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S54 Thorax 2000;55 (Suppl 2):S54–S56

The importance of COX-2 inhibition for aspirin

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thorax.55.suppl_2.S54 on 1 October 2000. Downloaded from on January 15, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
induced asthma
Alan Bennett

There have been recent reviews of aspirin “specific” is used here to denote that the activ-
induced asthma (AIA),1 2 the use of the ity is (usually) much greater against COX-2
COX-2 preferential inhibitor nimesulide in than against COX-1. Two drugs with a
asthmatic patients intolerant to non-steroidal “preferential” status are nimesulide and mel-
anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),3 and of oxicam, whereas two drugs that probably
nimesulide in general.4 5 This paper discusses deserve the title “specific” are rofecoxib and
the importance of inhibiting prostaglandin E2 celecoxib.
(PGE2) synthesis in AIA, and the relative Nimesulide (4-nitro-2-phenoxymethane-
safety of NSAIDs that preferentially inhibit sulphonanilide) is particularly important in
COX-2. AIA because several studies have shown that it
Aspirin and other NSAIDs cause broncho- is tolerated by most patients with the disorder
constriction in about 10% of asthmatic to about the same extent as paracetamol. This
subjects but NSAIDs relieve asthma in about sulphonanilide NSAID, which is eVective in
0.3%.2 This variability helps to show the com- treating a wide spectrum of inflammatory and
plexity of the problem. Prostaglandins in painful conditions,7 was first marketed in 1985
human lung are formed by various tissues and and 10 years later it was found to be a
cells, including bronchial muscle, epithelium, preferential inhibitor of COX-2.8 9 Because it is
and inflammatory cells,1 2 so the inhibition of not marketed in the USA, Japan, or the UK,
prostaglandin formation can have numerous nimesulide is not well known in some parts of
eVects. In addition, the prostanoids (prosta- the world. Nevertheless, in the 50 countries
glandins and thromboxanes) formed have dif- where it is now sold, nimesulide is often the
ferent, and sometimes opposite, eVects on the first or second NSAID in the local market, and
lungs. Furthermore, NSAIDs may alter the it is fifth worldwide despite being absent from
synthesis of various prostaglandins diVerently the largest markets.
in patients with AIA—for example, aspirin In every study of COX selectivity nimesulide
reduces the synthesis of PGE2 but not of the was more potent against COX-2 than COX-1.
bronchoconstrictors PGD2 and PGF2á.6 Inhi- However, as with all NSAIDs, its COX-1/
bition of PGE2 synthesis seems to be particu- COX-2 ratio varies in diVerent reports (from
larly important in AIA for several reasons: about 4.5 to 2500 in favour of COX-2).9
PGE2 can relax bronchial muscle, inhibit the Factors influencing the ratio include the
formation or release of various broncho- enzyme source, cell type, substrate concentra-
constrictor agents such as leukotrienes and tion, and incubation time.
histamine (levels of which are raised in Our own investigations were on COX-1 and
patients with AIA), and PGE2 administered COX-2 sheep pure enzymes, and human
as an aerosol inhibits aspirin induced gastric mucosa (constitutive COX-1) and
bronchoconstriction.1 2 leucocytes (induced COX-2).8 We found that
Since PGE2 and other prostanoids are COX-1 from sheep seminal vesicles was not
formed by both constitutive COX-1 and inhibited by nimesulide, in contrast to the
induced COX-2, the eVect on the lung may concentration-related inhibition by indometh-
partly reflect the relative activities of each acin, naproxen, piroxicam, ibuprofen, tolmetin,
NSAID on the enzymes. Generally, in various and diclofenac. COX-2 from sheep placenta
tissues and organs such as the gastrointestinal was blocked by all the NSAIDs. In our human
mucosa and kidney, COX-1 produces prosta- in vitro studies nimesulide blocked COX-2 in
glandins that have physiological protective leucocytes, but only weakly inhibited COX-1 in
roles, whereas COX-2 induced at sites of isolated gastric mucosa. Similarly, with human
inflammation forms prostaglandins that subjects nimesulide inhibited leucocyte
contribute to the disease. It is generally COX-2 to a considerable extent but had little
agreed that blocking COX-1 can damage the eVect on COX-1 in the gastric mucosa and
stomach and kidneys, at least when other fac- platelets.10
tors are involved, and perhaps this applies to
the lungs. Nimesulide
Academic Department Since nimesulide was initially thought to act
of Surgery, The Rayne
Institute, Guy’s, King’s
COX-2/COX-1 inhibition in relation to mainly by non-prostaglandin mechanisms
and St Thomas’ AIA (before it was realised that tissue containing
Medical School, Examination of the relative importance of COX-1 was used to measure inhibition of
London SE5 9NU, UK COX enzymes in AIA can be partly assessed prostaglandin synthesis11), nimesulide was
A Bennett from studies using preferential COX-2 inhibi- tested in patients who could not tolerate
tors. The term “preferential” is used here to other NSAIDs. The studies summarised in
Correspondence to:
Professor A Bennett denote activity that is somewhat greater against table 1 show that nimesulide can be tolerated COX-2 than against COX-1, whereas the term by most patients with AIA. It can usually
Importance of COX-2 inhibition for aspirin induced asthma S55

Table 1 Tolerance data on nimesulide in AIA Thus, the usual lack of bronchial problems

Thorax: first published as 10.1136/thorax.55.suppl_2.S54 on 1 October 2000. Downloaded from on January 15, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright.
with nimesulide in patients with AIA might
Patients tolerating
Nimesulide dose (mg) nimesulide (%) Reference result partly from these other pharmacological
actions. Meloxicam has also been reported to
100 20/20 (100%) 12 have non-prostaglandin activity and this might
100 20/20 (100%) 13
400 18/20 (90%) 13 become relevant to the present discussion if the
200 46/50 (92%) 14 drug is found in larger studies to be relatively
100 7/12 (58%) 15
safe in AIA. The picture should be clarified in
Nimesulide was started at a low dose and then increased to the due course by examination of the selective
amount shown. The usual anti-inflammatory dose is 100 mg COX-2 inhibitors rofecoxib and celecoxib. It
twice daily. In the study by Bianco et al13 the 20 patients were the
same in the 100 mg and 400 mg groups.
remains to be seen how much COX-1 activity
is needed to allow production of prostaglandins
Table 2 Tolerance data on nimesulide in patients with other for physiological functions, and whether a
symptoms of NSAID intolerance small inhibition of COX-1 added to a stronger
Patients tolerating
eVect on COX-2 might be beneficial in reliev-
Nimesulide dose (mg) nimesulide (%) Reference ing inflammatory processes that contribute to
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