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Lesson Plan

School: Theoretical Lyceum “M. Lomonosov”
Subject: English
Topic: Family Traditions
Type of lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge
Name of the student: Popa Cristina


Lexical competences;
-using new vocabulary in oral and written forms;
-finding synonyms from the text;
-matching synonyms and antonyms;

Grammatical competences;
-choosing the right form of conditional (type 1);
-filling in the correct form of conditional (type1);

Phonetical competences;
-translating and pronouncing correctly sentences from English into Russian and from Russian into English;

O1: to match synonyms and antonyms;
to identify the correct word from the text by given definition;
O2: to apply the rules of conditional type 1 when writing a test ;
To use the active vocabulary of the lesson when describing the pictures;
O3: to deduce the words from the context;
to conclude the procedure of celebration of golden jubilee;

Materials: blackboard, textbooks, worksheets, colored pictures

Stage Teacher’s Speech Pupils’ Speech Strategies, Time
Evocation The teacher greets the students: -Good morning teacher
-Hello, my dear pupils! - We are fine thank you
-How are you today? - It cloudy today and cool 2 min
-What is the weather like today? - The sky is clear Introductory
-What day is it today? -It is Thursday today. questions
-What season is it now? -It is autumn.
- What date is it today? -It is the 21st of November.
- What mounth is it now? -It is November

-Ok, great. Children, do you want to play a little? -Yes!

-Nice. Come here in front of the class and make a circle. I am
standing in the middle. I say a word connected to Family. E.g –
Mother. Two other pupils who are faster come near me in the
circle and say who are they. For example- I am a father and the
other wats to say – I am a husband. My task is to choose
between them and come in the circle back. So, I choose a
husband and we go back in the circle and the father remains in
the middle and says again- I am a father and two other pupils
have to come in the middle and t say who are they and so on.
Do you understand the game? 5 min
-Yes/.-No A game
If there are questions explain again if no- Children are playng a word game, namimg
-So let’s play different members of the family and moving

-Nice! Thank you. Sit down plese. - There are grandparents here.
-My dear pupils, look at these pictures please on the - These is a couple.
blackboard. Who is represented here? - This is a bride and a bridegroom
Questions to pictures 2 min
-Yes, they are.
Yes, correct. What do you think, are they happy? -They are celebrating golden jubilee
-Hmm, and what holiday are they celebrating?
-Yes, right you are!

Realizatio -I know your homework was to read a text about a golden Pupils are choosing a card and deviding
n jubilee. Now we shall work in groups. Each pupil chooses a according their color.
of meaning card with a colur. Red pupils sit at the first tables, the green
pupils sit at the sedond and the black at the third ones.

-You will have three tasks. The group that will work better will Pupils are working in groups searching in the
have a bonus to the test we are going to write at the end of the text for the answers Group work on
lesson. So task number 1. You get worksheet with some word worksheets
combinations and explanations, youer task is to find in the text
only one word denoting that notions. You have 4 minutes. Parents and children – family
A marriage ceremony- wedding
Parents and children – The 50th anniversary- golden jubilee 4 min
A marriage ceremony- Members of one family- relatives
The 50th anniversary- Two people who are married- couple
Members of one family- A pleasure one feels- enjoyment, happiness
Two people who are married- Something unexpected- surprise
A pleasure one feels-
Something unexpected-

-Nice let’s check the answers

The pupils are reading one by one each group 1 min
Your second task is to match the synonyms and antonyms. You
have 6 min. The pupils are matching the synonyms and
Happiness awful antonyms
Clear disagree
Big sell
Tasty war
Sit dark
Buy sadness
Wonderful small 5 min
Harmony single
Agree disgusting
Couple enemy
Friend stand

To observe huge
Big parents and children
meeting enjoyment Pupils are reading the answers
to decorate to notice Happiness awful
tasty outfit Clear disagree
happiness to mark Big sell
family to ornament Tasty war
clothes delicious Sit dark
to celebrate assembly Buy sadness
Wonderful small
-Ok time is up, read your answers Harmony single
Agree disgusting
Couple enemy
Friend stand
3 min
To observe huge
Big parents and children
meeting enjoyment
to decorate to notice
tasty outfit
happiness to mark
family to ornament
clothes delicious
to celebrate assembly

Pupils are translating the sentences.

-Помолвка Анны и Михая была оглашена
-Ok, good job. Now we can see which group is leading.
And the last tsk is the competitions named „ Who is the best
-Брак Дианы и Раду был принят ее семьей
translator” I read a sentence and you have to raise your hand if
-На их свадьбе было несколько знаменитых Oral translation 5 min
you know the translation. Be attentive
A)Anne and Mihai’s engagement was announced to everybody
-Невеста было одета в белое в то время как
b)Diana’s marriage to Radu was welcomed by her family
жених в черно-белое
c)There were some famous people at their wedding d)The bride
-После празднования свадьбы новобрачные
was dressed in white while the bride-groom in black and white.
провели свой медовый месяц на море
e) After the wedding reception, the newly married couple spent
-В Молдове дети крестятся в христианских
their honeymoon at the seaside. f) In Moldova children are
baptized in Christian churches. g) We like to celebrate our
- Нам нравится праздновать нашу
anniversary in the mountains h) My parents have a happy
годовщину в горах
-У моих родителей счастливый брак.
Reflection Very nice! Now we are going to repeat the grammar topic from -Conditional Sentences!
the previous lessons. What was it? 6 min
Checking the exercises, correcting the mistakes.
-Correct. For this let’s check the homework you have written at Revising the rules
home, your exercises on conditional

-And now, let us write a small test on conditional. It is for 10 minutes.

1. If you _________ greasy food, you will become fat. Pupils are writing the test

   will eat

2. If your sister goes to Paris, she _________ a good time.

10 min
   will have

3. If he _________ that, he will be sorry.

   will do


4. If I leave now, I ________ in New York by 8:00 PM.

   will arrive


Extension You worked very hard today! The leading group will have +1 -Thank you. The same to you! 1 min
point in the test paper. The marks you will see the next lesson.
Your homework is to do ex 2 on the page 30 and to learn all
new words from vocabulary. Thank you for the lesson and
have a nice day!

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