Od3 Ut05

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Unit 5 Test Name:

A Two of the three words are correct. Listen and circle

correct letters. 3·23 /4
1 a kangaroo b katydid c ladybug
2 a grasshopper b kangaroo c thicket
3 a butterfly b cricket c bee
4 a leap b beetle c escape

B Complete the sentences. /3

1 The has a lot of bushes and trees.
2 A is a dried grape. It is small and brown.
3 A is yellow and black and can sting you—be careful!

C Complete the sentences. Then match them to the pictures. /6

1 A eats tree
leaves. It is not good for plants! a

2 A is very
noisy at night. Sometimes b
you can hear the sound
from your bedroom.

3 A can
jump high.

1 Oxford Discover 3 Unit 5 Test © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.
Unit 5 Test Name:

D Circle the correct /4

1 The children was playing / were playing outside yesterday.
2 The animals wasn’t eating / weren’t eating the leaves of the trees.
3 Was / Were the students learning about insects?
4 The bird wasn’t flying / weren’t flying in the sky.

E Complete the sentences. Use the past continuous form of

the verbs in parentheses ( ). /4
Kevin to the teacher.

I a poem. (write)

The sun . (shine)

The children
baseball. (play)

F Complete the sentences. /4

cooking wasn’t sleeping weren’t singing
weren’t drinking were you doing

1 What yesterday?
2 The birds in the middle of the night.
3 My sister a delicious breakfast this morning.
4 Delia because it was 2:00 in the afternoon.

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