Avaliação de Língua Inglesa - 2º Bimestre Ensino Médio

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ENSINO MÉDIO Série: 1ª Turma: única Turno: manhã

Professor: Suellen Vieira Disciplina: Língua Inglesa
Data: 29/06/2021 Valor da Avaliação: 4,0
Aluno (a): Resultado Alcançado:
- A prova deve ser respondida somente em azul.
- Enviar a prova para o seguinte e-mail: ingles01.atividades@gmail.com

TEXT I: Gisele Bü ndchen at 40: Anatomy of a Hyper-Healthy Model Lifestyle

Gisele Bündchen has confessed she didn’t always prioritize her health
in the past, and it was only after she began having panic attacks around the age
of 23 that she decided to make a change. “I felt powerless,” she said in a 2018
interview with People, promoting her memoir, Lessons: My Path To A
Meaningful Life. “Your world becomes smaller and smaller, and you can’t
breathe, which is the worst feeling I’ve ever had,” she explained. After
speaking with a specialist, Bündchen’s journey towards a healthier lifestyle
began in an effort to end her panic attacks.

“I used to smoke cigarettes, drink a bottle of wine and three cups of iced mocha coffee
every day, and I gave up everything in one day,” she said of her previous habits. “Since I
replaced the bad habits, I have been doing things that support me and I have realized that
every day I am feeling better.” She told Vogue Australia of also incorporating exercise and
meditation into her routine.

Over the years, Bündchen has been fine-tuning her regimen, and she’s even shared
components of her diet, workout and meditation through Instagram and interviews. To
celebrate the supermodel’s 40th birthday, here’s a closer look at her wellness routine – the
habits she and her family have been cultivating for more than a decade.

Decoding Bü ndchen’s and Brady’s exact diet is a bit of a science, and for a few years
they have been using the services of a private chef to help get it right. But in short, Bündchen
sticks to a plant-based diet of locally grown and organic produce (the family even has a chicken
coop and a vegetable garden).

On the list of ingredients she doesn’t consume, you’ll find sugar, white flour, dairy,
caffeine, iodized salt, and trans fats like canola oil (Brady has also been steering clear of fruits
and nightshades like tomatoes, mushrooms, peppers and eggplants). That might seem like
there’s not much left to eat, but their chef, Allen Campbell, has given some insight into
Bündchen’s (and the whole family’s) meals.
“So, 80% of what they eat is vegetables,” Campbell, said in a 2016 interview. “[I buy]
the freshest vegetables. If it’s not organic, I don’t use it. And whole grains: brown rice, quinoa,
millet, beans. The other 20% is lean meats: grass-fed organic steak, duck every now and then,
and chicken. As for fish, I mostly cook wild salmon,” he said.

Even with a strict diet, Bündchen never skips dessert, but she prefers to eat it after
lunch. Her go-to treat? Dark chocolate. “One can never have enough dark chocolate,” she said
in a 2015 interview with ES magazine. “I always tell myself, ‘Just one piece,’ but it never ends
up that way.”

The model’s Instagram also frequently features treats, but they aren’t traditional cakes
and cookies. “Most of my desserts are avocado- and coconut-based because those are the best
fats for the brain,” Bündchen said in an interview with Vogue, describing a pie that was made
with a date and nut crust, avocado, coconut and banana filling and a topping of coconut
yogurt, cacao nibs, 70% dark chocolate and pecans. If it sounds strange to you, remember that
Gisele, Tom and their kids have been eating that kind of food for a long time, and the results
show in their healthy bodies.

Though she often sings the praises of meditation and yoga, Bündchen’s routine
includes more intense forms of exercise, too. On Instagram, she’s posted photos of herself
training at the gym and video clips of a exercises that can be done at home. Recently,
Bündchen has also been training in MMA, which combines boxing and kickboxing, and she’s
even taken up some dancing in the past.

Her other forms of exercise may vary, but meditation and yoga stay consistent for
Bündchen, who has even credited meditation with helping to eliminate the anxiety she
experienced earlier in her career. “I started meditating out of need,” Bündchen told Anderson
Cooper in 2018. Since then, she has been sleeping much better and hasn’t had severe panic
attacks anymore.

Adapted from: https://www.standard.co.uk/insider/living/gisele-bundchen-healthy-lifestyle-a4502021.html. Accessed

on: July 25, 2020.

1. Answer these questions about the text. (1,0)

a) What happened to Gisele Bündchen when she was 23? Started having panic
b) What did Gisele Bündchen do to solve that problem? a change
c) Mention two things that Gisele Bündchen has been doing since she decided to abandon old
habits. Quit smoking and drinking MT wine and coffee
d) What sport has Gisele Bündchen recently included in her training? meditation
e) Gisele took up meditating “out of need”. No

2. Read the text. Then write true (T) or false (F). Correct the false sentences. (0,4)

TEXT II: The creator of the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes

Artist Bill Watterson became famous in the 1980s for his newspaper comic strip
Calvin and Hobbes. […] Watterson began his career in Cincinatti with a brief period of
time as a political cartoonist. After a few years of trying to find his niche, he started
Calvin and Hobbes, a daily strip about a […] 6-year-old boy, Calvin, and his stuffed tiger,
Hobbes. First published on 18 November 1985, the strip quickly became a hit [...]. In
the early 1990s Watterson began taking extended vacations from the strip, and in December 1995
announced he was quitting, saying, “I’ve done what I can do within the constraints of daily deadlines and
small panels”. The last strip ran 31 December 1995 [...]. One of the most successful newspaper
cartoonists of the 20th century, Watterson won the Reuben Award for Outstanding Cartoonist of the
Year in 1986 and 1988.

Available at: . Accessed on: Aug. 7th, 2017. (Adapted.)

a) Bill Watterson started his career as a humorous comic strip artist. ( ) F

b) He was very successful as a political cartoonist. ( ) f
c) Watterson found he was best fitted for writing humorous comic strips after a few years as a
political cartoonist. ( ) T

d) Calvin and Hobbes strips were published daily for about seven years. ( )t


3. Complete the sentences below with used to in the correct form. (0,4)

a) I took advantage
(enjoy) Rio’s Carnival when I was younger. I thought it was great fun.

b) There _________________ (be) quite a few cinemas downtown, but now there’s only one.

d) Cindy ________walked__________ (ride) a motorcycle to work, but now she goes to work
by car.

e) Andrew ___studied_____________ (study)hard when he was at college. Now he is a

successful businessman.

04. Put the sentence in INTERROGATIVE FORM: (0,2)

 “I used to smoke cigarettes, drink a bottle of wine and three cups of iced mocha
coffee every day”

05. Put the sentence in NEGATIVE FORM: (0,2)

 “I used to smoke cigarettes, drink a bottle of wine and three cups of iced mocha
coffee every day”

06. Supply the Present Perfect of the verbs in parentheses. (0,6)

a) Jessica _________________forgets_____ her book for a month.(forget)

b) My parents ________________travel______ in July before they got married. (travel)
c) They ____________write__________ in this agenda for years. (write)
d) James _________Thell me_____________ me about your life.(tell)
e) She _____________drink_________ this soft drink. (drink)
f) My father ____________go__________ to this doctor. (go)

07. Put the sentence in INTERROGATIVE FORM: (0,1)

 Calvin has broken his cart.

08. Put the sentence in NEGATIVE FORM: (0,1)

 Calvin has broken his cart.

09. Complete the sentences using should or shouldn’t to give advice. (0,6)

a) Richs countries_______should't________ be so selfish. They ___________ share with the


b) I don’t think your father should____________ smoke anymore. He is getting sick because of

c) I think I _____should______exercise more to be healthier.

d) You_____shouldn’t_________speak to your parents like this. It sounds so disrespectful!

e) Kids ____should________ spend so much time playing computer games.

f) Cell phones ___________shouldn't____ be allowed in the classroom.

10. Modal verbs in English are auxiliary verbs used to complement or change the meaning of

the main verbs in sentences. Identify the modal verbs and their meaning in each strip. (0,4)



não entendi essas questões

“The true measure of a man is not seen in how he behaves in times of

comfort and convenience, but in how he maintains himself in times of
controversy and challenge.”
Martin Luther King

A verdadeira medida de um homem não se vê

na forma como se comporta em momentos de
conforto e conveniência, mas em como se mantém
em tempos de controvérsia e desafio.
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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