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SWOT analysis


Student’s name:

SWOT analysis 2


Park Tudor is built on a strong ethical foundation in which the students are mentored

from the early stages to grow into ethical and responsible adults. This has been attained through

establishment of values as the guidelines for conduct within the school. From the good reputation

of the school following ethical values, a significant number of parents recommend their children

and refer others to enrolling in Park Tudor. The school also has an effective pricing strategy that

is customer friendly. Park Tudor has a well-designed and user friendly website that is easy to

surf through for potential clients. In addition to the strengths is presence of professionals to guide

students in attaining maximum effectiveness in their academic excellence (Park Tudor, 2021).


Park Tudor has limited level of innovation and creativity despite the long existence in the

market having existed for a period of more than fifty years. This has caused stagnation in growth

in that the school has not managed to diversify into other areas or establish facilities of higher

education such as universities and colleges. Absence of higher education for the students

developed under the Park Tudor culture creates a gap for the talents developed within the school

system. Also, the school has limited social responsibility strategies to boost the relationship

between the school and the community. The school has a rigid curriculum schedule which makes

it difficult to accommodate changes in the modern society.


Park Tudor can venture into digital learning system in which it can enroll more students

under home programs to increase its average customer base. This opportunity has emerged with

the development in technology and virtual media platforms where a class session can be carried
SWOT analysis 3

out through the virtual platforms. Also, the school can use technology to develop career fairs in

which students are introduced to innovations. Another opportunity in the external environment is

the increased use of social media which can be used in marketing the services offered at Park

Tudor. Lastly the efficiency of school programmers can be enhanced by allowing students

interact with students from other institutions through teleconferencing supported by the

emergence of the 5 G network (Martín-Gutiérre et al, 2017)


Park Tudor is prone to decline in the current market share with the increased emergence

and development of competitive parties. This is likely to occur with the low creativity and

innovation levels of the school compared to the current market trends on competitors. Another

threat is recession in the economy which may affect the operations of the school through

increased cost of production of services. The frequent changes in legal framework may also

affect the continuity of the school particularly with the less flexible education policy followed by

the school. Lastly, the current pandemic may affect the enrollment of students where parents are

afraid of their children contracting the disease thus a loss of revenue for the school (Azevedo et

al, 2021).
SWOT analysis 4


Azevedo, J. P., Hasan, A., Goldemberg, D., Geven, K., & Iqbal, S. A. (2021). Simulating the

potential impacts of COVID-19 school closures on schooling and learning outcomes: A

set of global estimates. The World Bank Research Observer, 36(1), 1-40.

Martín-Gutiérrez, J., Mora, C. E., Añorbe-Díaz, B., & González-Marrero, A. (2017). Virtual

technologies trends in education. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and

Technology Education, 13(2), 469-486.

Park Tudor (2021). Mission and Vision.


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