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1 NILESH PRAJAPATI 151240106065
2 TIRATH PRAJAPATI 151240106066
Dimensionless number

 These are numbers which are obtained by dividing the inertia force by
viscous force or gravity force or pressure force or surface tension force
or elastic force.
 As this is ratio of once force to other, it will be a dimensionless
number. These are also called non-dimensional parameters.

 Dimensionless numbers are widely applied in mechanical &

chemical engineering.

 A dimensionless number has no physical unit associated with it. However, it is

sometimes helpful to use the same units in both the numerator and denominator,
such as kg/kg, to show the quantity being measured.
 A dimensionless number has the same value regardless of the measurement units
used to calculate it. It has the same value whether it was calculated using the metric
measurement system or the imperial measurement system.
 However, a number may be dimensionless in one system of units (e.g., in a
nonrationalized cgs system of units with the electric constant ε0 = 1), and not
dimensionless in another system of units (e.g., the rationalized SI system, with ε0 =
8.85419×10-12 F/m).
 Thefollowing are most important dimensionless

 Reynold’s Number
 Froude’s Number
 Euler’s Number
 Mach’s Number
 Weber’s Number
Reynolds number

Sir George Stokes introduced Reynolds numbers. Osbome Reynolds popularised the concept.

The concept was introduced by Sir George Stokes in 1851, but the Reynolds number was named
by Arnold Sommerfeld in 1908 after Osborne Reynolds (1842–1912), who popularized its use in
Dimensionless Numbers
 Reynold’s Number,Re: It is the ratio of inertia force to the viscous force
of flowing fluid.

Velocity Volume
Mass.  . Velocity
Re   Time  Time
Fv Shear Stress. Area Shear Stress. Area
 QV.  AV .V  AV .V VL VL
    
 .A du
 .A  .A
V  
dy L

The Reynolds Number can be used to determine if flow is

laminar, transient or turbulent. The flow is
•laminar when Re < 2300
•transient when 2300 < Re < 4000
•turbulent when Re > 4000
Example - Calculating Reynolds Number
 A Newtonian fluid with a dynamic or absolute viscosity of 0.38 Ns/m2 and a specific gravity
of 0.91 flows through a 25 mm diameter pipe with a velocity of 2.6 m/s.

The density can be calculated using the specific gravity like

ρ = 0.91 (1000 kg/m3)
= 910 kg/m3

The Reynolds Number can then be calculated using equation (1) like
Re = (910 kg/m3) (2.6 m/s) (25 mm) (10-3 m/mm) / (0.38 Ns/m2)
= 156 (kg m / s2)/N
= 156 ~ Laminar flow
(1 N = 1 kg m / s2)
Froude’s number

named after William Froude is a dimensionless number defined as the ratio of

characteristic velocity to the gravity wave velocity.

The Froude number in terms of gravity is expressed as,

It is used to determine the resistance of an body which is submerged partially moving

along with water.
Velocity Volume
Mass.  . Velocity
Fe   Time  Time
Fg Mass. Gavitational Acceleraion Mass. Gavitational Acceleraion
 QV
.  AV .V V2 V
   
Volume.g  AL.g gL gL

Fr is Froude number,
v is velocity,
g is gravity,
l is characteristic length.
Example – Calculating frodue’s Number
 Question 1: Find the Froude number if the length of the boat is 2m and velocity is 10 m/s.


 Given: length l = 2m, velocity v = 10 m/s

The froude number is given by,
 Fr = v(gl)1/2v(gl)1/2

Fr = 2m/s(9.8m/s2×2m)1/22m/s(9.8m/s2×2m)1/2

Fr = 0.451

Therefore, the froude number of the boat is 0.451.

 Question 2: Calculate the velocity of the moving fish in the water if its froude
number is 0.72 and length 0.5 m.


Given: length l = 0.5m, froude number Fr = 0.72

The froude number is given by,
 Fr = v(gl)1/2v(gl)1/2.
 The velocity of the moving fish is,
 v = Fr ×× (gl)1/2(gl)1/2
 v = 0.72 ×× (9.8×0.5)1/2(9.8×0.5)1/2
 v = 1.59 m/s.
Euler’s Number

 Euler's Number, E: It is the ratio of inertia force to the pressure force of

flowing fluid.

Velocity Volume
Mass.  . Velocity
Eu   Time  Time
Fp Pr essure. Area Pr essure. Area
 QV
.  AV .V V2 V
   
P. A P. A P/ P/
Mach’s number
 Mach’s Number, M:
 It is the ratio of inertia force to the elastic force of flowing fluid.

Velocity Volume
Mass.  . Velocity
M  Time  Time
Fe Elastic Stress. Area Elastic Stress. Area
 Q.V  AV .V  L2V 2 V V
    
K .A K .A KL2 K/ C
Where : C  K / 
Weber’s Number

 The Weber Number is a dimensionless value useful for analyzing fluid

flows where there is an interface between two different fluids.

 The Weber Number is the ratio between the inertial force and the
surface tension force and the Weber number indicates whether the
kinetic or the surface tension energy is dominant. It can be expressed

We = ρ v2 l / σ
We = Weber number (dimensionless)
ρ = density of fluid (kg/m3, lb/ft3)
v = velocity of fluid (m/s, ft/s)
l = characteristic length (m, ft)
σ = surface tension (N/m)

Since the Weber Number represents an index of the inertial force to

the surface tension force acting on a fluid element, it can be useful
analyzing thin films flows and the formation of droplets and bubbles.

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