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Express Publishing Podrecznik dopuszczony do ufytku szkolnego przez ministra whasciwego do spraw oswiaty i wychowania i wpisany do wykazu podrecznikéw przeznaczonych do ksztatcenia ogélnego do nauczania jezyka angielskiego na poziomie szkoty podstawowej na podstawie opinii rzeczoznaweow: mgr Agaty Hci, prof. dr. hab, Mirostawa Pawlaka oraz dr. Pawla Sobkowiaka, Rok dopuszczenia: 2010. Virginia Evans — Jenny Dooley Oo Express Publishing pp. 4-8 pp. 9-19 Self-Check 1 p. pp. 21-31 Self-Check 2 p. pp. 33-43 Sell-Check 3 p pp. 45-55 SelfCheck 4 p. pp. 57-67 Sell-Check 5 p. pp. 69-79 Sell-Check 6 p. pp. 81.91 Self.Check 7 p. pp. 93-103, Sell-Check 8 p. 20 8 80 © Present Simple, there is/ there * Prepositions of place * Present Simple © Adverts of Frequency «© Present Continuous © Verb + -ing © Verb + to ‘Past Simple (regular verbs) '* Past Simple (Irregular verbs) '* Prepositions of movernent ® have to / don't have to ‘must/mustn’t can/could/might © Comparatives - Superlatives, * Be going to / Present Continuous (future meaning) '* Prepositions of place © Countable/Uncountable nouns and quantifiers '* ofan ~some/any/every * Partitives ‘Personal possessions & clothes, ‘¢ Numbers (Cardinals-Ordinals) ‘© Food, animals & pars ofthe body jobs ree-time activities * Dally routine * Sports "© Mythical creatures Types of films Musical instruments ® Historical figures © Appearance & character FestivalsiCelebrations ' Festive activities, * Feelings * Chores ‘© Geographical Features ‘© Continents ‘© Means of transport © Weather ‘= Types of holidays & holiday activities ‘© Tourist attractions ‘© Shops & products ‘Places in a city An animal quiz Short everyday ‘conversations (matching) jobs with a difference '* The Shopping Penguin! * Classroom pet (choosing the right picture) ‘© Mythical creatures (T/A) {An email comprehension) A performance (multiple choice) © Hua Mulan (1/F/D5) ‘© The Monster (comprehension) ‘© An amusing experience (Yes/No) ‘© Aworld of parties (comprehension) ‘© The Disneyland Dream (multiple choice) © A family trip toa theme park (matching) ‘© Extreme Ironing! (comprehension) ‘© Smart rules to cycle safely (scanning) * Adialogue (comprehension) Island in the sun (multiple choice) * Going to Extremes (comprehension) ‘© Weather (multiple choice) * Destination London, UK (comprehension) + Anema (comprehension) An excusion (Multiple choice) ‘© Twin Cities (comprehension) * Dialogues (matching) + An email comprehension) telling the time * talking about location * talking about preferences * talking about iree-time activities «Pronunciation /ey/ ‘© describing a flm « talking about mythical creatures * talking about the past/ abilities ‘© describing a past event ‘© Pronunciation (weak forms) ** describing people's ‘appearance and character talking about the past narrating past events describing a film Pronunciation it, /o, fof * asking for/expressing * describing Disneyland ‘© making suggestions « intonation (expressing surprise) © offering invitations ~ accepting/refusing * talking about obligation/ prohibition ' asking for information © Pronunciation /a/ * talking about means of transport * buying a train ticket * pronunciation intonation in exclamations) * discussing holiday plans * talking about plans, Intentions & arrangements ‘© making predictions # asking for/giving information * Intonation in questions expressing lkes/dishices # asking for/giving directions «Pronunciation (word stress) ‘a short article about your pet * a short presentation on ‘mythical creatures anemail about your weekend ‘a short paragraph about 2 famous artist a presentation on your favourite kind of music © write about what you did/dich’t do yesterday + amystery story a short text about a hero Jn your country © an email to a pen-fiend ‘about a theme park visit 2 short paragraph about 2 festival in your country ‘© a quiz about Rome a short paragraph about your favourite sport 2 short text on ways to protect the environment ‘© geographical features | ‘= completing a postcard an email © a short text about a place cof natural beauty aqui ‘© an email about your holiday ‘© a short paragraph about 2 park in your country ‘© an email about your new house © a paragraph about 2 famous market a collage with signs ‘© Favourite Pastimes © How to get a good night's sleep (PSHE) ‘© Famous people © Different types of music (Music) * Film Heroes * Pocahontas (History) © Wet Festivals © Ancient Greece (History) © School rules around the world ‘© Eco-Friendly Houses (PSHE) ‘© Natural Wonders of the World © A geography quiz (Geography) "© Miniature Worlds * Biographies of novelists (Uterature) © Markets Around the Worle * Signs around town (Geography) Starter © Personal possessions 1 Prviny/ si obrazkowi i dopasuj do praedmiotow (A-P) nazwy (1-16). Prayjrzyj sie ponownie obrazkowi po lewej stroni Nastepnie w parach zadawajcie sobie pytania dotyczace przed~ miotow na rysunku (wedtug ‘wz0ru) i na nie odpowiadajcie. A: Where's the watch? B: it’s there, on the desk! 2 \ Wystuchaj nagr i zaznacz (/) wtasciwa tarcze zegara. 1A B 2A B TP} watch 9 chair 21_] schoolbag [1O[_] trainers 31_J desk i] cap 41] camera 12]_] notebook ST] helmet [13]_] sunglasses 61] pen [4] pencil ZU] scarf [15]_] rubber 81] skis '6]_] lamp ® Liczebniki gléwne i porzadkowe a 1 My birthday is on the of July. 2 Number ; . is my lucky number. 3 Jane has Got sussnnsssnnsnsncene CALS 4. June is the month of the year. om 5 Are you coming to Ben's ..... birthday party? 6 The cruise around the Mediterranean is for .. days. © Clothes A, Rowwiak krzyiouke, Across) Praeczytaj zdania i uzupetnij luki wtasciwymi liczebnikami. There are about in this book, | think, Is my grandparents! seen wedding anniversary next week hundredth [hundred | For the ... swe time, can you please do the washing-up! They expect about a people at the meeting. Brian and his ..... have all got fair hair and blue eyes. She was late to school for the time this week! .. pages ‘A 15 ¥ alll 6 | Starter © Food 5 Previreyi sie obrazkowi. Nastepnie w parach zedawajce sobie pytania dotycrace przedmiotow na rysunku (wedtug wzoru) i na nie odpowiadajcie. A: Do you like 2A? B: Do you like 30? B: Pasta? Yes, | love itl A: Eggs? No, | hate them! © Parts of the body 6 Przvitevi sie obrazkowi i umpehnij uki. = Masz dwie minuty na to, aby przyjrzeé sie poniészym pokojom. Nastepnie zamknij ksiazke i powiedz koledze/kolezance, co znajduje sie w kaidym z nich, “fireplace sofa ‘© washbasin bed © chairs * window * wardrobe ~—«® cupboards. —® table * pillows * curtains © mirror * cooker * bath * fridge There is a fireplace in the living room. ®@ Animals ANIMAL QUIZ! spéjrz na obrazki zwierzat, przeczytaj ich opisy ‘odpowiednimi nazwami.. 4 1 It’s small and it can fly. 4 It’s big and it can climb. It sleeps during the day. It eats bamboo leaves. Is a(n) It’s a(n) 2. It’s small and it can swim. 5 It's small and it’s got a long tail. It lays eggs. Ws a very clever animal. It’s a(n) .... Its a(n) .. 3. It’s big. 6 It’s big and it’s got thick fur. It’s got big ears and a long nose. It loves honey. Ws a(n) WAN) ssc Starter Everyday English Q Pzecrts) poniisze dialogi i ponumeruj obrazki 1 Shop assistant: Good morning. How can | help you? Man: Oh, hello. | want to buy a souvenir, Shop assistant: How about this mug? Man: Ah, yes. That's nice. How much is it? Shop assistant: It’s twelve euros. Man: OK. Can | have the blue one, please? Shop assistant; Of course. That's twelve euros, please. Man: Here you are. 2 Nathan: Hello, Mrs Mackey. Is Dave here? Mrs Mackey: Hi, Nathan. Yes, he's in his room. Nathan: Do you mind if | go to see him? Mrs Mackey: Go ahead. It's upstairs, next to the bathroom © Zkolega/koleianka odegrajcie jeden z powyiszych dialogéw. 8 MODU At work, at play >» Zawartosé modutu: © nazwy zawodéw nazwy codziennych czynnosci czas teraéniejszy present simple czas teraéniejszy present continuous czasownik + -ing / + to + bezokolicanik © rozmawianie na temat czynnosci wykonywanych w wolnym czasie Wpisz w kratki numery stron, na kt6rych znajdujq sig: © celebrities, © asong, ° acarnival. [ Vocabulary © Jobs Pryporzadkuj nazwy zawodéw (1-8) obrazkom (A~H). taxi driver G shop assistant police officer chef waiter TV reporter postman dentist eNanawna 2 Wystuchaj nagrania i sprawdé swoje odpowiedzi. Nastepnie powtérz ustyszane stowa. Jakie sq ich ‘odpowiedniki w jezyku polskim? Wystuchaj déwiekw (1-4) wapisz wlasciwe nazwy zawodéw. 3 Reading 1a 4] Przvinei sie zdigciom i praeczytajponiisy tyut tekst, Jak myslis, 0 jakie ‘zawody chodzi? Utd dwa pytania ich dotyczace. > Wystuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj tekst. Czy uzyskates/uzyskatas odpowiedzi na swoje pytania? JO _ With diF. PrP LES —— eR Creme Cui e ferent Bea ard Ser me ae pees Sey ea na tcd ere Cer ee eed job in the world. They pay RnR emer ig Cont Dea Tt Pere ee eee Peace ce ” : You dress up in a colourful costume with feathers in your hair! You ==" have to be cheerful, even when your boss is throwing knives at you or wants to cut you in half, You are also in charge ¢ f of feeding the rabbit! If you get into trouble, you can always disappear! Ifa magic trick goes wrong, you get the blame. You work ong hours and usually travel from city to city. | \ t ew Preeczytaj teksty i oznacz ponidsze zdania litera C (Chocolate Taster) lub M (Magician’s Assistant). 1 You wear colourful costumes. . 2. You can put on weight. REED. You need to be good with people. 4 © dress uf cheerful meee wat rer You travel a lot. * feeding ® disappear # glamour seekers 3 WWW Preeczytaj poniisze nazwy zawodéw. * products Porozmawiaj z kolega/kolezanka i wskaz © get the blame * dla kogo sq odpowiednie * jakie sq ich wady i zalety i dog psychologist Gonkey trainer] [Video game tester _— 10 Vocabulary 1a Przeczytaj je stowami: singer, fashion designer, actress, rock star, model, actor. Seal is a popular sive from the UK. He sings his song Wedding Day with his wife, model Heidi Klum. Bruce Springsteen is a well-known .. One of his famous hits is Dancing in the Dark. Kate Winslet is a very talented She has got several awards for her work in film and TV. Gisele Biindchen is a(n)... from Brazil. Her face is on magazine covers all cover the world. Stella McCartney is a(n) ...... She does not use fur or leather Colin Farrell is a well-known trish One of his most famous films is Alexander. her designs. Speaking © Talki ‘ 9 6 Do you like ...? * I think ... is great/ Not really! { What kind/sort of... fantastic! No, | don't. | hate it! do you like? * I'm crazy about ...!_ | * No way! ° What do you think of |» I'm fond offkeen on...!* Oh nol | think ... is 2 awful/terrible! ‘Are you keen on/fond © I can’t stand itl of ..? 5 Uzywajgc zwrotéw 2 tabeli, porozmawiaj z kolegal kolezanka 0 swoim ulubionym rodzaju muzyki oraz ulubionych aktorach, filmach i ubiorach. | lL Grammar 1b © Czas present simple i czas present continuous Przeczytaj poniisze zasady i preettumacz adania przyktadowe na jezyk polski. Caasu present simple uiywamy do opisywenia prayzwyczajei i codziennych caynnosc 1 isten to music every night easu present continuous uzywamy do opisywania caynnoscl odbywajacych sig w chwili obecne}. We are having a picnic now. 12 eNaunawn A 8: Przeczytaj ponidsze zdania i wskad, ktOre sa poprawne (7), a ktére btedne (x). Nastepnie popraw btedy. | go to the cinema twice a month. v He teach English in my school. x teaches, They study Maths together. She come from Madrid. My cat love swimming, We start work at 8 o'clock. Ibrush my teeth every morning. vs. John is a mechanic. He fix cars. @ Praca w parach. Uczei A. Zastoniwszy kkartka papieru poniisze informacje, zapytaj Ucznia B, cy Kelly 1) pochodzi z Nowego Jorku, 2) mieszka na Bond Street, 3) gra w tenisa, 4) méwi po rosyjsku, '5)lubi ryby, 6) plywa na desce surfingowe) LUczefi B Patragc na ponissze informacje, ‘odpowiedz na pytania Ucznia A. come from 3 play tennis x New York x play basketball 7 come from 4. speak Russian X Chicago ¥ speak Polish ¥ live in Bond Slike fish x Street x like burgers live in Simon 6 go windsurfing x Street ¥ go swimming 7 Does Kelly come from New York? No, she doesn’t. She comes from Chicago. Co robig osoby przedstawione na zdjeciach? Napisz whasciwe 2dania, Mark & I/drive a car [i Mark and | are not driving a car. Welride our bikes V/play the violin She/do her homework Vsit in the garden I/swim in the pool The boy/watch a film He/eat ice-cream GAME! Imagine that! Znajdujese sig w jednym 2 miejsc wymienionych ponitej. Opisz je koledze/koleiance. Wspomnij o pogodzie, swoim ubiorze oraz o tym, co wlanie robisz. © ona beach * ona snowy mountain * ata funfair © at a park 5 Przeceytaj list, nastepnie uzupetnj go wedtug wzoru. Dear janet, Hil How are you? Things here in Notting Hill are great! Can you see me in the photo? | 1) am wearing (wear) ‘a funny costume! Can you see my little sister Paula? She 2 . (dance)! We 3) " (celebrate) the Notting Hill Carnival! They 4) . (celebrate) it every year in August. Can you see my new friend Bob? He 5). (stand) behind Paula. Bob 6) (go) to dance classes. He's a great dancer! Love, Kim © Przystéwki czestotliwosci 6 Pzecrta| ponitsze zdania izwr6é uwage na micise, Ktére zajmuja w nich przystéwki czestotliwosci. Nastepnie uzupeinij regute gramatyczna w ramce, uiywajac stow before i after. Samantha is my best friend, She always helps me with my homework, ¥¥¥¥ She usually walks to school, She often wears skirts. She sometimes gets angry with me. But she is never rude to me. vey vv wor Adverbs of frequency usually go . but the verb to be. the main verb, Uwaga: jeslichcemy okreii, jak czgsto cos robimy, uiywamy nastepujacych okeslen: every (day), once a (week), twice a (week), three times (a week), itp. 7 lak czesto wykonujese poniisze czynnosci? Uzupetnij zdania jak w przyktadzie. 1 watch silly programmes on TV 2. spend too much money on clothes 3 play my MP3 player too loud 4 forget to do your homework 5 tell little white lies 6 talk back to your parents I sometimes watch silly programmes on TV. 2 Iwant ... 3° Lusually go .. 4 Do you mind .. 5 Lenijoy . Grammar 1b © Czasownik + ing/ + to + bezokolicznik ‘Caasowiika 2 koAcéwka -ing uiywemy zazwyczaj po nastepujacych czason- rikach: (don’t) like, love, hate, enjoy (don’t) mind, go. ike playing football Let's go swimming! To + bezokolicaik uiywamy po ezasowniky want I want to buy a new bike, Q_Uspetni zdania wedtug wzoru. 1 Do you like swimming (swim)? ii. actor wien | gr up. (dance) on Saturdays. (open) the window? (G0) for walks in the country. W]_Workbook pp. 47) ar Skills 1¢ © pastime Se tasty ® backpack * air-conditioned KNOW ? 14 2 wena Reading oe Jak myslisz, co wspélnego maja poniésze obrazki z tekstem? now 14, but he leads a very good life! anytime he pleases to watch TV! little penguin backpack to carry the fish! What an amazing pet! Przeczytaj ponownie tekst i uzupetnij zdania. Lala is an .. a . Penguin. He lives with a family. He has his own .. room. He ... season Lala has even got a penguin Speaking @ Praca w parach. Z kolega/kolezanka przeprowadicie wywiad. Uczeh A bedzie odgrywat role reportera, Uczeh B- Li This is Lala, a unique Emperor Penguin from Japan! Lala lives with a Japanese family. Lala is He has his own air-conditioned room so he can stay cool, and he is free to walk around in and out of his home. He even goes into the living room But that’s not his favourite pastime. Lala likes shopping most of all! Lala likes to take his daily walk down to the corner fish shop. He gets a tasty fish to eat for himself and then takes some fish home for the family. Lala’s even got his own cute ‘Skills Te Listening Wybér wtasciwego obrazka 4, *) Prayirey sig ponizszym obrazkom. Napise jak najwigce) stow, ktére kojarza Gi sie z kaadym zwierzeciem. Prayryj_ sig. obrackom i porns! o kilku stowech Kluceowych (np. opisuia- cych wyglad zewnetrany zwierzgtek). Nastepnie wwystuchaj nagrania i wy- biere wlesciwy obrazek. kKtére sowa pomogly Ci Podjac decyzje? Hedgehog: spines, ball, round b) 2 Wystuchaj dzieci opowiadajacych o ich klasowym 2wierzatku. Zaznacz whasciwy obrazek. Writing 5 Portfolio: Opracuj krétki artykut do gazetki szkolnej © typowym dniu Twojego awierzatka. Napisz, jakie to awierze, co robi ranofpo potudniunoca, jakie sa jego ulubione zajecia itp. "(As little as possible! 5 - Everyday English 1d © Talking about free-time activitie 12) 62 Wystuchaj nagrania i powtorz zdania, ktte pochodza zrozmowy dwéjki przyjaciét. Czego dotycry rozmowa? * Do you like fishing? © | like going mountain biking with my friends. © | prefer something a bit more active. | go sailing with my dad. b)\ Wystuchaj nagrania, a nastepnie przeczytaj poniiszy dialog. Czy Twoje przypuszczenia Tim: Hurray! It's Friday! Emily: | know! What do you usually do at the weekend? Tim: | like going mountain biking with my friends. Sometimes, | go sailing with my dad. Emily: Do you like fishing? Tim: Not really. | prefer somet What about you? Emily: Well, | like taking pictures and | love painting Tim: That sounds interesting. How about painting a picture of me? Emily: Oh, I'm not sure. | like painting flowers and animals. Tim: Alright then - what about painting my dogs? Emily: Cool. Give me a ring tomorrow to arrange something 1g a bit more active. 2. Prrecryta| dialog i odpowieds na poniisze pytania, 1 What does Tim usually do at the weekend? 2. Does he like fishing? 3 What does Emily like doing at the weekend? 3 Se Odegrajcie dialog z kolega/kolezanka. A 2nidé w powyiszej rozmowie zdania o nastepujacym znaczeniu: Call me. How about painting my dogs? | like something more energetic. 5 @ Z kolega/koleianka porozmawiajcie o tym, co zazwyczaj robicie podczas weekendu, i ustalcie spotkanie w ten weekend. Nastepnie odegrajcie dialog podobny do rozmowy z éw. 1. oouie 16 Culture Corner Te Favourite Pastimes UK: Football From informal matches in the park to profes a about football in the UK. Children itdoor football all tball sional leagues, kids are crazy — boys and girls ~ play indoor ani through the year. Children start playing f from as young as three s old. Matches for kids take place at the weekends, both Saturdays and Sundays. Most schools in the UK have football teams and they usually on a Saturday morning, —— . , Philippines: Patintero Patintero is a popular street game in the Philippi The players are in two teams, runners and guards, The runners must run across the guards’ area ithout getting tagged. Both teams take tums to be fs and guards. The losers carry the winners on their backs! ee ant net nT Td EEE s rab! i eee et et ed sass ayn outicor e“gulrds Peon ie iene © losers Cay teraz znasz odpowiedzi na swoje pytania? Utéé po dwa pytania na temat katdej z gier Preeczytaj tekst i wskaz, ktére zdania sq prawdziwe (T - true), Can T ee er am R OLA Ccaertr SRM RUC Uae RoC Rants Enea le) Caen gs aN Son MC ate Una re eee aR ga ee mdr ay eee cee nt Do you like playing football? | 3 Let's go sailing! | love painting. 4. Is it Friday already? ] Prayjrzyj sie zdjeci ji | Pee sie 2djgciu, przeczytaj tytut tekstu i jego wstep. Co naleiy obié, Zeby dobrze spaé w nocy? Napisz dwie rady. wide awake ® tips ) Wystuchaj nagrania i : . przeczytaj tekst. r atleast get used to podobne do Twoich? yea sks ay SES Sn To routine ® fizzy drinks safle © avold Howktoygetalgood|nights{sleep) " Aan You are lying in bed but you are wide awake. Semone (oe RV MEr relic Reno What can you do? Here are a few tips: TOMORROW / Make sure your bedroom is ‘cool, dark and quiet. Ask your parents to help. V7 Avoid big meals before bedtime. Eat a healthy snack like fruit or drink a glass of warm milk. V Try to go to bed the same tine every night. Your body gets used to a toutine and is ready to sleep. / Get some exercise during the day. Running and playing at least three hours before bedtime helps your body get ready for sleep. ¥ Don't dink fizzy drinks with caffeine, especially in the ‘aftemoon or at night. J Have a bedtime routine, Do something relaxing before you go to bed —take a warm bath, listen to quiet music or read a book. ‘Tw6j kolega/Twoja kolezanka ma ; ec proble . Cay moiesz muljejcoé poradzie? Zanotuj kilka cane = poniiszymi nagtéwkami i przekai rady koledze/koleiance. BEDROOM TIME YOU GO TO BED EXERCISE DRINKS/FOOD THINK! 7 : masz problemy ze snem? Ktérych i stosujesz? Opowiedz o tym Totedertoicandl — BEDTIME ROUTINE 18 What am I? uzupetnij zdania nazwami zawodow. @ | serve food in a café or restaurant. when! GROW "e I'm a(n) .. - © | drive people around. ‘When | grow up, not far from now Hm a(n) seo ge | want to help the world somehow ‘What can I be, what can | do © | am in charge of feeding the rabbits. | help fied tanax batter igen To make things better for me and you’ my boss at the show. I'm a(n) ..... An architect builds amazing places; @ | star in films and on TV shows An actress plays a thousand faces; ENGL) Se A musician touches all our hearts; © | wear clothes and accessories in order to ‘A good comedian makes us laugh ~ show them to others. I'm a(n) =» ‘So many things that | can do To make things better for me and you When | grow up | want to be The person that’s inside of me! @© | celiver parcels and letters to people’s homes. i'm a(n) 2 Wystuchaj piosenki. Jakie nazwy zawodéw sie w nie] pojawiaja? Rozwiai kwiz. What do children like playing in the UK? What kind of animal is Lala? Name 2 jobs with a difference. What do they call a game of tag in the Philippines? Name 3 things you can do to get a good night's sleep. wena ® @® WW rreejry) modus i napise wiasry kwiz podobny do tego z éw. 2. a self-Check 20 J Rezwiat krzytowte, H Uzupetni poniészymi stowami: trouble, interested, colourful, long, air-conditioned. Przeczytaj zdania i podkres! wlasciwe stowa. Let's go to shop/shopping tomorrow morning! Do you want coming/to come with us tonight? [ike your costume, Sue. It'S Vey arcs # | don’t mind to work/working long hours. She works . .. hours and comes aun home very tired. I hate to fish/fishing. ( fonts: } IF you get into .. ., come and t once, eee aa Odpowiedz na poniisze pyta Are you in baseball? I've got two tickets, | hate going to that hotel. It hasn’t got any -FOOMS. —/poims _\ ¢ x4 20) What do you usually do at the weekend? Do you like fishing? Do you like watching TV? 2 Points: _ Have you got a pet? Ge z) (™ score: rH} aun Preeczytaj zdania i je uzupetnij, stosujac czas present simple lub present continuous. The children (watch) TV at the moment. We cousin these days. They ... once a week. 1 es right now. I'm busy. He .. (not/usually/shout) at people. ( .. (play) football .. (not/listen) to you fon: _) ow) Ca eeom seca > Zawartosé modutu: © filmy i muzyka * stwory mitologicene ® caasowniki was/were, had, could * rozmawianie na temat preesztosci * opisywanie przesztego 2darzenia Wpisz w kratki numery stron, na ktérych znajdujq sie: © musical instruments, © a joke, * a Victorian kitchen, © anemail © Types of films Przyporzadkuj gatunki filmowe (1-8) wtasciwym plakatom (A-H). ‘odpowiedzi. Nastepnie powtérz stowa. 1 action D5 musical 2 animated 6 adventure cartoon 7 detective 3 comedy 8 science-fiction 4 horror Porozmawiaj zkolega/koleianka | a na temat filméw przedstawionych na Bi plakatach, uzywojgc ponizszych stow. it " ‘A: ‘Mr Bean's Hol interesting sad © @ funny exciting frightening last night. Reading 2a aT 4] Pra sie obrackom. Kéry 2 stor ‘© mythical « creatures ae Bone je koniem? ° forest ® tears bite jest w potowie catowiekiem, w potowie koniem? (O's * as * Bte © ma ludzka gtowe? heal © wound © ma dtugi ogon i ostry dziéb? Wyshuchaj nagrania i przeczytaj tekst. Czy uzyskates/uzyskatas odpowiedzi na swoje pytania? Mathicall ‘Creatures SB x NT AURS were half human and half horse. They were from the mountains and forests of central Greece. They were wild, dangerous beasts — except for one, Chiron, who was an astronomer and a famous teacher of medicine. The PHo

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