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Award in Education and
Level 3
Reflective Learning Log

Unit 1 Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships

in education and training

Unit 2 Understanding assessment

in education and training

Unit 3 Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning

approaches in education and training

Your Name Martin Barbouti

Tutor/ Assessor

Programme Dates

2014.NFPS Ltd / Edexcel/BTEC / Level 3 Award in Education and Training/ Learning Log
Centre Name & Number NFPS Ltd 59479

Learning Log Activities and Tasks

This Reflective Learning Log is designed to help you record your learning during your
course. It will help you focus on the key learning relating not to your subject
specialism but to the way you plan, deliver and assess. It focuses on the learning
experiences of your own learners rather than the subject you are teaching. This means
that whether you are teaching knowledge, skills or understanding you will be able to
think about the process and use this to improve your own practice.

The Learning Log consists of a number of clearly defined tasks that focus on specific
aspects of the training process. Some you will be very familiar with and others may be
new to you. Make use of evidence from your own practice wherever possible to explain
your statements. Where something is new to you use the resources provided by your
tutors, websites or discussions in the training sessions to research and develop your
understanding and use this as supporting evidence. When you refer to reading or a
website make sure you use Harvard Referencing to make a record of the source of
the information e.g.
Surname, initial/s or author/s, (date) Title Place & name of publishers
(Place of publishing not always necessary)
When completing a Learning Log entry make sure you make your point clearly and
support it with evidence either from practice or research. When you come to look at it
later you may have forgotten why you wrote something in your log that you want to
remember. The simplest way to develop the best practice is ‘Statement – Evidence
– Explanation’. Make a statement, support it with evidence then explain the
significance. This is an excellent tool when writing responses to questions when you
cannot be asked to explain things after they have been written. Your Learning Log will
be read by your assessor so that they can give you advice and guidance to reinforce
what you do best and help develop your practice in different ways.

The Learning Log is also the evidence that will enable you to complete the Level 3
Award in Education and Training. This means the assessor will be able to record where
assessment criteria have been met through you completing the tasks. Once all criteria
have been met your Learning Log can be recorded as a ‘Pass’ and you can be awarded
the qualification.

The Learning Log has been divided into sections so that you can complete these during
your course and submit them as individual tasks. Keep up to date with these tasks so
that you can complete the evidence in the required time.

2014.NFPS Ltd / Edexcel/BTEC / Level 3 Award in Education and Training/ Learning Log
Centre Name & Number NFPS Ltd 59479

Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and

training: Task 1.1 Why Teach? (Assessment criteria 1.1.1)
What made you want to become a teacher and / or an instructor?
 Was it the money?
 Were you inspired by someone?
 Is it because you like working with people?
 Is it because you have a personal motivation?
 Was it something to do with the approach of the particular teacher/trainer?
 Was it because of the subject matter?
 Was it related to the use of materials or resources?
 Did the assessment strategy suit?
 What was it about the way the teacher managed the learning experience or
environment that made the experience positive?
 What in your opinion makes a good teacher?

Activity: For this activity you need to produce a short essay – in three parts (200 –
250 words):
1. Why you have decided to become a teacher / instructor (listing any of the
above points that may be relevant with your reasons why);
2. What you recognise as teaching roles and responsibilities in education and
3. What in your opinion are the qualities that make a good teacher / instructor
You will be assessed on the quality of your essay and points will be given for
neatness, good spelling and content. Use examples from your own practice
wherever possible.

Produce your own curriculum vitae (CV) – as this is a useful tool to include in your
teaching portfolio. Use the guidance on the next page to put together your own c.v.
and use this to help with the remainder of this task.
The example submission ‘Task 1.1 [Example].pdf’ has been provided to illustrate how
this document could be completed. This is ‘example text’ only.
I have read the above Task Briefing and I am fully aware of what is expected of me
with regards to completion of this task.

Candidate Martin Barbouti Sign

Date Feedback
received sent
Tutor/ Sign

2014.NFPS Ltd / Edexcel/BTEC / Level 3 Award in Education and Training/ Learning Log
Centre Name & Number NFPS Ltd 59479

Producing your C.V.

Curriculum Vitae
Martin Barbouti
Flat 8 Stock Park Court 40 St Lawrence Gardens Leigh on Sea Essex SS95YF
I work within a private ambulance company as an emergency care assistant. I work
mainly involves transporting mental health patients. My future goals are to reach IHCD
Technician and work for the biggest mental health transport provider. I am confident
person with good manners and has established communication skills. I can effectively
and independently or as part of a team. I pride myself as a quick learner and can
easily adapt to any situation. Moreover, I am a good listener and always work to be
the best. I can work as well work under pressure.

Employment history
British Emergency Ambulance Service December 2015- Present
Secure Division Manager

Built up a Division from scratch

Recruited staff
Designed the vehicles
Helped win 2 secure contracts
Having regular meetings with directors of various NHS trusts

Private Ambulance Service October 2013- December 2015

Moving mental health patient to and from hospitals
Taking mental health patients to and from courts.
Taking mental health patients to and from HM Prisons
Working on their front line contract providing support for East of England Ambulance

GSCE 1999- 2004
Cecil Jones High School
Media Studies
Interests and activities

2014.NFPS Ltd / Edexcel/BTEC / Level 3 Award in Education and Training/ Learning Log
Centre Name & Number NFPS Ltd 59479

I am interested in helping people who are in need of help.


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Page 6

Why have you In my entire school life, I always struggled to learn the
decided to
become a
different subjects. With my determination in helping save
teacher / people’s lives, I joined the private sector of the ambulance
instructor? services. Therefore, I enrolled at NFPS to obtain more
knowledge that could enhance my scope in my medical career
and enable me to train others and help them in advancing
their skills in the industry. My major drive to becoming a
trainer is grounded on the urge to help humanity. Moreover,
the deputy principal of my high school was a source of
inspiration to me and is one of the reasons that I decided to
pursue being an instructor. Her determination to guide us and
her acts of justice made me desire to have an audience of my
own. Although many companies have invited me to share my
knowledge with their students, their pay is not a major
consideration as I am always after the satisfaction of knowing
that I have delivered knowledge to people with the urge of
achieving their personal goals.

What do you The main roles of a teacher or a trainer are motivating the
see as the
roles and
learners or trainees to improve their capacity and desire to
responsibilities learn. The trainer may read about aiding learning and
of a teacher or delivering training, but in a real-life situation, they do more
trainer in than that. The role of the trainer is not only teaching and
education and preparing the trainees for evaluations but also associated with
motivating the learners to adjustment and progress their
professional, social and personal skills. The trainer aims to
empower the learners to be responsible for their
developments. It can be done by organizing and preparing
learning events that take into considerations the necessities of
a group of learners as well as personal individuals. Moreover,
the responsibility of a trainer is to make sure that learners are
receiving the right course that addresses their needs,
aspirations, and abilities. Furthermore, the trainer should
ensure that the learners are enrolled for a course that the
requirements of the organization. Additionally, the major aim
is to empower the learners to achieve the best of their
capacity through working in a supportive and safe
environment. It is thus a responsibility of the trainer to advice
the learners to whom they should seek any extra assistance
and professional information.

What in your On many occasions, teaching and training jobs are worthwhile
opinion are the and satisfying for people who love teaching. However, to make
qualities that
make a good
a good teacher or trainer, one should have the following
teacher/ characteristics and qualities: Friendliness to the learners.

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Page 7

instructor? Maintaining a professional contact with the learners enables

learners to share their problems and concerns with the trainer.
Additionally, a trainer should be of good personality. Trainees
and students are always attracted to teachers or trainers with
a good personality which results in improved communications
and understanding. To be of a good personality, a trainer
needs to dress well, be kind and gentle. Moreover, a good
teacher or trainer should have in-depth knowledge and
understanding of the subject for the students to develop
confidence in them. For instance, in my case, I have sufficient
knowledge in emergency assistance care, and I would be
grateful to train people on the subject. A good teacher should
also be an excellent communicator to deliver his lectures with
enhanced skills and results. People are always interested in
listening to a person who speaks well enough. Consequently,
the trainer should as well be a good listener. People do not
desire to hear all the time, but they want a person who can
listen to them as well. With a good personality and strong
communication skills, a good trainer needs to have a sense of

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Page 8

1 My desired goal is to Complete my BETC Level 3 in

What specific
actions can Disengagement and Physical Intervention and my BTEC
you start Level 3 in Safe and Effective use of Restraint Equipment.
taking now to To achieve the goals, I need to have a meeting with
move you
myself, take deep breathes and remind myself of who I am
towards your
desired goal? and what I want to achieve in life. My desires in life are to
have a personal satisfaction of helping people who need
my help as a provider of ambulance services and a trainer.
The personal meeting will help me evaluate my progress
and shortcomings so far and lay down future resolutions.
Moreover, I will have a clear mind-set of what I want in
life. There could be some people along the way who will
help in achieving my goals but the person that is going to
help me the most is me.

2 After clearly outlining my desired goal, to have a personal

satisfaction of helping people who need my help as a
provider of ambulance services and a trainer, the next step
is to plan on how to make the desire realistic and
achievable. It includes redefining accountability and
ensuring that I stay true to myself and my goals should not
be drudgery. I have to view my accountability as a gift to
myself, a mind-set that will boost my success. Additionally,
I have to condition my mind to think that my life depends
on achieving my goals. It will enable me to look for
solutions to challenges that I might have faced and
thought they were out of my control. If my life depended
on my training career, I would have the urge and desire to
discover new strategies to enable me to deliver the best to
my students. Although my goals are not a matter of life
and death, many creative strategies and solutions come
when everything is put on the line. Further, my life may
not be at risk, but my happiness and success are.

3 To ensure personal satisfaction and success, I intend to

look out for as much information I can on the subject that I
want to teach to my students to make sure they get the
best learning experience and information that I can offer.
With the proper understanding of the subject, students will
develop confidence in me and enhance their
understanding. Moreover, I intend to develop self-
evaluation schemes that will enable me to evaluate the
effectiveness of all the assessments that will be
administered to my students. A good assessment should
be valid and reliable: it should evaluate the content taught

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Page 9

and the understanding of the concept by an individual

student. It should as well reveal my contribution to the
understanding of the concept to the students. I aim to
ensure that I make the maximum contribution to the
success of my students by delivering the right content
which will enable my students to become better learners
and helpful to the society.

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Page 10

Your Martin Barbouti Date

Name submitted

Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and

training: Task 1.2 Factors affecting practice (Assessment criteria 1.1.2, 1.1.3,
1.3.1, 1.3.2)

You need to summarise the key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and
codes of practice and how to relate these to your own role and responsibilities – as
well as ways to promote equality and value diversity through your practice. You also
need to recognise how your role involves working with others and the potential role

Activity: For this activity you need to:

1. Use resources from your specialist area to research and record your findings
under the requirements for each of the categories in the table - include your
professional body, awarding organisation and government policies (some
more general websites have been provided below).
Summarise the key issues of the information found in relation to relevance to
your own practice.
* Be sure to make a note of the source of information and add this to the table
under ‘Source of evidence’ (plus date accessed as these can change!).

2. With specific reference to the Disability and Discrimination Acts and the Equal
Opportunity Policy explain your own reasons and responsibilities for
promoting equality and valuing diversity in your specialist area.

3. Use the table provided to briefly explain both your role and your
responsibilities in your specialist subject.

4. Identify opportunities for working with other professionals – within your

organisation (internal) and outside of your organisation (external). Follow this
by identifying what you see as the boundaries between your teaching role and
other professional roles.
Some general sources (correct at time of writing)
 Department for Business, Innovation and Skills -
 Institute for Learning
 The Learning and Skills Improvement Service -

The example submission ‘Task 1.2 [Example].pdf’ has been provided to illustrate
how this document should be completed. The text currently in place is ‘example
text’ only.

Specialist area

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Page 11

Summary of Responsibilities – an awareness of the legislation and how you

see its relevance to your own role
Source of evidence
Requirements Relevance to own (Date accessed)
Health and Health and safety 4/5/2018
Safety of students is a
concern to the
administration of
the learning
facilities. The
facility is further
responsible for
creating health and
safety awareness
by providing
training the staff
and the students.
The working
procedures should
enhance safety to
teachers and the
students. There are
formulations and
procedures to be
used in the event
of emergencies or
fires in the schools.
Moreover, while in
school trips,
appropriate steps
are taken to
enhance the
health, welfare,
and safety of all
the participants.
The school
buildings and other
learning equipment
should enhance the
safety of the staff
and participants.

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Data It is important to hub/data-protection-in-schools/
Protection maintain the 4/5/2018
Acts privacy of any
individual be it an
adult or a child.
information should
be processed
confidentially and
securely. Schools
are required by law
to notify the
Office of the
purpose of the
students’ personal
information and to
whom they intend
to share the data.
Students’ personal
information should
be secured and
only accessible to
the appropriate
people, and it
should not be held
longer than for the
reason it was
initially collected.

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Page 13

Source of evidence
Requirements Relevance to own (Date accessed)

Organisation Every organization has

policies and the policies, procedures, teachers/ /teachers-standards-
procedures and
and codes of conducts. uk
‘Codes of
Teachers should portray 4/5/2018
personal and professional
conducts by setting
expectations that
motivate, challenge and
inspire the students.
Additionally, schools
policies and procedures
ensure that a teacher
demonstrates good
curriculum and subject
knowledge and ensure
validity and reliability of

Other To be a trainer in the

Legislation or provision of ambulance 4/5/2018
regulations service, one is required
eg awarding to have professional
organisation, qualifications in
vocational or
emergency driving,
disengagement and
physical intervention as
well safety and effective
use of restraint

Child Protection While working with the

Acts youth using learning 4/5/2018
(Where equipment, it is
appropriate eg important to ensure that
when working
it does not pose any risk
with young
to the students. The
people, youth
work etc.) school also maintain an
environment where the
students are confident of
approaching the staff in

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case of a problem.
Additionally, the school
ensures that its
employees do not pose
any risk to the children.

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Page 15

You own responsibilities for promoting equality and valuing diversity in

your specialist area

Reason Responsibility

Having students who I would have to slow things down when

cannot speak English demonstrating and explaining different scenarios
as fluent as others and situations.

Bad experiences in Have any of the students had a bad experience in

the past. the past with regards to the use of handcuffs I
would need to ask everybody individually and do a
risk assessment of how you can help them during
the course.

Having students from Using teaching resources that contains multicultural

cultural backgrounds themes and ensuring that the teaching materials do
different from the not discriminate any student and are modified
majority of the other where necessary. Actively upholding
students multiculturalism in lessons.

Some students Providing the students with skills that challenge

discriminating others. discrimination and inequality in the learning

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Page 16

Your own education and training role/s (including your role/s as set out
in your Job Description)

My role includes the provision of ambulances services in cases of

emergencies to mentally ill patients. They entails moving the clients from
their homes to the hospitals, to court or to prisons.

Your own responsibilities in education and training in your specialist

Responsibilities To whom

Training students on ambulance emergency operations Students

Ensuring that the trainees given the correct content Students

Giving assessments as well as giving advice on the Students

progress of the training

Evaluation of assessments to ensuring validity and Fellow trainers


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Page 17

Working with other professionals

Internal to organisation

I work with other professionals in the organisation to evaluate and ensure that the
assessments issued to students meet the required specifications. Moreover, I
engage them in reviewing the organisation policies to ensure that they are in line
with the mission and core values of the organisation

External to organisation
As an ambulance service provider and a trainer, I work with professionals from
other organizations in moderating their assessments and making
recommendations for future assessments. Additionally, we engage in reviewing
particular ambulance emergency operation undertaken by the organizations to
evaluate the shortcomings and offer recommendations for future operations.

What do you see as personal or professional boundaries between the


Discussing the health conditions of a client with unauthorised persons is not

unethical and unprofessional. So is the case of revealing a students’ weakness to
fellow students How we interact with others and how we conduct ourselves is
significant while working with students. A teacher’s professional and personal
conduct minimizes the risks of accusations ensures the safety of the students.
Teachers have the duty to offer tolerable levels of care and protection from
genuine risks of injuries. A teacher should establish a trusting relationship with
their students but they should not be “friends” with them. Therefore teachers
should be cautious of the language they use.

2014.NFPS Ltd / Edexcel/BTEC / Level 3 Award in Education and Training/ Learning Log
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Page 18

Your Martin Barbouti Date

Name submitted

Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in educations and

training: Task 1.3 Learner’s needs (Assessment criteria 1.1.4, 1.2.1, 1.2.2,
This task focuses on your specific role and responsibilities in identifying and
meeting the needs of your learners. It also examines your role in promoting
appropriate behaviour and respect for others in the learning environment and to
describe the points of referral you may use to meet the needs of learners you feel
outside of your responsibilities or expertise.

Activity: For this activity you need to:

1. Use the five headings provided in the left column of the first table to list
‘How to identify needs’ and ‘How to meet these needs’. Use this information
to explain the importance to your own training approaches. (c. 200 words)

2. Use TWO contrasting examples from your practice to explain briefly why it is
important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others.

3. Explain what you mean by a ‘safe and secure learning environment’ and how
your understanding of the legislation means you offer a safe learning
environment and help learners to contribute to keeping the environment
safe for learning.(c.200 words)

4. It is important to make the most of the resources available to you to help

address learner’s needs. There are possible sources of referral within an
organisation but also through negotiation with other agencies. Use TWO
different examples to suggest why you might refer a learner and what you
would hope for as the outcomes of that referral.

5. As a group complete the ‘Ground Rules’ activity outlined overleaf. This will
give you ideas about ways to adapt this for your own groups of learners.
Include the agreed Ground Rules with your Learning Log.

Materials gathered during individual research should be included as a part of your

portfolio only when they show clearly that you have made use of the information
e.g. where you have highlighted key information or made you own notes alongside.
Any materials included must also clearly show the source of the information e.g.
website details (with date accessed), reference to books, magazines or newspapers
as appropriate.
Recommended reading:
http//; Petty, G;(2011)Teaching Today, Nelson Thornes

To assist you, an example submission ‘Task 1.3 [Example].pdf has been provided
for you to illustrate how this document should be completed by you. Please note
that the text currently in place is ‘example text’ only.

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Page 19

Agreeing Ground Rules with Learners

In order to gain the most from the programme it is essential that everyone feels
‘safe’ as a member of the group. This is especially important as the
Microteaching activity requires other members of the group to provide you with
feedback on your preparation and delivery so we to make sure that everyone is
happy that there are shared goals.

Group Ground Rules

In small groups decide what it is you want to achieve from this course and
discuss this in order to come up with your THREE most important goals.

Share these with the whole group and choose the FIVE most important goals for
the group. If all the groups share the same three goals then discuss this and come
up with two more goals.

As a group discuss and decide at least ONE thing you need to do as individuals and
ONE thing you need to do as a group to achieve EACH of these goals.

This will give you a total of at least TEN ‘rules’. List these in the order of priority
decided by members of the group and copy the final list so everyone has a copy in
their course folder. If anyone breaks one of the agreed rules then other members
of the group need to remind them that they were agreed by all e.g. If the group
has a particularly loud individual who prevents others from contributing to
discussions and a Ground Rule was to give everyone a chance to have their say …
the group should remind them rather than expecting the tutor to intervene.

Other ground rules could be about punctuality, handing work in on time, taking
part in discussions, asking for help when in doubt … All of these help you achieve
your goals.

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Page 20

Responsibilities relating to learners’ needs

needs How to identify needs How to meet these needs

Observation and obtaining Permit scheduled breaks during exams,

Physical further information from lectures and lectures.
needs - parents Permit the application of adaptive
General or
Be Understanding that it may take
longer for the student to get to the

Knowledge Through assessments Highlighting important information and

needs - emphasising on key points.

Through assessments
Individual Using technologies that may assist in
learning learning
needs or

Highlighting important information and

Skill needs Through assessments emphasising on key points and using
- Specialist technologies that may assist in learning
or generic

Referring the learners to counsellors

Group, Through interviews and
Social or questionnaires

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Page 21

Explain the importance of identifying and meeting learners’ needs in your

specialist area

Teachers must understand and believe that all their students ought to get equal,
education, aspirations and hopes from their knowledge in the subject. Identifying
and meeting students’ needs helps in achieving quality because the students will
acquire skills and knowledge without any obstacles. It ensures the affected student
do not feel discriminated.
Teachers are experienced enough to detect special skills and talents in students. If
these talents can be treated as needs, because they too require nurturing, they
would help the students to realise and advance them.
Additionally, identifying and addressing individual student needs improves their
self-esteem and inspires them. In some instances, the student does not benefit as
much from mass instruction as compared to when the teacher offer individual
instructions. Many students in the latter case significantly benefit by understanding
more on the concepts.
Further, with the knowledge of the needs of students in a class, a teacher is always
in a better position to plan the day to day activities that can cater for all the
students. For instance, a teacher will identify ways of planning for individual
tutoring, counselling and other duties.
Finally, understanding of the students’ needs assist the teacher in arranging and
organising the class. Students with visual problems can sit near the blackboard or
near the windows.

Background Reading and other sources

Smith, T.E., Polloway, E.A., Patton, J.R., Dowdy, C.A. and Doughty, T.T.,
2015. Teaching students with special needs in inclusive settings. Pearson.
Pinder-Amaker, S., 2014. Identifying the unmet needs of college students on the
autism spectrum. Harvard Review of Psychiatry, 22(2), pp.125-137.
Collier, M., Griffin, M.M. and Wei, Y., 2017. Learning from students about transition
needs: Identifying gaps in knowledge and experience. Journal of Vocational
Rehabilitation, 46(1), pp.1-10.

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Page 22

Need for promoting appropriate behaviour Example from practice 1

and respect for others

Promoting respect for others and appropriate In a class, a teacher and the
behaviour is essential in helping to build a students agreed on a rule that
favourable environment for students to learn students should not operate their
in. Future problems can be prevented by phones during class sessions. To
forming ground rules early enough with the enhance the rule, the teacher led
learners. Some ground rules are subject to by example by not bringing with
negotiation such as the use of phones or the him his phone. He would always
durations of breaks while others not subject to leave the phone in the office and
negotiation such as respecting each other. only operate it while not in the
class. Such actions by teachers
make students appreciate
appropriate behaviour and
maintain the respect to teachers.

Need for promoting appropriate behaviour Example from practice 2

and respect for others

A learning environment that values appropriate A class had students from different
behaviour and respect for others enhances a cultural backgrounds. The students
safe and relaxed atmosphere that motivates would engage in debates meant to
the learners to make contributions, share their identify the best practices of their
opinions, raise concerns and be actively individual cultures offering
engaged in influencing how they will learn suggestions to practices that
allowing them to use the available resources seems not to uphold human
to realise their goals. dignity. In such situation the
students appreciated their diversity
and hence enhanced their respect
for each other.

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Page 23

What makes a safe learning environment?

A safe learning environment is a learning setting where the possibility of harm is

reduced and the learners feel safe. Harm does not only relate to risks in the
buildings or learning equipment but also to verbal abuse and sexual harassment.
The learning institutions have a responsibility in relation to the provision of Child
Protection Act which outlines that schools should enact policies to ensure that
people who are in direct contact with the learners are aware of the legal
responsibilities associated with child protection and other related school
requirements. A learning environment is safe if it has policies and procedures put
in place to address codes of conducts of the staff and students in relation to rights
and responsibilities of staff and students with the learning environment as well as
the reporting and management of safety incidents. Moreover, a safe learning
environment has strategies of identifying and offering support for learners with
needs that may be described as special as well as the provision of counselling
services to both the learners and the staff. Additionally, such an environment
should have a clearly defined health, the supply and monitoring of the medication
process as well as response system to emergency incidents.

Using my knowledge of legislation how can I maintain a safe learning


Maintaining a safe and supportive learning environment is essential as it offers a

suitable environment to enable them realise their goals and learn in. In most
cases, learners will be from diverse backgrounds with different expectations and
varying learning needs. With ground rules established, applying a comprehensive
teaching approach will ensure that the teaching meets the needs of all the
students. A comprehensive approach will ensure that the teacher does not exclude
any student and learners will be treated with transparency and fairness.
Furthermore, all the learners will be engaged in exercises that may require them
to work in groups thus enhancing tolerance, equality and socialization. In order to
learn effectively, students need to be guaranteed safety. A safe learning
environment can be maintained by ensuring that the equipment used by students
in class is safe. The classroom needs to be orderly, clean with minimal distractions.
It should encourage the students to perform at their best. Students should be
engaged in the learning activity by been given the opportunity to write on the
board. It gives students confidence. The teacher should also ensure that there is
enough space for students to bring their desks together to engage in group work
and for the teacher to walk around the classroom as it makes teaching more

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What methods can I use to promote appropriate behaviour amongst


Classrooms are more orderly when ground rules are clearly stated. Rules become
more effective when they have been discussed, negotiated and justified. However,
rules should not be so many as students are likely to agree to them if they are few.
The formulated rules are then discussed with the students with the teacher
explaining the purpose of the rules which is to enhance learning and promote
respect among the students and the teacher. Moreover, to promote appropriate
behaviour, the teacher should gain the commitment of the students by negotiating
with them. It involves suggesting the rules and asking for opinions of the students.
However, there should be significant justification to any compromise to the rules.
The rules should be constantly reviewed and make necessary adjustments.
Students should be made to assess their behaviours against the rules

Referral for meeting the potential needs of learners

Where to refer
your learners Possible/potential needs Possible/intended outcomes

Example 1

Specialised Students with disabilities Easier learning facilitated by the use

Learning and require specialised of specialised equipment that will
Facilities learning equipment enhance achieving of their goals.

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Where to refer Possible/potential needs

your learners Possible/intended outcomes

Example 2

Counsellors Emotional challenges and Self-appreciation and acceptance

low self esteem that will enhance the student’s
understanding of the subject

Personal evaluation
My key learning from this unit:
From this unit, I have learnt on how to define personal and professional boundaries
as well as maintaining a professional relationship with my students. Moreover, I
have gained more understanding of a healthy and safe learning environment as
well as ensuring that the students have the appropriate behaviour.

Areas I would have liked to find out more about

Legislations and regulations relating to healthy and safe learning environments

What I need to do next to improve my own practice in meeting learner’s

I will have to understand all my students’ abilities and weaknesses to establish the
needs of each student. Moreover, I will offer a platform where students can share
their problems and challenges and look for necessary solutions.

Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and

training - Unit 1 Feedback

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Learning outcome 1: Understand the teaching role and responsibilities in Task Met
education and training
1.1 Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training 1.1

1.2 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of 1.1
practice relating to own role and responsibilities
1.3 Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity 1.1

1.4 Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs 1.2

Learning outcome 2: Understand ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning

2.1 Explain ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment 1.1

2.2 Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for 1.2
Learning outcome 3: Understand the relationships between teachers and other
professionals in education and training
3.1 Explain how the teaching role involves working with other professionals 1.1

3.2 Explain the boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles 1.1

3.3 Describe points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners 1.2

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Your Name Martin Barbouti Date


Understanding assessment in education and training: Task 2.1 Assessment

methods(Assessment criteria 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.4.1, 2.4.2)

Explain the purpose of different types and the characteristics of different methods of
assessment and compare the strengths and limitations of these to meet individual
learner needs. Identify how different assessment methods can be adapted to meet
individual learner needs.

Activity: For this activity you need to:

1. Use the table for THREE of the main types of assessment (Initial/ Diagnostic,
Formative and Summative). Research EACH of these and, in the spaces
provided, explain briefly what it is and how and when you would use it in your
specialist area.

2. In the following table the left-hand column is what you are expected to ‘assess’
– ie, Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes. Select examples of the most frequently
used assessment methods for EACH and list reasons why you would use it.
Summarise by identifying their specific strengths and weaknesses for your
specialist area.

3. Using examples taken from your specialist area to describe TWO occasions
when you have had to adapt your assessment methods for specific learners.
(c.200 words)

4. In the left-hand column of the assessment record table identify three types of
assessment record and alongside each explain briefly why EACH is necessary.

5. Summarise by explaining how and why records of assessment are important to

an organisation. (c. 200 words)

Recommended reading:
Read, Hilary (2011) ‘The Best Assessor’s Guide’, Read on Publications, Bideford

To assist you, an example submission ‘Task 2.1 [Example].pdf’ has been provided
for you to illustrate how this document should be completed by you. Please note
that the text currently in place is ‘example text’ only.

Specialist area

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They are assessments that are used at the start of the course and
Initial and enables the teacher to obtain information about the students that
Diagnostic would otherwise go undetected and possibly cause problems to the
Assessment student and the teacher.

When would you use it? How would you use it?
I would use the assessment at the I would use the assessment to identify any
beginning of the course. special learning requirements and recognise
the students’ goals and reasons for pursuing
the course.

It entails the use informal assessments to gauge the students’

Formative understanding of the concepts. It help the teacher to decide how to
Assessment assist the students understand the concept.

When would you use it? How would you use it?
Throughout the course but at regular The assessment would be used to evaluate
intervals say once or twice per week. the students’ understanding of particular
concepts within the entire course and look for
ways of improving their understanding.

It is an assessment that evaluates the entire understanding of the

Summative students at the end of the course. Due to its timing, it is a high point
Assessment value.

When would you use it? How would you use it?
At the end of the course.
Information from the assessment can be
used to guide activities and efforts in the
successive courses.

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Assessing Methods Why you would use each

Knowledge Baseline Assessment The oral and written answers assess the students’
knowledge on the subject.
Paper and Pencil
Tests Multiple choice, essays and written reports
evaluate students understanding of concepts.

Oral Reports.
They help in assessing the understanding of a
scientific concept.

Assessing Methods Why you would use each

Skills Performance Task They require the student to create a solution to a

problem or a scientific concept.

Portfolios They assist in ensuring that the students

understand and are able to collect student
generated data.

Projects evaluates the application of skills and

Extended Projects knowledge in an unrestricted setting.

Assessing Methods Why you would use each

Attitudes Interviews Interviews will help in evaluation of student’s

attitudes by making enquiries.

Questionnaires Questionnaires are a perfect tool of obtaining

responses of people attitude on particular issues
and subjects.

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Assessment Method:

Strengths Limitations

Data collection is not subject to time Information provided may not be

constraint detailed.
Data can be easily analysed Essential details of behaviour may not
be provided such as the duration of a
certain behaviour.

Assessment Method:

Strengths Limitations

With portfolios, students are able to Require much time to be administered

reveal the skills learned.
Performance tasks entail the
development of methods to perform Do not accurately judge the ability of
specific conditions the students
Extended projects enables the students
to gain skills until the completion their Requires attention for every single task
completion over a long duration of time

Assessment Method:

Strengths Limitations

Interviews evaluates issues in a Different interviewers may understand

detailed manner. Too much information responses in different ways
can be obtained about personal
feelings and attitudes. They are time consuming
Incomplete responses can be easily
followed up. Presence of dishonest responses may
Open ended-questionnaires may result obstruct the learning process.
to large amounts of information that Students may understand questions
may help the teacher understand the and interpret them differently.
students better.

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Adapting assessment methods in practice – Reason/ Student 1

Over the years, assessment methods have changed and adopted to guarantee that
they take care of the needs of individual student. Assessments should ensure that
they accommodate all the learning styles and should never discourage the process
of learning. A teacher can resolve to give more time to certain students. Naturally,
some learners will take long to understand a question and provide a response. In
cases of medical complications such as Dyspraxia and Dyslexia, the student is
entitled to up to 25% additional time in an assessment. In a classroom situation,
such a learner can be allowed more time to complete and submit their

Adapting assessment methods in practice – Reason/Student 2

In cases of situations where a learner is under exam phobia, and is struggling in

the examination environment which can lead to physical or mental side effects, it
is important for a teacher to look for adaptive assessment methods. Such students
should be given the best chance of excelling in the examination. A possible
solution is to let them undertake the assessment in a smaller room but under the
same conditions as the rest of the students. It can help the student by being away
from anxiety and stress that prompts phobia.

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Type of
assessment record Why this is necessary

Action Plans It gives insights on what a teacher plans to deliver to the students
over a particular period of time

Record of Work Outlines how the teacher has scheduled to complete each subject
on the basis of on the number of lessons. A

Attendance and They assist the teacher in identifying the students who did not
Assessment show up for assessment. It enables the teacher to further follow up
with the learner to find out why they never showed up.

Why is record keeping important to an organisation?

Accurate, up to date and factual record keeping is among the fundamental roles of
a teacher. It is important for a teacher to keep assessment records for every
student as it allows both the student and the teacher to evaluate the teacher-
student relationship. With accurate records, a teacher is able to identify students
that needs guidance or help and assist them understand what they should do to
improve their performance. Moreover, teachers are able to make lesson plans that
can accommodate the needs of all the students. Records further enables the
authorities to establish what has been taught and when they were taught.
However, there are legislations and boundaries with regard to what information can
be collected, kept and how it is to be used.

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Your Martin Barbouti Date

Name submitted

Understanding assessment in education and training: Task 2.2 – Involving

learners (Assessment criteria 2.2.1, 2.2.2)

Explain ways to involve the learner in the assessment process, including the use of
peer and self-assessment and the role and use of constructive feedback.

Activity: For this activity you need to:

1. In the first box select ONE of the assessment methods for EACH of
‘Knowledge’, ‘Skills’ and ‘Attitudes’ from Task 2.1

2. In the boxes below explain how EACH selected assessment method can be
used to:
 Actively involve individual learners in the assessment process
 Actively involve learner self-assessment
 Actively encourage peer assessment.

3. Identify sources of information about the assessment process that should be

made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process
e.g. tutor, employer.

4. Describe the key features you should use when giving constructive feedback
and explain how it can be used to contribute to the assessment process.

5. Provide THREE specific examples from your practice to show how and when
you have used constructive feedback with either individual or groups of

Recommended reading:
Read, Hilary (2011) ‘The Best Assessor’s Guide’, Read on Publications, Bideford

To assist you, an example submission ‘Task 2.2 [Example].pdf’ has been provided
for you to illustrate how this document should be completed by you. Please note
that the text currently in place is ‘example text’ only.

Specialist area

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Ways of involving the learner – Knowledge

Assessment Pen and Pencil Test


Individual assessment in the group

Making the students provide various assessment options that they think are
favourable to them.

Self-Assessment Peer Assessment

Asking the individual students on their Give the students a voice in the
preference of the assessment method. assessment plan. Involve the students in
Do a particular prefer multiple choice the planning of the assessment and
questions or open-ended questions. training the students oh how to apply
scores to the work of their peers.

Information that should be made available to learners/others

Books and journals on assessment

Previous assessments

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Ways of involving the learner - Skills

Assessment Extended projects


Individual assessment in the group

Making the students provide various assessment options that they think are
favourable to them.

Self-Assessment Peer Assessment

Asking the individual students to Give the students a voice in the

provide preferences on the projects assessment plan. Involve the students in
that they intend to carry out. the planning of the assessment and
training the students oh how to apply
scores to the work of their peers.

Information that should be made available to learners/others

Books and journals on assessment of projects
Previous assessments on extended projects

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Ways of involving the learner - Attitude/ Understanding

Assessment Questionnaires and Interviews


Individual assessment in the group

Asking individual student on their preference on the Questionnaire type: open-

ended or the closed questionnaire.

Self-Assessment Peer Assessment

Offering the students with open ended Providing the students with platforms for
questionnaires so that they can have administering questionnaires and
the freedom of providing detailed interviews as well as equipping them with
information that can be used to address appropriate analysis tools
their learning needs,

Information that should be made available to learners/others

Books and journals on assessment of attitudes
Previous assessments of attitudes

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Constructive Feedback …
and how it can be used to contribute to the assessment process.

Providing students with constructive and effective feedback helps in building the
confidence of the students, enhance their understanding and motivation and help
them develop key essential skills. Feedback from formative assessments or
seminars should focus on finding ways of enhancing the students’ understanding
of the concepts. Constructive feedback should be clear and focussing on the
important elements. Moreover, it should be made on regular basis to enforce the
message. It should further ensure a balance between the positives and negatives
and focus more on constructive criticism.

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Examples of WHEN
to use constructive Example of HOW to use constructive feedback

Effective and constructive feedback can be used before

1. Before Evaluations
assessments to encourage the students to give their best in
the evaluation.

2. During Classroom
Activities The Teacher can give suggestions on possible improvement
areas while still performing classroom activities.

Constructive feedback can be used to highlight areas where
After Evaluations wrongly interpreted the question

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Understanding assessment in education and training - Unit 2 Feedback

Learning outcome 1: Understand types and methods of assessment used in Task MET
education and training
1.1 Explain the purpose of types of assessment used in education and training 2.1

1.2 Describe characteristics of different methods of assessment in education and 2.1

1.3 Compare the strengths and limitations of assessment methods to meet 2.1
individual learner needs
1.4 Explain how different assessment methods can be adapted to meet individual 2.1
learner needs
Learning outcome 2: Understand how to involve learners and others in the assessment
2.1 Explain why it is important to involve the learners and others in the assessment 2.2
2.2 Explain the role and use of peer and self-assessment in the assessment process 2.2
2.3 Identify sources of information that should be made available to learners and 2.2
others in the assessment process.
Learning outcome 3: Understand the role and use of constructive feedback in the
assessment process
3.1 Describe key features of constructive feedback 2.2

3.2 Explain how constructive feedback contributes to the assessment process 2.2

3.3 Explain ways to give constructive feedback to learners 2.2

Learning outcome 4: Understand requirements for keeping records of assessment in

education and training
4.1 Explain the need to keep records of assessment of learning 2.1

4.2 Summarise the requirements for keeping records of assessment in an 2.1

Tutor Tutor Date
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Your Martin Barbouti Date

Name submitted

Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in

education and training: Task 3.1 Learning and Teaching (Assessment criteria
3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.2.1)

From your specialist area identify different learning or teaching approaches and
explain ways to use each to engage and motivate learners in an inclusive learning
environment, with the help of suitable resources and assessment.

Activity: For this activity you need to:

1. Explain what you need to do to make your teaching and learning inclusive
and why it is important to meet the needs individual learners.(c.250 words)

2. Select at least FOUR teaching/ learning approaches from your specialist area
AT LEAST ONE must be for teaching or learning of knowledge or
understanding and AT LEAST ONE for the teaching or learning of skills.

3. For EACH selected approach list the strengths and weaknesses in relation to
your own specialist area. Compare these and give a brief explanation of how
you use or adapt this to meet the needs of ALL your learners, so that your
approach is inclusive. Add a statement to explain how you use this to engage
and motivate learners.

4. Include below that what resources are needed to meet the needs of your
subject, strategy and learners.

5. Include finally, for each strategy, opportunities you have for assessing
whether learning is taking place. (Copy the table to add more useful
approaches if required).

6. You encourage your learners to develop their speaking, listening, reading,

writing, numeracy and ICT skills. For each of these functional skills on the
table provided give an example of how you would plan them into your

Recommended reading:
Petty, G;(2011)Teaching Today, Nelson Thornes

To assist you, an example submission ‘Task 3.1 [Example].pdf has been provided for
you to illustrate how this document should be completed by you. Please note that
the text currently in place is ‘example text’ only.

Specialist area

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What makes Inclusive learning entails the use of strategies and approaches that
learning caters for the needs of the students who are from different backgrounds
and and have different abilities. The approaches such approaches contribute
teaching to the realisation of an inclusive learning environment. An inclusive
learning environment makes the students feel comfortable and free to
raise concerns, ideas or questions. Therefore, students are eventually
from likely to achieve better results in the course. An inclusive environment is
practice to founded on equality and respect for all students. Further, the
support environment should uphold teamwork where students can work in
your groups to accomplish certain assignments. It should also provide
statements flexibility in how the learners demonstrate their understanding of
concepts and how knowledge is assessed. The teacher should engage
the students in determining the methods of assessments to be applied.
Consequently, ground rules should be negotiated by the teacher and the
students. However, not all rules can be changed. It is also important for
the teacher to find means of obtaining feedback from the students to
help them evaluate the progress and obtain information on possible
areas of improvement. For example, my class had students from
different cultural backgrounds. To ensure equality was upheld, I made
my students to research on cultural activities of other cultures apart
from theirs and make presentations. The activity enabled my students
to appreciate each other’s culture and maintain respect amongst
themselves. Moreover, during presentations, all the students had to
participate and give opinions on certain controversial matters. It made
them engage in constructive discussions that enabled them appreciate
team work.

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Learning & Teaching Teacher-Centred Approach

Strategy 1
Strengths Weaknesses

Ensures that the teacher has full control Changes in the attitude of a section of
of the class. students is difficult to redevelop

The approach encourages cooperation The existing curriculum does not correlate
well with the teaching approach
Since the teacher designs the
curriculum, it is easy to achieve the
desired goals.

The approach enhances the confidence

of the teacher in the classroom

How I could
use/adapt To ensure inclusiveness, the approach can be tailored to suit
this to meet individual student needs. Measures such as involving the students
the needs of to negotiate the assessment methods to be involved can promote
all learners in an inclusive learning environment.
order to be

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How this
strategy can Since the approach entails the students learning on their own,
be used to learners are motivated to be independent and make their own
engage and decisions. Moreover, the learners are assured of quality content
motivate because all the classroom directions are given by the teacher.

resources are In this teaching approach, the teacher is the sole decision maker
needed for and therefore will require quality books and other learning
this strategy materials to meet the needs of students. Other learning resources
in order to include equipment for practical sessions.
meet the
needs of the

opportunities For any assessment to meet the students’ needs, it should be valid
are there for and reliable: it should clearly test the understanding of the concept
assessment taught to students.
to meet the
needs of the

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Learning & Teaching Student-Centred Approach

Strategy 2 :
Strengths Weaknesses

Students learn vital skills such as The class may turn chaotic or noisy since
collaborative and communicative skills students are talking
through group work.

Students learn how to make enquiries Some students may miss important
and completing assignments information since instructions are not
independently. delivered at once to all the students.

It boosts the morale of the students Not all student prefer working in groups.
because they are able to interact with
each other and actively participate in
classroom activities.

How I could
use/adapt Since the approach encourages group work among the students,
this to meet groups can be formed in such a way that they comprises of the fast
the needs of leaners as well as slow learners. It would enable sharing of
all learners in knowledge and skills and promote respect for each other.
order to be

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How this
strategy can Working alone in groups helps build the confidence of the learners
be used to and motivate them to research. It also creates healthy competition
engage and among the different groups.

resources are More learning equipment are needed such as blackboards since
needed for students are actively involved in demonstrating their acquired
this strategy skills.
in order to
meet the
needs of the

opportunities If assessments can be made to accommodate tests that requires
are there for group discussions, then some needs of the some learners can be
assessment met because some learners are good in making constructive
to meet the arguments.
needs of the

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Learning & Teaching Game-Based Approach

Strategy 3 :
Strengths Weaknesses

Improves students’ skills such as Physical strains as a result of sitting for

memory and reasoning. long durations

Have the potential to solve problems of May lead to mental effects such as low
the brain such as short time memory self-esteem and development of negative
loss. behaviours.

Games may be a time-waster

How I could
use/adapt Students can engage in educational games whereby they compete
this to meet with each other and enhance their reasoning abilities as well as
the needs of offering solutions to simulated problems.
all learners in
order to be

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How this
strategy can Since the approach entails solving simulated real life problems,
be used to students are determined and motivated to engage in such
engage and activities. Moreover, the approach capitalises on breaking the
motivate monotony of classroom activities and therefore learners would be
learners. attracted to the activity.

resources are The resources needed for the approach are computers and the
needed for gaming software.
this strategy
in order to
meet the
needs of the

opportunities Assessments on the approach would entail the evaluation of the
are there for different possible solutions offered by a learner to particular real
assessment life situations.
to meet the
needs of the

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Learning & Teaching

Strategy 4 : Expeditionary (Problem-Based) Learning
Strengths Weaknesses

Reinforces the long-term retention of Much time is consumed during

knowledge of the subject matter. assessments.

Enhances the improvements of At times it is difficult to identify an

interpersonal skills and teamwork. appropriate problem that matches the
students’ knowledge and skills.

Enhances the students’ confidence by

Enabling them to provide solutions to
real life problems.

How I could
use/adapt The approach is use to prepare the students for the real-life
this to meet problems. Moreover, it enhances group work among the students.
the needs of The approach can be used in a classroom situation to expose the
all learners in learners to the outside world.
order to be

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How this
strategy can With the understanding that the solutions they are providing may
be used to be used in the real-world, students can be motivated and develop
engage and confidence. Moreover, it would enable them research more on the
motivate subject matter.

What More learning equipment are needed such as blackboards since

resources are students are actively involved in demonstrating their proposed
needed for solutions to particular problems.
this strategy
in order to
meet the
needs of the

opportunities The assessment can be made to meet the learners needs by
are there for assessing the ability of the students to provide realistic solutions to
assessment problems that relate to the content already taught in the
to meet the classroom.
needs of the

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Functional Example of how you would plan it into your teaching

I would ensure that I reduce the teacher talking time in the classroom
by asking the students to show through speaking to the rest of the
students that they understand the assignment instructions. Moreover, I
may increase the students talking time by asking students to answer
questions of other students.

Good listening skills is an important learning tool. I would enhance the
listening skills of the students by varying the way I speak to them and
make changes to the setting of the classroom. Moreover, gaining the
attention of the students before speaking to them can help enhance
their listening skills.

I would ensure that my teaching utilizes several reading materials such
as books and magazines. Moreover, I would encourage the students to
read certain books and magazines and discuss their similarities and
differences with the content of other materials or their personal life.

To improve the students’ writing skills, my teaching would entail
working on changing the mind-set of the students as well as advocating
for good writing and penalizing the poor writing. Additionally, the
teaching would focus on making the students practice on the art of
good writing.

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Functional Example of how you would plan it into your teaching


Numeracy It is important for students to have numeracy skills since they are
used in everyday life. I would ensure that my teachings contains
clearly explained numerical problems and their significance in real
world situations

Information To develop ICT skills in students, I would them engage in discussions

Communicat about the different functionalities of the computers. For instance
ion students may describe the different ways of performing a tasks in
Technology computers. Further, I can have students explain to others how to
perform certain functions for instance creating a word document.

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Your Martin Barbouti Date


Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in

education and training: Task 3.2 - Micro-Teach Exercise - (Assessment
criteria 3.3.1, 3.3.2)

As part of this course you will be required to complete a micro-teach exercise.

The micro-teach has to last 20 minutes in duration. No longer and no shorter –
though you will be allowed additional time for setting up and evaluation.

The Micro-teaching is an opportunity for learners BOTH in a training role AND not
currently in a formal teaching role to develop a better understanding of learning
and teaching along with demonstrating the skills. It can provide an opportunity
for those currently teaching to try, and evaluate, a different approach or topic.

Activity: For this activity you need to:

1. Prepare and teach a 20-minute session. It needs to be on an aspect of
physical restraint / breakaway and/or self-defence.

2. You need to show the key elements of the planning process and select
teaching and learning approaches to suit the chosen subject and audience.
Justify how you select a topic which will engage the learning group, such as
a practical activity, one with variety or one that promotes discussion in
order to enable learning.

3. Produce a lesson plan which clearly states: session aims and intended
learning outcomes; what students must do; teacher activities; resources
and learning checks.

4. Produce resources required to support your delivery of your 20 minute


5. Produce at least ONE assessment activity to enable you to check that

learning has taken place as a result of your microteaching session,
providing an opportunity to give feedback that motivates learners.

You have been provided with a session plan pro forma to use for your session. Put
together a folder to include the plan, any paper based resources, any written
assessment activity and feedback form for you and your learners to complete at
the end of your Micro Teach.

To assist you, an example submission ‘Task 3.2[Example].pdf’ has been provided

for you to illustrate how this document should be completed by you. Please note
that the text currently in place is ‘example text’ only.

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Justification of approaches selected for the microteaching session

The approaches for the microteaching session in self-defence would be a

combination of two approaches: the teacher-centred and the student centred
approach. The teacher needs to have the authority and control of the class but
at the same students need to be involved in the teaching session. The teacher is
responsible for delivering the right content and ensure that the class has full
concentration with minimum distractions. Moreover, the teacher should actively
engage the students throughout the session by letting them ask questions or
give insights of the topic. Additionally, students should be divided into groups to
discuss the topic. Therefore, both the teacher-centred and student-centred
approach are the suitable approaches to use while teaching on self- defence.

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Page 56

Microteaching Lesson Plan (Part 1)

Name Martin Barbouti Tutor/ Name of the Tutor/Observer

Date: Time: Duration 20 Minutes

6 April 2018

No. of students: 30 Topic:


Lesson aims By the end of the session, learners should be able to:
Define self defence
Identify situations when self-defence can be applied
Appreciate the importance of self defence

Previous No Previous knowledge required


Resources: Books, Magazines and Articles.

Assessment Pen and Pencil Test

Notes on differentiation/equal opportunities/skills development:

To promote equal opportunities, students were given equal opportunities to ask questions.

Justification of approaches selected for the microteaching session:

The approaches for the microteaching session in self-defence would be a

combination of two approaches: the teacher-centred and the student centred
approach. The teacher needs to have the authority and control of the class but at
the same students need to be involved in the teaching session. The teacher is
responsible for delivering the right content and ensure that the class has full
concentration with minimum distractions. Moreover, the teacher should actively
engage the students throughout the session by letting them ask questions or give
insights of the topic. Additionally, students should be divided into groups to discuss
the topic. Therefore, both the teacher-centred and student-centred approach are
the suitable approaches to use while teaching on self- defence.

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Microteaching Lesson Plan (Part 2)

Session Objective 1 Session Objective 3 Session Objective 4 Session Objective 5

Students will be able

Students will be able to Students will be able to Students will be able to
to define self
identify the different identify situations appreciate the
types of self defence when self-defence can importance of self
be applied defence

Timing Content Resources Teacher Activities Learner Assessment

0-5 Introduction Text Books Defining self Listening Oral Questions
min defence

5-10 Types of Self Text Books Demonstrating, Listening and Homework

min Defence Explaining and Taking Notes
Giving Notes

10-17 When to apply Text Books Demonstrating, Listening and Homework

min self defence Explaining and Taking Notes
Giving Notes
Importance of
self defence

17-20 Summary Text Books Demonstrating, Listening and Homework

min Explaining and Asking
Giving Notes Questions

Personal evaluation of session:

The session was well taught, demonstrated and notes given to the students. Students were
well assessed by oral questions and were given homework.

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Your Date
Name submitted

Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in

education and training: Task 3.3 Reflecting on practice ( Assessment criteria
3.2.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.5.1, 3.5.2)

An important aspect of understanding the importance of selecting the right

approaches to teaching and learning comes from the ability to reflect and act on
past practice. On completion of your teaching, you have the opportunity to reflect on
how things went and complete your evaluation on how well you met your aims and
lesson plan in the delivering your micro- teach.

To support your own evaluation you will have feedback on your delivery from both
your own ‘learners’ and your tutor/observer. With this in mind you need to
familiarise yourself with the feedback forms that will be used.

Activity: As part Task 3.2 you have already selected your learning and teaching
approaches in your plan for your 20 minute microteaching session, along with the
resources you would need and the assessment methods you would be using to
check learning is taking place.

For this activity you need to:

1 Use your session plan in order to apply learning and teaching approaches to
meet the needs of learners for a 20 minute microteaching session.
 Use the resources you prepared to meet the needs of learners.
 Use the assessment strategy and provide constructive feedback to
 Communicate with your learners in an appropriate way that meets their
needs and aids their understanding, to achieve your session aims and

2 After the session provide your own evaluation which should include:
 How you identified and promoted inclusion;
 The range of teaching and learning approaches used and how well they
engaged and motivated students;
 How effectively you felt you communicated with your learners;
 How effective the learning checks/assessment methods used were.

One of the issues arising out of current teacher training is the lack of
preparation for coping with learners in the classroom or in other teaching
contexts. All teachers need to appreciate the importance of establishing the
‘ground rules’ with their own learners. Gaining mutual respect is an essential
part of teaching and learning if learners are to be motivated and if an inclusive
environment is to be created.

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In this task you need to describe what you understand by ‘inclusive learning’
and summarise ways you would establish ground rules with learners to
promote respect for others in order to ensure learners felt included. You have
already selected group guidelines in Task 1.3. This task focuses on using these
ideas for your own learners.

1. Identify what behaviour you as a teacher / trainer/ instructor may

foreseeably come across that could disrupt learning, create a risk to
learners or prevent your delivery being inclusive. Against each identify
what you can do to set ground-rules and guidelines for controlling learner
behaviour whilst minimising risk.

2. Explain how you might have avoided each of these situations in the first

To assist you, an example submission ‘Task 3.3 [Example].pdf’ has been provided
for you to illustrate how this document should be completed by you. Please note
that the text currently in place is ‘example text’ only.

Specialist area

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Page 60

Peer Evaluation
Name of Date:

Title of Session: Length of Session: 20 minutes

Self Defence

What was good about the presentation?

The teacher seemed to have deep knowledge about the subject.

What was not so good about the presentation?

Although the teacher engaged the students, it was not adequate.

What do you think the presenter needs to work on to improve the session for
the next time they deliver it?
The presenter need to engage the students more to make them understand the
subject more.

Name Signature

This feedback can remain confidential, or you may print and sign your
name if you wish

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Tutor Observation Report
Name of learner: Date:

Title of Session: Length of

Preparation: Did Y/N Comments
Check the environment Y/N
and resources
Take into account any Y/N
health and safety
Ensure that there were Y/N
enough resources for all
Session plan to show aim/ Y/N
Delivery: Did Learner Y/N Comments
Deliver introduction, Y/N
content and conclusions?
Establish and maintain Y/N
rapport with the group?
Demonstrate knowledge Y/N
of their subject?
Address different learning Y/N
styles and needs?
Use a range of activities? Y/N

Use approp. opportunities Y/N

to assess learning?
Use relevant resources Y/N
as appropriate?
Communicate Y/N
Appear confident and Y/N
Take into account equality Y/N
diversity inclusion?
Monitoring: Did LearnerY/N Comments
Involve the group where Y/N
Give positive feedback Y/N
where relevant?
Summarise the session? Y/N

Achieve the session aims Y/N

and objectives?
Clear the area Y/N
Evaluate their session? Y/N

Tutor Name: Signed:

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Page 62

Microteaching Self Evaluation

Did the session: Yes/N In what way? What happened?
Comply with Y / N The class was clean with adequate space for the teacher to walk around
health and

Take account of Y / N The session involved a question and answer session where students could
learner needs in seek clarity or make insights to the subject.

Use a range of Y/N The session entailed the use of a combination of teacher-centred and
appropriate student-centred approaches
teaching and
strategies for
target group?
Did the Y/N First the teacher introduced the subject and later the students engaged in a
strategies discussion.
selected engage
and motivate

Use appropriate Y / N The session used Text books, teachers’ notes and demonstrations.
teaching and

Use appropriate Y / N The students were assessed using oral questions and homework.

Include Y / N Appropriate feedback was given to the learners.

feedback to

Include Y / N Students were involved in a question and answer session

with learners?

Embed Y / N Students were given the chance of speaking and writing

for elements of

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Meet learner Y / N Learner needs were met by clearly explaining and demonstrating the concept
needs? of self defence

Enable Y/N The goals, aims and objectives of the learning session were met
learning to
take place in

Three things I have learned from observing others teach

What I have learnt How I can relate this to my own
1 I maintain a professional relationship by
Always Maintain a professional relationship being close to the students to identify
with the students. their needs but at the same time not
friendly to them.

2 I engage the students in setting ground

It is important to engage the students rules and negotiating methods of

3 I ensure that my assessments are valid

Assessments should be valid and reliable and reliable by testing the content I have
taught with methods that caters for the
all the needs of the learners

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Learner behaviour How I could overcome this with ground rules

Lateness or early Not allowing students into the class if late or if they leave
leaving early

Cheating Penalising heavily

Disregard for Issuing heavy penalties for any violation of the deadlines

Explain how you might have avoided each of these situations in the first

Ensuring that the there are no extensions of the sessions and students leave the
school as required to enable them have enough time to prepare for the following
Making sure that students constantly study and ensuring that there are
significant spaces between students during the examination time

Engaging the students to negotiate the appropriate time for assignment


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Understanding and using teaching and learning approaches in education

and training - Unit 3 Feedback
Learning outcome 1: Understand inclusive teaching and learning approaches in Task MET
education and training
1.1 Describe features of inclusive teaching and learning 3.1

1.2 Compare the strengths and limitations of teaching and learning approaches used in own 3.1
area of specialism in relation to meeting individual learner needs
1.3 Explain why it is important to provide opportunities for learners to develop their English, 3.1
mathematics, ICT and wider skills
Learning outcome 2: Understand ways to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment
2.1 Explain how to select inclusive learning and teaching techniques 3.1

2.2 Explain why it is important to select teaching and learning approaches, resources and 3.1
assessment methods to meet individual learner needs
2.3 Explain ways to engage and motivate 3.1

2.4 Summarise ways to establish ground rules with learners 3.4

Learning outcome 3: Be able to plan inclusive teaching and learning

3.1 Devise an inclusive teaching and learning plan 3.2

3.2 Justify own selection of teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment 3.2
methods in relation to meeting individual learner needs
Learning outcome 4: Be able to deliver inclusive teaching and learning

4.1 Use teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods in relation to 3.3
meet individual learner needs
4.2 Communicate with learners in ways that meet their individual needs 3.3

4.3 Provide constructive feedback to learners to meet their individual needs 3.3

Learning outcome 5: Be able to evaluate the delivery of inclusive teaching and learning
5.1 Review effectiveness of own delivery of inclusive teaching and learning 3.3

5.2 Identify areas for improvement in own delivery of inclusive teaching and learning 3.3

Tutor Name Tutor Date


IV Name IV Signature IV
if sampled

Unit Assessment Decision PASS REFER

2014.NFPS Ltd / Edexcel/BTEC / Level 3 Award in Education and Training/ Learning Log

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