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Good evening everyone now i will invite you to do home tour. This is part 1 home

tour from class O3.14. The first comes from Alya's house. Let's go to the story.

Alya is the one of O3.14 students. She lives in Gading Tutuka 1, Soreang. She lives

with her family. Because Alya is AEC’s students so i will tell you how Alya goes to AEC.

The fisrt from the gate of her house she must turn left and go straight. She turns right and

turns left. From here she goes straight after the gate of Gading Tutuka 1. After the gate she

turns left and goes straight untill the traffic lights. From there she must turn left again to

another traffic lights. After the second traffic lights she turns left untill the third traffic lights.

Continue again she turns right. From here she needs to go straight untill T-junction leading to

the AEC. She needs to turn left before arrive to AEC. And then There is AEC in the right of


Alya goes to AEC uses her motorcycle. If she rides it fast, she needs 9 minutes to go

to AEC. If she rides it slowly she needs more than 9 minutes. Because the length are around

3.7 kilometers.

Okay let’s continue to Alya’ house. The shape of her house is rectangle. Next to the

front of her house part. There is a garage. It uses for a car of alya’s father. Beside it there is

the garage for alya’s motorcycle. Beside it again there is a herbal shop. It is Alya’s parents.

There are a lot of herbals. Not only that there is a garden in front of her house too. Alya’s

father likes the plants. Every Sunday or Saturday her father always takes care of them.

Let’s move to inside of her house. First you can see the living room. But alya uses it

as her room. She studies in there so there are a lot of Alya’s books. Not only study she also

watchs the movie in the living room. And near the living room there is her sister’s bedroom.
And also her grandmother’s bedroom. Since her sister got married alya uses that room as her

bedroom. Beside them there is bathroom. Alya always uses this bathroom.

Next there is a kitchen at the back of her house. Alya’s mother always cooks avery

food here and also cooks alya’s favorite food. In the kitchen there is a stair. Let’s go the

upstair. In upstair there are a lot of flowers. Alya’s mother loves them so much. And it uses to

dry the clothes and put un useless things. Alya has two stairs so let’s see. In This upstair there

are two room. The first is bedroom. The room was alya’s brother. And another room is alya’s

sister. It was her bedroom when she was in junior high school. There is another room too. But

the key was broken so alya can not open it. Alya only can see it from the window.

Back to the down stair. There is a family room. There is television. Alya’s father

always watchs the television every night. Alya’s parents like to wacth indian film. The last

part is alya’s parents bedroom. It is beside the family room.

At the end let’s see alya’s neighbors. In the front of her house there are two houses.

The first is white house and the second is the pink house. So that is alya’s home tour. So

amazing to do the home tour. Nextvtime i will back to do it again. So see you in the next

story. Good bye....

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