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History of Psychology 713

the context of the Cold War during Panorama of psychology in latin

History of Psychology the first years of the International america
Journal of Psychology Ruben Ardila National University of
Hugo Klappenbach Universidad Colombia, Colombia
INVITED ADDRESS Latin America (or Latin America and the
Nacional de San Luis (UNSL) - Consejo
Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y Caribbean) is a large sub-continent, including
IA069 Tecnicas (CONICET), Argentina 36 countries with approximately 600 million
Updating the History of Women in First of all, what can be understood as political inhabitants. It goes from Mexico to the Patag-
Psychology history is briefly discussed. Them the address onia and the Caribbean. In that region there are
Florence Denmark, Anastasia Reison analyzes the historical origins of the IUPsyS important developments in many scientific dis-
Pace University, United States of America from 1889 to 1951. Later, the European context ciplines among them psychology. As a research
Due to biased social structure and inherent during the 1960s is examinated. The address area and as a profession, psychology is present
sexism that was predominant from the time will point out the consequencesx of the so in the large majority of Latin American coun-
of the ancient Greeks until recently, women called Cold War and the fear of a nuclear tries. There 500.000 practicing psychologists,
and psychology had been separated from one war. Next, the "Appeal to psychologists" from the larger number of them being in Argentina,
another, and psychology was not considered 1966 is analyzed. The "Appeal to psychologist" Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, Chile and Peru.
"appropriate" for women. However, with the was prepared by the Working Group integrated Research is carried out in the main areas of
advent of the women’s movement, women by Paul Fraisse, Alexei Leontiev and Otto psychology. Practice is centered in clinical psy-
fought and increasingly became a valuable part Klineberg and it was approved by the Exec- chology, educational and school psychology,
of the discipline. They not only took position utive Committee of the IUPS. Summarizing, industrial/organizational, social, and legal psy-
in research, as clinicians, and teachers but also the appeal proposed that psychologists direct chology. The developments of psychology as a
made many significant contributions in each of their energies to reduce international tensions science and as a profession are not well known
these respective fields. The future is filled with and to work towards peace. Ending, the confer- at the international level. The next task will
novel challenges that women will have to deal ence examines the main characteristics of the be "to put Latin American psychology on the
with, as well as opportunities they will be able cross-cultural psychology program that rapidly map" of international psychology.
to explore. It is these obstacles and prospects developed after such appeal, trying to decrease Key words: Latin America and the Caribbean,
that will be reflected in the ongoing history of psychology, internationalization
national and cultural stereotypes. Keywords:
the psychology of women. Psychology - History - International Organiza-
tions - IUPsyS - Cross-cultural Psychology History of professionalization of
IA070 psychology in Latin America.
Building a sociocultural approach INVITED SYMPOSIUM Between academics and social
in Brazilian social Psychology: a relevance
history of a scientific innovation of Hugo Klappenbach Universidad
the 1980s IS068 Nacional de San Luis (UNSL) - Consejo
Regina H Freitas Campos Universidade Psychology in latin america for the Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas y
Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil xxith. century Tecnicas (CONICET), Argentina
The history of social psychology in Brazil Organizer: Ruben Ardila National Univer- This presentation is part of the Invited Sym-
shows a strong trend for scientific autonomy, sity of Colombia, Colombia posium 2000018 "Psychology in Latin Amer-
combined with a sociocultural approach. This Discussant: Buxin Han ica for the XXIst century" organized by Ruben
trend became stronger around the 1980s, with Key Lab of Mental Health, Institute of Psychol- Ardila. The presentation focuses on the first
the development of a critical view of Brazilian ogy, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Psychology Programs in Psychology in Latin
society and of a need to transform life condi- Session Abstract: America in Chile, Colombia and Guatemala
tions of communities living in poverty. This Psychology in Latin America has a long past during the 1940’s. A few years later, increased
movement created the conditions for theoret- and a relatively large history. During Colonial interest in clinical psychology in a context
ical and practical advances. New methods of times the main psychological ideas came from where psychoanalysis and psychology over-
research were developed, inspired in Lewinian Christian philosophy especially St. Thomas lapped. After the 1970’s and 1980’s impor-
action-research and anthropological observa- "faculties of the soul". After independence and tant changes are introduced in Psychology
tions, combining knowledge production and the formation of the new republics, European Education in the region that modified pro-
intervention for social and cultural change. progressive ideas in education, medicine and fessional practice as well. On the one hand,
Studies focused mainly on psycho-social social philosophy, became predominant. Along increased fine and rigorous researches, both
aspects of the educational and health sys- the years and important number of Latin Amer- related to theoretical and applied topics. On
tems, urban communities, work institutions ican thinkers worked on psychological topics, the other hand, increased professional devel-
and families. Social representations, social such as José Ingenieros (in Argentina), Eze- opments mainly orientated towards practices
movements, gender and institutional relations quiel Chávez (in México), Manuel Ancízar (in involving commitment and social relevance.
were the chosen objects of analysis in newly Colombia), Rómulo Peña (in Chile), among The presentation then analyzes main charac-
created graduate programs in universities. The others. A critical mass of work in psychol- teristics of the development of the Psychology
Brazilian Association of Social Psychology ogy was produced during the XIXth. century profession in Latin America, with emphasis in
increased scientific exchanges between groups and the first half of the XXth. century. Pro- with emphasis in community psychology and
working in different institutions and estab- fessional training began in 1947 in Chile and related fields, among them, Martin-Baro’s Lib-
lished a journal, strengthening the presence of Colombia. At the present time psychology is eration Psychology.
social psychologists in Brazilian society.
a large science and profession, with research
centers. scientific journals, laboratories, train- Scientific Research in Latin Ameri-
IA071 ing centers, facilities and professional applica- can Psychology: Past and present
Towards a political history of the tions. The symposium would attempt to present German Gutierrez National University of
IUPsyS. Cross-cultural research in this current situation and its perspectives Colombia, Colombia

© 2016 International Union of Psychological Science

714 History of Psychology
Research in Latin American Psychology has myth of Wundt, the historiography of psychol- The First Psychological Laboratory
experienced an exponential growth in the last ogy began to give less importance to laboratory in Mexico
few years. From a marginal contribution to psy- studies. Far beyond of the trap of celebrating Rogelio Escobar National Autonomous
chological knowledge, the region is increas- the so-called founders, the symposium’s main University of Mexico, Mexico
ingly contributing to the knowledge base in goal is to promote a contemporary debate about In 1916 Enrique O. Aragón established the first
many traditional and current areas of the dis- what actually the laboratories can tell us about psychological laboratory in Mexico. Although
cipline. In this presentation I show evidence the History of Psychology. some research was conducted, its main func-
of the aforementioned growth and suggest tion was to demonstrate psychological phe-
some of the variables responsible for this The Laboratory of Psychology of nomena to students. Instruments imported in
change. I also present an analysis on the direc- 1902 from Leipzig were used. The instru-
the Belo Horizonte Teachers Col-
tion of research in terms of areas of inter- ments included chronoscopes, kymographs,
lege and the framing of the nature
est and methodology, as well as some of the pendulums, memory drums, plethysmographs,
main theoretical issues, currently discussed by nurture debate in Brazilian psy-
chology perimeters, among others. A brief video show-
researchers in Latin America. ing some of the demonstrations performed
Regina H Freitas Campos Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil in the laboratory will be shown. The labo-
Latin American psychology: A view ratory functioned for almost three decades
The Belo Horizonte Teachers’ College Labo-
from Europe ratory of Psychology, established in 1929, was and inspired new generations of students to
Jose M Peiro University of Valencia, Spain pursue careers in experimental/behavioral psy-
one of the first in Brazil to produce knowl-
Latin American psychology is experiencing chology. Eventually, the pressure initiated by
edge about the mental development of local
a period of great development and growth. these students enthusiastic about behaviorism
schoolchildren. The translation, adaptation
This is clearly noticed in scientific research, and operant conditioning ended in the cre-
and standardization of intelligence tests was
academic activity, education, professional ation of a School of Psychology, independent
performed, to help schools in the organization
practice,institutional and organizational devel- from the School of Philosophy, in the National
of homogeneous classrooms by intellectual
opments. It is a trend in most if not all Latin Autonomous University of Mexico in 1973.
level, a direction considered crucial for learn-
American countries although the rate of growth The laboratory, that initially exemplified a vic-
ing success. Test results were interpreted from
and some developmental features differ across tory of psychology as an experimental science,
a sociocultural perspective by the Labora-
countries. The richness and challenges Latin also had a critical role in establishing psychol-
tory director, Helena Antipoff, informed by
American societies pose to psychologists is ogy as a profession in Mexico several decades
her previous training in Russia, France and
fertilizing the disciplinary and professional later.
Geneva, and from the observation of specific
developments. The transformation going on
characteristics of Brazilian children. Her work
in Latin American psychology is relevant and
is an example of how the nature-nature con- China’s first psychology labora-
interesting for psychologists in other regions
troversy was framed in the specific situation tory: a fortuitous synthesis of
of the world. From a European perspective a
number of features of those developments are of Brazilian schools around the 1930s, and of western psychology and Confu-
highly inspiring and stimulating. It I impor- the role of laboratories of psychology in the cian morality?
tant to promote the mutual knowledge and spread of psychological knowledge in Brazil. Chin-Hei Wong (1), Geoffrey Blowers
strengthen the dialog and cooperation between The work done at this Laboratory deeply influ- (2) 1. University of Hong Kong, Hong
psychologists of Europe and Latin America. enced the subsequent development of Brazilian Kong; 2. University of Hong Kong, Hong
The mutual understanding and cooperation psychology applied to education. Kong
will contribute to the development of psychol- The first psychology laboratory in China came
ogy in a global world where, of course, local Early history of psychology labora- into being in the late 1910s as a result of a
realities matter (glo-cal psychology). tories in Japan convergence of influences upon Chinese schol-
Miki Takasuna Tokyo International Univer- ars educated abroad that: (i) Confucian moral
sity, Japan teaching could be strengthened by ideas bor-
The first psychology laboratory in the world rowed from western psychology, (ii) adopting
What do laboratories teach us
is considered to have been settled by Wilhelm the pragmatism of John Dewey, western psy-
about the history of Psychology? chology’s claims to objectivity came from the
Organizer: Sergio Cirino Universidade Wundt at Leipzig University, Germany, in
1879. However, based on the literature, two use of evidence and (iii) experimental psychol-
Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
different years must be considered when dis- ogy could provide such evidence. These three
Session Abstract:
cussing the founding of the earliest psychology influences took root in the University of Peking
Scientific laboratories contributed to the
laboratory in Japan. If a psychology laboratory under the Chancellorship of Cai Yuen Pei who
institutionalization and disciplinarization of
is defined as any room or building used for had taken classes with Wundt in Leipzig and
psychology in the 19th and 20th centuries.
psychological experiments with special instru- the laboratory’s founder, Chen Daqi, a profes-
Such contributions were recorded in sev-
ments, then the first psychological laboratory sor of Philosophy who had studied psychology
eral celebratory texts. For instance Wilhelm
in Japan was settled at Tokyo Imperial Univer- at Tokyo Imperial University and taught phi-
Wundt was portrayed as the "father of exper-
sity in 1903. If defined as only a psychology losophy, psychology and logic. His turn to phi-
imental psychology" due to the laboratory
seminar or course employing experimental losophy in 1921 led to his diminished interest
he established in Germany in 1879, which is
demonstrations, the first such lectures in psy- in continuing to run the lab which was left to
considered to be the very first psychological
chophysics were presented in 1888 by Yujiro others.
laboratory worldwide. Although it is still com-
mon to find handbooks of psychology attesting Motora, PhD, at Japan’s Imperial University
that psychology was "born" in Wundt’s labo- (later Tokyo Imperial University). Since a spe- Laboratories of Behavior Analysis
ratory in recent decades several historians of cialized course should have a laboratory for in Brazil in the 1960s: Reception,
psychology have endeavored to modify this experiments, I use the word here to mean both. Circulation and Indigenization
memorialistic picture devoted to Wundt. In the Consequently, 15 psychological laboratories Sergio Cirino (1), Rodrigo L Miranda
midst of the severe criticism of the founding were settled in Japan by the end of WWII. (2) 1. Universidade Federal de Minas

© 2016 International Union of Psychological Science

History of Psychology 715

Gerais, Brazil; 2. Universidade Católica histories of psychology can reconstruct the the ideological ways in which the results from
Dom Bosco, Brazil processes that led to the making of psychology children, alienated and Afro-Brazilians will be
Our research focuses in the establishment of of the day at the juncture of the interaction interpreted.
the first laboratories of Behavior Analysis in of the discipline and profession, social sec-
the 1960s in Brazil. More specifically, we ana- tors, political economy, culture and society. IS071
lyze the reception and circulation of operant Japanese psychology is in a unique position as
A Conceptual History of Indian
conditioning chamber that was one of the most it has a long history dating back to the 1870s
important instruments in those laboratories. and has been developed in a culture that is
The results indicate that the operant condition- different from the West where modern psy- Organizers: Minati Panda (1), Rama C
ing chamber played a very important role on chology originated. Yet, Japanese psychology Tripathi (2) 1. Jawaharlal Nehru Univer-
the indigenization process of Behavior Analy- shared with western psychology moderniza- sity, New Delhi, India; 2. University of Alla-
sis in Brazil. Its uses were grounded on three tion such as industrialization, urbanization, habad, India
aspects: (1) a debate on the training of Brazilian colonialism, rationalization and others. In this Discussant: Lilavati Krishnan
scientists; (2) the strengthening of the univer- paper I will talk about history of psychology Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (for-
sity system in the country; and (3) a Zeitgeist of from a perspective of critical psychology with mer), India
Brazilian psychologists focused on educational examples of self-actualization and personality Session Abstract:
issues. The results also indicate that the condi- in Japan. Indian Psychology has its own intellectual his-
tioning chambers were seldom used as research tory, which cannot be grasped without study-
instruments. They were mainly used in those Feminism and Psychology: A Short ing the dialectical spirals emerging from the
laboratories as pedagogical tools, which might constant boarder crossing of indigenous Indian
History of the Future
be seen as an indigenization. concepts and the Western academic psycholog-
Jeanne Marecek Swarthmore College,
United States of America ical concepts. If Indian minds are constituted
IS070 Claims about so-called female nature and by the cultural concepts and metaphors, the
History of psychology and critical the proper relations between the sexes long project of Indian psychology remains incom-
psychology (I): Exploration of criti- pre-dated organized psychology. The emer- plete without exploring its conceptual machin-
cal historiography of psychology gence of psychology as an empirically based ery in the new discursive space of post-colonial
Organizers: Wahbie Long (1), Yasuhiro discipline coincided with the rise of feminism multi-ethnic, multi-religious and multilingual
Igarashi (2) 1. University of Cape Town, in Europe and the USA at the end of the 19th India. This symposium takes off from the
South Africa; 2. Yamano College of Aes- century. There were few women in psychol- project initiated by R. C. Tripathi in 2013
thetics, Japan ogy then, but some made use of its scientific and presents the intellectual history of four
Discussant: Wahbie Long methods to challenge prevailing sexist ideolo- core concepts of Indian Psychology using
University of Cape Town, South Africa gies.The re-emergence of feminism in Europe the hermeneutic tools of social history. Each
Session Abstract: and the USA in the late 20th century opened paper deals with one indigenous Indian con-
History of psychology and critical psychology the way for the sustained study of women’s cept and the discursive process through which
can build a mutually constructive relationship experiences and gendered power relations, as this concept evolves from being a philosoph-
to understand psychology and its multiple ori- well as a host of feminist-inspired therapies and ical or a folk concept to become a cultural
gins embedded in social, economic, political, activist projects.Some feminist psychologists, concept of 21st century India. What cultural
and cultural contexts of nations and regions though, have stepped back to scrutinize the dis- and intellectual processes reify this concept
of a time, and to comprehend what psycholo- cipline’s methods of producing knowledge, as and make it a substantive Indian psychological
gists do as historically situated at the intersec- well as its claims to objectivity and univer- concept?
tions of interests, influences, and powers that sality. For these critical feminists, resources
a variety of actors both internal and external drawn from other disciplines– such as Fou-
Karma as the Transcendental Path
to the discipline of psychology exert intention- cauldian and sociocultural theories, decolonial
ally and unintentionally. In this symposium, we theories, and intersectionality theory - have towards Growth and Healing: Con-
will explore possibilities of a new history and proven invaluable. ceptual History and Applications
critique of psychology from the perspectives Kumar Ravi Priya Indian Institute of Tech-
of philosophical psychology, feminist psychol- nology Kanpur, India
Uses of psychological measure-
ogy, and critical historiography of psychol- Historically, the term, karma has been associ-
ment in Brazil ated with two complementary meanings. One
ogy based on investigative practices in East
Ana Maria J Jacó-Vilela State University
Asia, the English-speaking world, and Latin meaning is about human action and its law-
of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
America. We will discuss what can be done to ful moral consequences. The other meaning of
Psychology, as a camp of knowledge and
make psychology and applications of psychol- karma is associated with the spiritual growth of
techniques with plural criteria of scientific
ogy more suitable to produce change in the real human beings. The former meaning is shared
legitimacy, permeate in society through prac-
world. by most of the schools of Indian thought as
tices in different areas and the construction
of representations on the psyche. One of the a means to explain and accept the outcomes
History of psychology and psy- oldest practices is the psychological measure- of one’s present or past actions. The other
chologization : A view of a ment. The historiography of psychology in meaning of karma emphasizes that to identify
Japanese critical psychologist Brazil points out that the receipt and use of with ’I’ or the ego that takes up an action and
Yasuhiro Igarashi Yamano College of psychological tests in the country took place becomes happy or sad with its consequences
Aesthetics, Japan in the early twentieth century in laboratories is to lose sight of one’s true self. Here, karma
Psychologization is mandatory in societies located in schools whose main purpose was becomes the path to realize or to be one’s true
where modernization and rationalization to train teachers for elementary schools. How- self that is nothing but pure consciousness. This
extend into inner qualities of people. There- ever, the Brazilian Mental Hygiene League paper indicates karma as one of the important
fore, psychology is too important to leave also promoted the use of psychological perceived causal factors for illness or disabil-
it to psychologists as it affects the lives and measurement and the doctors used them in ity and facilitate healing and self-growth for
subjectivities of people in general. Critical psychiatric hospitals. This paper will examine human being in general.

© 2016 International Union of Psychological Science

716 History of Psychology

Madhyam Marg (Middle Path) and Indian concept of self in integrative. It synthe- psychology at each place. In this symposium,
Indian Collectivism sizes physical, psychological, and metaphysi- we will have participants from Latin Amer-
Minati Panda Jawaharlal Nehru Univer- cal self (Bhawuk, 2008). "manas," loosely and ica, all of them Psychology historians. We
sity, New Delhi, India erroneously translated as mind, is an impor- will explain the transition from experimen-
Extending the idea that madhyam marg(middle tant part of the psychological self. This paper tal psychology to psychological measurement
path) is a core cultural concept (Panda, 2013) discusses manas presented in the six verses of in these countries in the first decades of the
that mediates Indian subjectivity and con- the yajurveda, an ancient Indian text chanted twentieth century, with the influences and pro-
daily as part of rudra-astdhyayi at ziva tem- fessional uses. We will demonstrate that this
sciousness, the present paper shows how mad-
ples, peoples’ homes, and in yajna performed transition had different ways and that in the
hyam marg beliefs of Indians foreground the
by the Arya-samaj followers everywhere. The social imaginary of the time, psychology was
dialectical space between patriarchy and Indian
construct of manas is further analyzed by perceived as able to contribute positively to
collectivism. Using psycho-analytic tools to
examining verses of the bhagavadgIta, the the lives of people. The participants are: Lucía
analyse the narrative tradition and the lived
songs of kabir, a famous fifteenth-century mys- Rossi, Buenos Aires University Sérgio Cirino,
experiences of Indian men and women, this
tic saint of India, who harmonized Hindu and Federal University of Minas Gerais Ana Maria
paper reveals the dense conceptuality of mad-
Muslim faiths, and in popular Hindi film songs. Jacó-Vilela, organizer and participant - State
hyam marg in Indian society and how mad- University of Rio de Janeiro.
These analyses provide the social history of the
hyam marg is reified to produce madhyam construct of manas and its centrality to under-
marg identity and consciousness among Indi- standing Indian self and mind. The paper ends
ans. As the family is the site of actions and
The beginnings of the psycholog-
with a discussion of how this methodology can ical assessment and guardianship
power, this paper analyses madhyam marg be used to derive other indigenous constructs
conflicts encountered in this space to show of young offenders in Catalonia
leading to theory development in indigenous
how it mediates patriarchy and Indian col- Sergio Mora Montserrat, Milagros Sáiz
and global psychology.
lectivism. The paper concludes by showing Roca, Dolors Sáiz Roca Autonomous
how madhyam marg creates middle space University of Barcelona, Spain
The concepts of purity and impu- The establishment of scientific Psychology in
between people and individuals who live in
rity (Pavitra and Apavitra): An Spain was clearly different to other European
some kind of social, economic, religious and
ethno-linguistic hierarchies and how madhyam exploration within the Indian cul- countries due to the country’s political con-
tural tradition text and the lack of receptivity to new, for-
marg dialectics and patriarchy co-produce
Rama C Tripathi University of Allahabad, eign ideas in the Spanish universities. Thus, the
Indian collectivism.
India development of Psychology in Spain was better
The paper will explore the concepts and of esteemed in its fields of application than in the
Caste, Patriarchy and Embod- purity and impurity and the manner in which laboratory. Among others, the nexus between
iment of ’Peeda’: A Cultural- they have evolved and found expression in var- psychology and law was an object of interest at
Psychological Study of Dalit ious life domains of the Indian people. The the beginning of the 20th century. Back then,
Women in India paper is divided into three parts. The first part the increase of juvenile delinquency -in par-
Aparna Vyas (1), Minati Panda (2) 1. will examine the semantic space which the ticular, minor crimes committed by abandoned
Zakir Husain Centre for Educational Stud- two concepts cover and thereafter discuss their children- became an issue of interest amongst
ies Jawaharlal Nehru University New Delhi markers within the Hindu, Islam, Christian and legislators. In this context, a gradual change
India, India; 2. Jawaharlal Nehru Univer- Jewish cultures. In the second part, the focus of mentality occurred and, instead of criminal
sity, India will be on how the concepts of purity and impu- acts, those minor crimes started to be consid-
Peeda’ is a dominant cultural concept in north- rity have evolved historically and get socially ered as a behavioral problem. Consequently,
ern states of India. It refers to a deeper level constructed. In the last part, an attempt will the psychological report acquired an important
of ’anguish’, ’pain’, and ’suffering’ and is be made to discuss how these concepts under- role. This discussion deals with these begin-
gird the Indian social structure, and impli- nings of the psychological assessment and
considered as a major emotional experience
cate norms, beliefs and ideologies that explain guardianship of young offenders in Catalonia.
in most of the Dalit literature. As ’Peeda’ is
mediated by caste and the patriarchal structure behavioural phenomena at the individual, inter-
of Northern Indian states, it is embodied dif- personal and intergroup levels. Finally, we will Experimental Psychology to
ferently by women from different castes. The discuss the social and psychological ways of Psychometrics in Argentina
present paper comprises of two parts. The first transcending the state of impurity within the Lucia A Rossi Universidad de Buenos
part lays the conceptual history of ’Peeda’ in Indian cultural tradition. Aires, Argentina
the context of Dalit literature. It analyses the Experimental psychology had in Buenos Aires
narratives of the select women characters from IAAP INVITED SYMPOSIUM University (Argentina) an early development.
Hindi Dalit literature. The second part analy- As applied psychology grows as research and
ses the lived experiences of four Dalit women teaching in education, clinic and labor fields.
IAAP08 Its bronze Laboratory (1901) was founded in
from Valmiki community of Western Uttar
Experimental Psychology and Psy- physiological basis: declared official teach-
Pradesh. The analysis of the lived experiences
chological measurement in Latin ing. Fatigue research, scientific argument for
is done using the perspective of "lived body".
America Congress debate, conquers the eight hours jour-
The analysis reveals how ’Peeda’ is embodied
Organizer: Ana Maria J Jacó-Vilela State nal labor law (1920). The first Institute of
by Dalit women in India and how embodied
University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Psychothecnics (1925), had a massive study
"Peeda" mediates Dalit women’s subjectivity
Session Abstract: of workers considering social demands and
and consciousness.
The history of psychology has universal traits psychological vocation. Time of reaction and
and local characteristics. The latter are derived attention perception were the clues. Institutes
Manas and the Indian Concept of from the main forces of countries and regions would replace labs for its integral approaches
Self: Some Reflections - the context cultural, political, and economic. (1930). Rimoldi proposes the thesis of Psy-
Dharm P Bhawuk University of Hawaii at Therefore, it’s necessary knows these con- chological fatigue -phisical and phisiological
Manoa, United States of America ditions to understand the development of explanation is over, is sent to England to be

© 2016 International Union of Psychological Science

History of Psychology 717
trained in factorial theory of intelligence of recognition of various critical approaches in psychology-underground in Hong
Thurnstone and its non-verbal test of Raven. the history of psychology around the world are Kong
Measuring intelligence as unique factor opens discussed and suggestions for the future of an Wai Fu Department of Counselling and
to massive quick application of pencil and international critical psychology that incorpo- Psychology, Hong Kong Shue Yan Univer-
paper tests (1942) over large groups. Standars rates critical-historical and critical-theoretical sity, Hong Kong
become a revolution: Argentina get the first ideas are presented. Unlike psychology in Hong Kong academia,
own Baremos. the "psychology-underground", which com-
Writing co-option into the history prises a group of young activists, prefers the
From laboratory to tests: the psy- of psychology work of Slavoj Zizek and Jacques Marie Lacan
chological transition in the educa- Wahbie Long University of Cape Town, as the guidance for their endeavour in critical
tional system of Chile (1889–1927) South Africa psychology. This presentation examines the
Gonzalo Salas Universidad Católica del For several decades, critical psychologists possibility to connect historical psychology
Maule, Chile have claimed that the political underpinnings and critical psychology in counteracting the
The scientific beginnings of psychology in of psychological theories and practices lend discourse led by Postivisitic psychological
Chile go hand by hand with the experimental themselves to social reproductive processes. establishment, and how to prevent falling into
psychology introduced by Wundt in Leipzig. Regardless of the field in question - be it the pitfall of oversimplified "indigenization"
Since the end of the 19th century, Valen- Freudian psychoanalysis, Skinnerian behavior- view of psychology. This will be illustrated
tín Letelier promoted the arrival of German ism, or Rogerian humanism - the argument with a case study on reconstruction of a
professors who transmitted Wundt’s influence. goes that psychological formulations tend to Ming dynasty (1368-1644) Confucian philoso-
On the Pedagogical Institute of University endorse the dominant ideologies of the day. pher, Wang Souren (1472-1529) in modern
of Chile, several psychological instruments In this paper, an attempt is made to shift Chinese psychological scene, and how such
were installed with the purpose of measur- this established focus on theories and prac- reconstruction is embedded in the discourse
ing aspects related to sense, perception and tices towards a transhistorical examination of of Neoliberalism. Possibilities of dialogue
memory. Rómulo Peña, on their part, in 1905 three of Psychology’s actual political alliances, between critical psychology and history of
founded the first laboratory of experimental namely, with Nazi Germany, apartheid South psychology will be discussed.
psychology of the country on the Escuela Africa, and, more recently, the so-called ’war
Normal (Teacher Training School) of Copi- on terror.’ It is suggested that the growing phe-
apó. On the second decade of 20th century,
nomenon of co-option not only aggravates the
Luis Tirapegui made an applied turn with discipline’s habit of positioning itself on the
the standarization of the intelligence test of wrong side of history but raises troubling ques- OR1177
Binet-Simon, which objective was requested tions for historians of psychology and critical History of cooperation of Czech
by the government to scientifically measure psychologists alike. psychology with Japanese psy-
the students and to know their capacities. Key
words: Laboratory of experimental psychol-
A history of contact zones between Daniel Heller Department of Psychol-
ogy, tests, Chile.
European and North American crit- ogy, Charles university, Prague, Czech
ical psychologies Republic
CONTRIBUTED SYMPOSIUM Thomas Teo York University, Canada The paper presents the overview of the his-
In this presentation I reconstruct forms of crit- tory of the cooperation of Czech psychology
ical psychology as they have developed on with Japanese psychology in the last third
different continents, identifying differences of the twentieth century, namely since the
History of psychology and critical
and similarities between North American visit of professor Jiri Hoskovec (1933-2011)
psychology (II): Reconstructing the from the Department of Psychology, Faculty
and European critical approaches, specifi-
international geography of intellec- of Arts, Charles University in Prague, Czech
cally between, German, British, and American
tual and practical critique approaches. German approaches follow an Republic, to Japan in 1967 to his last visit to
Organizer: Adriana A Kaulino Diego Por- Japan in 1987. The results of the cooperation
intellectual tradition beginning with Kant and
tales University, Chile with Japanese colleagues are presented and
Marx, but also incorporate ideas from the
Discussant: Svend Brinkmann analyzed, especially their publication in both
cultural-historical school. German critical psy-
Aalborg University, Denmark the Czech and Japanese scientific psycholog-
chology led to a program where more precise
Session Abstract: ical journals, e.g. Ceskoslovenska Psycholo-
and better-founded categories were developed,
In this symposium we discuss the relationship gie (Czechoslovak Psychology) and Japanese
at the same time neglecting activism. British
between history, critical psychology, theory Journal of Psychology. Among the fields of the
critical psychology was influenced by the lin-
and practice in an international context, tak- cooperation, the problems of scientific study of
guistic turn in philosophy, varieties of social
ing several continents into account. We address hypnosis and suggestion remained the domi-
constructionism, Lacanism, even crediting
the different trajectories of critical psycholo- nant and leading ones. The case of the cooper-
Locke as a pioneer. Sophisticated analyses of
gies in the last decades around the world, the ation of Czech psychology with Japanese psy-
psychological discourses were developed in
importance of culture in critical thought, and
this contexts. North American critical psy- chology since sixties to eighties represents an
the theoretical, epistemological and method-
chology, very much rooted in a pragmatist unique case of Central European - Japanese
ological underpinnings of psychology. Apply-
tradition, emphasizes practice and, thus, criti- cooperation and counts for the history of psy-
ing reflexivity and analyses of power, historical
cal approaches thrived in social and community chology as well.
and theoretical case studies from Asia, Latin
psychology and in social activism. Contact
America, North America, Africa and Europe
zones between the three approaches and the OR1178
are discussed and consequences for a new his-
possibilities of integration are discussed. Wundt’s Critique of Individualism
tory of psychology are debated. Using a tem-
poral standpoint, problems of the relevance of and Psychologism
traditional psychology for internationalization Ancient-history, critical his- Gordana R Jovanovic University of Bel-
movements are debated. Implications for the tory, and the creation of a grade, Faculty of Philosophy, Serbia

© 2016 International Union of Psychological Science

718 History of Psychology
The aim of this paper is to show the histori- De-institutionalization Era: A dis- NCIQ "Orleu" Advanced Training Institute,
cal as well as the theoretical relevance to con- course analysis of Special Educa- Kazakhstan
temporary psychology and the social sciences tion Plans in the Illinois Psychological aspects in Mukhagali
of some still-neglected aspects of Wundt’s Taku Murayama Tokyo Gakugei Univer- Makhatayev’s creativity are presented in this
work. It is not only a delay which character- sity, Japan article. This paper will achieve its aims in sev-
izes the reception of Wundt’s second psychol- eral ways: methodological and theoretical basis
In this presentation, a series of the documents
ogy - Völkerpsychologie, rendered as cultural of creative activity in the domestic and for-
entitled "The Illinois Plan for the Special Edu-
or social psychology, but also many misin- eign psychology is determined, then national
cation of Exceptional Children" is focused.
terpretations of his claims in laying down a psychological significance of Mukhagali
These plans were published and revised as an
foundation for Völkerpsychologie and defin- Makhatayev’s poetry is identified, psycho-
educational and teaching plan by the Illinois
ing its relation to his individual psychology. logical aspects in Mukhagali Makhatayev’s
state between 1944 and 1966, under the coop-
Contrary to the one-sided reception of the lat- creativity using content analysis are carried
eration with University of Illinois. These plans
ter, Wundt claimed that individual psychology out. In our research, we try to compile and
needs (bedarf) Völkerpsychologie. He justified are the type of curriculum and instructional
systematize psychological concepts and ideas
the necessity of Völkerpsychologie by point- guide for the teachers of the special educa-
scientifically related to psychology which were
ing out that there are forms of human expe- tion. In this survey, the discourse analysis is
found in Mulhagali Makhatayev’s creativ-
rience that cannot be derived from individ- adopted and how the psychological and diag-
ity. The theoretical (analytical and synthetic,
ual experience (language, customs, religion), nostic understanding on the "mental retarda-
comparative, inductive-deductive analysis),
but are nevertheless indispensable contents of tion" has stated to the teachers and other pro-
empirical (autobiographical, content analy-
human experience. Along with a critique of fessionals in special education in these plans
sis, survey, interview) methods, mathematical
individualism and psychologism in interpret- and the documents including one by R. Graham
methods of processing information will be
ing psychological processes, Wundt also criti- and S. Kirk. Taking notice to these materials is
used. Key words: character, creativity, inspira-
cized some individualistic and intellectualistic suggestive for finding the process of the the-
tion, personality, psychological aspects.
assumptions of Enlightenment and social con- orizing the educability and trainability of the
tract theories. mentally retarded based on the abnormal psy-
chology in this era, including the definition of OR1184
"Mental Retardation" by AAMD in 1959. Psychological study of genius and
Mukhagali Makhatayev’s genius
"I am Psyched!" Using psychol-
OR1182 personality
ogy’s past and present to inspire
Meruyert Tileubayeva, Aliya R. Mas-
and empower minority girls The 120-Year of History of Self-
salimova, Maira P. Kavakova, Elmira
Shari E Miles-Cohen (1), Cathy Faye Realization in Japan: An Outline of
K. Kalymbetova, Aliya K. Ramazanova,
(2), Alexandra Rutherford (3) 1. Amer- Various Revolutionary Changes in Aliya M. Boltayeva Al-Farabi Kazakh
ican Psychological Association, United the Relationships between Individ- National University, Kazakhstan
States of America; 2. Drs Nicholas and uals and Society The article presents the different approaches to
Dorothy Cummings Center for the History Hidekazu Sasaki Utsunomiya University, definitionand study of genius phenomenon by
of Psychology at the University of Akron, Japan the example ofMukhagali Makhatayev’s cre-
United States of America; 3. Psychologys The modern Japanese word jiko-jitsugen, ativity. This paper will achieve its aims in sev-
Feminist Voices Oral History and Digital which denotes self-realization and/or erall ways. First, genius criteriaand its substan-
Archive Project, Canada self-actualization, is generally regarded as a tial characteristics are assigned.Second, fac-
By reconstructing psychology’s rich history term symbolizing individualism. Moreover, it tors of genius person forming were revealed
related to minority women and their achieve-
is occasionally identified with the egoism and in the course of historic and psychological
ments and connecting this history with issues
selfishness actualized by individuals. Thus, reconstruction. Third, the nature of poetryand
important to girls, we can inspire minority girls
jiko-jitsugen can be considered as a very indi- genius of the poet will be addressed. The
to consider psychology careers and to learn
vidual matter, with a weak relationship with diary and poetry of Mukhagali Makhatayev
how psychology can be used to effect positive
society. However, immediately after the ethical are used in this research paper to gather some
societal change. The APA Women’s Programs
theory of self-realization was imported from insights into the psychology of creativity. In
Office, the Cummings Center for the His-
England to Japan in the 1890s, the situation our study we try to analyze M.Makhatayev’s
tory of Psychology, and Psychology’s Femi-
nist Voices Oral History Project with the White reversed. Strongly influenced by British ide- genius personalityand his poetry.General meth-
House Council on Women and Girls and the alism, the core concept of jiko-jitsugen was ods of description, analysis, classification,
Smithsonian Affiliations program are design- centered on the harmony between individuals generalization, and systematic-structural and
ing and implementing an interactive exhibit and society. Further, before and during World historical-comparative methods are used in the
for Museum Day, March 12, 2016 using psy- War II, rewarding the Japanese state with their article. ⋅ Key words: genius, genius personality,
chology’s history to empower minority girls. loyalty was frequently encouraged as one of creativity, human nature, talent.
In addition, the exhibit, activities, and related the best means for young elites to realize their
curricula will be widely disseminated to girls’ individual selves. This presentation elucidates OR1185
empowerment groups, and high school and how and why the context of self-realization in A Relational and Transactional
community college psychology classes across Japan has undergone various drastic changes Approach in Understanding
the nation via online and print resources. Pre- in its 120-year history.
Human Psychology with Semiotic
sentation includes description of this collabora-
Mediated Action
tive initiative and reflection on process of using OR1183 Lisa C Yamagata - Lynch, Anne L Skut-
history to "go public" to reach minority girls. Psychological aspects in Mukha- nik, Jaewoo Do University of Tenessee,
gali Makhatayev’s creativity United States of America
OR1181 Meruyert Tileubayeva (1), Almakhan B In this presentation we will examine human
Mental Retardation and Kabylova (2) 1. Al-Farabi Kazakh National psychology from a relational and transactional
Abnormal Psychology in the University, Kazakhstan; 2. JSC braanch epistemological paradigm. We will introduce

© 2016 International Union of Psychological Science

History of Psychology 719
psychology as the study of the organism and a convention and a resource for accumulat- approximately 16,000 psychologists with right
environment, and address them as an insepa- ing dignity, as a resource granting symbolic of free practice. This was possible because the
rable whole. As psychologists, we align our- capital in society. Thus, the forming of psy- Romanian College of Psychologists has pro-
selves with Vygotsky and resonate with the chiatry in the 19th century was accompanied moted the psychologist’s role in society, and
crisis that he found in the 1920s. We believe by pushing it into a marginal place in rela- the advantages of using psychological services
that the crisis he found still persists to this tion to other medical practices (Foucault by the population. New challenges are waiting
day, and we will ground this discussion in 2002). Freud went against his colleagues to develop in Romania psychology: neuropsy-
various historical moments in psychology. We Jung, Adler and Ferenczi. Different psycho- chology, environmental psychology, psychol-
will also introduce Vygotsky’s conceptualiza- logical practices underwent the same process ogy of diversity and others.
tion of mediated action as a semiotic process. before being accepted by established theo-
Then, from a methodological standpoint, we reticians (Capshew, 1999). In this poster we
will introduce human activity as the unit of will discuss two case-studies of patients that
analysis when investigating psychological phe- demonstrate the process of two new therapies The study of the problems of the
nomenon. We will end the presentation with (Animal Assisted therapy and Art therapy) creativity in terms of the construc-
a discussion on how present Cultural Histori- from splitting off a leading theory in psychol- tological paradigm
cal Activity Theory (CHAT) scholars engage ogy, through a phase of diversity to becom- Valentin Molyako, Natalia Vaganova,
in research while examining human activity ing a legitimate branch in the psychology Nadiia Medvedeva, Tatiana Tretiak G.S.
through mediated action. field. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the
National Academy of Pedagogical Sci-
OR1186 P1805 ences of Ukraine, Ukraine
The aim of our study is to analyze a new
Historical and Current Perspec- Reconstruction of Ludwig’s
theory-practical work of the creative construc-
tives on the Growth of Psi Chi, the improved kymograph equipped
tology as the thing which maximum integrates
International Honor Society in Psy- with Foucault’s pendulum (1847) the different concepts of the creativity. There
chology Beyond the 50 US States: Ken’ichi Fuji Ritsumeikan University, consider the chronology of the birth and the
1929-2016 and One Year at HELP Japan
development of the psychology of creativ-
University in Malaysia Kymograph (Kymographion) is one of the
ity in Ukraine. There have been analyzed the
Martha S Zlokovich (1), Cameron Teoh self-registering and graphic-registering instru-
works of the whole range of philosophers and
(2) 1. Psi Chi Intern’l Honor Society in ments invented in 1846 by Ludwig who was
psychologists including modern researchers.
Psychology, United States of America; an experimental physiologist. Instruments in
Conclusion. In the study of creativity in terms
2. HELP University, Malaysia experimental psychology such as the cumula-
of constructological paradigm the creative
When the 9th International Congress of Psy- tive recorder were developed under the influ-
construction is considered as one of the most
chology met in the United States for the first ence of the kymograph. A demonstration
important subsystems of the creative process
time in 1929, faculty from 14 universities model was made to investigate the structure
which presupposes the interconnection of such
signed a Constitution founding Psi Chi, the and function of Ludwig’s improved kymo-
graph made in 1847. The model construction main components as the personality who is the
International Honor Society in Psychology. doer of the action, the product and the condi-
Eighty years later, with chapters at more than was based on a drawing of Ludwig (1847).
The drawing suggested an overspeed gover- tions in which it is fulfilled. Besides that he
1000 US universities, Psi Chi became inter- process-dynamic aspect is the basic here and
national. By 2016 the board had approved 17 nor which maintain at a low constant rotational
speed of a recording cylinder using Foucault’s it is presented like the entire form of syntheses
chapters in 14 different countries. This talk of different psycho revealings of the subject
will focus on the HELP University experience pendulum. The model was made from various
parts, standard gears and shafts, common bolts, and covers the he whole searching.
of applying for and starting a chapter, as well
as student motivations for joining and partic- nuts and so on. The sizes of the model were
ipating in an international honor society. This 90 cm W, 25 cm D and 100 cm H, respectively. P1808
Malaysian chapter of Psi Chi was the first to be The rotational speed (revolutions per second) Vygotsky after Vygotsky
approved in Asia, and examining cultural dif- of the cylinder was obtained from the average, Liudmila F Obukhova Moscow University
ferences between Asian and American student 0.018 s-1. of Psychology and Education, Russia
participation in the local and international com- Vygotsky caused a real revolution in devel-
munity of psychology via their local Psi Chi P1806 opmental psychology marking the start of
chapter may guide future chapters in the region. The Evolution and Development of non-classical psychology. Education creates
Psychology in Romania-25 years of the zone of proximal development. Leontiev
Romanian New Age Psychology discovered the central role of activity in psy-
Anitei Mihai Bucharest University, Roma- chological development. His theory was used
nia to develop the program "Origins. Basic pro-
P1804 After a gap of 12 year (1977-1989) while the gram to foster preschoolers’ development".
On harmony and diversity, the case psychology was forbidden in Romania by the Zaporozhez created the program of an educa-
of art-therapy and animal assisted communist regime, the new Age of Psychol- tional system for preschoolers based on the
therapy ogy has arisen in Romania. Beginning with idea of amplification of child development.
Sari Bar-On (1,2), Miki Eshkar (3) 1. 1989 before regulating the profession of psy- Lisina’s views on the development of com-
Tmurot institute, Israel; 2. Levinsky Col- chologist (on 1st of July 2004), there were munication as a specific type of activity were
lege of Education, Israel; 3. Haifa Univer- approximately 500 psychologists in practice. behind the educational program "Steps of com-
sity, Israel In just few years started to grow domain as: munication" for toddlers. Bozhovich’s stud-
The growth and forming of professions was clinical, work, traffic psychology followed in ies of emotional and personality development
enlightened by the central place given to cul- short time by psychotherapy. After regulat- helped to formulate the criteria of readiness for
ture and power relations in society (Weber ing the profession of psychologist, the num- school. Venger investigated cultural mediation
1968). The hierarchy of social roles in the ber of people interested in this profession has in perception and thinking. His students cre-
accepted professions of any culture serves as increased. Today in Romania currently operate ated an educational program for preschoolers

© 2016 International Union of Psychological Science

720 History of Psychology
called "Development". Gal’perin started pro- psychology and relationship of the classical P1811
ductive investigations of mental actions, con- apparatus saved in National Taiwan University. Cambridge University Examination
cepts and images. Davydov created the concept Papers of Moral Sciences around
of developmental education. As we see, Vygot- P1810 1900 depict the struggle for inde-
sky is not alone in psychology.
Development of the intelligence pendence of modern psychology in
tests in Japan the arising era
P1809 Tomoko Suzuki YOKOHAMA National Maki Wada (1), Isaka Hiroko (2) 1. Nihon
Classical experimental apparatus University, Japan University, College of Law, Japan; 2.
of psychology in Taiwan The development of intelligence tests in Japan Nihon University,College of International
Shojiro Sakurai Kaohsiung Medical Uni- is discussed from a historical perspective. Relations, Japan
versity, Taiwan Two trends were identified through literature The aim of this study was to analyse
In the National Taiwan University (NTU) save reviews and interviews with test develop- Cambridge University Examination Papers
about thirty classical apparatus of psychology. ers. The first trend is tests developed in the of Moral Sciences around 1900 in order to
These apparatus had belonged to the Taihoku discipline of psychology. Tanaka-Binet and figure out what sort of the discipline of psy-
Imperial University, which was established chology was taken into modern psychology in
Suzuki-Binet tests that are currently used in
by the Japanese government in 1928. Before the arising era. Later in the 19th century, psy-
school psychology include original Japanese
establishing, the first professor of psychol- chology was struggle for the independent status
items, which are more familiar to Japanese
ogy Mr. Iinuma had been sent to Germany from Moral Sciences. In 1901 Psychological
children. However, WAIS III and WISC IV
for two years by the Japanese colonial gov- Society in Great Britain was founded and the
have few original Japanese items, because
ernment. He might purchase the apparatus in Society’s first president, C.S..Myer and other
publisher of these tests have strict rules about
there. I found important classical apparatus academics such as J.Ward, W.H.R.Rivers who
at the NTU. For example, they have Wundt’s revisions. Developers of these tests have the had been educated in Physiology or Medicine
pendulum tachistoscope, which was only after common purpose of using test results for constituted the Examiners of the Tripos. Their
the second Kyoto University found. According psychological assessment. The second trend activities contributed to establish new Tri-
to the plate, I found it was made by Zimmer- in intelligence tests occurred in medicine. pos subdivision specified for psychology.
mann, Germany.I have built apparatus’s Digital These tests include the Noken Intelligence New subdivision of Tripos included topics
Collections pages. In the pages, I created 3D Scale and Hasegawa’s Dementia Scale, which chiefly contained sense, perception, image,
models for some apparatus, which allows users were developed by psychiatrists for screen- emotion, instinct, will, mental activity and
to remotely control their rotation and zoom. ing intellectual disabilities and dementia. It is psycho-physical experiments. (This study was
In the future, I hope to cooperate with other concluded that these two trends in test develop- supported by Nihon University Multidisci-
scholars to understand the history of Taiwanese ment have different uses and different histories. plinary Research Grant for 2014.)

© 2016 International Union of Psychological Science

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