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X. You are organizing the annual conference for your company. The conference will take place
at the Hotel Intercontinental on 27 September 2004. You need somebody as guest speaker, you
need to book the hotel conference room and you need your colleague, Vinay Dudakia, to
register the 250 participants
Write a letter to invite Ms Jo Smith to be the guest speaker. Say why you think she would be
suitable, and ask if she is available. Make sure she knows when and where the conference will

Dear Ms Smith

I am writing to inform you about the annual conference of our company. The conference will
take place at the Hotel Intercontinental on 27 September 2004 with 250 participants. I have
known you as an inspirational person who has contributed to the company’s success.
Therefore, I would like to invite you to attend the conference as our guest speaker. 

Please let us know if you are available. I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely.

PRACTICE 2: What subject heading could you give for the following e-mails?
0. Visitor tomorrow
Regional Director visit 12/12/03
Mr Ahmed is visiting
1. You want to take two weeks leave next month.
Asking for temporarily leaving
2. You’re e-mailing a client with product information after they telephoned you with an enquiry.
Product information for enquiry
3. There has been a policy change regarding working hours.
Policy change regarding working hours.
4. Communal e-mail about an in-house customer care training course next week.
Next in-house customer care training course

PRACTICE 3: Look at the following examples of abbreviations from e-mail and online chats. Can
you understand them?
1. IDK what the answer is ATM. I’ll tell U ASAP. I don’t know – automated teller machine
– you as soon as possible
2. TYVM for the proposal. Thank you very much
3. BTW, I’m going away on holiday next week so CU when I get back. By the way – can you
4. …so it’s quite difficult, UC. Upper case
5. I’m busy now. PLS can we call me L8R? Please - later
6. OK, CUL8R. See you later
7. FYI I’m not here tomorrow. Fix it yourself
8. THX for your MSG. Thanks - message
• What are the advantages of using abbreviations? What are the disadvantages?
Advantages: Faster, shorter, close relationship
Disadvantages: Misunderstand, less formal
• Do you think it is possible, after you have developed an “e-mail relationship” with a
client, that abbreviations can be used?
1, 2
PRACTICE 4: Look at the following examples of abbreviations from e-mail and online chats. Can
you understand them? Match 1-10 with A-J
1. A phrase which means you will be unavailable for contact, is
2. A formal way to say that you will be happy/excited to hear from somebody in the future, is
3. A slightly aggressive way to ask somebody to do something, is
4. An informal way to tell someone that they can contact you in the future, is
5. To tell somebody that you will call or write to them in the future, is
6. A polite way to ask somebody to do something, is
7. A formal way to tell someone that they can contact you in the future, is
8. An informal way to say that you will be happy/excited to hear from or see somebody in the
future, is
9. A formal way to tell someone that they can contact one of your colleagues in the future, is
10. A polite way to say that you expect you have answered their question, is
A. I hope this answers your question
B. If you require any further assistance, do not hesitate to contact me on
C. Give me a ring if you have any problems
D. I will be out the office on
E. Please do not hesitate to contact my colleague
F. I look forward to hearing from you
G. I’m looking forward to hearing from you
H. Please deal with this matter urgently
I. I would appreciate it if you could
J. I will contact you

1D - 2G - 3H - 4C – 5J - 6H - 7B - 8F - 9E - 10A

PRACTICE 5: Read the following advertisement for English courses in Ireland.

• qualified experiences teachers
• beginner, elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate and advanced courses
• 2-week intensive or 4-week regular courses
• special courses: English for Business, English for Travel
• accommodation with local families or student residence
• full social programme, organized trips to Galway
• Phone or e-mail to: Galwaynian Language School
• Tel: +34 8997649302

HOMEWORK 2: Write to a customer to tell him/her that the product/service s/he wants is
not available at the moment.
Prepare the situation using the questions below. The information can be real or imaginary.
• What is your company’s business? What products/services do you offer?
• What is the particular product/service that you normally offer, but is not
available at the moment?
• Why?
• When is it going to be available again?
• Who is the customer that you are writing to? Why do they need your
• Are you going to promise any action, give additional information, offer help, or
simply say that you will tell them when the product/service is available again?
Now write the email in a formal/neutral style.

Dear Sir/Madam,
We are Meow Meow Cosmetics Company - the best quality cosmetics brand in Viet Nam. We
are grateful to you for your concern about our newest lipstick collection set “Floral Meow”.
However, we regret to inform you that these products have just been sold out because of an
enormous order from our customers. We are trying to produce a large amount of this collection
to satisfy our customer needs. “Floral Meow” will come back soon next month and we will
inform you as quickly as possible.
Please let us know if you need any further help or information about our other products. We
also have many items which may be suitable for you.
Yours faithfully

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