AES CEP Report

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Alternate Energy Systems Department of Electrical Engineering
Complex Engineering Problem NED University of Engineering and Technology

Table of Contents
Abstract --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 03
1. Introduction------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 03
1.1.Problem Statement------------------------------------------------------------ Page 03
1.2.Project Objective-------------------------------------------------------------- Page 03
1.3.Organization of Study-------------------------------------------------------- Page 04
2. Literature Review------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 04
3. Methodology------------------------------------------------------------------------ Page 04
3.1.Solar Grid Integration--------------------------------------------------------- Page 04
3.2.Grid and Plant Protection----------------------------------------------------- Page 07
3.3.Grid Forecasting---------------------------------------------------------------- Page 08
4. Design Consideration-------------------------------------------------------------- Page 06
5. Technical Analysis----------------------------------------------------------------- Page 09
6. Comparative Analysis------------------------------------------------------------- Page 09
6.1.Comparing Carbon Footprints Before and After Solar PV Integration- Page 09
7. Conclusion---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 10
8. References---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 10

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Alternate Energy Systems Department of Electrical Engineering
Complex Engineering Problem NED University of Engineering and Technology
A study on the review of the integration of solar PV into the existing 132 kV Grid
Station in Kohat is presented. The technology of Grid Integration with Solar PV is
becoming prominent in industries as well as researches for providing an alternative to
meet the world’s energy requirements instead of conventional non-renewable generation
[1]. PV Systems generate electricity by using Sun and transforming DC Power to AC
Power so they have a minimum net environmental impact. As the Cost of Solar PV
Projects is already below non-renewable cost globally so researchers are further working
on it as they are assumed to be cheaper in the future [2].
1. Introduction
Presently, Global Power Sector is going through Energy Transformation to meet the
increasing demand for renewable energy and restore climate change. Therefore,
Renewable resources especially Solar PV is favorable as it offers a promising substitute
and does not contribute to global warming. To have a clean and green energy generation,
renewable resources must have reduced carbon footprints on the environment which is
the reason for the rise of Solar PV Power generation. This Project is planned in a way to
fulfill the Paris Agreement as well as minimal environmental hazards which in turn will
improve the well-being of living beings. This study offers a detailed analysis of design
parameters of Grid Integration with Solar PV as well as the effect of this study. The
study also offers insights on reduction in installation and maintenance costs as well as
meeting climate goals. An important factor for shifting traditional Grid to Solar PV is
the decreased cost for PV modules and Power Converters. So the integration of PV
generation into the large-scale grid of the current substation of Kohat [3] requires proper
planning along with technical analysis at the different levels of the substation.
1.1. Problem Statement
To discuss the design considerations of Grid Integrated Solar PV Systems, provide
its technical analysis, and perform the comparison with conventional Grid.
1.2. Project Objective
The main objective of this study is to research the areas of Integrated Solar PV
System, choose and transform areas where technical analysis can make a difference
in the grid, and analyze its pros.

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Alternate Energy Systems Department of Electrical Engineering
Complex Engineering Problem NED University of Engineering and Technology
1.3. Organization of Study
This report consists of nine sections. Starting with the abstract of the study, we have
then covered the Introduction of the Grid Integrated Solar PV System, the problem
statement, and the project objective. Section two provides a brief literature review of
the study and Section three involves the procedure that we have used to complete the
project. Then we have covered Design consideration and Technical Analysis of Grid
Integration with PV in detail and lastly concluded our study and provided all the
relevant references that we have incorporated.
2. Literature Review
Solar PV has the potential to suffice for a quarter of the world’s power needs by the
mid-century. If the use of Solar PV could be coupled with deep electrification, then
the CO2 emission could be minimized to almost 4.9 Gigatonnes annually by the Year
2050. To improve the Global warming effect and dependence on Fossil fuels,
continuous work is being done to increase the current level of Solar Grid Integration.
According to the research provided by IRENA [2], Asia would be the dominating
figure to use Solar PV because of its 50% installed capacity followed by North
America (20%) and then Europe by the year 2050. Not only in terms of installed
capacity, but Solar PV project costs are also lesser than marginal non-renewable
costs globally and it is expected to decrease further in a couple of decades. As Solar
PV Integration is a rapidly advancing technology so it requires change and
innovations in the whole design setup thereby creating more job opportunities.
According to the prediction by IRENA [2], solar energy has the potential to employ
more than 18 Million people by 2050 globally. So we can ascertain that this
technology has key socio-economic advantages.
3. Methodology
3.1.Solar Grid Integration
It is the technology that allows large-scale solar power produced from the Photovoltaic
system to penetrate the already existing power grid. This technology requires careful
considerations and attention including in areas of solar component manufacturing,
installations, and operation. The levels of solar energy penetration must be
interconnected effectively onto the transmission grid; such interconnection requires an

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Alternate Energy Systems Department of Electrical Engineering
Complex Engineering Problem NED University of Engineering and Technology
in-depth understanding of the effects on the grid at various points. A photovoltaic plant
that uses PV modules to feed into the grid essentially consists of different components,
but basically, the inverter is the most important component for integration. Other
components include PV generator (solar modules), Generator junction box (GJB),
Meters, Grid connection, and DC and AC cabling. Inverters play a crucial role in any
solar energy system and are often considered to be the brains of a project. An inverter’s
basic function is to invert the direct current (DC) output into alternating current (AC)
which is the standard used by all commercial appliances. Inverters are required to supply
constant voltage and frequency, despite varying load conditions, and need to supply or
absorb reactive power in the case of reactive loads [4].
Solar-grid integration technology includes advanced inverters technology, anti-islanding
technology, grid-plant protection technology, solar-grid forecasting technology, and
smart grids technology. Inverter ranges from Light duty inverters typically (100– 10,000
W), Medium duty inverters typically (500–20,000 W), Heavy-duty inverters typically
(10,000–60,000 W) continuous output.
3.2.Grid and Plant Protection
A protective device that monitors all relevant grid parameters and disconnects the plant
from the grid, if necessary. A freely accessible disconnection point for plants with more
than 30 kVA of apparent power is no longer required, but more extensive grid
monitoring including the power frequency and single error safety is usually used. Plants
with less than 30 kVA of apparent power may still be operated with G/P protection
integrated into the inverter [5]. If all inverters include separate stand-alone grid detection
with grid disconnection via the tie-breaker integrated into the device, separate stand-
alone grid detection may be omitted in the central G/P protection. This solution is
considerably cost-effective and is possible with all SMA inverters.
3.3.Grid Forecasting
Grid forecasting involves assessing the grid’s health in real-time, predicting its behavior
and potential intervention, and quickly responding to events that require understanding
vital parameters throughout the electric infrastructure, from generation to end-use.
According to the ongoing research by NREL’s [6], renewable resource management and
forecasting technology focuses on measuring weather resources and power systems,

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Alternate Energy Systems Department of Electrical Engineering
Complex Engineering Problem NED University of Engineering and Technology
forecasting resources and grid conditions, and converting measurements into operational
intelligence. NREL’s experts provide tools to accurately assess renewable energy
density (solar energy) as it varies with time and location as well as information on how
to design efficient renewable energy systems for integration with the electric grid.
4. Design Consideration
We have taken a 132 kV Sub-Station of Kohat which is further divided into 4
sections where multiple industrial and commercial loads are connected as shown in
Figure 4.1 and the list of all loads that are connected to the grid is given in table 4.1.

Figure 4.1: SLD of 132 kV Substation at Kohat

Table 4.1: MVA and Kw Values of all connected Loads

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Alternate Energy Systems Department of Electrical Engineering
Complex Engineering Problem NED University of Engineering and Technology
We have then integrated solar PV Panels on all 4 sections one by one by keeping five
things in mind. All the Design Considerations are observed first on a single section and
then altogether to observe the combined effect of CO2 equivalent through total Kwh per
1. Specification of Panel: Model, Plate type, Power, Short Circuit Current, and Open
Circuit Voltage Capacity, etc.
2. Land Specification: Longitude, Latitude, Minimum Insolation level, and Peak
Sun hours, etc.
3. Standards: Air mass, Insolation, and Temperature.
4. PV Calculation and Inverter: No of Panel in Series and parallel, Per day energy,
Efficiency, System Losses, Inverter size, and number of Panels, etc.
5. Space Requirement: Area per Panel, Area, Shadow losses, Total land covered,

Table 4.2: Design Specifications of All 4 Sections

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Alternate Energy Systems Department of Electrical Engineering
Complex Engineering Problem NED University of Engineering and Technology
Figure 4.2: Solar PV Integration in Section 1

Figure 4.3: Solar PV Integration in Section 2

Figure 4.4: Solar PV Integration in Section 3

Figure 4.5: Solar PV Integration in Section 4

Figure 4.6: Whole Grid Integration with Solar PV System

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Alternate Energy Systems Department of Electrical Engineering
Complex Engineering Problem NED University of Engineering and Technology
5. Technical Analysis
We have used these formulas to carry out our calculations:
= Vdc
1. No. of the panel in series Voc
2. KWp = peak hours
3. KW =
4. Total no. of panels =
𝑃𝑉 𝑂𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑝𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑙𝑠
5. No. of the panel in parallel = 𝑁𝑜 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑎𝑛𝑒𝑙 𝑖𝑛 𝑆𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠

6. Total land = 1.3 * land area (Note: 30% is shadow loss in total land)
7. Land area = panels * area of the plate

6. Comparative Analysis
In a conventional power system, the utilities are mostly owned by the government. In
the other words, the traditional power system is a kind of vertically integrated utility
structure that holds and operates the main part of the physical assets, including most
of the generating units and transmission lines. The PV-based generators together
with inverters will be connected in a parallel structure to the power grid, and loads
will be supplied properly when the power grid is accessible. So the produced power
by the PV generation will decrease the apparent load, and then the excess energy
flows into the power grid.
Comparing Economically, we do not need a capacitor bank when Solar PV is
integrated into the grid, so the transient effect from capacitor switching will not be a
problem which in turn will minimize the voltage fluctuations and increase the
operating life of Buses. Another important comparison between Solar Grid
Integration and Conventional Grid is that we do not require any oil or fossil fuels for
operation so the fuel cost will also be reduced making Solar Grid Integration a more
cheaper and reliable substitute.
6.1.Comparing Carbon Footprints Before and After Solar PV Integration
CO2 e = Amount of GHG * Global Warming Potential (1 for CO2)
Total kW on Total kWh CO2 (In kg) CO2 ( In C02 e
Grid tonnes)
Conventional 64788 kW 64788*24 = 362512.184 362.512184 362.512184
Grid 1554912

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Alternate Energy Systems Department of Electrical Engineering
Complex Engineering Problem NED University of Engineering and Technology
After Solar PV 38802 kW 38802* 9046.298 9.046298 9.046298
Integration (From Grid) 24=931248
This shows that after Grid Integration with Solar PV Systems CO2 emission has
reduced significantly.
7. Conclusion
As Electric Grid is a vital part of our society to meet our energy needs so running it
in presence of increased fuel costs and negative environmental impact is not possible
for long. Integration of PV Systems into grids can lower generation costs, T&D
losses, and Carbon footprint effect on the environment. The goal of this paper was to
propose a grid integration through solar PV into a large-scale substation and observe
its effect technically and environmentally. If we focus on improved design,
sustainability, and recycling of Solar PV Systems it will be considered a top-tier
substitute for Fossil fuels in no time.
8. References
[1] K. Nwaigwe, P. Mutabilwa and E. Dintwa, "An overview of solar power (PV
systems) integration into electricity grids", 2021.
[2]"Future of Photovoltaic",, 2021. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed: 01- Aug- 2021].
[3]Z. Hussain, W. Hussain, R. Ullah, and Z. Din, "LOAD FLOW ANALYSIS
STUDY",, 2021. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Aug-
[4]"Publications | World Energy Council", World Energy Council, 2021. [Online].
Available: [Accessed: 01- Aug- 2021].
[5]"How Solar Panels Work", Union of Concerned Scientists, 2021. [Online].
work#.WrJAN3tuJZQ. [Accessed: 01- Aug- 2021].
[6]"National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) Home Page",, 2021.
[Online]. Available: [Accessed: 01- Aug- 2021].

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