Assignment No. 3 MTH 432A: Introduction To Sampling Theory 2021

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Assignment No.

MTH 432A: Introduction to Sampling Theory 2021

Attempt the numerical problems in R software

1.Following are the quantities of yield of rice (in million metric tons) in 44 countries:
.04, 2.80, 21.90, .04, 2.63, 19.52, .27, .06, 2.60, 1.10, 15.60, 4.50, .08, .16, .09, .15,
2.31, 15.40, 2.18, 14.58, .11, .30, 9.02, 4.50, .11, .40, 5.6, 8.30, 6.17, 7.86, 1.10,
1.90, 1.40, 1.76, 1.90, .42, .46, 1.06, .86, .99, .97, .47, .52, .48
Treating this as a population,
(i) divide them into suitable numbers of strata.
(ii) find the required number of units to be drawn in the sample if the population
coefficient of variation does not exceed 0.3.
(iii) draw requisite size of sample using SRS, equal, proportional and Neyman
(iv) find estimates of population mean and population variance for each allocation.
(v) estimate the gain in efficiency due to stratification using proportional and
Neyman allocation.

2. Table 1 shows the stratification of some factories in the state of Maharashtra,

India, for the year 1981-82 by the industry group (according to the National
Industrial and Occupational Classification). For a sample of 500 factories compute
the sample sizes in each stratum under (a) proportional allocation, and (b) optimum
allocation. Compare the precision of these estimates with that of the mean per unit
estimator under simple random sampling.
Table 1
Industry Number of Average number Standard deviation
Group factories of workers (Yh ) ( sh )
331 327 92.1 200.78
343 139 58.7 140.29
345 203 19.5 36.66
354 170 49.5 94.54
360 177 142.2 372.56
367 89 45.8 53.59

3. Suppose that the population of size N (assuming that N = nk, n and k being integers)
into n strata where the stratum h contains units with labels
Gn = (h − 1)k + j , j = 1,2,.., k , h = 1,2,.., n
and one unit is selected from each stratum randomly to get a sample of size n. The
population values are modelled by the relation, Yi = a + bi, i = 1,.., N where a and b
are constants. Find the variance of the population total.

N1 N
4. A sampler has two strata with relative sizes W1 = and W2 = 2 . He believes
that S1 and S 2 can be taken as equal. For a given cost C = C1 n1 + C 2 n2 , assuming the
each stratum size to be large, show that
V prop  (W1C1 + W2 C 2 )
 = ;
 Vopt  (W1 C1 + W2 2 )
n1 n
5. If there are two strata and if  is the ratio of the actual to Neyman 1 , show that
n2 n2
whatever be the values of N1 , N 2 , S1 and S 2 , the ratio is never less than
when N 1 and N 2 are large. Here Vopt is the variance of usual estimator
(1 +  ) 2
under Neyman allocation and V is the variance under actual allocation.

6. With two strata, a sampler would like to have n1 = n2 for administrative convenience,
instead of using the values given by the Neyman allocation . If V and Vopt denote
the variance given by the n1 = n2 and the Neyman allocations, respectively, show
V − Vopt  r − 1  n
that the fractional increase in variance =  where r = 1 as given by
V  r + 1
opt n 2

the Neyman allocation. Assume that N1 and N 2 are large.

7. If the cost function is of the form C = C0 +  th nh , where C0 and th are known
h =1

numbers, show that in order to minimize the variance of the estimator for fixed total
 N 2S 2 3
cost nh must be proportional to  h h  .
 th 

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