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A SEMAN Will / won’t

English III A Technology, Predictions
English plans and 8 horas
Time expressions
6-7 predictions
Will vs be going to


Short and long

vowel sounds.

Minimal pairs.


guía para el desarrollo de clases virtuales


● To review the use of the future tense using will.

● To express plans and future intentions by contrasting use of
future forms.
● To make predictions taking into account the context.
● To describe ideas for the upcoming technological changes.

Dear student, throughout this guide you are analyzing the uses and structure
of the future tense. You can contrast the Present Continuous or ‘be going to’
for future plans and arrangements and the use of ‘will’ to express predictions,
you will see some examples and grammatical aspects. Additionally this guide
introduces you to a phonemic approach to the pronunciation of short and long
vowels in English. After completing this guide, you will be able to express your
thought about technological advances in the future.
This guide covers two weeks of work. It is divided into four hours of
independent work per week. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to
contact your teacher by the established means
A prediction is a statement that we make about the future. When a person
makes a prediction they say what they think will happen in the future. In what
scenarios can you find people making predictions?

Let’s check some basic vocabulary. Write down the words that corresponds to

Weather Forecast
Economic outlook
Scientific prediction

the pictures

_________________ _____________________

_____________________ _

What is proper when talking?

When you break the language down you will see that English is a very
expressive language and each grammatical structure that you use
communicates a very specific idea and time.
Each time you say something, the person that you are speaking to interprets
your words and creates a very specific mental picture of what you are
communicating. Using the correct grammar means that people will know
exactly what you are on about every time you communicate!

Predictions About The Future

We use both will and to be going to when we want to make a prediction
about the future. A prediction is a statement that we make about the future.
When a person makes a prediction they say what they think will happen in the

We use to be + going to + infinitive when we make a prediction based on evidence we

have now.
We use will + infinitive when we make a prediction which is only a guess or an opinion
of ours.

When do we use the structure 'to be going to +

We use the structure to be going to + infinitive if we make a prediction
about the future because we have evidence now that supports us in making
that prediction.
This means that something now (in the present) tells us what is going to
happen in the future.
Predictions about the future are made every day. Here are some predictions
that we see on a regular basis:
On television, the weather forecast predicts what the weather will be like
tomorrow. Weather forecasters use different weather instruments that
provide them with information in the present. Weather forecasters use this
information to make their predictions about the weather.
Economists make predictions regarding the economy in a country, levels of
employment and unemployment and the creation of jobs. An economist is
someone who has studied economics. Economists use evidence from history
and data that has been collected to help them make their predictions. They
use this evidence to help them make predictions about economic situations in
the future.
Who would say the following sentences?
Weather Economists

Temperatures are going to be between 20 and 22 degrees


Tomorrow night is going to be cloudy’.

The economy of the country is going to grow by 2%.

Tax rates are going to decrease slightly.

Taxes are not going to increase.

It is going to rain on the east coast in the evening.

Unemployment levels are going to fall next year.

Time expressions
Some words are key to identify which tense you should use. Take a

Did you notice the

time expressions
used in the
sentences above?
Write them down
When do we use the structure 'will + infinitive?'
Listening practice

Listen to the video attached to this study guide and choose the right

1) What will happen soon? 

 a) She will work in Europe.

 b) She will quit her job.

2) How many languages will she study? 

 a) One
 b) Two

3) What will she have problems doing? 

 a) Buying food.

 b) Making friends

4) Who will she miss? 

 a) Her family

 b) Boyfriend

Will for Future Tense

Point 1: We use will to talk about things happening in the future.

● I will see you tomorrow.

● The meeting will start soon.
● She will not be here next week.
● It will not be be easy to pass the exam

Point 2: The negative form of will is will not, but we often contract this to won't in spoken
English. However, do not use contractions in formal writing.

● We won't have enough money.

● She won't get home until six.
● The test won't be easy.
● I won't travel this year.

Point 3: We use will to express a future action that is immediate.

● Who will be at the meeting?

● Everyone will be there.
● When will it end?
● I will end at noon, just before lunch.

Point 4: We often use the contraction of will ('ll) in spoken English. However, do not use
contractions in formal writing.

● I'll call you tomorrow.

● She'll be here soon.
● They'll give you call this week.
● Arnold always says, "I'll be back" in his movies.

We use the structure will + infinitive to make a prediction about the future. However, if we
use this structure we are guessing or stating our opinion. We do not have any evidence in
the present telling us what the future is going to be.

Every day, newspapers print horoscopes telling people what will happen in their lives that
day. Horoscopes make predictions about people’s jobs and careers.

● Today you will get a phone call.

● The person who telephones you will offer you the job of your dreams.
● Later this afternoon you will win a lot of money on the lottery.”

Here, I have some predictions about the future:

● I predict that Colombia will get at least 4 gold medals in the Olympic games (I am not
even sure the number of participants we have – this prediction is a guess!)
● I predict that we will have face to face classes this semester. I don’t make this
decision, but I am a very optimistic!
● I predict that Maluma and JBalvin will decide to retire from music! (I am not their

Here we go again with time expressions. Please highlight the expressions of time in the
sentences above.
Grammar Rules

● I will be a teacher.
● He’ll travel around the world.
● You won’t have any problems.

We can use ‘will’ or ‘’ll’ to talk about the future and make future predictions.
For the negative, we can say ‘will not’ or ‘won’t’.
● I’ll live in a big house when I’m older.
● She will have lots of pets.
● Children won’t go to school in the future.
● We will not drive normal cars.

Be careful!
The main verb is without ‘to’.
● My friend will be a vet to help animals.
● I won’t forget my friends when I grow up.

We say... We don’t say...

● People will drive flying cars in the future. (NOT People will to drive
flying cars in the future.)
● I won’t live at home when I go to university. (NOT I willn’t live at home
when I go to university.)
● My father won’t be happy when he sees this broken window! (NOT My
father won’t to be happy when he sees this broken window!)
The future with be going to
The last study guide covered this topic but this is a friendly reminder

OK. I’ve got it but what’s the difference?

1. Choose ‘will’ or ‘is/are going to’ to complete sentences.
● Spain ___________ win the next World Cup
● How many people do you think you _______________ speak to today?
● Who do you think ______________ win the next US presidential election?
● Pink is her favorite color so I think that she __________ love this pink scarf
that I have bought her for her birthday
● Look at those dark clouds in the sky. I think it ____________ rain!

So.. let’s summarize the information from this video: it’s literally 3: 47 seconds of your time.

Complete the sentences according to the video.

We use will for general ____________ and ___________

An opinion is not based on _______
An opinion is a _______ prediction
Here’s another one, you don’t have to see the whole video just from 10:29

Pay attention to these differences

How about this? Are you sure or unsure?

Check the examples given in the video

2. Match the phrases to their best possible option according to the

communicative intention.
1 My friend is very punctual I am going to work on Friday

2 They are a beautiful couple Maybe I‘ll work on Friday

3 I can’t go to the party this Friday He is going to study medicine

4 My nephew was accepted in the He’ll study law or medicine


5 She has the majority of the votes They’ll probably get married

6 She said yes!! I’m so happy for They’re going to get married.

7 I don’t think I can go to the party The P.M will arrive at 8:00 pm

8 If she buys votes like she did in My Friend is going to come over
the Senate at 8:00pm

9 My nephew is very smart for his She’s going to win the election
age I think

10 His political agenda is very tight She’ll win the election


3. Chose the correct answers

● 'I haven't got my phone.' 'That's OK. I am going to /'ll lend you mine.
● It's Julia's birthday next week, so we're going to/will buy her some flowers.
● Will you lend me £10? I promise I am going to/'ll give it back to you tomorrow.
● We will/'re going to have a barbecue tomorrow. It's all planned, so I hope it is not
going to / won't rain.
● 'Jim's starting university tomorrow.' 'What will he/ is he going to study?
● You won't/ aren’t going to like that film. It's very frightening. Let's choose another
● Do you think they are going to/ 'll like the presents we got for them?
● Look! The bus will/is going to leave! Run or we are going to/'ll miss it.

4. Select the correct response

A.- I'm thirsty.

- I ... you something to drink.

a) 'll give
b) 'm going to give

B. When we are old, life ... easier.

a) will be
b) is going to be

C. -Why are you putting on your coat?

-I ...

a) will go out.
b) am going to go out.
D. He's driving too fast. He ... an accident.

a) will have
b) is going to have

E. Don't worry, mum, I promise I ... good care of the plants.

a) will take
b) am going to take

F. Nobody in Jane's team can play basketball. They ... the match.

a) will lose
b) are going to lose

G. In the future, people ... in ecological homes.

a) will live
b) are going to live

H. -Look! That car has had an accident.

-Oh, no. I... an ambulance!

a) 'll call
b) 'm going to call

I -Did you invite Ann to the party?

-Oh, no, I forgot!. I ... her now.

a) will phone
b) am going to phone

I have bought a guitar and I ... to play it.

a) will learn
b) am going to learn

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of will or going to and the
verbs in brackets.
1.- When we get home, we ___________ (have) dinner.
2.- I know they ___________ (feel) very happy if they win the
3.- They’ve already decided on their next summer
holiday. They ____________ (do) a tour of Norway.
4.- She thinks that the Take That concert __________
(be) really exciting.
5.- “What are your plans for this evening?” I ________
(meet) my friends and then go to a birthday party.
6.- If you revise for the exam , I’m sure you ________
(get) a good result.
7.- The weather forecast is good for the next few days. It _________
(be) very sunny.
8.- I can’t come on the march tomorrow. I ___________ (look after)
my cousins.
9.- In the future, I think humans ___________ (wipe out)
many different species.
10.-He is buying some butter and eggs because he
_________ (make) a cake later.
6. Complete the following dialogue using will or be going to to express
the future
LAURA: What are you doing this weekend, Jan?

TANYA: I ___________ (see) a new play tomorrow at the Royal Court theater.

LAURA: Have you got the tickets yet?

TANYA: NO, I___________ (get) them this afternoon, actually. Would you like to come?

LAURA: Oh, thank you, that would be nice.

TANYA: OK, I___________ (get) you a ticket too.

LAURA: Great ... what time does it start?

TANYA: Eight o'clock, but we ___________ (all meet) in the Green Cafe at 7.15.

LAURA: OK, I___________ (meet) you in the cafe, but, er...I _____ (be) there around 7.30.

TANYA: That's fine.

LAURA: Oh, one other thing ... I've got no money at the moment... I ___________ (pay) for
the ticket on Saturday. Is that OK?

TANYA: Yes, that's OK, no problem.

LAURA: Great! Why don't we go eat something in the restaurant?

TANYA: That's a good idea. I ___________ (phone) the others and see if they want to come

LAURA: Good, and I ___________ (book) a table for us.

TANYA: Great! I ___________ (meet) you there in a moment.

7. Reading comprehension

Planning a
(two neighbors talking)

Martha:...What a horrible weather today. I'd love to go out, but I think it

_______(1) continue raining.
Jane:Oh, I don't know. Maybe the sun _______(2) come out
later this afternoon.

Martha:I hope you're right. Listen, I________(3) have a party

this Saturday. Would you like to come?
Jane:Oh, I'd love to come. Thank you for inviting me. Who________(4) come to
the party?

Martha:Well, some people haven't told me yet. But, Peter and Mark
__________(5) help out with the cooking!
Jane:Hey, I_____(6) help, too!

Martha:Would you? That would be great!

Jane:I_____(7) make lasagna!

Martha:That sounds delicious! I know my Italian

cousins _______ (8A) be there. I'm sure they
____(8B) love it.
Jane:Italians? Maybe I____(9) bake a cake...

Martha:No, no. They're not like that. They_____ (10) love it.
Jane:Well, if you say so... ____ there ______(11) be
a theme for the party?

Martha:No, I don't think so. Just a chance to get

together and have fun.
Jane:I'm sure it____(12) be lots of fun.

Martha:But I_________(13) hire a clown!

Jane:A clown! You're kidding me.

Martha:No, no. As I child, I always wanted a clown.

Now, I__________(14) have my clown at my own
Jane:I'm sure everyone ______(15) have a good

Martha:That's the plan!

Q1: What do they think about the
Q7: Why does Martha want a clown?
● It's beautiful.
● It's terrible. ● She wanted a clown as a child, so now
● It's snowing. she's going to have one.
● She hates clowns.
● Because the clown goes well with the
Q2: What does Martha have to share?
theme of the party.
● News that she's going to get married.
● News that she's going to have a party.
Q8: Does Martha know exactly how many
● News that she's going to have a baby.
people are going to come?

Q3: What are Peter and Mark going to do? ● Yes, she does.
● No, she doesn't.
● They're going to cook lasagna.
● They're going to help with the cooking.
● They're going to come dressed as Q9: How does Jane think people will react
clowns. to the clown?

● She thinks they'll hate it.

Q4: What does Jane offer to do? ● She thinks they'll love it.
● She thinks they'll have a good laugh.
● She says she'll help cook.
● She says she'll come dressed as a
● She says she'll speak Italian with her

Q5: How does Jane react to the news

about the Italian cousins?

● She's happy they'll taste her lasagna.

● She's afraid they won't understand
She's says she'll bake a cake instead

of lasagna.
Learning Pill (Guide 3)

Q6: What special plan is there?

Read the following text and choose the
● Martha's going to have a clown. correct option to complete it.
● Martha's going to make an
● Martha's going to have a themed
Smart homes
Mitsuko Ohno and her 10-month-old daughter Kayoko recently moved
All vowels haveintoattheir new
least house
two in sounds
main Nagoya that
______ Japan. From the (1) __________ it looks like anythey othermake
(2) _________this house was built by
on surrounding letters and
using the very latest technology. Mitsuko controls all the equipment in her flat with a mini-computer, which she
sounds. These are usually referred to as the long
wears on her (3) __________like a watch. This mini-computer also measures Mitsuko’s electricity, (4)
and short sound of a vowel. Below are some
_________for her bills, and stores video messages. It gives her information about when the washing machine has
common spellings for long and short vowels as
finished or who is at the door.
well as some minimal pairs where words change
Mitsuko’s fridge has a (5) __________ that provides recipesfrom long
for the to short inside,
ingredients vowels. and lets (6)_______ know
if the food is out of date. The bedroom mirror displays the timetable for the day, helps her choose her clothes and
The long a sound:
brings her the (7) _______ weather and traffic news. When it’s time to go to work, everything in this home of the The sh
future automatically (8) ____________ ______.
a → race, able, make a → cat
ai → wait, aim
ay → slay, day, may
ei → eight, weight
ey → they, hey
ea → break, great
The long e sound: The sh
e → be, eve e → let,
ee → see, sleep ea → br
ea → meal, peace, read
ie/ei → field, believe
0. A. in B. on C. at The long i sound: The sh
ANSWER: i → pilot, file, idea i → pin
igh → fight, sigh, light e → pre
ie → lie, cried, tie y → my
y → by, why, apply
1. A. outdoors B. outcome
The long o sound: The sh
2. A. so B. or o → remote, hope, wrote o → po
oa → boat, soap, oak
3. A. wrist B. arm ow → snow, tomorrow, window
oe → toe, soe
4. A. paying B. pay ough → though, bough, thorough
The long u sound: The sh
5. A. scent B. screen u → use, unit, future o → op
ue → argue, hue, rescue u → con
6. A. she B. her ew → new, stew, few ou → co
oe → shoe, canoe
7. A. latest B. later

8. A. turns off B. goes off An interesting thing about long and short vowels
is that the pronunciation can be changed with the
Taken and adapted from: addition or subtraction of one letter. When this
happens, words are called minimal pairs. Here
Ireland, S., & Kosta, J. (2008). Cambridge Vocabulary for PET. Ernst
Klett Sprach
are some examples of minimal pairs for long and
short vowel sounds:

at → ate bat → bate

time →
cap → cape tim hope →
hat → hate bite →
bit cone → con
tap → tape
light → lit note → not
rat → rate
site → sit coat → cot
beet → bet
might → cube → cub
neat → net mit
tube → tub
seat → set wine →
win cute → cut
wheat →
wet cope → dude →
cop dud

Time to practice some short readings

Pay attention to the “decodable words”

Ok We are almost done… it’s time to
get your

1. We live in a world that is
constantly changing, and every
day it seems to change more
quickly. What do you think the
future will be like? What do you
think 2022 is going to be like?
What will be different? What
will be the same? Now move on
to five years, ten years and fifty

Write 2 paragraphs (one for

2021 and 2026, and one for
2031 and 2036) predicting
about your own life in the
future. Include different aspects
as family, professional goals,
trips, technology, etc. Make sure
you use the correct form when
making predictions.

2. Choose 3 of the technological

advances presented in
-future-predictions/ (if you don’t
have access to internet you can
see the pdf attached to this
study guide), write down a
paragraph saying how you think
the predictions you chose will
happen in the Colombian

200 words aproximately.

UPLOAD your text in Moodle.


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