Stage 2, Step 2 - Music and Culture Reading Comprehension

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English VIII, Group _________ Unit 1 – music and culture reading comprehension

Name __________________________________________ Date ______________

“Why Obsessive K-Pop Fans Are Turning Toward Political Activism”

reading comprehension activity

Answer the following questions based on the information in the article.

1. How does the article describe K-pop fans? What names does the article give for them?
As a group (mainly of young people) passionate, young people who are willing to learn about new cultures and who are
guided by a message that encourages them to be more expressive in all aspects of their lives. Those characteristics
translate well when analyzing social issues.

2. How do they describe themselves?

3. What ideas to other people have about K-pop fans?

4. What activities do fans participate in around the music or their fandom? List a minimum of 8.

5. Where do they interact with the music and express their fandom? List a minimum of 4.

6. How do K-pop fans show or express their fandom, either physically or in their attitudes? List a minimum of 5.

7. What is important to K-pop about the music and their fandom?

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