A Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithm For Jointly Learning Fuzzy Rule Bases and Membership Functions

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A Cooperative Coevolutionary Algorithm for

Jointly Learning Fuzzy Rule Bases and Membership Functions*

Jorge Casillas Oscar Cord611 Francisco Herrera

DECSAI, Univ. of Granada, DECSAI, Univ. of Granada, DECSAI, Univ. of Granada,
El8071 Granada, Spain El8071 Granada, Spain El8071 Granada, Spain
casillas@decsai.ugr.es ocordon@decsai.ugr.es herrera@decsai.ugr.es

Abstract However, methods that design both RB and DB

are preferable since the automation is higher. In
When a whole knowledge base must be this case, we can distinguish between two different
derived for a fuzzy rule-based system, approaches:
learning methods usually address this
task with two or more sequential stages Simultaneous derivation: It relates to the
process of directly obtaining the whole KB
by separately designing each of its com-
ponents (mainly the rule base and the (RB and DB) from the available data in a
simultaneous way 161. This task is usually
data base). Instead, we propose a si-
multaneous derivation process to prop- known as learning process.
erly consider their dependency. Since Sequential derivation: The task is divided
the problem complexity rises, the pro- into two or more stages, each of them per-
posed method will be based on a coop- forming a partial or complete derivation of
erative coevolutionary algorithm. the KB.
Keywords: fuzzy models, learning, Generally, one of the last stages adjusts the
tuning, cooperative coevolution. previously learntlobtained DB with slight
modifications to increase the system perfor-
mance 14, 51. This stage is known as tuning
1 Introduction process. In most cases, a sequential process
by firstly learning the RB and then tuning
Several tasks have to be performed in order to the DB is considered [2].
design a linguistic FRBS for a concrete applica-
tion. One of the most important and difficult ones When the RB and the DB are simultaneously de-
is to derive an appropriate knowledge base (KB) rived, the strong dependency of both components
about the problem being solved. The KB stores is properly addressed. However, the derivation
the available knowledge in the form of fuzzy lin- process becomes significantly more complex be-
guistic IF-THEN rules. It consists of the rule base cause the search space rises and the selection of
(RB), comprised of the collection of rules in their an appropriate search technique is crucial.
symbolic forms, and the data base (DB), which
contains the linguistic term sets and the member- Recently, the coevolutionary paradigm [7] has
ship functions defining their meanings. shown an increasing interest thanks to its high
ability to manage with huge search spaces and
Numerous automatic methods have been devel- decomposable problems. The direct decomposi-
oped to perform the derivation task. When only tion of the KB derivation process (thus obtaining
the derivation of the RB is addressed, methods two interdependent components, learning of the
generally operate in only one stage (10, 111. RB and DB) makes cooperative coevolutionary
Supported by the Spanish CICYT, project PB98-1319 algorithms [9] very useful for this purpose.
We propose a KB derivation method within this the i-th input variable and B the set of linguistic
novel evolutionary paradigm. Actually, a method terms of the output variable. Its operation mode
has been already proposed by Peiia-Reyes and is the following:
Sipper with this cooperative coevolutionary phi-
losophy [8]. However, ur proposal performs a 1. Define a set of fuzzy input subspaces,
more sophisticated learning of the RB based on {S, ( s E (1, . . . , NS}}, with the antecedent
the COR methodology (11, whose good perfor- combinations containing at least a positive
mance relates to the consideration of cooperation example, i.e., S, = (AS,. . . ,A:, . . . , A;) E
among rules. Al x . . . x A.,, such that EL # 0 - with
In the following sections, the proposed KB deriva- A: E Ai, E L being the set of positive exam-
tion method, some experimental results, conclu- ples of the subspace s,, and Ns the number
sions, and further work are shown. of subspaces with positive examples -.
In this contribution, the set of positive exam-
2 A Cooperative Coevolutionary ples for the subspace S, is defined as follows:
Algorithm for Jointly Learning
Fuzzy Rule Bases and Membership EL={el E E I E ..., n},
V ~ (1,
Functions VA E -4, PA: (5;) 2 ~ ~ ( x f. ) }

Within the evolutionary computation field, a new 2. For each subspace S,, obtain a set of candi-
paradigm has been recently proposed, coevolu- date consequents (i.e., linguistic terms of the
tionary algorithms [7]. They involve two or more output variable) BSto build the correspond-
species (populations) that permanently interact ing linguistic rule.
among them by a coupled fitness. Thereby, in
spite of each species has its own coding scheme In this contribution, the set of candidate con-
and reproduction operators, when an individual sequents for S, is defined as follows:
must be evaluated, its goodness will be calculated
BS= {Bk E I gels E EL where
considering some individuals of the other species.
This coevolution makes easier to find solutions to vB1 E PB,(Y'"> 2 PB~(Y")).
complex problems.
3. Perform a combinatorial search among these
Intuitively, we may decompose the problem of de-
sets looking for the combination of conse-
riving a proper KB for an FRBS into two sub-
quents (one for each subspace) with the best
tasks: to obtain linguistic rule symbolic represen-
global accuracy.
tations (learning the FU3) and to define member-
s h i ~function shapes (learning the DB). There-
fore, our algorithm consists of two species that On the other hand, the derivation of the DB in-
cooperate to build the whole solution. volves determining the shape of each membership
function. These shapes will have a high influ-
In the following subsections, a formulation for
ence in the FRBS performance. In this contri-
both learning tasks and the cooperative coeve
bution, we will consider triangular-shaped mem-
lutionary algorithm are introduced.
bership functions.

2.1 The Knowledge Base Derivation 2.2 The Cooperative Coevolutionary

Process Algorithm
The RB learning task is based on the COR 2.2.1 Cooperative Interaction Scheme
methodology proposed in [I]. Let E be the input-
output data set, el = (xLl,.. . ,x:, yl) one of its el- Let Fijbe the FRBS obtained by composing the
ements (example), and n be the number of input subcomponents encoded in the chromosomes i
variables. Let Ai be the set of linguistic terms of and j of the species 1 (RBs) and 2 (membership
functions), respectively. The objective will be to and the remaining chromosomes at random.
minimize the well-known mean square error.
The standard two-point crossover o p e r a t o r is
used. The m u t a t i o n o p e r a t o r randomly selects
a specific s E (1, . . . ,Ns) where lBSl 2 2, and
changes at random c[s] = kS by c[s] = kS' such
with N being the data set size, Fij(xl) being the that BkSlE BS and kS' # kS.
output obtained from the designed FRBS when
the 1-th example is considered, and y1 being the 2.2.3 Species 2: Learning Fuzzy
known desired output. M e m b e r s h i p Functions
Each individual of species 1 or 2 is evaluated
As coding scheme, a 3-tuple of real values for
with the corresponding fitness function f l or
each triangular membership function is used, thus
f2, which are defined as follows:
being the DB encoded into a real-coded chromo-
fl(i) = , rnin MSEij, f 2 ( j ) = . min MSEij, some built by joining the membership functions
involved in each variable fuzzy partition. A vari-
with i and j being individuals of species 1 and ation interval is associated to every gene to pre-
2 respectively, R1 and R2 being the set of the serve meaningful fuzzy sets.
fittest individuals in the previous generation of
the species 1 and 2 respectively, and PI and Pz The initial population of this species is gener-
being individual sets selected at random from the ated with a chromosome representing the origi-
previous generation of the species 1 and 2 respec- nal DB and the remaining chromosomes gener-
tively. The combined use of both kinds of sets ated with values generated at random within the
makes the algorithm have a trade-off between ex- corresponding variation interval.
ploitation (Rl12)and exploration (Pl12). The max-min-arithmetical crossover operator [4]
A generational GA scheme is followed in both is considered. Its formulation avoids the violation
species. Baker's stochastic universal sampling of the restrictions imposed by the variation in-
procedure together with an elitist mechanism that tervals. As regards the m u t a t i o n operator, it
ensures to select the best individual of the previ- simply involves changing the value of the selected
ous generation are used. gene by other value obtained at random within
the corresponding variation interval.
The specific operators employed in each species
are described in the following sections.
3 Experimental Results
2.2.2 Species 1: Learning Fuzzy R u l e
Bases This experimental study will be devoted to an-
alyze the behavior of the proposed derivation
An integer-valued vector (c) of size Ns (number method (CORMF-CC) when solving the prob-
of subspaces with positive examples) is employed lem of estimating the maintenance costs of the
as coding scheme. Each cell of the vector r e p medium voltage electrical network in a town
resents the index of the consequent used to build considering four different criteria (input vari-
the rule in the corresponding subspace: ables) [3]. We will deal with a sample of 1,059
towns, randomly divided in two subsets, the train-
ing and test ones, with an 80%-20% of the original
The initial p o o l of this species is generated size respectively. Five linguistic terms for each
building the first individual as follows variable are considered.
VS (1,.. . , Ns), We will analyze linguistic models generated from
the proposed process compared to the four fol-
cl[s] = arg max
k, Bk,EB' lowing methods: the well-known ad hoc data-
driven method proposed by Wang and Mendel
max, Min (,uA; (xy ), . (WM) [ l l ] ; a GA-based learning method follow-
els EE,
ing the COR methodology (COR-GA) [I]; and As further work, we propose t o extend the compo-
two sequential methods, WMfTun and COR- nents of the KB t o be derived (number of labels,
GAfTun, t h a t firstly perform a learning of the more flexible linguistic rules, etc.) and t o coevolve
RB with WM or COR-GA, respectively, and then other metaheuristics.
adjust the membership functions with the tuning
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