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Lesson Plan

School: Theoretical Lyceum “M. Lomonosov”
Subject: English
Topic: Conditional Sentences. Type one.
Type of lesson: Lesson of communication of new knowledge
Name of the student: Popa Cristina


Lexical competences;
-answering the questions on new poem;
-filling in the missing words from the song;

Grammatical competences;
-making up sentences with conditional ( type 1 );
-using Conditional (type 1) in oral speech;

Phonetical competences;
-reading the poem with correct pronunciation and intonation;

Civic competences;
-evaluating themselves;

O1: to identify and select verbs in Present Simple and Future Simple in the poem;
to write continuation in two lines to the poem;
to illustrate how Conditional Sentences ( type 1 ) are formed;
O2: to choose the right variant when doing exercises on conditional;
to apply the new grammar rules when bringing their own examples;
O3: to summarize the new learned grammar rules;
to evaluate themselves;

Materials: blackboard, textbooks, grammar cards, audio recording, worksheets

Stage Teacher’s Speech Pupils’ Speech Strategies, Time
Evocation The teacher greets the students: -Good morning teacher 2
-Hello, my dear pupils! - We are fine thank you min
-How are you today? - It cloidy today and cool
-What is the weather like today? - The sky is clear
-What day is it today? -It is Thursday today.
-What season is it now? -It is autumn.
- What date is it today? -It is the 14th of November.

-Ok. Thank you. My dear pupils, look at the blackboard. One pupil is reading the poem.
There is a poem there. Lets’s read it and translate the
unknown words. If you love me, I will stay with you forever
If you love me, I will stay with you forever If you laugh with me, you will have a smile every Poem 4
If you laugh with me, you will have a smile every day day min
If you love me, my heart will be yours If you love me, my heart will be yours
If you think about me, I will think about you If you think about me, I will think about you
If you love me, I will have flowers every morning If you love me, I will have flowers every morning.

- What words are unfamiliar to you?

-The synonym is to smile (то есть смеяться) What is laught? Questions
-Forever means for the whole life ( навсегда) What is forever?

-Ok, now when we know all the words tell me please what
is the poem about? -The poem is about love.
-Yes. Do you like it?
-Now, look attentively and tell me what tenses do we see -yes we do/no, we do not.
in this poem?
-Yes you are right. But when we translate the poem in -Present simple and Future Simple.
Russian how do we translate it? In what tence? Let’s
translate a line. Kateea translate the first one. Если ты любишь меня, я останусь с тобой
-You are almost right. But we will translate it a little bit
different. Если ты меня полюбишь, я останусь с тобой
So in Russian we have only future when we translate. So
this is our new grammar topic- Conditional Sentences, type
one. Open the copybook, write the date and put down the The pupils are writing the date and topic in their
new topic. copybooks.

-My dear children, tell me please how do we form a A Pupil is answering:

sentence in present simple? Местоимение плюс глагол без частички to, но если
у нас 3-е лицо то мы к глаголу добавляем Refreshment of 2
окончание “s” material, min
-Yes you are right, thank you. And what are the auxiliary - Do or does questioning
verbs in Present simple?

-Yes. Excellent! Now tell me please how do we form -with the help of the verb will + a verb without “to”
Future Simple?

-Ok, great. So lets look at our example at the blackboard.

Realization  If it doesn't rain tomorrow, we will go to the beach

of meaning  I will leave as soon as the babysitter arrives.
-Look at the first sentence. Read it Arteom please.
Translate it. -Arteom is reading the sentence.
-Yes, correct. Теперь посмотрите на эти две части -Если завтра не пойдет дождь то мы пойдем на
предложения. У нас если часть где есть условие и пляж. A table with two
часть где есть результат. Где у нас условие Даша? examples on the 5
-Да правильно. А где результат Влад? - После слова если. Если не пойдет дождь. blackboard min
- Да, отлично. Тогда Conditional Sentence это когда у
на с есть что? -Результат в том, что мы пойдем на пляж.
-Да, правильно молодцы. Мы уже сказали что эти
предложения условные будут строиться при помощи - Какое-то условие и результат.
двух времен которые мы уже знаем. Какие они?
-Да, молодцы. Теперь посмотрите на это правило -Future Simple and Present Simple
If- если
as soon as – как только
when- когда
till- до, не раньше,пока
until - до, не раньше, до тех пор пока
after - после
before- до
in case – в случае
- Запомните железное правило, вот после этих слов в
предложении мы всегда будем ставить Present Simple.
Давайте прочитаем их -Read all in chorus
If- если
as soon as – как только
when- когда
till- до, не раньше,пока
until - до, не раньше, до тех пор пока
after - после
before- до
in case – в случае
-Молодцы. Значит после этих слов будет настоящее
простое время, а во второй части предложения будет –
будущее. Всем понятно? -Да.

-Посмотрите на второе предложение. Тут мы видим,

что части предложения могут быть в обратном  I will leave as soon as the babysitter arrives.
порядке, сначала результат, а потом условие. Я уеду, как только прибудет медсестра.
-Sasha read and translate the sentence please.
Видите, тут у нас сначала результат, который случится
при одном условии.

-Dasha, repeat please the rule in Russian again. What have -Conditional Sentences- это предложения в которых
you understood? есть условие и результат. Они составляются при
помощи настоящего времени и будущего. После 1
ключевых слов которые мы сегодня выучили будет min
стоять всегда настоящее время а в другой части
предложения будет будущее.

Reflection -Thank you. You are perfectly right.

Creative writing
-Now everybody in his copybook has to write 2 more lines -Pupils are writing their continuation of the poem. 5
to the poem. You have 2minutes min

-Pupils are reading their sentences.

-Ok, time is up! Let’s listen to your sentences.
Now let’s practice and do some exercises. Ex 1. One by -Pupils read sentences one by one:
Match the parts of the sentances: 1 If you put the light on, you'll see better
1. If you put the light on, ____. 2 If you turn on the electric heater, you'll feel warmer
2. If you turn on the electric heater, ____. 3 If you have something to eat, you won't be hungry
3. If you have something to eat, ____. 4 If you go to bed earlier, you'll feel better in the morning
4. If you go to bed earlier, ____. 5 If you take an umbrella today, you won't get wet
5. If you take an umbrella today, ____. 6 If you ask the teacher about the grammar you don't understand, Matching exercise 5
6. If you ask the teacher about the grammar you don't understand, you'll pass the exam min
____. 7 If you use a map, you won't get lost
7. If you use a map, ____. 8 If you buy a cat or a dog, you won't feel lonely
8. If you buy a cat or a dog, ____.
A. you won't feel lonely
B. you'll feel warmer
C. you'll pass the exam
D. you won't get lost
E. you won't be hungry
F. you'll see better
G. you'll feel better in the morning
H. you won't get wet

Ok now let’s do the next exercise

Ex 2. Open the brackets dive w ill hurt

1.If you   (to dive) into this river, you   (to
1. If you   (to dive) into this river, you   (to hurt) yourself.
shines w ill play
hurt) yourself. 1. If the sun   (to shine), the children    5
2. If the sun   (to shine), the children   (to (to play) outside.
w ill w alk misses
play) outside. 2. Richard   (to walk) to school if he   
3. Richard   (to walk) to school if he   (to (to miss) the bus.
w ill buy pack
miss) the bus. 3. Emily   (to buy) a Pepsi if you   (to
4. Emily   (to buy) a Pepsi if you   (to pack) the picnic basket.
am w ill
pack) the picnic basket. 4. If I   (to be) in Venice, I   (to rent) a
5. If I   (to be) in Venice, I   (to rent) a boat. boat.
w ill phone
6. Michael's teacher   (to phone) his 5. Michael's teacher   (to phone) his
parents if he   (to text) in the lesson. parents if he   (to text) in the lesson.
answ ers
7. If she   (to answer) this question correctly, 6. If she   (to answer) this question correctly,
w ill get
she   (to get) an extra point. she   (to get) an extra point.
w ill be turn
8. My sister   (to be) angry if I   (to turn) on 7. My sister   (to be) angry if I   (to

the music too loud. turn) on the music too loud.

w ill look
9. Your room   (to look) much tidier if you    8. Your room   (to look) much
(to keep) your hamster in the cage. tidier if you   (to keep) your hamster in the cage.
surf w ill find
10. If we   (to surf) the Internet, we   (to 9. If we   (to surf) the Internet, we   (to
find) a lot of information about Loch Ness. find) a lot of information about Loch Ness.

-Wonderful! Now we are going to listen to a song and do Stas is reading the words Stuck [stʌk] – застрявший
some exercises but first let us look at the new words that Sail [seɪl] - плыть под парусами
everyone has received from me: Lost [lɔːst] -  потерянный
Pre-listening 1
Guide [ɡaɪd] - направлять; руководить; вести
Find out [ˈfaɪnd ˈaʊt] - разузнать, выяснить activity min
Read the new words with their translation Stas! Count on smb [kaʊnt ɑːn] – рассчитывать на кого-либо
to be supposed to do smth - иметь определённые обязанности
to toss - бросать, кидать; метать
fall asleep — засыпать; заснуть; уснуть
to remind [rɪˈmaɪnd]- напоминать

-Ok, thank you. Now I shall turn on the song. You just
listen and follow the words of the song: Pupils are listening to the song.
Count on Me
Bruno Mars
If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you Listening activity 40
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't see, sec
I'll be the light to guide you
Find out what we're made of
When we are called to help our friends in need
You can count on me like one two three
I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like four three two
You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Whoa, whoa
Oh, oh
Yeah, yeah

-Ok. Now, let’s translate these lyrics. Dasha read and Dasha is reading and translating: -If you ever find
translate please the first 2 lines. yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I'll sail the world to find you
Если ты когда-нибудь застрянешь в середине моря,
я переплыву весь мир, чтобы найти тебя

-If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you can't
-Thank you, Lena next 2 lines I'll be the light to guide you
Если ты когда-то обнаружишь что потерялся в
темноте и не сможешь видеть- я буду светом,
чтобы вести тебя

Find out what we're made of

-Vlad read the next lines When we are called to help our friends in need 4
Видно из чего мы сделаны когда нас зовут чтобы min
помоь друзьям в беде

You can count on me like one two three

I'll be there
And I know when I need it I can count on you like
four three two
-And Lara, translate the last part, please You'll be there
'Cause that's what friends are supposed to do, oh yeah
Ты можешь рассчитывать на меня как на раз два
три и я буду там. И я знаю когда мне нужно будет,
я могу рассчитывать на тебя как на четыре, три,
два. Потому что друзья обязаны это делать

The song is playing and the pupils are listening and
working in their worksheets.

-Ok, great, now we know what the song is about. Now I

will turn it on again and you, without looking into the
lyrics have to insert the correct word you will hear. Is it

Worksheets, a song
Now listen to it the third tome and check in the telephone 3

-Let’s check the words you wrote. One by one read please
the sentences. Begin Dima!
The pupils are reading their answers

Extension -You worked very hard today. Now I want you to evaluate -Pupils are evaluating themselves.
yourself. There is a ladder on the blackboard. Come and Self-evaluation
put yourself a mark you deserve today at the stair, which 1
corresponds to your mark. min

-Great! Look here. Who is on the sixth and seventh stair

has to work better next time, who is on the eight still has to
be more hardworking. In addition, I congratulate those
who are on the 9th and 10th stairs, good job. Next lesson we
shall check your knowledge and compare your marks.
-Your homework is to write ex 1 on the page 26 and do the -No, we do not.
exercise after the song. Do you have any questions?
-Thank you, have a nice day too!
-Thank you for the lesson. Have a nice day!

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