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Dentist’s Health Survey
1. Please do not write your name.
2. The data is for statistical analysis only and if you have any suggestion
then please contact –

DOB : - - Age(today):______
3. Years of practice :
4. Year of Graduation: (BDS)___________ (MDS)_________
5. Area of practice--District :___________

NO QUESTIONS Strongly Weakly Do Weakly Strongly

Agree Agree not Disagree Disagree
1 I believe that autoclaving is better than
boiling the instrument s in my practice.
2 I always change instrument trays for each
3 I believe that eye glasses should be worn
during treatment to protect ourselves.
4 I wear the eye glasses during treatment.
5 I believe that Rubber dam should be used
for each patient.
6 I have been taken Hepatitis-B
7 I believe that sitting dentistry is better
than standing dentistry.
8 I am suffering from low back pain.
9 I am not comfortable with indirect vision.
10 I am suffering from one of the mention
Cervical spondylitis, varicose vein ,knee
ankle joint arthritis, any other
musculoskeletal pain.
11 I work more than 8 hours a day.
NO QUESTIONS Strongly Weakly Do Weakly Strongly
Agree Agree not Disagree Disagree
12 I am not satisfied with my work.(more
likely to have low back pain)
13 I work continuously and not taking rest in
14 I believe that 4 handed dentistry more
15 I use ergonomically designed chairs and
16 I use ultraviolet light curing system and
laser in my practice.
17 I wear safety glass during the laser
18 I use RVG in my practice.
19 I believe that there should be a separate
room for x-ray machine.
20 I use protective barrier/lead apron as a
safety measure.
21 I believe that automatic triturator should
be used to overcome mercury hazards.
22 I am suffering from 1 of mention below;
Profuse salivation, tremor of hand,
insomnia, irritability .Give any one
applicable by circle on it.
23 I believe clinic should be ventilated with
exhaust fan.
24 I have known allergies to dental
25 I have allergy of latex.
26 I have allergy of talcum powder.
27 I have a problem of frequent percutaneous
injury with needle, hand scalers, endo
files, endo explorer, endo elevator, matrix
28 I am aware usefulness of TLD batch.
29 I believe that it should be used in a
NO QUESTIONS Strongly Weakly Do Weakly Strongly
Agree Agree not Disagree Disagree
30 I use fast speed film ‘type E’ in my
31 I do not have any practice related stress or
do not have to work under constant load.
32 I believe that informed consent should be
taken from each patient.
33 I am aware that special guideline exists
for disposal of biological waste.
34 I follow the guideline properly.
35 I believe that approval should be obtained
from pollution control board of particular
36 I have obtained it.
37 If I had to choose again I will not choose
dentistry as a career.
38 I smoke regularly.
39 I chew tobacco, guttka, pan regularly.
40 I use alcohol to relax on weekend.
41 I need to take antidepressant or muscle
relaxant to relax at the end of the day.
42 I am fed up with the dental practice & just
want to leave it &take long vacation.
43 I feel dentist who work in teaching
hospital are happy in life.
44 I feel who are in full time practice are
happy in life.
45 A balance between practice and academic
may be the best option.

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