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ELECTRIC CHARGES AND 9. Two charges of 50 uC and 100

separated by a
of electric field
distance of 0.6m. The
uC are
1 million electrons are added to a them is
at a
point midway between
The total charge on the
rod is glass rod.
1) 10c 1) 50x10 2) 5x10
3) +1.6x10c
2) -1.6x10 C 3) 10x10 V/

4) 10 c m 4) 10x10
2. Abody has a charge of 9,.6x1020 10. Two
point charges Q and -3Q are placed some

D possible coulomb. It is distnace apart. If the electic field at the

2)not possible location of Qis
E, the field at the location of
3) may (0r) may not -3Q is
4) Data not sufficient possible
COULOMB'S LAw 1DE 2)-E 3) + 9-
3 A force of 4N is
acting between two
l1. A mass
carrying charge q is
m a
in air. If the space between
them is
charges from a string and placed in asuspended
filled with glass (e, 8), then
completely horizontal electric field of
intensity E. The
the new force angle made the by
will be the equilibrium
string with the vertical in
1) 2N 2) 5N position is
3) 0.2N )0.5N mg
Based coulomb's law in cgs
on 1) 6= tan -1 2) 6= tan
dimensional formula for system the Eq Eq
charge is
MT] 2) MPT2 3) 0 =
tan q
4) 6= tan Eq
12. A proton of mass 'm' mg
3)MT] 4) M 'T-] charge 'e' is released
firom rest in a uniform electric field
of strength
Two identical metal E. The time taken
spheres possess t60C and by it to travel a distance
-20C of charges. They are d' in the field is
and then
brought in contact
separated by 10 cm.The force 2de
between them is 11)mE 2) 2dm 3) 2dE 4) V2Ee
13. An infinite number of
me dm
A)36x10 N 2) 36x104N
magnitude q are placedcharges
each of
3)36x10 N 4) 3.6x10" N distances of 1,2,4, 8,
on x axis at
0. A charge q
is placed at the centre of the line The meter from the origin.

Joining two equal charges Q. The system of intensity of the electric field at origin is
three charges will be in
equilibrium if q is equal 1)
1) 3E
3tE0 2) 21t80 4) 3)
to 6tE, 27 4TtE0
14. A uniformly charged thin spherical shell
)-2)- 3) 4
Three charges -q, +q and -q are placed at the
radius R carries uniform surface
density of o per unit area. It
is made of twwo
hemispherical shells, held together by
Corners of an equilateral triangle of side 'a'. pressing them with force F.F is
The resultant electric force on a charge tq to proportional
placed at the centroid O of the triangle is
3q 3q -oR2)2)aR 3)
47TEa2) 4T6,a)2T6,a4) 27t6,a ELECTRIC POTENTIAL AND
Charge of +24C is placed at x-0 and a POTENTIAL ENERGY
15. The p.d. between two
0-32uC at x-60 cm. A third chargeQ be plates separated by a
distance of 1 mm is 100 V. The force on an
Piaced on the x-axis such that it experiences
electron placed in between the
o force. The distance of the point from +24C plates is
) 10' N 2) 1.6x10 N
is(in cm)
)-20 2) 20 3) 15 4) 10 3) 1.6x10 N 4) 1.6x10 N
ELECTRO STATI it it Is deflecte Turt
rther is
by an agent
of charges each equal to 2) 2x10J
An infinite number 2, ) 2.5x10-"J
16. the X-axis at x
1, X =

'q' a r e placed along

The potential at
the point x
3) 4x10"J 4) 2x10J
x=4, x=8 . . . . .

of the given systemis

set of charges is 24. The dipole moment
0 due to this 2q

20 30 4) TE
1) 4re2) 47 e 3) At E
17. A, B, C are points on a circle of radiusan
These points form the
2C is placed at
equilateral triangle. A charge work done in of q bisector -q line
the centre of the circle. The 1) V3ql along perpendicular bisector of q -q line
A to B is
carrying a charge of 0.1 4uC from 2) 2 ql along perpendicular
ofq-q line
1) Zero 2) 18x10'J 3)1.8x10"J 4) 54x10
at the
3)ql 2 along perpendicularbISector
Charges +q, -4q and +2q 4) 0
corners of an equilateral triangle
of side LEVEL -

I (C.W ) KEY
0.15m. If q=1 C, their mutual potential 2)233) 4 4) 1 5) 1 6)2
1)2 11)4 12)2
energy is 7) 4 8) 1 9)2 10) 3
3) 0.6J 4) 0. 8J 15) 3 16) 2 17) 1 18)3
1) 0.4J 2)0.5J 13) 1 14) 1
and charge 'e'
19. An electron of kgmass M
19) 3 20) 3 21)2 22)1 23)2 24)1
coulomb travels from rest through potential

difference of "V volt. The final velocity

of the LEVEL -
electron is (in m/s) 2.Q=tne n is integer
1. Q =tne nis integer
1 )2eV 2 ) 2MV 2e d 2M F
M 3) 4) 3.
corner of a cube
20. A charge Q' is placed at each l esu of ch arg e = 1(dhyne (cm)
at the centre of the
of side a'. The potential
(2008 MD
cube is

40 40 20
8Q 4) 1 (q, +p
1) TCE,a 2)4TEa 3)3ts,a TEa 5. F F

AtEo 4d
21. Auniform electric field pointing in positive x- 100 1 q =0
direction exists in a region let A be the orgin
4 TtE0 1 4 TtE0
B be the point on the x-axis at x=+1 cm and 6
Cbe the point on the Yaxis at y =+l cm. Then
the potentials at the points A, B and C satisfy d
1 9,92
V n 2) VVB 3) VVe 4) V 7. F 4Te r 8. 92 -1
22. The electric field at the origin is along the +ve
x-axis. A small circle is drawn with the centre 9. E= 1 1 2
at the origin cutting the axes at the points A, 4TtE X 4TE0 X 4Tt&0
B, C andD having coordinates (a, 0), (0, a),
(-a, 0), (0, -a) respectively. Out of points on
11. qE mg tan
the periphery of the circle, the potential is S=

minimum at 2 m
B (0,a)
13. E=9_1

4TtE0 L1 224
1)A 2)B C-a, 0)
A (a, 0)

3)C 4)D D (0, -a) 14. Pressure and Force26.-X TTR

23. An electric dipole is along a uniform electric 15. F= Eq
field. If it is deflected by 60", work done by
is 2x10 19J. Then the work done
16. V= |
an agent
17. Equipotential surface
)0=-2qg 2)0--2/24
18 U= 99299,994 3)0=-V24 4) O=-4g
4TE Electrical force between two point charges is
200N. If we increase 10% charge on one of
mv = eV 20. = the charges and decrease 10% charge on the
4T6, d
21, Along the field direction potential decreases. other, then electrical force between them for
the same distance becomes
22 =-E-dr 23. W= pE (1 cos 0) and

1) 198 N 2) 100 N 3) 200 N 4) 99 N

7. N fundamental charges each of charge 'q' are
W pE(cos , -cos 0,)
to be distributed as two point charges
2 4 P l q = p, and P, = v3ql seperated by a fixed distance, then the
maximum to minimum force bears a ratio (N is
even and greater than 2)
N 2N
1) 4N 2)(N-1) 3) 4(N-1) (N-1)
1. Two charges when kept at a distance of Im and
apart in vacuum hava some force of repulsion.
8. A particle A
having a charge of 2x 10 C
a mass of 100g is placed at the bottom of a
If the force of repulsion between these two
smooth inclined plane of inclination 30". The
charges be same, when placed in an oil of
distance of another particle of same mass and
dielectric constant 4, the distance of charge, be placed on the incline so that it may
separation is
remain in equilibrium is
1)0.25m 2) 0.4m 3) 0.5m 4) 0.6m
2. The excess (equal in number) number of 1) 27 cm 2) 16 cm 3) 30 cm 4) 45 cm
9. Two identical particles of charge q each are
electrons that must be placed on each of two connected by a massless spring of force
small spheres spaced 3 cm apart with force of constant k. They are placed over a smooth
repulsion between the spheres to be 10"N horizontal surface. They are released when
is unstretched. If maximum extension of the
1) 25 2) 225 3) 625 4) 1250 spring is r, the value ofk is : (neglect
3. Two small conducting spheres each of mass gravitational effect)
9x10 kg are suspended from the same point
conducting strings of length 100 cm.
1) Te 2) k
by non

They are given equal and similar charges until 4) k = 9 2

the strings are equally inclined at 450 each 3) TEe rTTE
to the vertical. The charge on each sphere is
COUlomb 10. In the figure shown, the electric field intensity
1) 1.4x10 2) 1.6x10 3) 2x10 4) 1.96x10 at r = lm, r =6m, r=9m in Vmis
wo point charges of magnitude 4 C and -9 VA
HC are 0.5m apart. The electric intensity is

Tero at a distance 'x' m from A and 'y' mn

from 'B. x' and 'y' are respectively 1)-5,-1.67, +5 2) -5, 0, +5
4mc 9mc
3) 0,1.67,0 4) +5, 1.67, -5 0 >r (m)
-0.5m- 11. Point charges of 3x10C are situated
1)0.5m, 1.0m 2) 1.0m, 1.5m each of three corners of a square whose side
3)2.0m, 1.5m 4) 1.5m, 2.0m is 15 cm. The magnitude and direction of
5 A charge +q is fixed to each of three corners electric field at the vacant corner of the square
ofa square. On the empty corner a charge Q is
1) 2296 V/m along the diagonal
Splaced such that there is no net electrostatic 2) 9622 V/m along the diagonal
orce acting on the diagonally opposite
charge. Then 3) 22.0 V/m along the diagonal 4) zero
ange at mecalsurtace has uniform charge
demsitN An electren ef
mass m and
charge e leaves the surtace at am angle 8 at D 2)
d3) 4d 4)
peint A with speed v,and retarn te it at point 18. An oil drop carrying charge "Q
B The maximem valee
of ABis
is held
quilibrium by a potential difference of 600
between the horizontal plates. In order to
3) ) another drop of twice the radius in equilibrium
13 charges QQQ 16Q
a potential drop of 160OV had to b
distamces el 1, 23 placedare at maintained. The charge on the second drop is
e t r e frema point "
en the same straight ine. The electric 1) 2) 20 3) 4) 3Q
intemsity at is
19 A body of mass one gram and
carrying a
charge 10C passes through two points P and
D 3)Ininiy 4) Q.The clectrostatic potential at Q is OV. The
14 Twe point charges e2C and e, =
lyC velocity of the body at Q is o.2ms and at P
are placed at distances b=l cm and a=2 cm
is o.028s.The poten tial at Pis
firem the erigin en the y and x axes as shown
1) 150V 2) 300V 3) 600V 4)900V
in Sgure. The electric field vecter at point (a.
b)wil subtend an angle e with the x - axis 20. Three charges each 20uC
charges each 20zC are
are placed
placed at
at the
corners of an equilateral triangle of side
sven by
0-4mm-The potential energy of the systemis
1) 18x10 J 2) 9J 3) 9x10*J 4) 27J
1)tam e-=l 21an8=2
21. An electric field is expressed as E-2i-3j-
3) tan 8=3 ) tan 6 =4
The potential difference (V -V) between
of total charge of 1.1tx10 c distributed non- two points A and Bwhose positions vectors
uniformly on its circumference producing an are given by r =i+2j and r, = 2i+j+3k 5s
electric ield E everywhere in space. The
1)-1V 2)1V 3)2V 4)3V
22. Figure shows three circular arcs, each o
value of the integral Edl (-o being
radius R and total charge as indicated. The
net electric pontential at the centre of the
centre ef the ring) in volts is
curvature is
1)-2 2)-1 3)-2 4) zero

16. Three charges +q, -q and -q kept at the


vertices of an equilaterial triangle of 10cmm 45

side. The potentialat the mid point in between 30
-9.-9. if q-5 pC is -20
1)-64x1o'V 2)-12.8x10°V R
3)-64x 10" 4)-12.8x10V 30
? 'are released when the
17. Two charges each
distance between is *d'. Then the velocity of
each charge of mass m each when the
distance between them is *2d' is Q 20
21 2 R 2 4R 3)R 4) Te
ge plates 1CS &
Pand f
avmE Carges 4Q and
placed very closed to each +6Q are 12qa
d. The plate area of other at 3)Ate qa
4) ATE
either face of the
A.The potential difference plate is 27. Avery small
dipole ofofdipole
P and P, is between a line in
dipole moment p is fixed on
plates xy plane. Centre of mass
of dipole
lies on x-axis. A
+40 point charge Q is fixed at origin.
+6Q 0<0<90
Q PA X-axis
A) Electric force on dipole is
P parallel to p
P B) Electric force on dipole is
C) about origin 'O' net parallel to 'x' axis
clock wise sense Torque on dipole is in
D) Electrostatic interaction
Energy of dipole
d point charge is negative.
1) V,-V= Qd LEVEL - II (C.W) KEY
A& 2)V,-V,= A& 1) 3 2)3
8) 1 9)2
3) 1 4)2 5)2 6) 1 7)3
10)2 11) 1
3) V-V =3Qd -5Qd 15) 1 16)4 17)1 18)4 12)2
13)4 14)1
3 20) 4 21)1
As 4) V,-V= 22) 1 23) 2 24) 2 25) 3 26) 2 27) 4
24. An
electric dipole consists of
two opposite
charges of magnitude
1uC separated by a 1.
distance of 2cm. The
dipole is placed in an
electrie filed10 Vm. The 2 1 9192
that the field exert on the maximum torque and q= ne
dipole is
1) 10 Nm 2) 2x10 Nm 3. F=w tan e where F 1 9.92
3) 3x10 Nm 4) 4x10 Nm ATCE
4. Distance ofnull point x=- d
Two point charges and +q are located at

points (0,0,-a) and (0,0,a) respectively, The
+ve for like charges -ve for unlike charges
electric potential at point (0,0,2) is (z> a) 1
Qq = 0
ATt Eo a 4T Eo 2a)
)AftEz 2) ATtEa
6. F= 1 9,92
1001 and g= 1002

2qa 2qa
4TE -a) 4) 4tE, +a
26. Two 8. mgsin0 =
equal charg 'q' of opposite sign are Fmin (N-1)1 4TtE0
Separated by a small distance 2a'. The
Clectric intensity 'E' at a point on the 9.=kr= 99
perpendicular bisector of the line joining the 47T E
wo charges
the line is
at a very large distance 'r' from dV
10. E=
d inthe given point region slope of the
9a 2ga
1)Afto 2) 4Te,

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