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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Weekly Budget of Work

TLE IE 6 Quarter 1
Content Most Essential Week Activity Sheet Instruction to Parents

Demonstrates Buys and sells products II How a seller Use the activity sheet to guide
knowledge and skills based on needs buys his/her the learner on how a seller
that will lead to one products buys his/her own product
becoming an ideal
entrepreneur Sells products based on Using the activity sheet, guide
needs and demands in II Describing what the learners on the
school and community is required in requirements in effective
effective selling selling.

II Computing the
selling price of a Using the activity sheet, guide
product based the pupils in computing the
on cost, mark- selling price of a product based
up and profit on cost, mark-up, and profit.

Teacher II Checked and Reviewed:
Master Teacher I

Principal IV


NAME_________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION_________________

QUARTER/WEEK QUARTER I/ WEEK II TEACHER _________________________

PARENT/ GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE _________________________ SCORE _______________

1. The buying program of the seller or retailer is based on the principle: Buy goods
that will meet the needs of the customers.
2. Sound buying means that the seller or retailer buys his/her goods from the right sources with the right
quality and quantity and at the right time and the right price.
3. Salesmanship is the art of selling using one’s knowledge, enthusiasm and persuasion.
4. The four general qualities that make a good salesman are good health, adequate knowledge good
character and a pleasing personality
5. The duties of a salesperson include among others selling goods of the best quality at the Most
reasonable price and giving the most satisfactory service to customers.
6. “The customer is always right” is a dictum every sales person should be guided by.
7. In computing the price of the product, there are three components: the cost of the product,
The mark-up percentage and the profit.
Cost-part of the price that covers the product .An amount paid to the merchandise.
Mark-up – refers to the additional expenses involved in selling the goods such as
Transportation, taxes and others.
Profit- refers to the amount added to the item cost.

Activity I- How a Seller Buys His/HER Products

Check your Practices
Practices Always Sometimes Never
1. I buy goods based on quality.
2. Price is my first concern when I shop for what I need.
3. I easily go for bargains.
4. I believe I save much on bargains.
5. When a salesperson is nice and courteous to me, I want to go
back to that store
6. Expensive products/goods are guaranteed to be of high quality.
7. Products and goods that are cheap usually have low quality.
8. I go to the quality regardless of the price.
9. The customer is always right even if he/she is behaving badly.
10. I buy only what I need.




NAME__________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION_________________

QUARTER/WEEK QUARTER I/ WEEKII TEACHER _________________________
PARENT/ GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE _________________________ SCORE _______________

Activity II- Describing What is Required in Effective Selling

Fill in the blanks. Choose the letter of the choices below

Success in selling depends largely on __________. His /Her role

is important because she/he carries the ____2___ and
____3, ____ of the store. His/ Her duties include selling goods of the best
______4. _____ possible and being _____5.____, _______6. ________, and
straightforward in his/her dealings, and giving the most _____7_____ service to the customer. He/ She
follows the dictum ______8. _____ and _____9. ______ to
customers as they should be treated ______ 10.______

a. Name e. goodwill i. satisfactory

b. Honest f. courteous j. “The customer is always right”
c. Fairly g. salesperson
d. “First come, first served” h. quality




NAME__________________________________ GRADE AND SECTION_________________

QUARTER/WEEK QUARTER I/ WEEKII TEACHER _________________________
PARENT/ GUARDIAN’S SIGNATURE _________________________ SCORE _______________

ACTIVITY III – Computing the Selling Price of a Product

Based on cost, mark-up and Profit
You have to compute the cost of a product in order to add the mark –up and obtain the selling price.
Make sure to include the cost of ingredients, operating expenses such as labor, transportation, water bills,
rentals and other expenses. Add all of the these and have 20% as mark up .

Example: Basic Chiffon Cake

Total cost of ingredients P 108.50
Total cost of Operating expenses P 366.00
Total cost of ingredients P 474.50
Determine the yield: 1 cake pan= 24 slices
Selling price: P474.50+20% mark-up P 569.50
÷24 slices= P23.75 per slice

I. Direction: Think of a product that you will sell to your school community. Read and answer the
guide questions below to help you in planning.
Guide Questions Answer
1. Based on your research, what products have high demand in the
2. Who will be the target buyers?
3. Do we have the necessary skills to be able to produce the product
we want to sell? (For example, if you want to sell banana cue to
your classmates, ask yourself if you know how to cook banana cue.
4. What items or ingredients do we need to produce the product?
5. How much would be our capital?
6. How will we market the product?
7. For how much will we sell our product? How much would be the
expected profit?

Arrange the steps in their proper order in determining the selling price.

1. List all the ingredients

2. Make a list of operating expenses.
3. List down all expenses for ingredients and operating expenses.
4. Divide the total cost and the number of yield,
5. Decide how much you will add to the cost of labor.



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