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HOMEWORK 1: Look at the letters below to different people and decide what is the correct way to start

the letter. The first one has been done for you as an example.

Addressee British English American English

Company Dear Sir or Madam  Dear Ladies or Gentlemen

Man (name unknown) Dear Sir Dear Gentlemen

Woman (name unknown) Dear Madam Dear Madam

Name and sex unknown Dear Ladies or Gentlemen Dear Sir or Madam

Man Dear Mr + surname Dear Mr + surname

Married woman or widow Dear Mrs + surname Dear Mrs + surname

Addressee British English American English

Unmarried woman Dear Miss  Dear Miss

Woman (the modern way) Dear Ms + surname Dear Ms + surname

Woman (marital status unknown) Dear Ms + surname Dear Ms + surname

Married couple Dear Mr. and Mrs. + the same Dear Mr. and Mrs. + the
surname same surname

Dear Mr. + surname and Ms. + Dear Mr + surname and Ms +

Unmarried couple
surname surname
Friend / acquaintance
Dear + first name Dear + first name


• Behave as if you have just received the Letter of Application in the next slide.

• You must notify the person that he or she did not get the job and that your company has
recently filled the advertised position.

• Write a one-paragraph letter to the applicant. (See upcoming slide for a suggested approach to
the letter.)
694 Rockfoot Lanec
Durham, North Carolina 27708

August 10th, 2021

Mr. R. Graduate

6123 Farrington Road Troy,

Alabama 27514

Dear Mr. Graduate,

I have just receive your Letter of Application for a position as an entry-level programmer at our
computer center. I appreciate your concern about this position and our center. Your knowledge and
qualification meet all our requirement for this job. However, I am regret to notify you that you could not
get the job because our company has recently filled the advertised position.
I hope that you will find another suitable job and we will have a chance to work together.
S. Student

Homework 3: Read the following statements and decide which are true (T) and which are false (F).

• If a letter begins with the receiver’s name, e.g. Dear Mr. Ross, it will close with Yours faithfully
• The abbreviation c.c. stands for ‘correct carbon’. ____F_____(carbon copy)
• If you were writing a letter to Mr. Peter Smith, you would open with Dear Mr. Peter Smith.
• The head of a company in the UK is known as ‘The President’. ____F_____(chairman)
• In the USA, it is correct to open a letter with the salutation Gentlemen. _____T____
• The abbreviation enc or encl mean there are enclosures with the letter. ____T_____
• If you were writing to a Knight whose name was Sir Roger Dumont, you would open the letter
Dear Sir Dumont. _____T____
• In the UK, the abbreviated date 2.6.95 on the letter means 6 February 1995. ______F_____
• If a secretary signs her name on a letter and her signature is followed by p.p. (per pro) Daniel
Harris, it means she is signing on behalf of Daniel Harris. ____T_____
• A Managing Director in the UK is known as Chief Executive in the USA. _____T______
• The term PLC after a company’s name, e.g. Hathaway PLC.stands for ‘Public Limited
Corporation’. __T__
• The abbreviation for the term ‘limited liability’ in the UK, is ltd. _________
• If you did not know whether a female correspondent was marTried or not, it would be correct to
use the term Ms, e.g. Ms. Tessa Groves, instead of Miss or Mrs. ____T_______
• The following is an example of a blocked style: ___________
• Peter Voss
• Oberlweinfeldweg 33
5207 Therwil
• The above address is an example of ‘open punctuation’. _____T_______
• The abbreviation in addressing a doctor, e.g. Doctor James Spock, would be Dt.Spock.
• Rather than use the UK close of Yours sincerely/ faithfully, Americans often choose Yours truly.
• The abbreviation for ‘company’ is Co. ______T______

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