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Investigation of the performance characteristics of a plasma synthetic jet actuator based on a

quantitative Schlieren method

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2016 Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 055301


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Measurement Science and Technology

Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 055301 (11pp) doi:10.1088/0957-0233/27/5/055301

Investigation of the performance

characteristics of a plasma synthetic
jet actuator based on a quantitative
Schlieren method
Hao-hua Zong1,2, Yun Wu2, Hui-min Song1, Min Jia1, Hua Liang1,
Ying-hong Li1 and Zhi-bo Zhang1
  Air Force Engineering University, 710038 Xi’an, People’s Republic of China
  School of Electrical Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, 710049 Xi’an, People’s Republic of China

E-mail: (Y Wu)

Received 17 December 2015, revised 25 February 2016

Accepted for publication 11 March 2016
Published 6 April 2016

A quantitative Schlieren method is developed to calculate the density field of axisymmetric
flows. With this method, the flow field structures of plasma synthetic jets are analysed in
detail. Major performance parameters, including the maximum density increase behind
the shock wave, the expelled mass per pulse and the impulse, are obtained to evaluate the
intensity of the shock wave and the jet. A high-density but low-velocity jet issues out of the
cavity after the precursor shock wave, with a vortex ring at the wave front. The vortex ring
gradually lags behind the center jet during the propagation, and its profile resembles a pair of
kidneys in shape. After the jet terminates, the vortex ring breaks down and the whole density
field is separated into two regions. In one period, the jet front velocity first increases and then
decreases, with a maximum value of 270 m s−1. The precursor shock wave velocity decays
quickly from 370 m s−1 to 340 m s−1 in the first 50 μs. The variation in the maximum density
rise behind the precursor shock wave is similar to that of the jet front velocity. The averaged
exit density drops sharply at around 50 μs and then gradually rises. The maximum mass flow
rate is about 0.35 g s−1, and the total expelled mass in one period occupies 26% of the initial
cavity gas mass. The impulse produced in the jet stage is estimated to be 5 μN s–1.
The quantitative Schlieren method developed can also be used in the research of other
compressible axisymmetric flows.

Keywords: flow control, plasma, synthetic jet, characteristics, quantitative Schlieren method

(Some figures may appear in colour only in the online journal)

1. Introduction actuator, combines the merits of high speed (~400 m s−1) and
high frequency (>5 kHz) and is thus more suitable for high-
Plasma flow control is a common concern in active flow con- speed flow control [6–12]. However, the small action zone
trol research due to its rapid response, simple structure and zero and the low energy efficiency limit the practical application
net mass flow. So far this technology has shown broad appli- [13–16]. Investigation of the characteristics is very important for
cability in flow separation control, boundary layer transition optimal design of the actuator and the power supply. At present,
control, shock wave manipulation, airfoil drag reduction and the achievements in characteristics research can be divided into
so on [1–5]. The actuator is the core of this technology. The three categories—experimental, theoretical and simulation—of
plasma synthetic jet actuator (PSJA), a newly proposed plasma which the experimental achievements occupy the majority.

0957-0233/16/055301+11$33.00 1 © 2016 IOP Publishing Ltd  Printed in the UK

Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 055301 H-h Zong et al

In theories and simulations many models have been

established, including the 0D analytical model, the 2D sim-
ulation model, the transient ejection phase model and the
multiphysical field-coupling model [17–21]. The expelled
mass per pulse and the mechanical energy incorporated in
a single pulsed jet drops in a stepwise fashion as the actua-
tion frequency increases. This stepped decrease is believed
to be caused by the intermittent decrease of the refresh time
[18, 19]. Comparative study of the different energy source
terms shows that the unsteady source term produces a more
accurate jet front position than the steady source term.
Furthermore, with the unsteady energy source term the max-
imum cavity pressure is much more elevated and the increase
in the cavity temperature is much faster than that with the con- Figure 1.  PSJA structure. Reproduced with permission from [18].
Copyright 2015, AIP Publishing LLC.
stant energy source term [20]. The multiphysical field-cou-
pling model reveals that with the voltage rise time decreasing
on the time scale of 20–50 ns, the heating energy increases the jet can penetrate 1.5 times the thickness of the boundary
rapidly leading to a higher exit pressure and velocity [21]. layer and a maximum shock wave turning angle of 5° is
In experiments, the main diagnostic tools used to asses the observed [11, 12, 35].
aerodynamic performance of PSJA include dynamic pressure However, the Schlieren method is not a quantitative
transducers, the pendulum apparatus, miniature thrust stands, method. With this technique detailed flow structures cannot
particle image velocimetry (PIV) and the Schlieren system. be obtained, thus it is very urgent to develop a quantitative
Owing to the strong electromagnetic interference (EMI), the density measurement method that can be used to investigate
fast changing flow field (~μs) and the small actuator dimen- the detailed flow field structure. The background oriented
sions (~mm), the hot wire anemometer and the pitot tube Schlieren (BOS) method was proposed to measure the density
(which are commonly used in characterizing the perfor- field. However, due to the reduced resolution of the displace-
mance of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) actuators) cannot ment analysis, the number of obtained displacement vectors
be applied to PSJA [2, 22]. The rapid expansion jet and the can be much lower than that of the image pixels [36, 37]. There
intense front vortex ring can result in a rather low seeding den- are also some other quantitative Schlieren methods, such as
sity of the jet region in PIV measurements and a low resolu- the phase-shifting Schlieren, ‘rainbow’ Schlieren, Schardin’s
tion [23, 24]. In addition, the low impulse level (<10 μN s–1) ‘calibrated’ Schlieren and so on [38–40]. For axisymmetric
of PSJAs compared with that of a DBD actuator requires that flow, two key steps of such quantitative Schlieren methods are
the thrust measurement system has a high sensitivity and high the determination of the light deflection angle and the solution
signal-to-noise ratio [15, 16, 25–27]. of the Abel inversion problem.
With a transformed Kulite pressure transducer, the total Inspired by the methods used in [41, 42], a quantitative
pressure of the jet is obtained, from which the jet velocity Schlieren method is developed to calculate the density field
and the jet duration can be deduced. The results show that of axisymmetric flows from the traditional Schlieren system.
the jet induced by capacitive discharge has a larger velocity With this method, the density fields of the plasma synthetic
but shorter duration compared with that triggered by inductive jet are obtained at the same spatial resolution as that of the
discharge [9, 10, 28]. Through comparing the cavity dynamic Schlieren images, which is much higher than that of the BOS
pressure measured from the transducer with that obtained from method. The detailed flow structures are analysed and major
the analytical model and the simulation, the heating efficiency performance parameters—including the maximum density
of arc discharge is estimated to be 35% [14]. For a PSJA with rise behind the shock wave, the expelled mass per pulse and
a three-electrode configuration, an even lower heating effi- the impulse—are extracted to evaluate the intensity of the
ciency (no more than 10%) is demonstrated by comparing the shock wave and the jet.
impulse measured from the pendulum apparatus and that cal-
culated from the theoretical model. A larger energy deposition
2.  Experimental set-up and Schlieren method
results in a lower heating efficiency [15, 16]. PIV is used to
observe the influence of the capacitor energy on the evolution 2.1.  Actuator and power supply
of the flow field. With low capacitor energies, the jet velocity is
small and several vortex pairs are formed. However, with large Figure 1 shows the two-electrode PSJA adopted in our research,
capacitor energies, the jet velocity is very high (~500 m s−1), which consisted of two components—a ceramic shell and a
and only one vortex pair can be observed [23, 24, 29]. The steel nut. The orifice created in the center of the steel nut is
Schlieren system has been widely adopted in determining 1.5 mm in diameter. The height and diameter of the cavity are
the jet front velocity and observing the jet evolution. As the 7 mm and 4 mm, respectively. Other geometrical parameters
capacitor energy increases the jet body enlarges, and both the have already been described in [18], and will not be stated here.
jet front velocity and the jet duration time increase [30–34]. The PSJA is fed by a sequence discharge (nanosecond
When the PSJA array is used to control the supersonic flow, discharge–capacitive discharge) power supply, as shown in

Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 055301 H-h Zong et al

Figure 2.  Power supply system.

Figure 3.  Schlieren system. (a) Components. (b) Light spot displacement.

figure 2. The basic working principle of this power supply is of the small capacitor C2 (capacitance: 260 pF, withstand
similar to that in [30]. voltage  >  35 kV) is to make the high-voltage nanosecond
There are two advantages to this system. The first is the pulse pass in the trigger stage, and to protect the high-voltage
simple structure, with only two electrodes, and the second pulsed power supply from the DC power supply in the capac-
is the easy adjustment of the discharge energy over a large itive discharge stage.
range by changing the capacitance and the initial voltage.
This power supply is composed of three electrical circuits— a 2.2.  Schlieren system
charge circuit, a trigger circuit and a discharge circuit. In the
charge circuit, the energy storage capacitor C1 (2 μF, with- The Schlieren method has been widely exploited to charac-
stand voltage  >  3 kV) is charged by the DC power supply terize the performance of PSJAs. A typical Schlieren system
(0–3 kV, 4 kVA) with a resistor R1 (1 kΩ, 100 W) limiting the with a z-type light path is shown in figure 3.
charge current. A high-voltage, low-energy pulse is produced The main elements of a Schlieren system include a light
by a nanosecond-pulsed power supply (FID, FPG 20-20NK) source, two concave mirrors, a knife and a high-speed charge-
to trigger the discharge. coupled device (CCD) camera. The light source adopted is a con-
As only two electrodes are adopted, both the trigger func- tinuous bi-Xenon head lamp. The light is emitted from the lamp,
tion and the discharge function are realized by the anode. then reflected by two concave mirrors (20 cm in diameter with a
Hence, some other elements (a magnetic switch and a capac- 1.5 m focal length) and finally received by the camera (Phantom,
itor C2) must be added to isolate the trigger circuit and the V2511). The high-speed camera records the 8-bit depth Schlieren
charge circuit from each other. During the trigger stage, the images (resolution: 384  ×  512 pixels) with a frame rate of 70 043
magnetic switch works in the magnetization stage and can Hz and an exposure time of 1 μs. The actuator lies in the parallel
be regarded as an open switch that protects the charge circuit light path between the two concave mirrors. The knife is placed
from damage due to the high-voltage trigger pulse. While in vertically (in the oz direction) and can move horizontally (in the
the capacitive discharge stage, the magnetic switch is satur­ oy direction) perpendicular to the incident light.
ated and should be treated as a closed switch. This allows Based on the Gladstone–Dale formula, the refractive index
the energy in C1 to be deposited in the cavity. The function and density of a gas satisfy the following relationship

Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 055301 H-h Zong et al

Figure 4.  Variation of the averaged background grayscale with the

knife-edge displacement.
Figure 5.  Schematic of the Abel inversion problem.
n − 1 = C0ρ
Combining equation  (3) and the relationship shown in
where n and ρ represent the refractive index and density,
figure 4 together, the light deflection angle matrix ∆α can be
respectively, and C0 is the Gladstone–Dale coefficient (about
deduced with the given grayscale variation matrix ∆I based
0.23 cm3 g−1 for air at standard conditions).
on a quadratic interpolation method.
Owing to the gas refraction, light will change direction
during propagation. The horizontal deflection angle of the
light (denoted ∆α) results in the displacement of the light spot 2.3.  Calculation method for the density field
in the oy direction (denoted ∆y). As the knife is placed verti-
cally, the light intensity received by the camera will change, For axisymmetric flows, such as the plasma synthetic jet
which is identified by the variation in the grayscale image. ejected from a cylindrical orifice, a relationship between ∆α
Note that the light deflection angle is considered as the hori- and the radial distribution of the gas refractive index n(r ) is
zontal deflection angle hereafter. shown [42]
According to the Schlieren theories, the grayscale intensity R0 1 dn dr
of the ith pixel (denoted Ii) in the Schlieren image should be a ∆α( y ) = 2y
(4) y n(r ) dr r − y 2
2 ∫
function of the horizontal position of the corresponding light
spot (denoted yi), as shown in equation (2) where R0 is the flow field boundary. The reconstruction of n(r )
Ii = ψi( yi )
(2) using equation (4) is a problem of the inverse Abel transform.
Many techniques have been put forward to handle the singu-
with a relative uniform illumination, the function ψi is same larity and the derivative term in the inverse Abel transform
for each pixel of the image, and can be obtained by recording [43, 44]. In this paper, a simple numerical method is proposed
the averaged grayscale value of the Schlieren image with dif- to solve equation (4).
ferent light spot positions. In fact, moving the knife edge and As shown in figure  5, the actual length represented by a
moving the light spot are equivalent. Variation of the aver- single pixel is ∆r (0.1575 mm per pixel), and the total number
aged background grayscale value with the knife-edge position of pixels in the horizontal direction is 2N. The following two
is shown in figure  4. Note that the jet Schlieren images are relationships can then be obtained, R0 = N ⋅ ∆r, y = i ⋅ ∆r,
recorded at y  =  0 mm. (i = 1, 2,  N ). By discretizing equation (4), the light deflec-
As the knife edge moves in the positive direction, the tion angle corresponding to the i th pixel (denoted ∆αi) can be
Schlieren image brightens and the grayscale saturates at deduced as follows
1.0 mm. The gradient of the curve for positive displacement
N +1−i
is obviously larger than that for negative displacement. The 1 n(i + j + 1) − n(i + j )
larger the gradient is, the higher the contrast will be. The high ∆αi = 2i∆r ⋅ ∑
j=1 n(i + j ) ∆r
contrast in the bright part of the Schlieren images shown in
figures 6 and 7 is a direct result of the above variation. ∆r
On the basis of equation (2), the grayscale variation of the (i∆r + j∆r )2 − (i∆r )2
ith pixel can be expressed as follows  N + 1 − i⎛ ⎞
n (i + j + 1) 1
= 2i ⋅ ∑ ⎜ − 1⎟
∆Ii = ψ( yi ) − ψ(0) = ψ(∆αi ⋅ f ) − ψ(0)
(3) j=1 ⎝ n(i + j ) ⎠ j 2 + 2ij
where f is the focal length of the second convex mirror; ∆αi N +1−i
is the light deflection angle corresponding to the ith pixel and = ∑ ai, jki + j − bi (5)
ψ(0) is the averaged grayscale value for zero knife displacement. j=1

Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 055301 H-h Zong et al

Figure 6.  Image processing methods.

where ai, j = 2i ⋅ 1
, bi = ∑ Nj =+11 − i ai, j, ki = n(i + 1)/n(i ). electrode configuration, the energy deposition in the cavity
j 2 + 2ij is also nonaxisymmetrical, resulting in a nonaxisymmetrical
Note that the refractive index at the N  +  1 pixel, n(N + 1), is
flow field. However, this effect can be neglected considering
1.00027. If i ranges from 1 to N, the following set of equa-
the small orifice used in this research [24]. Second, the deriva-
tions is obtained
tive term in equation  (4), dn /dr, is replaced by the forward
⎧ a1,1 k1 + a1,2 k2 +  + a1, N kN = ∆α1 + b1 difference. The discretization error is proportional to the spa-

⎪ 0+ tial step ∆r, and also the second derivative of the gas density

a2,1 k2 +  + a2, N − 1 kN = ∆α2 + b 2
(6) d2ρ /d2r. The integral term in equation (4) is replaced with the
⎪ 0+

rectangular integration. This discretization error depends on
0+  + aN ,1 kN = ∆αN + bN .
In order to simplify the above equation, a new coefficient
the first derivative of the integral part, d ( 1
n (r )

dr )/dr, and
matrix C = {ci, j} is defined as follows also ∆r. Finally, the quantization error in calculating the light
deflection angle should also be considered. This quantization
⎧ 0 j<i
ci, j = ⎨
error is related to the image bit depth and the sensitivity of the
⎩ a i, j − i + 1 i ⩽ j ⩽ N .
Schlieren system. Increasing the camera bit depth or Schlieren
system sensitivity can provide a large dynamic range of the
Then equation  (6) can be reshaped into the following image intensity, and finally a more accurate light deflection
matrix form angle.
(8) CΚ = ∆α+ Β⇒ Κ= C−1(∆α+Β) In this paper, these errors are only analysed qualitatively. The
detailed quantitative analysis of these errors needs to rely on the
where B= [b1, b 2, , bN ]T , K= [k1, k2, , kN ]T , ∆α  =   numerical simulation and will be conducted in further research.
[∆α1, ∆α2, , ∆αN ]T . As B and C are constants, the refractive Overall, the errors are closely related to the image resolution
index vector K can be calculated by the light defection angle and the density gradient. Increasing the image resolution with
matrix, ∆α. In order to obtain the grayscale variation matrix the 2D interpolation method may improve the accuracy.
∆I the Schlieren images need to be processed, as shown in
figure 6.
3.  Results and analysis
First the background image G 0 is subtracted from the jet
evolution image G1 to obtain the grayscale difference image 3.1.  Flow field evolution process
G 2. Then 20 grayscale difference images obtained under the
same conditions are averaged to acquire the averaged gray- The capacitance, the initial voltage and the working frequency
scale difference image G 3 as well as the grayscale difference are fixed at 2 μF, 1000 V and 1 Hz, respectively. This results in
matrix ∆I. The refractive index matrix can be calculated a capacitor energy of 1 J, much larger than that used in [18],
with equations  (8) and (3). Then by applying equation  (1), to obtain an obvious density variation. As an energy transfor-
the whole density field is obtained. Under the axisymmetric mation efficiency exists, part of the energy heats the actuator
assumption, only half of the grayscale difference matrix is wall. In flow control applications, the actuator usually works
sufficient to calculate the density field. Owing to the large at several kHz, and the discharge energy should be decreased
contrast in the bright part, the right half of the grayscale dif- to avoid excessive energy accumulation in the cavity [11].
ference matrix is chosen to reduce the calculation error. The evolution of the density field, the averaged grayscale
The above numerical method is an one-order discretization difference images and the instantaneous Schlieren image are
of the Abel inversion and equation  (6) is the linear approx­ shown in figure 7. In order to better show the flow field struc-
imation form of equation (4). The main errors of the proposed ture, the legend labels and the vertical scales in density con-
quantitative Schlieren method originate from three factors: tours are adjusted in some cases.
the nonaxisymmetrical geometry, the discretization error and At 28.55 μs, both the jet and the precursor shock wave can
the quantization error. First, due to the nonaxisymmetrical be observed. Behind the precursor shock wave, a high-density

Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 055301 H-h Zong et al

Figure 7.  Evolution process of the flow field. (a) Density contour at 28.55 μs. (b) Averaged grayscale difference image at 28.55 μs.
(c) Schlieren image at 28.55 μs. (d) Density contour at 42.83 μs. (e) Averaged grayscale difference image at 42.83 μs. (f) Schlieren image at
42.83 μs. (g) Density contour at 57.11 μs. (h) Averaged grayscale difference image at 57.11 μs. (i) Schlieren image at 57.11 μs. ( j) Density
contour at 71.38 μs. (k) Averaged grayscale difference image at 71.38 μs. (l) Schlieren image at 71.38 μs. (m) Density contour at 171.32 μs.
(n) Averaged grayscale difference image at 171.32 μs. (o) Schlieren image at 171.32 μs. (p) Density contour at 314.09 μs. (q) Averaged
grayscale difference image at 314.09 μs. (r) Schlieren image at 314.09 μs. (s) Density contour at 456.86 μs. (t) Averaged grayscale
difference image at 456.86 μs. (u) Schlieren image at 456.86 μs.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 055301 H-h Zong et al

Figure 7. (Continued )

(>1.2 kg m−3) high-pressure region forms. The jet is expelled The jet shape changes significantly at 57.11 μs. In the aver-
with a relatively high initial density (0.9 kg m−3), very close to aged grayscale difference image, the jet front becomes sharp
the ambient density. Thus, the jet front is hard to detect in the and the whole jet resembles a hammer. The vortex ring is over-
Schlieren images. In the averaged grayscale difference image, taken by the center jet. There are two reasons for this phenom­
an obvious vortex pair can be observed. This vortex actually enon. On the one hand, due to the entrainment of the low
corresponds to a vortex ring and is formed by the strong shear velocity fluids, the vortex ring moves at a decreasing speed.
between the high speed jet and the quiescent air. Afterwards, On the other hand, the discharge energy is deposited over a
both the shock wave and the jet propagate along the axis. At relatively long time due to the introduction of the magn­etic
42.83 μs, the second shock wave issues from the orifice, and switch (about 50 μs), and the jet exhaust velocity gradually
its formation is thought to be caused by the reflection of the increases before 57 μs (see figure 8). Compared with that at
shock wave in the cavity. The vortex ring still lies in front 42.83 μs, the jet in the Schlieren image becomes brighter and
of the jet, and its volume grows due to the entrainment of the density of the expelled gas drops substantially, to about
surrounding fluids. As the jet velocity is lower than the shock 0.2 kg m−3.
wave velocity, the area of the high-density region expands. At 71.38 μs, the distance between the vortex ring and the jet
The density of the expelled gas stays the same as that at front continues to increase. The axial scale of the vortex ring
28.55 μs. extends, and the vortex ring profile resembles paired kidneys

Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 055301 H-h Zong et al

Figure 8.  Jet front velocity and precursor shock wave velocity.
Figure 10.  Variation of the density distribution along the actuator

Figure 9.  Averaged grayscale difference above the exit.

in shape. Owing to the entrainment of the low density jet, the

density in the vortex ring core decreases from 1.0 kg m−3 to Figure 11.  Maximum density rise behind the precursor shock wave.
approximately 0.7 kg m−3, and the jet behind the vortex ring
becomes thin. Affected by the second shock wave, another
high-density region is formed in front of the jet. The density the impulse, should also be calculated to further evaluate the
of the expelled gas is slightly different to that at 57.11 μs. intensity of the shock waves and the jet.
The jet diameter above the exit diminishes greatly after
3.2.1. Jet front velocity, jet duration and shock wave veloc-
171.32 μs, illustrating that the jet is about to terminate. The
ity.  The jet front/shock wave velocity is determined by the
density in the vortex ring core and above the exit increases
considerably. At 314.09 μs, no jet issues from the orifice and framing rate and the difference of the jet front/shock wave
the density in the vortex ring core is close to the ambient den- position. The jet duration is obtained by monitoring the aver-
sity. In the Schlieren image and the averaged grayscale differ- aged grayscale difference above the exit. The jet front velocity
ence image the influence of the jet on the flow field becomes and the precursor shock wave velocity are shown in figure 8,
very weak. The low-density regions can only be seen near the and the variation in the averaged grayscale difference is pre-
actuator axis. Affected by the vortex ring, the whole density sented in figure 9.
field is separated into two independent regions. After 456.86 μs In the jet stage, the jet front velocity first increases and
the vortex ring breaks down. The maximum propagation dis- then decreases. A maximum jet front velocity of 270 m s−1
tance exceeds 35 mm. is reached at 57 μs. The jet front velocity then drops sharply
with a half-life period of about 42 μs. After 225 μs, the
jet front velocity varies a little, ranging from 40 m s−1 to
3.2.  Major performance parameters
50 m s−1. There is a 28 μs delay between the discharge being
triggered and the expulsion of the jet, which is supposed to be
Based on the image processing methods, some important caused by the shock wave propagation and the long energy
parameters are extracted to evaluate the jet intensity [30], deposition. In the initial stage, the precursor shock wave is
including the jet front velocity and the jet duration. However, supersonic, with a peak velocity of 370 m s−1. However, the
this is not enough. Other parameters, including the maximum shock wave velocity decays rapidly to 340 m s−1 within the
density rise behind the shock wave, the mass flow rate and first 57 μs.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 055301 H-h Zong et al

Figure 12.  The averaged density at the exit. (a) Results obtained with our method. (b) Simulation results from [46]. Part (b) reproduced
with permission from [46], copyright Inderscience Enterprises Limited.

The variation in the averaged grayscale difference above 3.3.3.  Mass flow rate and impulse.  Many studies show that
the exit is similar to that of the jet front velocity. When the jet a minimum ratio of the jet momentum flux and the main flow
issues out of the orifice, the averaged grayscale difference goes momentum flux (about 1%) is necessary in jet flow control
up quickly. The maximum grayscale difference and the peak jet in order to obtain an obvious control effect [45]. Hence it is
front velocity occur at the same time. The averaged grayscale important to calculate the mass flow rate of the PSJA. There
difference then gradually decreases as the jet intensity drops. are still many obstacles to direct measurement that need to
Once the grayscale is below the critical value (10 grayscale be solved. In this section, a simplified method is proposed to
points), the jet can be regarded as having terminated. The esti- estimate the mass flow rate.
mated jet duration corresponding to figure 9 is about 150 μs. The mass flow rate of the jet is defined as follows
Qm(t ) = ρexit (t ) ⋅ vexit (t ) ⋅ Sexit
3.2.2.  The maximum density rise behind the shock wave.  The
variation in the density distribution along the actuator axis is where ρexit (t ) and vexit (t ) are the averaged density and the aver-
shown in figure 10. aged exit velocity, respectively; Sexit is the area of the exit. As
Several positive peaks in the density are indicated that are the averaged exit density is known, the mass flow rate can be
associated with the high-density region formed behind the calculated with the given exit velocity. Three assumptions are
shock wave shown in figure 7. At 57.11 μs and 71.38 μs, the made to estimate of the exit velocity, as shown below.
second shock wave is also identified. The intensity of the shock
wave is not only represented by the propagation velocity, but (a) The maximum exit velocity is equal to the maximum jet
also by the maximum density rise behind the shock wave. front velocity.
Variation in the maximum density rise is extracted from the (b) The variation in the exit velocity in the rising stage is
curves in figure 10 and shown in figure 11. equal to that of the jet front velocity, due to the short
Over the whole evolution the maximum density rise behind propagation distance of the jet front.
the shock wave shows an initial increase and then a gradual (c) The variation in the exit velocity in the falling stage is
decrease, with a peak value of 0.12 kg m−3. The presence of the assumed to be linear. The fall time is calculated by sub-
first increase is thought to be caused by the second shock wave, tracting the rise time from the jet duration.
and the underlying mechanism needs to be revealed in the fur- Based on these assumptions, the mass flow rate and the
ther research. The drop in the maximum density rise in the first expelled mass per pulse can be obtained. At first, the averaged
42 μs after the peak is very sharp and then relatively slow. exit density is extracted from the density contour and shown in
Combining the above analyses, it can be concluded that the figure 12(a).
disturbance of the plasma synthetic jet is huge, but at the same Before 42 μs, the averaged exit density is relatively high—
time short-lived. Both the intensity of the induced jet and that about 1.0 kg m−3. Afterwards, the averaged density shows a sharp
of the shock wave will decay sharply with a half-life period of decrease then a gradual increase. The simulation results obtained
about 50 μs. With the effect of repetitive working considered, in [46] are shown in figure  12(b) to validate our results. Both
the drop in the jet intensity may be even quicker. In further the minimum exit density (~0.1 kg m−3) and the variation trend
design and research of the PSJA, the maximum performance agree well in the two panels. However, the recovery process in
parameters at the single working mode should be emphasized, figure 12(b) is slower than that in figure 12(a), which is thought to
in addition to focusing on the performance decay speed at the be caused by the small orifice diameter (0.50–0.72 mm) adopted
single and the repetitive working modes in order to obtain a in [46]. The variation trend in the exit density can be illustrated
time-averaged effect in the flow control. by the pressurization process in the actuator cavity.

Meas. Sci. Technol. 27 (2016) 055301 H-h Zong et al

4. Conclusions

A quantitative Schlieren method is developed to calculate the

density field of axisymmetric flows. Compared with the BOS
method, this technique has a higher spatial resolution. With
this method, the flow field structures of the plasma synthetic
jet are analyzed in detail. Key performance parameters of the
PSJA, including the maximum density increase behind the
shock wave, the mass flow rate and the impulse, are calculated
based on image processing methods.
The pressurization process in the actuator cavity is realized
by the continuous propagation and reflection of the shock waves
induced by arc discharge. After the precursor shock wave passes,
a low-velocity but high-density jet is issued. Owing to the strong
shear, a vortex ring is formed in front of the jet. During the prop-
Figure 13.  The mass flow rate and the nondimensional expelled agation, this vortex ring gradually lags behind the center jet. The
axial and the radial scales of the vortex ring increase, leading to
the vortex ring profile resembling paired kidneys. After the jet
Pressurization in the cavity is realized by the propaga- terminates, the vortex ring breaks down and the whole density
tion and reflection of the shock waves induced by the arc field is separated into two independent regions.
discharge. The distributions of the pressure and the temper­ In one period, the jet front velocity first increases and then
ature in the cavity are rather uneven. After the propagation decreases, with a maximum value of 270 m s−1. Variation of
of the precursor shock wave, the fluids close to the exit the maximum density rise behind the precursor shock wave is
are first expelled. Owing to the large distance from the arc similar to that of the jet front velocity, with a peak density rise
center, the temperature and density of the fluids near the of about 0.12 kg m−3. Both the maximum density rise behind
exit are very close to that of the atmosphere, resulting in the shock wave and the jet front velocity decay very quickly,
the high averaged exit density before 42 μs. As the pres- with a half-life period less than 50 μs. The maximum mass
surization in the cavity is not complete, the pressure differ- flux of the jet is about 0.35 g s−1, and 26% of the cavity gas is
ence across the throat is not at the maximum, leading to a expelled in jet stage. The impulse produced by PSJA in the jet
lower jet front velocity. The pres­sure and the temperature stage is estimated to be 5 μN · s.
near the exit then gradually increase due to the continuous The quantitative Schlieren method developed can also be
reflection of the shock waves and the expasion of the high- applied in other compressible axisymmetric flows. The key
temperature region induced by the arc discharge. Driven by performance parameters calculated are significant in quantita-
the large pressure difference across the throat, the jet front tively researching the intensity of the shock wave and the jet.
velocity increases, whereas the exit density drops. After the
energy deposition terminates, the cavity pres­sure begins to Acknowledgments
drop gradually resulting in a decreasing exit velocity and an
increasing jet density. This work was sponsored by the National Natural Science
Figure 13 shows the variation in the mass flow rate and the Foundation of China (51522606, 91541120, 11472306,
nondimensional expelled mass normalized by dividing by the 51336011, 51407197), the Science Foundation for the Author
initial gas mass in the cavity. of National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation of China (201172).
The mass flow rate varies a lot in over the working period,
with the maximum (0.35 g s−1) and the minimum (0.05 g s−1)
presenting at 42 μs and 56 μs, respectively. The total expelled References
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