterized by multi-scalar interactions which
tions occur (Heal 2000; Boyd and Banzhaf 2005; yield the creation of complex, emergent entities,
Kosoy and Corbera 2010), as well as concerns over ecosystems are both a basic unit and primary pro-
the ethical and physical impacts of applying eco- duct of ecological interactions (Limburg and others
nomic logic to the natural world have been con- 2002). Component relationships are the drivers of
tested (Ludwig 2000; Robertson 2006; Soule 2013). ecological processes (Golley 1993). Tracing rela-
The preeminence of the economic valuation ap- tionships across and within organisms and physical
proach threatens to undermine the key insight of environments, the ecosystem perspective recog-
the ecosystem services concept: that humanity is nizes these complex entities as both composed by
reliant upon the natural world. and transcendent of their constituent parts. Inher-
Though economic valuation, addressing both use ently place based, ecosystems are simultaneously
and non-use values, is both a useful and necessary linked to, and differentiated from their neighbors
tool for integrating ecological perspectives into through differing processes of interaction. Mea-
decision-making practices, when applied in isola- sures of ecosystem extent depend upon which as-
tion economic measurements threaten to overlook pect of the system is being examined. The
the dynamic interplay existing between ecological ecological sciences endeavor to study these com-
phenomena, between people and the natural plex systems in their various forms and expressions
world, and between social actors. These highlight (Colyvan and others 2009).
shortcomings in the economic valuation approach The place-based interactions of ecological pro-
to ecosystem services. I respectively categorize cesses suggest that components and interactions
these shortcomings as ecological, social-natural, cannot be meaningfully separated from their envi-
and socioeconomic problems, and review each in ronments without sacrificing crucial aspects of
turn. This applied organizational structure provides identity (Levins and Lewontin 1985; Harvey 1996;
clarity to somewhat tangled arguments. Each arena Vatn 2000). Though it may be feasible to value one
is not premised upon an a priori separation, but fish separately from its habitat, how can we hope to
rather expresses the character of interactions being value a stock of fish without simultaneously being
assessed. These critiques typify each arena as assured they will have water to live in? Economic
inadequately accounting for the temporal dynamics valuation approaches threaten to abstract ecological
which undergird ecosystem services. Emphasizing relationships from their spatial and temporal con-
the temporal contingency of ecosystem services texts. A Cartesian approach—by which parts are
and the importance of the conditions and processes conceived to be separable from the whole—ad-
which undergird them (Daily 1997), can concep- dresses only the end-products of natural processes
tually strengthen the ecosystem services concept, (see Panel 2), threatening to impose a factory-logic
reorienting it towards a discourse of praxis, onto the natural world (Boyd and Banzhaf 2005;
whereby interactive and creative processes across Maler and others 2008; Rogers and others 2013).
social and ecological arenas are seen to be co-pro- Although it has been posited that ecosystem ser-
ductive of one linked world. vices align economics with conservation concerns
(Daily and Matson 2008), the converse seems
increasingly true: ecology is being straightjacketed
CRITIQUES OF THE ECONOMIC VALUATION OF by economic dictates (Robertson 2004; Peterson
ECOSYSTEM SERVICES and others 2010). An imposition of market logic
threatens to mask ecological complexity and the
Ecological Problems
processes by which services are created (Kosoy and
Foremost among critiques of the economic valua- Corbera 2010). This approach can involve consid-
tion approach is that it inadequately addresses the erable risks to both people and the environment
functional and interactive nature of ecosystems. (Beck 1992; Muradian and Rival 2012).
Ecosystems are both heterogeneous and in a con- ‘‘Bringing earth into the balance sheet’’ suggests
tinuous process of evolutionary change (Leopold a narrowing down of ecological function to human
1933; Golley 1993; Maler and others 2008). Tans- benefits comparable across time and space (Foster
ley (1935) set forth the idea that the physical uni- 2002, p. 16; Economist 2005). The development of
verse, from the vast expanse to the tiniest atom, is new approaches has been argued for by numer-
simultaneously composing and composed by a ous ecologists and economists (Vatn 2000;
664 J. M. Heydinger

Gomez-Baggethun and Ruiz-Perez 2011; Chan and will be similarly available tomorrow. Conversely,
others 2012). As ecosystem functions are trans- an untold number of natural products are yet to be
formed into deliverable ecosystem services, natural developed. Natural capital becomes ecosystem ser-
processes become susceptible to logics of com- vices only to the extent that it can be realized as
modification and exchange (Vatn 2000; Daily and services to benefit people. Some ecosystem services
others 2009). One-sided valuation approaches can will be realized with little or no technical media-
marginalize the interactive and multi-functional tion, for example, water purification and organic
nature of ecosystem processes (Myrdal 1953; decomposition. Others, such as medicinal plants,
Gowdy and others 2013). The environmental sci- building materials, or hydropower, require vast
ences suggest that there is no single, ideal state of social and material technological assemblages to
nature. Ecosystem processes are always evolving in transform and deliver these resources. Fixing a
response to changing inputs and conditions (Dar- price to any phenomenon relies upon a host of
win 1859; Tilman and others 1997; Gowdy and social and contextual ties which are often obscured
others 2013). When applied without regard for the in the application of the ecosystem services concept
transformative character of the conditions and (Kosoy and Corbera 2010).
processes which compose ecosystems, economic Second, case and time sensitive, the economic
values threaten to freeze ecological interactions in valuation of ecosystem services occurs within a
place. When ecosystem services are decoupled from framework of unsustainable practices (Maler and
ecosystem processes, concerns of ends subsume an others 2008). Global assemblages of people and
awareness of means. The conceptual simplification things have fostered social-natural relationships
of natural processes creates problems in applying typified by the degradation and transformation of
our ecological understandings. When market logics life-supporting ecosystems (Daily 1997). The MA
dictate desirable ecosystem function the central recognizes that significant changes in policies,
thread of the ecosystem services concept—hu- institutions, and practices are required to meet
manity’s reliance upon ecosystems—is in danger. present ecosystem challenges; these are not cur-
rently underway (MA 2005). Such changes would
dramatically impact relative prices, rendering neo-
Social-Natural Problems
classical-style economic and political prescriptions
Comprehensive assessment of natural processes ‘‘especially inappropriate’’ (Rammel and van den
will recognize that ecosystems consist of human Bergh 2015, p. 122). Technology and social value
components. Indeed, human mediation is required co-evolve alongside society’s relationship with the
before ecological processes are realized as ecosys- natural world (Rolston 1982; Rhodes 1988; Foster
tem services (Potschin and Haines-Young 2011; 2000); it must be questioned whether or not ours is
Costanza and others 2014). Likewise, human ac- a society which, as currently constructed, can breed
tion impacts the environment, and the two realms economic valuations appropriate to realizing sus-
feedback upon each other in dynamic, and some- tainable ends (Costanza 2000; Foster 2002). Eco-
times transformative, processes (Gunderson and nomic valuation approaches derived from existing
Holling 2002; Cumming 2011; Mann 2011). ‘So- institutions, policies, and wealth distributions, may
cial-natural problems’ highlight the extent to become untenable. The more serious our current
which ecosystem service valuation exists within environmental difficulties, the less adequate cur-
and reinforces certain socio-technical interactions rent valuation approaches are for moving towards a
with the natural world. Four distinct types of so- sustainable future (Norgaard 2010).
cial-natural problems arise with ecosystem service Third, given the complex nature of social-natural
valuation. interactions, uncertainty and the unknown are
First, ecosystem service valuation occurs within omnipresent in our valuations of ecosystem ser-
our socio-technical present: transformative media- vices (Beck 1992; Norberg and Cumming 2008;
tion is central to much of humanity’s ability to Cumming and others 2012). Although less-than-
derive valuable products or experiences from the perfect data are a universal problem within the
natural world (Marx 1867; Foster 2000; Henderson quantitative sciences, measurement difficulties and
2009); our relationship with natural capital is the poor quality of environmental and social data
contingent upon an array of social-natural rela- suggest that even the most widely recognized
tionships which are liable to change over time. ecosystem service markets have not reached a level
There is no guarantee that ecological phenomena of maturity expected of commodity markets
or processes will serve as a resource, nor is there (Robertson 2004). Natural resource measurement
any guarantee that the natural products of today requires a synthesis of numerous information
Reinforcing the Ecosystem Service Perspective 665

types, many of which contain notable errors and throated endorsement by American ecologist Garrett
variability (Carpenter and Turner 2000). Such dif- Hardin, in his ‘‘The Tragedy of the Commons’’
ficulties threaten to place certain services beyond (1968). Establishing that you can never maximize
market parameters, thus compromising their im- antagonistic variables, Hardin outlined his now fa-
pacts upon environmental policy (Robertson 2006; mous theory in response to rising global population.
Kosoy and Corbera 2010). The persistence of Arguing that selfish, though economically rational,
unforeseen outcomes demands an incorporation of actions will degrade common-pool resources Hardin
uncertainty into forecasts of social and natural noted that individual rational choices will not al-
transformations (Leopold 1933; Funtowicz and ways yield the greatest good—a position known as
Ravetz 1994; Martinez-Alier and others 1998). ‘soft-utilitarianism’ (Goulder and Kennedy 1997;
Technical limitations and our consequent uncer- Martinez-Alier and others 1998). This critique, pri-
tainty imply that both our economic and moral marily executed as a broadside across Jeremy Ben-
priorities are susceptible to radical alteration. tham’s utopian pursuit of the greatest good for the
Fourth, the rights and obligations humans exer- greatest number, along with Hardin’s conclusions,
cise regarding the natural world have come under have become the ‘‘dominant paradigm’’ for balanc-
frequent critique. As the discursive power of ing the right and obligations dictated by our envi-
ecosystem services grows, it is incumbent upon us ronmental present (Gómez-Baggethun and others
to assess whether or not economic valuation is 2010). Asserting that an action’s moral fitness ought
characteristic of a desirable relationship to the to be assessed in regards to desired outcomes, Hardin
natural world. believed that privatization of natural resources could
Though woven into the foundations of capital- alone arrest environmental degradation.
ism, the ‘triumphalist’ attitude implying that nat- Crucially, Hardin’s work fails to recognize the
ural entities and processes shall be subject to contingency of his conclusions and feedbacks be-
human ownership is both historically contingent tween social and natural systems. Ostrom (2007)
and variously contested (Hughes 1983; Gill 1987; has shown that Hardin’s reliance upon individually
Callicott and Ames 1989; Harvey 1996, p. 131). At autonomous and anonymous actors provides a very
least as early as Jean-Jacques Rousseau, western sparse view of the commons. In a world without
thinkers have noted the problematic aspects of collective decision-making bodies, where idealized
owning the natural world: individuals are free from broader societal concerns,
private ownership for conservation ends may be
necessary. This, however, is not the socio-political
The first man who, after enclosing a
world we inhabit, as evidenced by innumerable
piece of ground, took it into his head to
organizations seeking to influence business and
say, this is mine, and found people sim-
governmental priorities. The extension of property
ple enough to believe him, was the true
rights has the power to conceptually and physically
founder of civil society. How many
transform natural products and processes (Cronon
crimes, how many wars, how many
1983; Ludwig 2000; Foster 2002). Collectively we
murders, how many misfortunes and
may question how different means of environ-
horrors, would that man have saved the
mental valuation impact our attitudes towards each
human species, who by pulling up the
other, and towards the natural environment.
stakes, or filling up the ditches, should
The social-natural interface remains an achieve-
have cried to his fellows: be sure not to
ment of differing, technological, scientific, and
listen to this imposter; you are lost if you
societal transformations. The ubiquity of transfor-
forget that the fruits of the earth belong
mations demands a reflexivity to our approaches
equally to us all, and the earth itself to
(Norgaard 2010). The economic valuation ap-
nobody! (Rousseau 1761, p. 97).
proach to ecosystem services harnesses an interac-
tive dynamic of the social and the natural and leads
Ownership rests upon our ability to exclude it down a one-way street of human benefit.
others from equal access to, or enjoyment of, par-
ticular phenomena. The monetary valuation of
ecosystem services similarly suggests the possibility
Socioeconomic Problems
that such services can be, perhaps ought to be, The importance of clearly incorporating the tem-
exclusively owned. poral component in assessing ecosystem services
The necessity of exclusion as a means of envi- is further highlighted when economic concepts
ronmental protection was given its most full- of value are interrogated. The application of
666 J. M. Heydinger

neoclassical concepts of economic value (Veblen means for understanding and managing ecosystem
1900) are grounded within a framework of ‘strong services.
utilitarianism,’ whereby individual values aggre- Where the dynamic conditions and processes of
gate to form the broader social good (Goulder and ecosystems are concerned, stable market equilibri-
Kennedy 1997; MA 2005). Yet the assessment of ums cannot be assumed. Ecosystems have been
value in consequence, the assumption of ecological shown to be highly non-linear and the occurrence
and market equilibriums, and questions concerning of threshold crossings is often uncertain (Limburg
the economic values being assessed, each suggest and others 2002; Groffman and others 2006): small
the socioeconomic difficulties of an economic val- events can be the catalysts for large changes (Levin
uation approach to ecosystem services. 1999; Farber and others 2002; Farley 2012). The
The role that ecological products and processes ability of the ecosystem services concept to mean-
have on human well-being is the central focus of ingfully address an uncertain ecological future
the MA. The MA primarily assesses the value of stumbles if stable market equilibriums are supposed
ecosystem services as value realized in consequence. for ecosystem benefits. Marginal changes are well
(Value in consequence is most frequently con- accounted for by economic valuation methods
trasted to Kant’s position that good is a pre-existing (Myrdal 1953; Ludwig 2000). However, the very
factor and that an entity’s value is found not in its premises of the ecosystem services concept assert
use, but by virtue of its existence; Kant 1781). Such the contingency of the ecological present and the
a utilitarian value framework can be parsed into tenuousness of our ecological future. If ecosystem
both use and non-use values, as in the MA and The service supplies are dramatically altered, economic
Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Report valuation exercises occurring in an outmoded status
(TEEB). However, valuing ecological products and quo will have limited application. ‘‘[T]he more
processes solely in consequence threatens to significant one thinks our environmental problems
undermine a central aspect of the ecosystem ser- are, the more inappropriate has been the partial
vices concept as defined by Daily in 1997: equilibrium model and project-by-project approach
for utilizing the concept of ecosystem services’’
(Norgaard 2010, 1220). A historical perspective on
Ecosystem services are the conditions
any ecosystem service may reveal that the
and processes through which natural
arrangement of ecological and social components
ecosystems, and the species that make
aligned for a service to be realized rely upon
them up, sustain and fulfill human life.
unsustainable interactions, contradicting notions of
They maintain biodiversity and the pro-
equilibrium and marginal change.
duction of ecosystem goods, such as
Dovetailing with concerns of environmental and
seafood, forage, timber, biomass fuels,
market transformations, we are left wondering
natural fiber, and many pharmaceuticals,
whose values are being assessed in the economic
industrial products, and their precursors
valuation of ecosystem services. For many people,
(1997, p. 3).
economic valuations occur in relation to economic
systems that are poorly understood. Unequal
This earlier definition linking ecosystem services opportunities to carefully interrogate ecosystem
not just to available goods, but to the conditions valuation frameworks risk reproducing and com-
and processes that compose and maintain them, in pounding existing socioeconomic inequalities.
contrast to the MA’s definition of ecosystem ser- Respondents participating in ecosystem service
vices as ‘‘benefits people obtain from ecosystems’’ valuations may historically have had limited access
(2005, p. 53), reinforces the idea that benefits such to educational resources, putting them at a disad-
as seafood, forage, and so on are maintained by, vantage when compared to scientists and policy
and cannot be meaningfully abstracted from, the makers. As noted by Daily and others (2000),
spatially and temporally grounded processes which economic valuations will be as well informed as the
undergird them. While the MA does not deny that people whose values are being assessed. This risks
people also accord the natural world intrinsic va- exacerbating many of the justice issues which
lue, an emphasis on value in consequence risks ecosystem service valuation might help to address
overlooking constitutive processes. Augmenting (MA 2005). Here an incorporation of the temporal
value in consequence by a (re)incorporation of the component can inform our assessment of the eco-
temporal component emphasizing the conditions nomic actors themselves. A people’s particular
and processes which compose and maintain such history may influence their relationship to ecosys-
human benefits, may provide a more thorough tem services and to valuation exercises. Moreover,
Reinforcing the Ecosystem Service Perspective 667

we should expect that values concerning ecosystem 2012). If returned to its foundation in sustainability
services will be transformed as access to both nat- science the ecosystem services concept might fulfill
ural and social resources (such as education) its promise as a tool for sustainable environmental
changes over time. decision-making, and support the broader goal of a
People will differentially benefit from ecosystem future in which both environmental and human
services (Daily 1997; MA 2005). Going forward, an well-being are possible. I close this review with a
explicit incorporation of temporal change into the brief examination of how the temporal dynamics of
ecosystem services concept will aid policy makers ecosystem services can be supported through an
in assessing the socioeconomic impacts of ecosys- application of Social-Ecological Systems (SES)
tem services. As highlighted in TEEB, use and non- Theory.
use values are often contemporaneous. Hierarchies
of value between use and non-use, and between
monetary and non-monetary, are contingent in THE APPLICATION OF SOCIAL-ECOLOGICAL
relation to ecological, social-natural, and socioeco-
nomic assemblages and may be differentiated by
class, age, politics, and geography—among many As a framework for assessing human and non-hu-
other variables. Weighing these in management man interactions, both together and separately,
scenarios and political arenas will be an ethical as SES Theory is itself founded upon sustainability
well as an economic concern that should pay heed science and can provide a more clear integration of
to human historical factors. No matter how change as a dynamic constant in the linkage be-
ecosystem services are measured, accounting for a tween ecosystem conditions and processes, and
diversity of human histories and values will be human benefits. Recognizing that change is at the
difficult, but nonetheless important. heart of variable feedback, SES theory provides an
To continue to support the ecological processes approach both descriptive of how the world func-
which undergird human well-being, the ecosystem tions, and a heuristic lens to assess coupled social
services concept is in need of a return to its foun- and natural transformations (Cumming 2011).
dation upon the principles of sustainability science. Patterns of change in SESs are described through
The application of the ecological, social-natural, and five primary heuristics (Walker and others 2006).
socioeconomic typology places the focus squarely (Panel 1) Set forth at a working conference of the
on the interactions of system components, high- Resilience Alliance in 2003 and 2004, these
lighting a particular shortcoming when ecosystem heuristics have evolved into the pith of SES theory.
services are abstracted from the conditions and Taken together, they represent the basis for novel
processes which compose and maintain them. The methodologies for addressing the co-production of
inconsistencies detailed here are bound by an linked social and ecological phenomena and sys-
inadequate accounting for the temporal component of tems. Each heuristic orbits the central under-
change. Ecological problems disregard the dynamics standing that change is an inherent characteristic of
of ecosystem processes, social-natural problems SESs. Contrasting these with the four primary
suggest the importance of accounting for socio- ontological commitments of the Cartesian approach
technical innovations and transforming human- (Panel 2) brings the insights of the SES approach
environmental relationships, and socioeconomic into stark relief. When the ecosystem services
problems abstract human values from non-equi- concept is applied without an accounting for
librium ecosystem processes, important human changing ecological and social dynamics, it is
histories, and potential futures. In their turn these reflective of the Cartesian approach. The temporal
each misrepresent the transformative element component which serves as a foundation for the
which accompanies interaction (Whitehead 1929; key concepts of SES theory can support the
Levins and Lewontin 1985; Serres 1990; Foster ecosystem services concept—itself already a pow-
2000). erful descriptive and heuristic tool for relating hu-
As the economic valuation approach to ecosystem man and environmental well-being (Reyers and
services has come to dominate ecosystem services others 2013).
discourse, it has become increasingly necessary that Many of the temporal aspects which imbue
a transformation of kind regarding the concept takes ecosystem services risk being overlooked in the
place. Anchored in both social and natural arenas, economic valuation approach. As highlighted by
the ecosystem services concept remains a crucial Carpenter and others (2009) the MA tacitly incor-
tool for identifying, assessing, and managing hu- porated SES thinking into its framework of analy-
man–environmental interactions (Daniel and others sis. A theoretic reinvigoration of the ecosystem
668 J. M. Heydinger

Panel 1. Key Concepts in Assessing Social-Ecological Systems

(i) Non-linearity, alternate configurations, and thresholds—Any system is composed of a roster of variables manifesting
different ‘states’ or values. As these variables interact in space and time, their values will change in ways both foreseen
and unforeseen. The dynamics of any system are displayed as the system moves through a three-dimensional space,
delineated by the possible combinations of its constituent variables. Social-ecological systems are demonstrative of
different characteristics emergent from the interactions of both biophysical and social variables in response to one
another. At any given time social-ecological systems will display certain configurations. Such systems can exhibit more
than one configuration. The interactions of variables over time can lead to changes in variable function and therefore
system structure. When the character of interactions is transformed systems are said to have crossed a ‘threshold.’
Threshold crossings can occur both within systems and can yield new systems.
(ii) Adaptive cycles—SESs exist in constant, dynamic interaction, demonstrating the characteristics outlined above. These
characteristics lead to four distinct phases of system dynamics. They are: (1) growth or exploitation; (2) conservation; (3)
collapse or release; and (4) reorganization. Nested within different hierarchies across space and time, these adaptive
cycles can generate novel recombination, which may be the catalyst for widespread variation, potentially leading to
system transformation. The inclusion of the collapse (or release), and reorganization phases, links a system’s organi-
zation and resilience to its dynamics.
(iii) Multiple scales and cross scale effects/‘‘Panarchy’’—Initially conceived in antithesis to hierarchy, panarchy is a
framework evoking unpredictable change in the dynamics arising from multi-scalar interactions and transformations.
Here adaptive cycles and the linkages between levels play a crucial role. The interplay between continuity and novelty
reflects the necessary balance found in sustainable development: the need to maintain possibility while addressing
present demands. Here part and whole interactively define one another and cross-pollinate change both upwards and
downwards. Nested adaptive cycles foster opportunity through their transformations, while maintaining integrity across
(iv) Adaptive capacity—Systems with high adaptive capacity are typified by a heterogeneity of variables and diversity of
functional possibilities. Highly adaptive systems are amenable to reconfiguration when necessary. Adaptive capacity can
be thought of as the existence of possibility for re-invention within a system. Resilience is key to enhancing adaptive
(v) Resilience—Resilience is the capacity of a system to tolerate perturbations and disturbance without being forced into a
qualitatively different state. Resilient systems are able to change and respond through self-organization, learning, and
adaptation. A decline in resilience can mean that small shocks can cause larger shifts. The ability to recover and remain
flexible ensures that as systems become more complex and interactive they do not simultaneously become more fragile.
Resilience in social-ecological systems is often a function of that systems’ diversity. (adapted from: the Resilience
Alliance 2014)

Panel 2. Four Ontological Commitments of the Cartesian Approach

(1) There is a natural set of units or parts of which any system is made.
(2) These units are homogenous within themselves, at least insofar as they impact the whole of which they are a part.
(3) The parts are ontologically prior to the whole; that is, the parts exist in isolation and come together to make the wholes.
The parts have intrinsic properties, which they possess in isolation and which they lend to the whole. The whole is
nothing but the sum of its parts. The participation of parts within the whole does nothing to alter the parts.
(4) Causes are separate from effects, causes being the properties of subjects, and effects the properties of objects. There is
not ambiguity about which is which. (adapted from: Levins and Lewontin 1985)

services concept, for example, by returning to ecosystem services risks exculpating services from
Daily’s definition of ecosystem services and incor- the processes which compose them, an explicit
porating an SES framework, is thus less a re-cre- inclusion of the SES framework within the
ation than it is a reassertion of the linkage between ecosystem services concept recognizes that the
ecosystem conditions and processes and human emergence of services occurs because of particular
benefits. The ‘‘era of enormous change’’ (Carpenter interactions at the social and ecological interface.
and others 2009, p. 1311) which characterizes our Such interactions are susceptible to future trans-
biosphere suggests that an eye towards the tem- formation. Three examples highlight how an
poral will provide a more thorough appreciation for appreciation for temporal dynamics has already
the ‘‘linked iterative cycle’’ of human and natural begun to transform thinking focused on human–
interactions (Reyers and others 2013, p. 272). natural interactions. The first takes Daily’s
Whereas the economic valuation approach to definition of ecosystem services as indicative of
Reinforcing the Ecosystem Service Perspective 669

the linkages between ecosystem conditions and constitutive of ecosystem services. Applying the
processes, and the benefits people obtain from SES framework to the history of US forestry pro-
them. The second provides a brief glimpse of SES- vides an example of how an incorporation of the
style thinking in the history of United States for- temporal component can deepen and even trans-
estry management. The final comes from develop- form our understanding of social-natural problems.
ments of ecosystem ‘insurance value’ set forth by Throughout the late nineteenth and early
TEEB (2010). Incorporating SES thinking into each twentieth century, industrial-scale timber extrac-
further underscores the lessons from these exam- tions denuded much of the old-growth forests
ples and suggests future applications for assessing across the Great Lakes region. Responding to an
human–natural interactions. economic demand for building materials (Cronon
1991), the timber industry transformed old-growth
forests, causing them to inhabit alternate ecosystem
Ecological Change
configurations (Panel 1, i).
As highlighted by Daily (1997), ecosystem services are As massive trees were felled and taken away,
composed and maintained by ecosystem conditions forest floors became littered with ‘slash,’ or the
and processes. Because ecosystem conditions and limbs and branches which would have otherwise
processes are heterogeneous and subject to change, hindered the transport of these woody giants. Slash
human benefits in the form of ecosystem services will was usually left in place, leading to increased fuel
be similarly dynamic. Manifesting properties composed resources in forests (conservation of energy—Panel
of localized interactions between system components, 1, ii). At the time it was not widely understood that
ecosystems bear all the hallmarks of complex systems northern forests maintained a historic fire regime of
(Levin 1998). A particular ecosystem service will arise periodic, low-intensity burns, which effectively
from the components which compose that ecosystem, limited standing loads of dry wood fuel. Here a
the relationships between these components (Cum- socially prescribed change in system components
ming and Collier 2005), and the spatial and temporal yielded transformed ecological structures (Panel 1,
context in which the system resides. Within the SES i)—increasing the risk of catastrophic wildfires
framework components are not treated in isolation. (USFWS 2012). This led to massive, and until re-
Rather, they are assessed in relation to one another, cently historically rare, turn-of-the-century wild-
and in light of the system properties they compose fires forging the perspectives of top forestry officials
(Panel 1, iii). Such system properties—for example, for generations to come (Pyne 1982). Not only
ecosystem services—can be assessed for their relative were forest fires seen to be dangerous, but they
stability as it pertains to the system’s proximity to destroyed timber, a vital economic resource. While
possible thresholds of change (Panel 1, i), the system’s it would be apocryphal to label such concerns as
adaptive capacity (Panel 1, iv), and its resilience (Panel specifically worries over ecosystem services, much
1, v). The application of an SES framework not only of the logic deployed at the time is echoed in con-
provides a heuristic lens for assessing relationships temporary economic valuation approaches (Pyne
between system components, but also helps to differ- 1982; Gómez-Baggethun and others 2010; Kosoy
entiate between components and the ‘final’ ecosystem and Corbera 2010). Declining resilience to once
services which emerge and are experienced as human relatively common system perturbations (Panel 1,
benefits. Rather than taking the existence of ecosystem v) was, in this case, primarily caused by social ac-
services as a given, the application of an SES frame- tors operating on behalf of socioeconomic and
work supports Daily’s recognition that human benefits institutional forces.
are contingent upon particular arrangements of Throughout much of the twentieth century, the
ecosystem conditions and processes, which result from United States Forest Service and Department of the
specific social and ecological histories. This framework Interior maintained a policy of active fire suppres-
strengthens the ability of scientists and policy makers sion on public lands (Pyne 1982; Forest History
to understand the conditions and processes forming Society 2015). Nevertheless, by the 1970s wide-
our ecological present, and allows them to more clearly spread wildfires were an increasingly common
weigh trade-offs concerning possible ecosystem alter- occurrence across the American West (Pyne 1982).
ations. In time, the importance of low-level fires to his-
torical forest ecology became increasingly under-
stood and the region’s transformed ecology was
Social-Natural Change
seen to be the result of human intervention. By the
Decisions made by social actors—institutions or end of the twentieth century periodic controlled
individuals—can impact the ecological processes burning replaced outright suppression in forest
670 J. M. Heydinger

management policy (Forest History Society 2015). broadest possible foundation should aid attempts to
Once again social forces yielded transformed balance the value of current and future ecosystem
ecosystem dynamics. services. Rather than simply focusing on ecosystem
By looking at historical system processes (low- services as the benefits people obtain from ecosys-
intensity burns), transformed system variables tems, measures of insurance value which also
(increased fuel supply), and an ecosystem’s sus- contextualize the flow of benefits in light of the
ceptibility to widespread and possibly threshold- conditions and processes which compose them will
crossing perturbations (massive wildfires), forestry be better suited to account for system resilience. In
officials implemented fire policies incorporating defining insurance value and highlighting its
both social and ecological factors. SES theory pro- importance, TEEB has made a crucial first step in
vides a perspective for understanding this nexus of incorporating one aspect of temporal thinking into
historical forestry practices, the role of socioeco- the economic valuation approach to ecosystem
nomic factors, and transformed ecosystems. services—perhaps this approach is indicative of a
way forward.
Socioeconomic Change
Measuring ecosystem services solely as the benefits CONCLUSION
people receive from ecosystems allows for the rel- The ecosystem services concept has played a key
ative value of services to be assessed, but it does not role in the late twentieth and early twenty-first
necessarily address how these benefits relate to
century reimagining of humanity and the natural
ecosystem functions. Accounting for the resilience
world as linked (Ehrlich and Ehrlich 1981; Daily
of an ecosystem (Panel 1, v) can help contextualize,
1997; Rosen 2014). This review has highlighted
and may even help to form, measures of both use
how the ecosystem services concept can suffer
and non-use values. Looking beyond the value
when the benefits human obtain from ecosystems
derived from present ecosystem services, TEEB uses are not linked to the temporally dynamic condi-
insurance value—that is, an ‘‘ecosystem’s capacity tions and processes which compose and maintain
to maintain a sustained flow of benefits’’ (TEEB ecosystem services. Initially the ecosystem services
Foundations 2010, p. 234)—as a measurement of
concept emphasized humanity’s reliance upon
an ecosystem’s resilience. An important part of
ecosystems; this emphasis should not be over-
assessing an ecosystem’s Total Economic Value
shadowed. The literature reviewed here represents
(TEEB Synthesis 2010), insurance value falls
varied perspectives concerning ecosystem ser-
somewhat between the categories of use and non-
vices—hopefully this literature will become increas
use values (TEEB Foundations 2010). Due to the ingly familiar to practitioners and policy makers
complexity of ecosystem functions, our incomplete working in the ecosystem services arena. There is
understanding of them, and our incomplete ability great hope that ecosystem services will remain a
to benefit from them, there is both a future human
positive force for conservation and sustainable
use value and current intrinsic value to protect
human–natural interactions going forward. As a
ecosystem resilience. This may take the form of
descriptive tool SES theory views the world as a
sustainable or ‘wise’ use, or be realized by pro-
‘‘fully integrated system of people and nature’’
tecting natural capital—even if our current meth-
(Cumming 2011, p. 8). The contingent co-produc-
ods of measuring or extracting value from such tion of ecosystem services and their linkages to
ecosystems do not yield immediate returns. In- human welfare concerns becomes clarified via the
surance value recognizes that social-natural application of the SES approach. The historical
assemblages transform, and that humans have a
contingency and local specificity of social and eco-
vested interest in unforeseen and as yet unrealized
logical interactions are latent within the ecosystem
ecosystem services.
services concept (Norgaard 2008). Going forward,
Because ‘‘[the] insurance value of an ecosystem
an SES foundation provides one avenue for sup-
is dependent on and related to the system’s resi-
porting both the ecosystem services concept and
lience’’ (TEEB Foundations 2010, p. 40), assess- human well-being.
ments of the insurance value of ecosystem services
will be strengthened by a further incorporation of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the temporal component into the ecosystem ser-
vices concept. Because insurance values are ‘‘dif- The author would like to thank Professor Graeme
ficult to measure’’ (TEEB Synthesis 2010, p. 25), S. Cumming. Thanks also to two anonymous
providing the insurance value concept with the reviewers for comments. This research was
Reinforcing the Ecosystem Service Perspective 671

supported by the South Africa National Research Daily GC, Matson PA. 2008. Ecosystem services: from theory to
Foundation, a Centre for Excellence Bursary, the implementation. Proc Natl Acad Sci 105(28):9455–6.
James S. McDonnell Foundation, and the Univer- Daily GC, Söderqvist T, Aniyar S, Arrow K, Dasgupta P, Ehrlich
PR, Folke C and others 2000. The value of nature and the
sity of Minnesota Program in the History of Sci- nature of value. Science 289:395–6.
ence, Technology, and Medicine. Daily GC, Polasky S, Goldstein J, Kareiva PM, Mooney HA,
Pejchar L, Ricketts TH, Salzman J, Shallenberger R. 2009.
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