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Ashifa Ashfa

Kelas B

Introduce myself

HI! My name is Ashifa Ashfa. my friends call me Ashifa. I was born in Bekasi on
November 18, 1999. I am 21 years old. I am the second child of 2 siblings. my sister named
dena, she is the 1st child. .i am the child of the Hadi Kusmara couple and juariah.

I started my education at Karang Satria State Elementary School 04. I really like
math. I learned to count from my father and math teacher.

After graduating from Karangsatria 04 State Elementary School, I enrolled myself at

the State Junior High School 3 Bekasi and I am grateful that I was accepted there. I studied
mathematics seriously because my mathematics teacher was very good and beautiful. 3 years
passed I continued to high school. on 17 August Bekasi. in the morning I go to school. After
school, I attended a public university entrance course. I hoped to enter a state university but
in reality I was rejected.

I finally continued my education at Pancasila University. Now I am a student. I

majored in Pharmacy. I hope that one day I can become a pharmacist and continue to a higher
level that can advance the health of this Indonesian nation.

An Inquiry letter
Bandung fam Limited
K.H.A. Dahlan Block B2
Bandung 40262
4th September 2021
Star Company
Karang satria Street Block U
North Bekasi
Dear Sirs,
Based on the advertisement in the magazine that I read 2 weeks ago, then I was interested in
your product, namely body whitening soap
I will be happy if there is a bonus especially if I buy a lot. may be able to tell the method of
payment at the time of delivery and the time in the process of delivery . I will be happy and
satisfied shopping here. If I am satisfied I will be your customer and always shop here.
Your faithfully,

Ashifa Ashfa

Purchase Manager

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