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I. Complete the text with the following words.
contract club single contest producer make get go and come

While some singers seem to find fame easily if they enter a talent (1) _______________
contest and
manage to (2) _______________ through to the final, others work hard for years to get that sought-
after recording (3) _______________
contract .They play in small or unpleasant clubs and halls, hoping
that one day a record (4) _______________
producer will come and see them and they will get a chance to
(5) _______________ a record. Only a very few of them manage to succeed and get a best-selling
single .But if you really want to play music then you should (7) _______________
(6) _______________ go
for it and if you see an opportunity (8) _______________
come along you should make the most of it and
you may (9) _______________ up at the top of the charts with a huge fan (10) _______________
and lots of money!
II. Match these entertainment words to their meanings.

1. episode a. someone who introduces a radio or television show.

2. series b. the official list of the most popular songs sold each week
3. interval c. a play with songs.
4. chart d. all the actors in a film or play.
5. presenter e. a set of television programs with the same characters on the same
6. musical subject.
7. scene f. a short part of a play or film, when the events happen in one place.
8. cast g. a short break in the middle of a play or concert.
h. one part of television story that is broadcast separately.

III. Complete each sentence using the words in the box.

talent contest recording contract get through record producer fan club
Make a record best-selling single go for it come along end up

The film should be really good because it’s got an all-star _______________.
1. cast
I didn’t like the _______________
2. musical in the library where he told her he wanted to leave her.
Her record did really well and got to number one in the singles _______________.
I don’t like the _______________
4. presenter on that show – he talks too much!
Did you see the last _______________
series of The OC? I wanted to see what happened in the end!
Apparently, they’re producing a new _______________
6. episode r of that police drama but with different
actors. e
7. I was really cross as I didn’t have time to get a drink during the _______________.
8. Have you seen Cats? It’s supposed to be the best _______________
r scence on at the theatre at the
moment. d
IV. Complete each sentence with the correct form of one of the following verbs. You will
need to use two of the verbs more than once. p
be book play show tell
o give
Hi Jack,
will show
Do you fancy going to see Rock Story, the new film that (1) _______________ out this week? It
should be really good because it (2) _______________ tell about a rock group. It (3)
is the story of their struggle for fame and it (4) _______________
is set in LA in the
1970s so it should be interesting, Mick Dune (5) _______________
play the role of the lead singer and,
apparently, he (6) _______________ a great performance! Ian Darwin is their manager, who gets
on their nerves because he’s always (7) _______________
tell terrible jokes and they take themselves
very seriously. The problem is they’re only going to (8) _______________
show the film in small cinemas
as it’s not a big Hollywood blockbuster, so we ought to try and (9) _______________
book tickets for it
as I think it’s sell out.
V. Use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap.
1. I think the judges on reality TV are very _______________ (UNDERSTAND). They’re nice
people really!
2. I find trying to pick a winner on Big Brother is _______________
impossible (POSSIBLE)! I always get it
3. I really _______________
disapprove (APPROVE) of reality shows – they’re rubbish!
4. It’s very _______________
usually (USUAL) for a dancer to win the talent contest as it’s normally a
5. When I sang the wrong words, I just wanted the floor to open up so I could _______________ disappear
6. The winners of reality TV shows are often _______________ (SUCCESS) at making a career
and you never hear of them again.
VI. Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. There is an
example at the beginning.
You can make a career from (1) reality (REAL) TV. Some of these television programs will pay you
to appear in their shows, others will reward the (2. WIN) _______________ How successful you
are depends on how good your (3. PERFORM) _______________ is because, after all, these
shows are all about (4. ENTERTAIN) _______________. Other opportunities include being asked
to make an (5. APPEAR) _______________ on other television programs. One star of Castaway
now has a regular job in a big London (6. MUSIC) _______________.
The disadvantages are firstly that, in a program like Pop Idol, you have to beat all the other (7.
COMPETE) _______________ and in programs like Big Brother the (8. PRODUCE)
_______________ will be filming you 24 hours a day. At some stage you later come out of that’s
unusual situation. No-one, other than the other (9. CONTEST) _______________ , will know how
extreme the situation was and may not empathize with you. If you are (10. FORTUNE)
_______________ you may get celebrity status, but it may not be the kind you want!
VII. Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Hi Sam,
I’ve been feeling really nervous all day because my (1) ______ for the part of Juliet is at 5 p.m. I
was out late last night because I went to see a new band at the football (2) ______. Now I’m really
tired and I’ve forgotten my lines. I hope I give a good (3) ______ as I would like to be chosen to (4)
______ the role. Mind you, I’m always very confident when I see the (5) ______. It brings out the
best in me! I’ve decided to do the famous balcony (6) ______ where they declare their love for
each other. The worst thing would be if my acting is too (7) ______ so I’ll have to be quite dramatic.
I hope the whole thing is not a (8) ______ ! Wish me luck.
1. A trial B audition C test D competition
2. A connect B venue C stadium D arena
3. A exhibition B show C appearance D performance
4. A be B represent C play D show
5. A audience B viewers C onlookers D spectators
6. A scene B series C episode D section
7. A blank B plain C dim D dull
8. A miss B fault C flop D error
VIII. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first. Use between
two and five words, including the word given. You must not change the word you are
1. There was a train strike so that the match was cancelled. ACCOUNT
The match was cancelled ____________________________________
on account of train strike.
2. It’s long time since I picked up the guitar! PLAYED
haven't played guitar
I __________________________________________________________ for ages.
3. The reason I saved a lot of money was to buy a car. SO
so I can buy
I saved a lot of money ___________________________________________ a car.
4. There is no-one in the team better than Mika. FAR
Mika is __________________________________________________
by far the best in the team.
5. ‘Would you rather go to the cinema or the theatre?’, I asked her. PREFERED
I asked her ____________________________________
if she prefered going to the cinema or theatre.
6. She and her father don’t have a good relationship. GET
She doesn’t ________________________________________________
get on well with her father.
7. My mum always phones me when I’m with my friends, which is annoying. IS
is always phoning
My mum ______________________________________ when I’m with my friends.
8. You should go to the doctor. WERE
If I ____________________________________________________
were you, I would go to the doctor.

IX. Read this text and complete the gaps with one word only.
It’s amazing to think (1) ____________ involved people become with shows like Pop Idol and other
reality shows where the people watching have to vote. To phone (2) ____________of these shoes
is not especially cheap (3) ____________ every week they attract millions of voters who feel very
strongly about their favorites. These shows (4) ____________ been on TV for several years now
but the audience still keep watching and voting. Information (5) ____________the shows and their
stars appears in national newspapers and everyone on (6) street knows who they are. However
(7) ____________many of the winners go on to have successful careers. It must be very hard (8)
____________ these winners to go from being a national obsession to a no-body in the space of
few short weeks. (9) ____________ they have won, the audience move on to the next program of
the next new star. So I don’t think we care very much about these people we vote for, what we like
(10) ____________ the voting, the excitement and not knowing (11) ____________ will win. Once
the competition is over, the contestants are forgotten. So, although some (12) ____________ us
say we would like to be a reality TV show, I’m not sure we really would!

X. Choose the correct word or phrase that best completes the conversation or sentence.
1. My record producer ……me to write my own songs.
A. encouraged B. suggested C. prepared D. proposed
2. We …… at 6 a.m in case there were delays.
A. got out B. carried out C. took off D. set out
3. The group …… part in the talent contest.
A. was B. took C. had D. got
4. My MP3 player was …… when I was at the concert.
A. burgled B. stolen C. robbed D. thieved
5. It …… her a long time to learn the piano.
A. spent B. occupied C. held D. took
6. You must buy the tickets in …… or we won’t get in.
A. advance B. front C. head D. before
7. …… his illness, he was able to play at the concert tonight.
A. Even though B. Although C. Despite D. Besides
8. How do you …… your living?
A. gain B. earn C. win D. obtain
9. …… my absence, the class had to have another teacher.
A. Owing B. Due to C. As D. Because
10. ‘Why are you late?’
‘I’m sorry, I …… the bus.’
A. failed B. missed C. lost D. forgot
11. ‘Did you like Lord of the Rings?’
‘Yes, I …… it three times!’
A. have been seeing B. see C. have seen D. saw
12. When I told her she agreed …… me.
A. about B. on C. for D. with
XI. Complete each sentence with a word or phrase from the list below. Use each item once
another channel directed perform live special effects
cartoon characters final scene rehearse stars
choir clapped reviews sunt
commercials hit series subtitled
1. Most foreign films are ……………………..
subtitled although some are dubbed.
special efects
2. Most of the money goes on …………………….. when you make a science-fiction film nowadays.
3. The audience ……………………..enthusiastically when the star of the show finally appeared.
4. I’ve watched the first two programs but this …………………….. series isn’t as good as the previous one.
final scene
5. In the …………………….. of the film he returns home to his wife.
6. I think the ……………………..on TV are sometimes better than the programs!
7. They usually …………………….. for at least two months before they take a play on tour.
8. Mickey Mouse is one of the most famous ……………………..cartoon characters in the world.
9. If you don’t like the program, switch to ……………………..
another channel
10. Every …………………….. in the film was carefully prepared to make sure that nobody got hurt.
11. Some pop stars don’t really want to ……………………..
perform live because they don’t sound as good as they
do on their records.
12. ‘North by Northwest’ was ……………………..
directed by Alfred Hitchcock.
13. The film ……………………..
stars Cary Grant. He plays a man who is chased by enemy agents who
want to kill him because he knows too much.
14. There were so many singers in the …………………….. choir that I thought for a moment that they
wouldn’t all get on the stage.
15. She always reads the ……………………..reviewes in the newspapers to find out which films and plays are
worth seeing.
16. Her first record was such a …………………….. that it will be difficult to repeat is success.

XII. Choose the correct words or expressions in bold to complete this text. There is an
example at the beginning (0).

Last week I saw an excellent (0) film/ performance at the new cinema on the High Street. It’s one of
those huge (1) multi-screen/ many screen complexes where there is always a (2) collection/ selection
of ten films to choose from.
There was quite a long queue at the box (3) office/ kiosk, but I got my (4) ticket/ card (which also
included free (5) admit/ admission to the Museum of Modern film in London as part of a special (6)
promote/ promotion and went into the (7) arena/ auditorium, where the (8) usher/ porter helped me
to find my seat.
The lights went (9) down/ up, but before the film started we watched some (10) trailers/ preview for
forthcoming films, and some (11) promotions/ advertisements for soft drinks and fast food restaurants.
The film was a (12) drama/ dramatic called ‘House of the Horse’ and it currently on general (13) release/
exhibition at cinemas across the country. It (14) stars/ shows actor Brad Gibson in the (15) role/ place
of a man who loses his job and decides to breed racehorses. Gibson gave an excellent (16) perform/
performance, the (17) soundtrack/ orchestra was very moving and some of the special (18) effects/
affects were great. The (19) audience/ spectators enjoyed it a great deal and although I don’t usually
like this kind of film – I prefer (20) thrillers/ thrilling, (21) horrible/ horror movies and (22) comedians/
comedies, - I found it very (23) enjoyable/ enjoying. Unfortunately the newspapers (24) critics/
criticisms weren’t so positive; they thought it was (25) boring/ bored and generally gave it very negative
(26) reviews/ previews.


The next night I saw a (1) drama/ play at the Old Rick Theatre in the city center. It was a (2) musical/
musician called ‘Whistle with Wind’ and was (3) set/ located in a baked-bean factory.
It was a (4) disaster/ disastrous. The curtain went (5) on/ up almost half an hour late, and from the
beginning it was clear that the whole thing had been very badly (6) practiced/ rehearsed; half the (7)
crew/ cast kept missing their entrances. In the middle of the first (8) scene/ scenery, there was a power
cut, and the entire (9) stage/ platform was plunged into darkness. At the end of the first (10) act/ action,
half the audience left and at the end of the (11) performance/ performing, when the curtain finally came
(12) down/up, the (13) applause/ clap was very thin. Apparently, the (14) director/ conductor had
resigned a few days before the first night.
I often wonder why people bother paying so much to see (15) live/ alive shows full of mistakes when they
can watch (16) pre-recorded/ ready-made shows on the television for much less.
Vocabulary 1

A. All the words below are connected with the world of entertainment. Put the words under
the correct heading.
agent cast director presenter studio
auditorium celebrity documentary producer stuntman/woman
backstage co-star horror movie screenwriter thriller
box office costume drama on location set trailer
broadcaster crew movie buff stage venue

Types of films / TV programs People Places

Costume drama agent Auditorium
cast studio
thriller director
presenter stage
horror movie
trailer auditorium
documentary scrennwriter
stuntman/woman backstage
costume drama crew on location
movie buff
celebrity box office
co-star venue

B. Read the film review and choose the best explanation below for each of the word in
Spider-Man (2002), a big-budget action blockbuster, was warmly received by critics. Based on Stan
Lee's classic comic book character, the first movie is the tale of a high school outsider who
develops special powers after being bitten by a spider, only to learn that superpowers are no
solution to his problems. He also learns that with great power comes great responsibility. The
sequel, Spider-Man 2 (2004), was hailed as a masterpiece for successfully combining romance
with thrilling adventure and comic touches. Both of these movies filled multiplexes worldwide and
grossed millions at the box office.
But the third installment, Spider-Man 3, is a huge disappointment, as the strain of coming up with new
variations without tampering too much with the format begins to show. Some early action
sequences inject a little excitement, but overall, the plot is unimaginative and the script dull.
Highlights include a larger than usual array of villains - the Sandman, the Green Goblin and Venom
- and state-of-the-art special effects. Die-hard Spider-Man fans will no doubt be satisfied with
this alone, but if you look for more in a movie, you'll be disappointed.
1. blockbuster
a. book or film that is highly successful b. book or film that is incredibly long
2. Based on
a. copied from b. developed from something else
3. tale
a. story b. fantasy
4. sequel
a. film that continues the story of a previous one b. remake of an old film
5. masterpiece
a. excellent book, film, painting b. original version of a book, film, painting
6. multiplex
a. a large number of moviegoers b. a cinema complex with several film
7. grossed
a. pleased b. earned
8. sequence
a. part of a film about one event b. stunt
9. plot
a. music accompanying a film b. storyline
10. script
a. screenplay b. visual style
11. villains
a. evil characters b. exotic settings
12. state-of-the-art special effects
a. artificial images created using the latest technology b. appearances in a film by well-known
C. Complete the text using the words given. Make any necessary changes.

audition – censorship – debut – forthcoming – premiere – review


(1) _______________ EVENTS
March 12th Lecture TV VIOLENCE: Is (2) _______________ necessary?
Admission free
March 19th (3) _______________ for our summer production of My Fair Lady. Come along and
try out if you fancy a part!
April 20th Theatre Trip. We have reserved 20 tickets for the Bristol (4) _______________ of
Guys and Dolls. Singer Judd Red will make her theatrical (5) _______________. Running for
13 weeks in the West End, it has received rave (6) _______________.
Sign up now – places on first-come, first-served basis. Cost: £20.


1. Complete the phrasal verbs. You will need to use one preposition twice.

down – on – across – out – into – back – in for

a. The words one writes will never come ________ the way you envisage – that’s the nature of live
performance, I suppose.
b. In this scene, you’ve been waiting years for this meeting. That apprehension has to come
________ on the big screen.
c. The prize money was a motive but the real reason I went ________ it was the exposure. I’ve had
my 15 minutes of fame, haven’t I?
d. And that was the Beatles, with a hit going ________ to 1965. If you remember those early days of
pop and would like to dedicate a golden oldie, just call now.
e. What the audience seldom appreciates is how much rehearsal time has gone ________ a
performance before I stand up with the baton.
f. My next guest is the actress who first made her debut in the horror flick Bad Dreams and has since
gone ________ to win two Oscars.
g. Donne’s performance has to go ________ as one of the most powerful Hamlets of all time. It’s a
h. Sharp picks up the ball on the left, a quick cross to Bolam in the midfield. Some really fancy
footwork going ________ here.
2. WHO SAID IT? Match the people to the remarks they made in Exercise 1.
h 1. Commentator … 2. Contestant
… 3. Chat-show host … 4. Conductor
… 5. Director … 6. Disc jockey
… 7. Critic … 8. Playwright
1. Circle the correct preposition in the following phrases.
1. in / at many respects 2. on / in conjunction with
3. for / on a large(r) scale 4. in / at comparison with
5. in / for good 6. in / on no time
7. at / on the part of 8. at / for the forefront of
2. Use the phrases in Exercise 1 to complete the text.
The first pop videos were made in the 1970s. (1) In comparison with today's video clips, early versions
seem primitive - a few shots of the performer, possibly (2) ________________ some simple
animation. In 1981, a TV channel devoted entirely to the new genre was launched, changing the
music industry (3) ________________.The channel was MTV. (4) ________________ new videos,
like Michael Jackson's Thriller, were big news -video had really 'killed the radio star’.
In the 1990s, MTV was (5) ________________new developments in music and is now hugely influential.
(6) ________________music television has benefited the music industry by increasing sales and
promoting artists (7) ________________ than ever before. However, it is increasingly difficult for new
talent to break into the market without television exposure, which requires a huge investment (8)
________________. a record company.

1. Complete the chart with nouns formed from the words below. Add negative prefixes in
brackets where possible.
Accept Complex Destroy Ignorant Mature Pretend
Adapt Concentrate Devote Imagine Objective Sensitive
Annoy Creative Distract Imitate Offend Similar
Attend Credible Dramatize Insistent Original Simple
Available Curious Exist Inspire Patient
Clear (2 nouns) dedicate generous interfere popular

- ance / -ence -tion -ity

acceptance adaption (un)availability
2. Choose the word that best completes the sentence.
1. I’d never been to the ballet before, I just went out of ………..
a. curiosity b. complexity c. distraction d. interference
2. Child actors often show great …………. For their age.
a. credibility b. offence c. maturity d. imitation
3. Journalists are supposed to maintain their …........... but theatre critics often praise their
a. clearance b. ignorance c. dissimilarity d. objectivity
4. ………….. at the free concert was said to be over 100.000.
a. insistence b. attendance c. acceptance d. popularity
5. The free ticket offer is subject to ………….
a. availability b. destruction c. existence d. pretence
6. The charity thanked all the people who gave money for their ………..
a. generosity b. unoriginality c. unpopularity d. similarity

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