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Command Timing & Effects

8 Squadron Command: Resolved after revealing the ship’s command dial.

• Dial: Activate friendly squadrons up the activated ship’s Squadron Value that are at close-medium range
of the ship. Each squadron activated this way can attack and move in either order. Each squadron is
activated one at a time and completes its entire activation before another squadron is activated.
• Token: Activate one squadron as described above.

0 Repair Command: Resolved after revealing the ship’s command dial.

• Dial: Gain engineering points equal to the ship’s engineering value and spend them on the following
repair effects.
◦ Move Shields: Spend (1) one point to move one shield by reducing one of the ship’s hull zone’s
shield dials by one and then increasing another of its hull zone’s shields by one (without exceeding
its maximum shield value).
◦ Recover Shields: Spend (2) two points to recover one shield on any of the ship’s hull zones (without
exceeding its maximum shield value).
◦ Repair Hull: Spend (3) three points to choose and discard one of the ship’s faceup or facedown
damage cards.
• Token: Gain engineering points equal to half of the ship’s engineering value, rounded up, to spend on
the above repair effects.

9 Concentrate Fire Command: Resolved during “Resolve Attack Effects” step of an attack.
• Dial: Add one attack die to the attack pool for a single attack. That die must be of a color that is already
in the attack pool.
• Token: Reroll one attack die in the attack pool.

7 Navigate Command: Resolved during the “Determine Course” step of movement.

• Dial: Increase or decrease the ship’s speed by one, and/or increase the yaw value of one joint by one for
this maneuver.
• Token: Increase or decrease the ship’s speed by one.

 A ship can spend both a command dial and a command token to combine their effects. Doing so counts
as a single resolution of the command. A ship must decide whether it is spending the dial, the token, or
both before resolving that command’s effects. A ship cannot resolve the same command more than once
per round.
 A ship cannot have more command tokens than its Command Value. If a ship receives a token that
exceed its command value its owner chooses a token to discard and replaces it with the new one. A ship
may not have more than one copy of the same token.
 A token spent to pay the Ready Cost of a non-recur upgrade does not produce the tokens effect.
Defense Tokens & Timing
• A defense token can’t be spent more than once during this step, and no more than (1) one of each type of
token may be spent during this step.
• Tokens spent by effects do not trigger their effect to resolve unless stated by the effect.
• Exhausted tokens spent by an effect are not discarded unless otherwise stated by the effect.

Resolved Before Critical Effects are Resolved

Scatter: The defender cancels all attack dice.

Contain: If the defender is a ship, the attacker is prevented from resolving the standard critical
effect. The attacker can still resolve a non-standard critical effect, such as one granted by an
upgrade card.

Evade: At long range, the defender cancels one attack die of its choice. At medium and close
range, the defender chooses one attack die to be rerolled. While defending at extreme range the
defender resolves the long-range effect and cancels one additional attack die. Extreme range is
any range beyond the length of the ruler measuring from the attacker to the defender.
• When a ship spends an Evade token while defending against a ship of a larger size class, it may cancel
or reroll one additional attack die, as appropriate for the attack’s range. If it does, discard the spent
token, whether it is readied or exhausted.
• If the die, that has been rerolled due to this effect, shows an P icon it cannot be spent to choose a
defender's defense token.

Resolved After Critical Effects are Resolved

Redirect: The defender chooses one of his hull zones adjacent to the defending hull zone. When
the defender suffers damage, it may suffer any amount of damage on the chosen zone’s
remaining shields before it must suffer the remaining damage on the defending hull zone.

Brace: When damage is totaled during the “Resolve Damage” step, the total is reduced to half,
rounded up.

Salvo: If the defender is a ship, it performs a salvo attack after the “Resolve Damage” step of
this attack. If the attacker was a ship, the defender performs a salvo attack against the attacking
hull zone using the defender’s printed rear battery armament. If the attacker was a squadron, the
defender performs a salvo attack against the attacker using its printed anti-squadron armament.
• The effect of the Salvo defense token cannot be resolved during a counter, salvo, or ignition attack.
• During a salvo attack, the attack range and line-of-sight are treated as the same as those of the original
attack, and firing arcs are ignored.
• Dice cannot be added to a salvo attack. (Other dice modifications still apply.)
• During a salvo attack, only the standard critical effect can be resolved.
• If the ship that spent the Salvo defense token is destroyed before performing a salvo attack, it performs
the salvo attack before it is removed.
The Attack Sequence
1 Declare Target
1.1 Attacker declares attacking hull zone or currently activated squadron
1.2 Attacker declares target
1.2.1 A hull zone of an enemy ship
1.2.2 An enemy squadron not already attacked during this attack
1.3 Check for target in attacking hull zones firing arc
1.4 Check Line of Sight
1.5 Measure range of attack from closest point of attacking hull zone to target
2 Roll Attack Dice
2.1 Gather attack dice
2.1.1 Battery armament for the range of the attacking hull zone if defender is a ship
2.1.2 Anti-squadron armament for that range if defender is a squadron
2.1.3 Regardless of dice range squadrons can only attack targets at distance 1
2.2 If the attack is obstructed the attacker removes one die from the attack pool. If there are no dice left
in the attack pool the attack is canceled, otherwise roll the dice and continue to Step 3.
3 Resolve Attack Effect
3.1 The attacker may do the following in any order:
3.1.1 Modify or re-roll dice,
3.1.2 add dice to the attack,
3.1.3 spend dice in the attack such as P results
4 Spend Defense Tokens
4.1 Defender declares each Defense Token they are spending and spends it
4.2 The following Defense Tokens are resolved before continuing:
4.2.1 Scatter to cancel all dice thus ending the attack,
4.2.2 Evade to cancel a die or force the attacker to re-roll one die,
4.2.3 Contain prevents the attacker from using the Standard Critical Effect
4.3 Brace, Redirect, and Salvo are resolved in the following step
4.3.1 When Redirect is spent the defender must declare the hull zone to resolve the effect in
5 Resolve Damage
5.1 If the attacker is a ship and there is at least one O in the attack pool they may resolve a critical
effect. Unless specified by the effect then the die is not spent and remains in the pool.
5.2 Determine the damage total based on the dice remaining in the attack pool:
5.2.1 If both attacker and defender are ships its the sum of all N and O
5.2.2 If either the attacker or defender is a squadron its the sum of all N
5.2.3 The Brace defense token is resolved now to halve the total damage, rounded up
5.3 Defender applies damage one point at a time
5.3.1 If the Redirect defense token is resolved now
5.3.2 If the defender is a ship damage is first applied to shields on the defending hull zone, and then
to the hull with damage cards face down
5.3.3 If the defender is a squadron they reduce their hull point value on their base by one for each
point of damage suffered.
5.4 At the end of this step the defender may resolve the Salvo defense token
5.5 If the defender has hull damage equal to their Hull Value its removed from the play area now
6 Declare Additional Squadron Targets
6.1 If the attacker is a ship and the defender a squadron, repeat steps 1.2 to 6 as a new attack until all
squadrons in the attacking hull zones firing arcs have been attacked

 All ships have the Standard Critical Effect: “O: If the defender is dealt at least one damage card by this
attack, deal the first damage card faceup.”

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