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UNIT3 describing object

Most the focus on the adjectives

Describing personal items


Mixed feeling lens nerd

Why we describe things? To tell readers 1-what item look like 2-why they are important

Important points in supporting datils in describing items: 1-color 2-size 3-shape 4-style 5-material

What is the good describing Item? Help readers understand what an object looks like without
seeing it

What the main idea should interduce? The object in general way

What the detail sentences should interduce? 1- show differences between it and other type of it

2-tell color,shape,size,material…. (visual details)

3- give information about to help understand the


What is the visual datils? Visual datils gave specific information about the color, size, shape, weight,
fabric, or cost of an item EX: blue, long …………

Things should consider when written paragraph:


2-main idea sentons

3-margins on both sides

4-four or five supporting details sentences

Why we use adjective after be? To describe the subject. EX: my coat is pretty

*adjectives do not change with the plural form


*adjectives _in the most_ come before nouns

The simple present in the first person

Why we use it here, and when? To describe likes, dislikes, and facts

What kind of verbs we use if the subject was ‘I’ ? The base form of the verb

EX:- 1- I like blue jeans

2- I don’t like blue jeans

3- I have many photos for my sister

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