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INSTRUCTION MANUAL OF TAIKO TYPE TWO-ROTOR SCREW PUMPS CSL, CSE SERIES, TAIKOKIKAlwoustRies co..Lg YAMAQUCHI JAPAN SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ZX CAUTIONS FOR YOUR SAFETY - ore "asog Tht pp. rad the INSTRUCTION MANUALS) Fallow” WARNING” LABELIS, INSTRUCTION(S) and CAUTION PLATE) in order eit erry. Is do hein eoneeecae ALWAYS KEP th INSTRUCTION MANUAL (S) atthe SAME PLAGE fora en TRANSPORTATION, INSTALLATION, "PIPING, WIRING, OPEILATION, “INSPECTION and MAINTENANCE WORK mut be dope by ONLY a LIGENSED eno AUTHORED PEON) eho ough knowles on beth and safty rls en opatins an wots on hor breton ‘any respect, wo will NOT GUARANTEE any DEATH, INJURIES, DAMAGES AND LOSS wich are ‘ea in mediation witout our writen quhareaton or ing snd seang ecthonoct ae Wn DISPOSING « pump, ny acnsoriaasel ports a ol, they should be tretod ss seseal NEUSTH waste WARNING LABBL(S) and SIGN inthe intrusion anual) reclassified into WARNING, CAUTION ae NOTIOH ns dnscribed tow [QD Rann] nde potently hasardous sunton which, teva, ould ein death or (GacHDTON) init a poenialy hazardous situation which, if ot avoid, may ein minor dara Injury, (ZORGTIER): nite potent hasta siuain hihi ot tid ny eal indamaging or saecting prot. wil ben oad for rtng tho Pesan, tat ae fervor eat Fonte” ANSI 258 WARNING ‘TRANSPORTATION and INSTALLATION ‘TRANSPORTATION work mast b carved by ony @ LICENSED or AUTHORIZED PERSON(S) who has ‘snovth knowligo on his or her profession: spcal attention an caution are requred when ic g LANGING WIRE in relation to te weight and gravity camer DROPPING or FALLING ~ DEATH or SEMIOUS INJURY. OPERATION and MANIPULATION ‘*NEVER ALLOW an UNAUTHORIZED PERSON to operate the pump. DO NOT TOUCH or contact to ROTATING pats or portion(). ROTATING ~ ROLLED IN, HIF. PINCHED and SPILLED (contact things) CAUTION ‘OPERATION and MANIPULATION ‘*DO NOT TOUCH or contact to SEALING part or HOT parts while the pump is IN OPERATION. HOT + BURNED sod INJURED INSPECTION and MAINTENANCE ‘When OVERHAULING the pump, carefully handle the HEAVY weighted parts ; copay, ting « HANGING WIRE, DROPPING or FALLING ~ INJURY. ‘Before STARTING e MAINTENANCE work, clearly SIGN IN MAINTENANCE WORK and CUP ELPCTRICSUPPLY. BLECTRIC SHOCK — DEAT LUNIVINDED ROTATION -+ ROLLED IN, BI and PINCHED, NOTICE | OPERATION and MANIPULATION '* Without a specific purpose, donot manipulate tho valves and cocks attache to or suppl forthe pump, | WRONG MANIPULATION ~ DAMAGING or DEFECTING the pump, - Important - |a onéor for prolongs! pnp Life withoot troubles, ponfore follonines without teal = TRIAL RUNNING — ( Prtvent seizure fren washing hard foreign satters ) Before cperatng the inp, clean a tat, a strainer and pipe lines. Use S2~60 seshes wine net for flushing and reaping forvin eaters For tial runing, put $8~#10 punching aotal Ln strlace “AFTER OPERATING WITH SEA WATER — (Priveat rotor lock froe rosting } 4 oner to privent adhesion of rotor fron rising, cles the pap inde ty fresh water after perp cesration with sa water. Puap ast bo sauslly tan few ‘ines everyday. while curing the pump, ches sooth rotation. = FOR HIGH VIscosITY LrauID - (Prevention of troubles resulting fron sticking of Liquid) hen ny hish viscous Liguld such as lasses 4 lode flush the faside of tho Paap to clean the tank at wll, lanedistly after the looting is completo. oopiné as Ss wll result in daaging of wachanical seal when the pop Is Testrartedthich will then ease lana of the eos. (en ‘srcosive torque ul be cause doe to sticking of the Liquid co the rubbing surfaces of aechanical seal ahich wll theo Lead to domaine or bresking of uch surface.) Mies rostartingake several. tants asually ~ DISCHARGE WITH AIR PURGING — (Prevent trouble trom overeating ) Hininine discharge prssure ad period of tine daring dreging, beomse the discharge with alr purging will raise the Laide temarstare, close tothe Ary perarioa cant tion, asd ay danage tho shaft sesls. OWE FRESSORE FOR DISCEMREING 1S 0.9-0.6 Pm, THE TIME LINTTED 13 20sec. /tine OR LESS, The num of ines i ee than 3 inet conTENTs Foreword poss Ostine of Coastsvetion a Transportation : 2 8. Vibration pret a testaltatice cece 8 Seppe neon 2s coupling : : 2 ‘Operation A458 S.tentenoce 5.6 spect 6.8 1O.Trowbe shooting and eaedin} Aston ou10 Cross Section Data... ne Foreword This Lostewction manual desrites the faprtant pola ‘od asintenance of tho Taiko Two Rotor Serer Powe)" losely follow this auual for correct operation al sfficlent sintenae in onder for prolonged life utity of the pip ood carefully, in particular, part 7 * Operation * and port & ~ Heinenancs Of the aaoual reganing daily use aod sovicie. Please ask us if you have any ‘wostions coscering thls pet. {in the handling, oferatice NoTE AVL rlahts reserve. Mot any part of this publication aay bo repatuced or ‘wansisted In any fore without the ublisher'speior consent. TATKO TYPE TWO-ROTORS SCREW PUMPS 1, Outline of Construction ‘This pomp is a positive displascoat type which tao screw rotors sacothly engage to rotate in the rap easing. Sotation of the ealn rotor will accordingly activate the rotation of the sub-rotor by the timing gsar outside the pon casing. Tis pup is best suitable for use With no-lubricacing fluid, Ugh visosity flu aed McsrdousfTuid bese & slight aap betwen tho mar surface of the eating and outside surface of the ferer, and the space betwen serous prevent tha putp fron possible weet an atal ‘wo serene, cloctnise and coutercoskvie, are insist in tho puny cating ‘The flud coring fron the sution opening fleas into tw directions and rns fron the sides of th eating to the center dischatee opening, Tus, the baleace of the rotors ts completely aalntaisal smo thrust force is applied oe the bearing, Shae seal leakage of fluid is hard to occur boctate the open end of the rotervaiaft ning outside the pon easing prevents contact with anya uring eperetion. Therefore, this pap a suitable for handling hazardous fltd part, Is on tho side of suction, The Location of tbe clning spar al Eade of tho caso Advantages in using hla pup are: Minin wearing Suitability for soalsbrietiog fluid High copbility of selt-priaine + Sitabilty for sized fluid of aes and Ligld ‘Tho pum is capble of discharging fluid cntaining AO of air, gs acd bubbles, Tho pp hat fenction of discharging with ale. Capability of high speed eparstion Liste vibratice ad soise (Quiet tod contincs flow of flaid + Bih offictoney Place the pressure detsctor at the discharge side of the utp so tat the pumps the gear tx ond related piping ar protect from abnareal rise of discharge pressure. TAIKO TYPE TWO-ROTORS SCREW PUMPS a 2, Transportation or transportation, pay caroful attention to the followings 1, Moko sure that safe fsing is observa, cceslderiag the wight of aad proper ‘cing on tho any, Mako sure that oll gauge, sir breather and grou nipple are ot dana. 3. Vibration-proof Hoe sore that the purp base end the plea clamps Alnlnize the vibration of the pune and piping Installation For installation, pay attention the follovtugs 9 Uae a strong and rid ponp base. The installation surface of the base should be be Level and fa, oop sufficient space around cho Instllation ares for tho operation and ‘lasssebly of the rap scordlng to the drone, € lastall the pop wee the suction plplag loss of the puap can bo lala 4, Tho coupling cover aust be installed for datetro prevention on the perlrbary of wpe, 5. Piping {uacsll the peur as near as possible to he section fluid. Moke the sution ends lon a8 pssible. nine tho beads and other atachacas. Storten the length of the suetn pipe 36 auch as possible. Pay attention tothe followings 4 Install a steaner atthe pap suction side to protest the pump frou sossible ome. 10 WoT run ay solid naerials forthe suction of two rotor serow pump. This ‘is boute the clearance tetwean the geror rotons tcl between the rotor aad the casing is United and the pnp is also operstad at high spot, Flush the ie Line for sone period of tine with the stzeinr of 52-60 aesh after» tom installation of piping. 5. Mato sure that there ts no air accualation or air iatake st the suticn pipe Make sure tat there is no air intake froe the gland nasking of the vale at ‘He suction side, 4 Make rere that ‘correctly Inselle, Do not adjust aislosatio of piping by aeats of vightenine ‘he pap and pips flanges. Tt aay esute tho alsallement of the pane, lnges connected to tho suction and discharge cpeoiag are TAIKO TYPE TWO-ROTORS SCREW PUNPS — Moke sure shat the punp wil] ot take any sores losis , such at hemal efongation of the pipe or paar sport of pipes acd velves, # Clesainsido te pipe cotpletely, 6. Coupling 6.1 Agmont of Pnp Hae sure that the pap is correctly aligned after its psitionng, Mae sure that the puny is correctly aligned aftar ste connection with th plves. Do aot force wo corrct_alssligmont, Als the puap only after loatenig the tote ofthe suctica/discharee flanges and the founaticn bolts 6.2 Aesaent between Paap nd Gear Box 4, Mesure 4 point of the pune, 89 degros apart each other, for its aligneat lle discomocting couplings, Fx o diol gauge on the shaft coupling of the pump as shown in the floure1(3) for the eeasccomt of the sido cutace of the shalt coupling. the ha of the a taut reolieg when the asuging rod conpletesofe cirular rotation. The Allowable aloes aro shows in the table 1, © Moasore the ond surface of the shaft ccuring at show in the Figure I-() ‘The allowance {sven in the table 1, 4, Moke sure that he rotating dirctica of the gear box is correct Mako sure chat be shat. turns aaaothy by hand cach cowpling tots ani nets for comeeting the shaft coupling tar eaplotng the aligntent, 1, Mae sore shat there will be ao rust or dateges on the Tesort done pia de an at che sol af ‘he abate coupling ote it in ae petver Side © hap side Fuse Bode =a (60,100,150 avo.s0,400_ | OF | 02 (00,600,750, 80 cxe-1000,1200,1300] 0.15 | os ce 00,1900 Figs TAIKO TYPE TWO-ROTORS SCREW PUMPS 7, Operation 11 Prolininary Chck bore Operation 4, Ne sore tht the outs ad tolts of each joint ara conplately tiehtona Make sure that the struiner is not clogged, Clean the strainer if noessry © Gnpletely open tho valve at auction and discharge sid, 4, Hoke sure tht cocks or valves of prssure cast are onen ke sore that the rotating dleection of the gear box corresponds to that of the pate, {Pear Lubrication ofl into the pap gear box for the first operation after the Installation of the pun. 4 ay attention to the teaporeture diferene, then thre is 8 vnperature Aifference of 60 degree or sre botween the fluid and the puap easing abrupt uring of the fluid ay caus aieslfgaeat and seizure duo to thera 1 a high vnporatare fluid (70 dagress or one ) Ls used, are up the pump before its operation antil the puap casing roaches the vanperatue clot 16 the teaporature of the fluid 1, Make sure chat thre is no solid aaterials left in the tank before pouring the ‘uid for the fleat cargo Loading ond operatic. take sure thot the ap corroctly tras, Aiatortion, 1.2 Opratica 9 For 6 tral ren, operate the pump with a strainer in 22-€0 sh and flush the ie Lise, Clem Inside the tank, straer and pump before the operation ieinate foreign matters conplotoly. . Loner the punp apt at tho tine of dredging so that the auction side wap aot ave hgh vacua canon, 6 Mininize dlscharg proseure sod period of tine dering dredging, becease ‘te dlacharge with ae will raise the faside temerarur, close tothe dey paratlon condition, and nay damage tho shaft seals, Noreal pressure for Alscharging is 0.8-0.5 mPa. The tlae Listed is 20 eee /tie or TAIKO TYPE TWO-ROTORS SGREW PUMPS 4 Depend onthe punping fluid, 1 may caso grater mise and wibetion a the fluid evel in the tank lowers, This Is ealled the ‘avitation” pheamneoon, This henoetca apearsslenifiesntly a high vapor poster. ‘The following ae recamesded to alone ths shesonenen Fun the pup as slowly at posible the eltinle suction Linee( e.g, Simltansus use of No.1 al No. tania ) Shift the fluid at the very end of the stor bafore along the care. Sting ‘the fluid WHIL dereate the dischrgo prosare ad winaiae the oscurence of 5. Meintenanes 4.1 Notes daring Operation 8. Operate the pur within the rags of the spect leatins. 5, Pay attention to vibration, operation aoise sd pressure age, Stop the pap Sunediately If any abvoralcanitice is obvered 6. Pay attention to the coeperatsre of the sell case and the besring. Uf the tonporetue is wonehable by hand, the pep is operating norally. If the ‘eaperatare Is too Bat to touch, aeasure 1 texperatur with ¢ therawetr. ‘he allomble temperature mst be less than rou tegsratue plus 40 degrees ot fluid tomaratare plus 20 degrees co aechanical seal 1s wsal In the pore, rom qunching water through the pump before Its operation. Tura of? tho watar after stopping the pur Sheen ll seal is wd in che pump, grease te seal up bafare enlodiog cares 4. Never throttle the valvo both the suction aad dischargo side. Adjust te flow ate by coun of the bypass eirout on the disshargo side. ©, Do oot operate tho rump with th clos discharge valve 4 Make sur thot the strainer 1s not cloggod. Clean the strainer if asessary 8.2 Instructions to handling of Hecaniea! Sol 4, Tho secenicsl seal can cause lokage {a he intial stage of poration. Its ‘the initial leatage duo to a vory Little strain ia the rbbiog sutace.hich say conse soon, $01 ean be wrod as Leystless no particular cronble is noted, 1 In the cose viscous procs Ligué hae bn wid bwfore starting next tise ardor to prevent the Liguld fron beng stick, © Before the Loading is nied the pump should be ruining in a ge-Ligu wintare eomae of cleaning or alm-pushsend ao the teeperatire of pochaical seal will ‘wencne so high that such operation should befor as euch short tine as possible (le ts recomended that cloasing should be done for etch tank separately,cot at co tine at the en.) Re several tacs ennai, TAIKO TYPE TWO-ROTORS SCREW PUMPS 44 Ia onder to prevent dry operation start ap the puap only after ensutiog that the Liguid Is fet in th po Tho aecenicalsal 1s very seastive to sludgedust or other foroien substances. Thecefore,controls should be required not to step inside the pup 1, Me the tine hen the pup is stored, there ay be slight bleeding noted I drops wild oak contiuouslychock the seal 8.3 Motes for Non-penating une Close the valves at the suction asd dlachore aids 3. For a pune usiog ferrous astrial in che rotors ané the casing, non-eration (ror a long period of tine and operation with eestor, wil] rst the rotor sd look 18 rotation, Forel operation of the pie ay danag tho ele clutch To prevent the pump feun the stack , aanualy ‘arn the pun few tines nce 8 ay sn rakes sure that the aap tare by baal before {tis ued 4.4 Lubrication Ot} and Gree Conpoents such as bearings, tlaing ae and ofl Lubrication ls in the pup rewire economia lubrication ot] anf groase foreach copsoent are s follow: ono of parts ocomeie!(sbricatice O11 or Grease Bearing | Wee Tithiua-base Wo, 2 of universal (CCaupling side ) sreasa or euivalent, ‘early ( Gear Side) Swperpressere gear oil for Indust se Ue 150 viscaity grade WISD to Pilot Gabe (at one place) eee 1 Seal(umossssary in case of 0 Lithue-bao No, 2 of uversal fechmicalseal) | grease or egevalnt. 9. Inspection 8.1 Porioeal fespocticn 1 ts recomended that Insection is carr oxt as shan Un the folloring table The factors show below can vary dapenfing othe daatald ccadtion, location, tod fluld characteristics, Tho user slauld chart outa practical table wsing sctusl dota from day-to-day operation. TATKO TYPE TWO-ROTORS SCREW PUNPS ‘en to shack Components rs year ore years oF [it te Hee Description corr 98 1 Chock cargo, | every 1000 | every s000| of snloating |" toes |“ "hous |atnnceay kate sere that there Ls to flaking of aotal on alt Bearings | th racy and/or on tho bails. Replace the oO Oo Iearag wth a oe coe, if aay defect foun Vechjeal Run qusching water Seal rough the pom. Cobate sat ) ‘LL Seal [ake sure that there 1s (state seal) loo lonkag, Sof grease lo] O 07 Ring [ace 1 with» oon co o r ae win that tare Te 4 Case [a datage tore the o}]lolo rou rotor it emtained Nake ware tat thre Te loo dang, scratches oF Seren tor [pene onthe sen rotor |surfaco, outer diameter Oo oO °o of the sero and sliding rurtace, [ies the war and ate orate. eploo It wich © oe ° owe if ay sbooraal csdition $s found. compencats for shaft Coupling [Gack the scant of Inbeleation of1.| ©. erase the Iebrication oi wth sow oil Sto hours after fir operat~ on, Senet replace ° ° est periode ae ie oo the rake abeltica oll lank sure that che Jresere detector Ie working corzectly by | throttle the valve at the Oo discharge sido aed rai the discargepesssre Safety valve ‘esring at [ke sro tht the Beariad lat are capletely (Coxpting side) | hte ° TATKO TYPE TWO-ROTORS SCREW PUMPS 8.2 Disassenbly Do not inact the pusp since hardecad asterials ane wed st Llguld contact areas 4 Binasseable the pump properly scmedig to the astably raving. Aske sure that the woe understands the driving 4. te a ask bolt or woden hantor to separate the socket an spigot Jota and satching surfaces. Do mot apply chisel aad gerowriver to wrench the Jott open. "so tbo-special tol to remwe the tapered Joint of tho tina ger 6 Make sure thatthe machioad surface Is not daoaeed during the reotal of rotating 4, fenwe the rotating components ascot after resoving shir) stopper Yo wor bond log parte such as tho seu shaft, Hale it with the utes cae, £, Put the disassnbled cononents eato« clean abest of paper oF cloth nest. Protect tho eapnente free dest. ‘ctech appropriate aatchingaarkrs to the components before disnsseably, This Is to prevent ocorrect assely. 9.8 laspection lnspoct composents suchas the roxor, casing, chutes! sel, ol ses, bearing and slain ees 9.4 sembly ‘ssenblo the components in th reverse onder of dssstonbly, paring attention to the following: 4a. Clean fast or dirt from the eowponnts. Reps any danse. sort whinl sooner copletely into th rotating comonsats vo prevent urHin. Match tho Identification aarkers of the conponests when they are asseabled and Jolned to eachother 4, lubricate the baring and oll seal euficieaty with clean of! before asssbly, td serpy enough greace, 4, Hate sure that bolts are evenly ithtend fer wo Part 6 Coupling forthe allemeat of the screw shat. Make sur that the porp can rotate sxcothly by hod for aseaby. 4 Gmpletely reno ecosuaption ito such at ofl sets, o-rings and packiogs. ch congenent completely with clashing ofl such as Roresne. fenve - TAIKO TYPE TWO-ROTORS SCREW PUNPS 10. Trouble Shooting and Remedial Actions lnvestLzte the easse of any problen imadiately, ad tale secessory actions sccordiealy, xaaples of problens and roufial actions are shom os follows 1s overheated, seal The Level of grease 1s 19 [ee for tha oll teal, Preble Possible Cuse Rondel Action The valve(@) are/la closed, | Open te valve "The valve) can tot on, epar the valve. The pup is sotabiag ai. Check the suction Line and W disetaree tla of valves, ‘he suction pipe or stralser | -Clean the pipe or strainer. Is cloned The pup rotates inthe wromz_| «Correct the direction of direction otuticn. ‘he puap is Intaking air “Check the suction Hine aod gland of valves. ‘he ump crea |°T rotating some In slow, | -Inrease tho spal to the speciation, ‘Tho suction pipe and stralner | «Clean the pipe and strainer, mot eet the | i elect foesifid SHELLY | Viseaity of the flud is tao. | -Chock the apeificatin, oF prasnue, high or too low ‘he serow rotor and/or easing «Replace the rotor aor casing with {wor ou, ow ce,

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