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1. Who was Sentaro? How did he spend his life?

Sentaro was someone who had inherited a small fortune from his father and lived on this money,
spending his time carelessly, without any serious thoughts of work, until he was about thirty-two years
of age.

2. Where did he want to go? What did he want to look for there?

Sentaro searched on Mt. Fuji to find the hermit, but he could not find it. He decided to go at once to the
shrine of Jofuku,

3. Why did he want to live for five or six hundred years? Would you like to live for a long time? Explain!

One day, without any reason whatsoever, the thought of death and sickness came to he wanted
to live for five or six hundred years. Yes I would like to but not forever because I didn’t want like him

4. Who was Jofuku? What did he do to Sentaro?

Jofuku was worshiped as the patron god of the hermits. He would send him to the country of Perpetual
Life, where people never die. Then he gave him a paper crane to carry him there, the paper crane grew
large enough for him to ride on it

5. How did people in the Perpetual Life live? How did Sentaro spend his life there?

the people who lived there were tired of living long lives and longed to go to the happy land of
contentment called paradise of which the priests had told them centuries ago. They even took poison to
try to die!! None of this worked. Sentaro was the only happy man on the island. He said to himself that
he would never grow tired of living there. he liked this place, and set up a business and stayed there for
300 years

6. What did Sentaro do when he wanted to leave the land of Perpetual Life? What happened on his

He prayed to Jofuku, and suddenly the paper crane jumped out of his pocket. He jumped on the crane’s
back, and it flew him back in the direction of Japan. Then a storm came on and the paper crane got wet.
They fell into the sea. he was Afraid going to drown, he prayed to Jofuku to save him. Then He awoke in
front of the shrine by his scream, he found that it was only a wild dream.

7. What happened to Sentaro at the end? How did he spend his life? Give your opinion!

He went home, lived a good and industrious life, he did what

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